cleaning up your act

FWIW: I think she also knew exactly what she was doing, and crying foul over the reaction was what put a lot of people offside. Personally, her tweet didn’t bother me. There were plenty of calls at that time for her contract with the ABC to be nixed...

@sypkan What is the Bledisloe Cup ?? – it’s like State Of Origin without the thugs. I got a target on me now!!!
Yes I’m being facetious but what pisses me off about this whole thing (religion, freedom of speech & employment contracts aside) is that Rugby Union generally has always been a notch above the rest of the codes professionally. Unfortunately there isn’t going to be any winners in this fight except for the lawyers, but Rugby Union’s professionalism as a whole is going to cop a huge dent at the end of this, and bring it down to the tabloid frenzy world of the NRL and AFL.
Now I’ll just go and hide for a while!!

“Aaah so are you cool with anti-semitism, racism, and neo-Nazis? Or is it just homophobia you want to make acceptable?” Laurie McGinness
“Nah I'm cool with all of it...
to a degree
It's called the 'battle of ideas’ ” Sypkan
It’s rare to find someone putting forward an idea that is quite as toxic as this so, to be fair, you might like to explain to what extent you are cool with hate speech, since anti-semitic and racist comments are, by definition, hate speech. Care to explain?

Lozza what about your hate speech on Christians
Earlier postee's talked about tolerance's not a one way street ?

Mate if you are going to accuse me of hate speech you had better put up the quote otherwise I would strongly suggest you apologise.

oh lozza......the way you put down Christians , make jokes apology here , perhaps you should consider apologising ?

Mate do you really want to throw serious accusations around that are damaging to people's reputation when you have nothing to back them up? If so, my advice is to be very careful.

Lozza..I consider this hate speech..."Hmmm makes you wonder if Jesus was gay. Never married, hung around with 12 blokes, loved his Mum, long hair, funny clothes. It would explain a lot about the Vatican!" and "Not a joke. It's a valid question and not in any way disrespectful."
then ..Whatever you reckon Optimist. Life after death is the biggest con ever and the original fear campaign. Do what your masters tell you or else horrible things will happen to you for ever and ever and ever and ever. Infantile nonsense!
then ," Well Folauu and his ilk throw plenty of stones and I am damn sure they are not without sin. End. I have said my bit, believe what you like I reserve the right to mock the Folaus of this world and will continue to do so whenever they stick their arrogant heads up." , so you reserve the right to Mock Folaus/Christians your world does 2 x wrongs make a right mine it makes you a hypocrite for continuing the hate speech!

haha , I should be careful? ....I have just posted your hate filled comments from page 1 which is the tip of the iceberg for you.....

Sorry maate, none of that is hate speech.
1. A comment on the historical figure of Jesus. Nothing about modern Christians.
2. A legitimate expression of my personal beliefs.
3. Mockery is not hate speech, look it up.

So boring dealing with these hypersensitive Christians who want to be free from all criticism while dishing out insults to anyone who doesn't share their antiquated and narrow-minded view of the world. The Flying Spaghetti Monster has advised me to discontinue this discussion.

not to you of course , and yes I do believe you that the above are your personal beliefs , which I see as hate and intolerance , and mocking and joking about religion /race/gender etc is called hate speech...hard to accept , but I accept you , read what you write and comment back......

The problem with so called hate speech is defining what it is.
Laurie can say this or that about Christians and apparently it is not hate speech but if i said the same things about Islam, no doubt he would be calling it hate speech or at the very least labelling it this new made up Islamphobia word.

Blind boy threatening legal action over Swellnet comments hahah fuck now that’s funny

It’s petulance. Nothing more , nothing less.
He somehow thinks that because there’s a legal discrepancy between “hate speech “and “mocking “ that the there’s any difference in the intent .
Obviously there’s not . Either way you’re being an insulting bastard. What do you think Blindboy would call it if you mocked a homosexual ?
Hate speech , of course.
You guys are welcome to this particular shitfight.

Hmm "insulting bastard" . I'll add that to my list. Defamation by "anonymous" commentators on the Internet is seen as an increasing (and potentially lucrative) issue amongst the legal fraternity. I may get to boost my super account yet!

"Hmm "insulting bastard" . I'll add that to my list. Defamation by "anonymous" commentators on the Internet is seen as an increasing (and potentially lucrative) issue amongst the legal fraternity. I may get to boost my super account yet!"
Put me on your list

Seppo keyunt wanker at that...


Step back everyone the bouncers have arrived and they're down on legal threats and circular debate, especially the kind that splits infinitesimal differences in meaning and context.
So calm down people and just enjoy the music.

