Sunnny coast rant (don't mind me I'm just losing my mind)

I feel for ya DD but don't move to the Goldy. It'll be a step in the wrong direction for you. I've always thought the Sunny Coast was a much more chilled place to live but it's expanding at a rapid pace so the dynamics are always gonna change quickly.
As for "How can you find any people not already in bands here who want a vocalist" - that's a really hard question. I went through a similar experience, but it was different because I'm a drummer (which is way much more adaptable than being a singer I reckon). Took me about eight years - and a move from the Gold Coast to Sydney - but I eventually found a new band. But I couldn't imagine being in your position.
What kind of singer are ya?

So Ben and DD we should all hook up...we've got vocals and two drummers- we can do an Allman Brothers thing. Just one problem...

Two drummers? Hmmm.... sounds great in theory but... :D

Dromo... Stop ya whinging ;) You've had 2 ripper long distance swells from luci and mike, plus a solid pulse from ex Ita in the past 6 weeks..... The sunny coast isnt just granite, champ...... For example, I saw some 2 - 3 foot clean peaks yesterday on swellnet..... I'd assume a dawn walk to A bay would've been rewarding.... I'd assume sunshine beach, castaways, peregian, even nth coolum would've had something that would shit all over central Qld....If you are living in Noosa, I'd recommend moving to one of the beachbreaks between there and Coolum...... Rents are similar, and you can walk to the beach..... You'll score heaps of those 2 foot mornings where a particular local bank is drawing the small swell perfectly.....
As far as your singing goes, You need to be more specific.... I was part of the Sunny coast music scene for a long time...... Something I really don't wanna go into , or I'll sound like another blogger here...... But if you give me some details, and if you can actually sing ( Your mum reckons you sing beautifully doesn't count lol), I might be able to help...... cheers......

Got to binge when the tucker is on the table DD.
Happiest day of my life was when I saw the Sunny Hoax disappearing in the rear view mirror.
shiteloads more waves down here in NENSW. Byron is a wanker magnet but there are options south of the border.
Did a year in Rockvegas surfing Farnborough and done some time in Mackay so I know where you're coming from.


What is the music/band scene like on the sunny coast? I'm in a pretty busy gigging band at the moment here in perth and that's pretty much the only thing I'll miss when I move over there.

Check out peregian originals.... Rub shoulders there....

I can understand your pain dromo, you may need to do something about Moreton Island if you want to make better use of those South Swells. But As Sheepdog says between Coolum and A-Bay you'll get the funnest 2-3 foot days this winter you'll ever have. Check the Perigian stretch.
I now reside on the Tweed Coast and as for surf consistency (definitely not saying quality) I'd not trade it for anything. That and if you don't want to surf with anyone here you don't have to.
Too many of us are lazy and need to get our faces out of our phones and PCs and go searching……..

Cheers, dromo.... Ya can't just rock up on stage. Used to be able to, but it's alot bigger now..... Get involved first...
Mate, get the fuck outa Mooloolabah!!!!!!! The underground music scene in Coolum/ peregian/ yandina is the best on the coast.... I can set you up with some legendary muso's all with awesome home studios.... The surf is better, more consistent, less crowded....
Get the fuck outa there man.....

Mate, stick with it. I live in the town south of sunny and north of the place with pink limos, so I pick the coast that seems best on the day.. a consistent experience/observation is sunny peops are much more tolerant than their counterparts on the goldie. But if you're like me and you're happy to wander to find your own spot then it is possible to avoid the aggro and have an enjoyable surf. Remember, haters always gonna hate, regardless of whether it's necessary. Worst case of localism i've had directed to me was across the tweed in NNSW. Chap looked over 70, I was in the water minding my own business, he came in, paddled over to me and give me a spray..! Reckon that's gotta be hard to beat.