U edited your post before I had a chance to read it...
Mate, if you can take me to court for that I'll gladly see you in court...
I've tried to be reasonable with you so many times, but everytime you regress to this sooky little dibber dobber primary school child.
I said it before, when push comes to shove I would probably vote the same as you on every single issue (except the past election perhaps) yet somehow for me, you've come to symbolise everything that is wrong and fucked up about contemporary politics and the current direction of the world...
a litigious seppo cloning dobbing little snowflake pathetic self righteous intolerant fucked up direction that's serving no one except the ego's of the imposers...
put me down twice on your shit list and never respond to me ever again, and I will extend you the same coutesy

seriously Lozza , "Hmm "insulting bastard" . I'll add that to my list. Defamation by "anonymous" commentators on the Internet is seen as an increasing (and potentially lucrative) issue amongst the legal fraternity. I may get to boost my super account yet!""
Hey we are having a discussion , and you spit the dummy want to take your bat and ball and storm out of the room like an immature kid........and then threaten some weird kind of legal action for defamation , FFS lozza get a grip , these are forums not our lives....we need to try and tolerate each others ideas , and communicate with each other or we just become divided and stop listening to each other.

Absolutely serious. I'm over the insults. If you cannot comment without defaming people you should not comment.

“This is the way the world ends , not with a bang but a wanker “
T.S Eliot ( The hollow men )

Well that all got a little bit sht, didn’t it?

What do you get when you cross a Mormon with a Hell’s Angel ?
Someone who comes round to your house , knocks on your door and tells YOU to fuck off.

What’s brown and sticky ?
A stick.

There you is back on the menu.

Cleaning up your acts? I think not, very abusive and reactionary. Funny to read though I must say. Get back on the gear boys, chill out, ride a single fin. There really is more to life.

Is Laurie a Seppo?
hmmm ok I guess that would make sense on why he is so passionate about Trump then.

What's pink and hard?
A pig with a flick-knife.

I knew you wouldn’t be far away with a ready joke , Zen.
Which food diminishes a woman’s sex drive ?
Wedding cake.

Lozza , lighten up mate..."Absolutely serious. I'm over the insults. If you cannot comment without defaming people you should not comment."
Defamation , hahahahahahahainsults ...where's free speech when ya need it , try a mirror?

well, I was serious about not engaging...
but seeing as you responded, the least I can do is reply (smiley face)....
"Absolutely serious. I'm over the insults. If you cannot comment without defaming people you should not comment."
It's a bit late for that don't you think? there's about six years or more of insults on here from you...
passive agressive condescending name calling, on all manner of topics, thinly veiled insults at best
I posted this well before trump got elected...
as some of us could well and truly sense the way politics was heading. I saw the concern in the guardian comments, amongst other places, people warning of the condescending aloof tone of debate, and how it was isolating voters rather than rallying them, but they were dismissed, belittled, and written off as right wingers in disguise by the guardianistas (oh the irony!). The warnings were there and plentiful, but it seems many couldn't see it, didn't believe it, or just didn't care, and look where we are now...
I posted it several times, aimed at blindboy and factobum, or shattered bossom and talking turkey as he was known then...
But it was dismissed, belittled, and ignored, just like everything else that doesn't suit their own selfish agendas, and look where we are now...
It puzzles me no end how people concerned with social issues, people clearly intelligent with good intentions, can be so socially autistic. No self awareness, no self reflection, no concern for other's concerns at all. Puzzles is an understatement... a gross understatement....
It's the likes of you two that have dragged debate to this dark place, just as much as any 'alt right troll' has (is that not an insult blindfucker?).
but nah, it's everyone else that is to blame, everyone else that is 'toxic', everyone else that is peddling 'hate speech'. What a subjectuve crock of shit that term is...
Do you guys really lack that much self awareness? Are you really that aloof that you see everyone but you is to blame?
Serious questions, but don't answer, I'm not interested...
I'm done, I might talk to myself from time to time on here, but I am not interested in any further engagement with you at all blindboy.
good luck with your quest...
love your work zen and blowin

Hmmm defamation is the legal point at which free speech stops. Trolls knee deep in their own bullshit!

OK Lozza , I bite , so are we trolls or just people from sometimes different view points who express themselves here? did ask quite a few questions from "us two," so I would like to respond , to; "It puzzles me no end how people concerned with social issues, people clearly intelligent with good intentions, can be so socially autistic. No self awareness, no self reflection, no concern for other's concerns at all. Puzzles is an understatement... a gross understatement....
It's the likes of you two that have dragged debate to this dark place, just as much as any 'alt right troll' has (is that not an insult blindfucker?).
but nah, it's everyone else that is to blame, everyone else that is 'toxic', everyone else that is peddling 'hate speech'. What a subjectuve crock of shit that term is...
Do you guys really lack that much self awareness? Are you really that aloof that you see everyone but you is to blame?"
dark place is exactly where we look at issues /subject matter , that deserve our attention.......we are in dark times , so how do we work out what is the darkness and the solutions that need to be discussed?

deep brutus deep...
I don't know, but I love your contributions, so will have to think about it and get back to u...

he's got a point there.