Just don't think like this. (Its a bit of a piss poor attitude but its how i couldn't help thinking after moving from the Goldie to the Sunny Coast)
The biggest frustration on the sunny coast is if its flat to a foot of Sth swell (which can seem to be weeks to months especially late winter/spring), you know its most likely 2 foot and fun down the Goldie swell magnets.
Then if its 2 foot and fun on the Sunny coast then the Goldie is 3 maybe 4 foot and possibly really fun to really good.
And if its 3 foot and any good on the Sunny coast, then chances are the Goldie points like Burleigh and the Alley are also 3 foot and super fun.
And if its bigger and your trying to find somewhere thats pumping but nowhere is really quite doing it, well the Goldie points are really good.
But then if its even bigger, well you can smile because you know your not missing much and all roads lead to Noosa, especially now Kirra isn't what she use to be.
But its a similar deal when you live on the Gold Coast and it always seems to be two foot or smaller, sucks knowing the North Coast of NSW is possibly twice as big and less crowded.
Off course you can always make yourself feel better knowing the crowds are worse on the Goldie.

hahahahahaha ID, on point!

Sheepdog wrote:Cheers, dromo.... Ya can't just rock up on stage. Used to be able to, but it's alot bigger now..... Get involved first...
Mate, get the fuck outa Mooloolabah!!!!!!! The underground music scene in Coolum/ peregian/ yandina is the best on the coast.... I can set you up with some legendary muso's all with awesome home studios.... The surf is better, more consistent, less crowded....
Get the fuck outa there man.....
Hey SD, that area is exactly where I'm planning to move to. Possible Weyba Downs or Yandy Creek. I need some Spaaaaaaace from people after being GC based for nearly 25 freeken years.
I'm keen to tap into the local muso scene. I play Tenor Sax. Was offered to go to the Con after school way back in the day but declined. Was in the GC muso scene a lot on the 2000's. Played and supported Skunk Hour amongst many. Cut a CD and all that jazz. Haven't touched my music for years. Work, family, surfn, cars and the dangers of GC nitelife have all got in my way. Plus the band I was in all wanted to be rock stars, whereas I just loved playin music.
Once I move I'm going to get right back into it all. Need some time to blow out the cobwebs but hope I can touch base once I get settled and get some intro's into who/what/where.

Spooks, I aint there anymore, but I am still in contact with all the lads..... Also in contact with the "country and jazz music" side of things..... Just let me know via here, when u are set up...... I'll somehow try to drop some names to ya'.... One name I know I can drop to you now is Ian Hildebrand... Lives in Coolum... Owns Sydney music web.... Brilliant guitarist..... Brilliant..... Great writer.... The Whitlams covered some of his stuff.... Has his own little studio.... If you need to do some more demos, let me know first before you contact him... I'll put him in the loop...
Cheers, man....

What was that venue just down from Sunshine beach called?
I don't expect its their anymore im talking back in late 90,s i guess...kind of like a big double story house/pub..funny enough I saw Skunkhour there.
@ Sheepdog, im guessing you would know?

Indo dreaming - beach chalet...... Tex perkins..... Ed Kuepper...... owners given offer by developer they couldn't refuse......

And what was the venue at Alex/Maroochydoore? Thommo's maybe? Good live music, heaps of chicks, bit rough sometimes but always good fun.
Sheepy you'd know. I haven't been to either the Sunny or the Goldy in donkeys. I can't imagine how the place has changed.

Sheepdog wrote:Indo dreaming - beach chalet...... Tex perkins..... Ed Kuepper...... owners given offer by developer they couldn't refuse......
Thats the place, had some good nights there.

is the beach chalet gone?

Free ride... yeah.... Gone.... For ages.... Indo, yeah think it was thommos... Don't quote me on that one... Used to avoid Mdore like the plague.... As you said, violent place for a little community back then...Beach chalet was my haunt, and later the sol bar in coolum.... Plus a few of the inland pubs... re' "thommos", was it across from big top shopping ctre? The only place I'd go down that way was for a piss up at the Mooloolabah pub on a sunday when the markets were on out the back under those glorious old fig trees(R.I.P).

That's the place, near the shopping centre- Thommo's.
As a young fella a feeling of unease to walk into until you got a skin full.
Agreed on the Mooloolabah pub, Sunday arvo's beer garden overlooking the main street. Clutching at memories here but just up the road from the old Shaping Co. surf shop.
I used to set up tent in the Maroochy caravan park. There was a Neil Pryde sailboard shop across the road and then they put in a new maccas next door. In the little arcade near the caravan park was a place that did cheap BBQ pork spare ribs. Not too far away was a bowling alley over the back heading towards the hills.
Memories. I loved the sunny, spent most of formative surfing years surfing anywhere from the northern tip of Bribie to Waddy point on Fraser.