Sypkan...I mean no disrespect to anyone here, I am in a very dark place myself , so all the questions I throw out here sometimes are me trying to clear my head , and see what answers are out there...?
never has the planet/ human race seen what we are seeing now with the downward spiral of man's ability to just plain talk to each other....we are being fragmented into special interest groups , the planet is being trashed......the economies are just loaded with debt.........what is the meaning of this life?
To try and work out way out of this dilemma , we need to get out of our comfort zones / bubbles and really drill down into what's the problems so we can start becoming the when I see problems/challenges I can't help but try and get to the bottom of the problem, hence I go a bit hard here sometimes , just looking for other peoples input/rage/derision.....just realized writing this , that I use Swellnet as a sounding board , depending on the subject?

You don’t go too hard , Sharkman. You’re just stating opinions on the internet. They’re just words , sticks and stones and all that.
Please continue to share your opinions. I , for one , really enjoy hearing them. It’s a privilege to have a platform on which to be able to have a rigorous exchange of perspectives such as Swellnet.
PS - Just read the Rip Curl book by Tim Baker. He makes you out to be a decent, personable human being who’s lead an interesting life.
Poetic license ?
Just joking .....don’t sue me !

Brutus I am sorry to hear that you are in a dark place and hope you can find your way out. My point through much of this has been the escalating hostility. While I admit to contributing to it, I would surprised if you can find a personal attack from me. In putting my name up here and talking about defamation I am drawing a line in the sand. If people want to step over it, then sadly, I will feel obliged to respond.
More broadly these forums have degenerated to a point where I felt obliged to suggest to Ben that he simply remove all political content, or restrict it to moderated content only. He said that he intends to continue with some format changes, but if we want this place to continue to exist then we need to dial it down. That said, if people continue to post rancid right wing bullshit and it is there on the front page, yep I will call it what it is and mock its hypocrisy and stupidity.

"That said, if people continue to post rancid right wing bullshit and it is there on the front page, yep I will call it what it is and mock its hypocrisy and stupidity."
Same goes for all the far left wing tripe and its double standards.
We all just need to play the ball and not the man,
In all honest although i dont agree with Laurie's views that often, i still respect his opinions, i think it's rare for him to abuse others.
One or two others though, all they do is play the man and not the ball, luckily they dont seem to be posting here of late.

"never has the planet/ human race seen what we are seeing now with the downward spiral of man's ability to just plain talk to each other....we are being fragmented into special interest groups"
you think things are bad now? you should have seen the 1970s. things are way better than they used to be. identity politics and violence was out of control.
our area was divided into catholic and protestant. the school bus picked up the kids at the public protestant school first, then the catholic school. when the kids from the catholic school got on, they all stood at the front and chanted over and over "catholic, catholic ring the bell, public public go to hell", the we would stand up and come back with a chant i'm not going to repeat, then there was a brawl, and the bus took off as we continued baiting each other with chant for the hour-long ride home. we're talking seven- and eight-year olds.
and gender identity politics were appalling -- if a women entered the shearing shed, everyone immediately stopped working till she was hounded out. these are people who would work with a broken arm, but could not stomach the sight of a female.
and god forbid you were a wog or chinese. open abuse in the streets and shops was the order of the day.
and so it goes on and identified with the beach you surfed at and coudn't go elsewhere. you had a pub you drank at, and there was no way you could decide, what the hell, i'm drinking at the other pub tonight.
anyway, the point is...things are getting better on these fronts, not worse.

You think that a woman getting yelled at in a shearing shed is worse than 14 disrupted terrorist attacks in 5 years ?
A persn from China being abused in the street is worse than the Chinese building military bases on Australian Antarctic territory and trying to encircle us with pacific bases as it’s communist government buys our agricultural land ,water rights and infrastructure . As they colonise our cities with their diaspora ?
You think that kids from opposing schools insulting each other as they have for eons is worse than a child in Hyde park holding up sign saying “ behead all infidels “ ?

blowin, you are so reliably an asshole.
gaslighting so you can make it about the terrorists, the terrorists!!!!!!!!!
not the terrorists!!!! those evil muslims , kill then alllllllll!!!!!!!!
i guess you missed the "on those fronts" ..."the downward spiral of man's ability to just plain talk to each other....we are being fragmented into special interest groups ".

Chook ....we are talking. I’ll be the first to agree that people are being herded into special interest groups, it’s yourself that seemed to be downplaying the fact in your initial post. That’s why I disagreed.
And people are planning to kill us if they can. If you don’t want to describe them as terrorists, then we don’t have to.
We can call them brain washed religion driven murderers , if you’d prefer.
PS Gaslighting? Are you suggesting I’m making up the 14 disrupted attempts to mass murder Australians ?

TBH I thought our "inability to talk to each other" was aimed at the social level, in which case I'd say Chook had a valid point: up until recently anyone in a minority was alienated from public discourse.

Example please

Provided in Chook's post. Women prevented from holding certain positions, the tribal outcome of racial and religious segregation where divisions couldn't be crossed due to factors outside of one's control.
Seems these days those barriers have been removed, which is a great thing. And it's good to be reminded of it for when people comment on the parlous state of our current public discourse: for some people it has actually improved.
I see in the Mason Ho Down video you feature Koby Abberton, a shoplifter and a thug.
When will you stop supporting people who behave badly?