You know Sheepy, we're about the same age, there's probably a good chance we've crossed paths once upon a time.
I should mention that ID checks were pretty lax back then.

I must have been to that chalet place, I saw ed keupper somewhere there in the early 90s on the way to Noosa for a cyclone, forget which one, Amazing waves, fucken hard to get one, but that boiling pot/nationals bit was so mechanical, there is a reason ballina - noosa is so crowded, they have some of the most user friendly waves in the world, and it is warm.
Could be worse dromodreamer05, you could have moved to the mid coast, the last few years have actually been good here, but there are looong flat spells (here (I mean lake flat, not east coast flat)), and its fucking cold in winter, when most crew surf windswells like your talking about in Mackay, imagine that, but with 30 knot cold onshore winds, crazy!
At least Sunny coast is real waves when they come, mid doesn't get over 4 ft (doesn't even get 4 ft really) and even if it does while they are nice shape, its gutless, Surf is crowded everywhere mate, you just gotta learn to deal with it. Fucking performance centre what a joke, imagine that money spent on rock walls or something to alleviate crowds? But no we'll give the money to the elites so they can become more elite and scab even more waves when the points are on.

I was at Ed keuper too. And Tex..... Small world Sypkan..... Zen.... mmmm, ribs...... Also, when we did go into "town" from Coolum, there was a great little butcher on the corner of brisbane rd and wallan st.... He used to sell american style ribs that we would take home and cook in the webber.... Our place in Coolum was 2 story old Qlder, on Coolum tce, big balcony overlooking the beach all the way to Sunshine...... Ribs, beers, music, seabreaze in the arvo...... Magic times :)

Been enjoying this thread. Like Sheepdog and Zenagain I had the very good fortune to school holiday then live on the Sunny Coast in the late 70s -80s especially Coolum Noosa stretch and it was Heaven on a Stick.
Dusk surf and then off to Surfair for 80s Oz pub rock at its prime. Moved to mooloolaba later just to spread out a bit. Socially it got a little close before Coolum really started to develop.
Good surfers too - Graham Somers, Flex Landers, Mac brothers then Mick Court, Darren Magee, John Shortis etc. Does go a bit flat in winter at times but walk far enough and it was just you on the bank. Remember fist fights at Noosa on cyclone swells but a mid week no holidays east N-E swell was great. low tide through car park into Johnsons or half a dozen blokes at tea Tree.
Still love it now, hope there is enough swell around for a paddle on Sunday

dromodreamer05 wrote:Hey sheepy where could i go just for rehearsal space, like really I need to dedicate an hour or so a day, or every second day to just to write, I need to get in a habit of music, like I would like to cut a demo-to ep thing sometime this year, I wanted to last year. Whilst I love punk, I'm definitely alt country (though the word scares me) I can't really deny it, all my songs tell a story it's the only way I know how to write, but I really need to learn microphone technique, just because the only way I can rehearse is get the far as fuck away from people as possible and sing into a 15 knot sea breeze which is not the same as into a mic. I can't even play solbar open mic night, because I don't want to rock up and sound like shit. It's killing me though in a way because like spooks, it feels like I've abandoned a part of my soul, this shit got me through hard times in the past, I never really thought of myself as a 'performer' though the reality is it's 'performance art' I guess I'm a bit more cool with that now.
Dromo, firstly, are you a fellow member of apra/amcos? May I suggest you join.....
Secondly, there are rehearsal rooms all over the coast, but they cost... The cheapest one is up in Nambour....nambour music room.....
Don't really know anyone you can jam with down your way on a daily basis, but if you do move up coolum way, I know a couple of dudes that may be able to help. Probably no point organizing that now......

Wow this thread is like casting myself back in time.... All those names. Some I remember some I don't.
The Sailboard shop at Cotton Tree used to be called Vitamin Sea. Owned by Big John A. His wife Deb owned Hitec dress shop on the hill in Mooloolaba. His business partners Guy and Lyn shared in the spoils and another partner was Lloyd E who owned the shop at Bullcock St Caloundra. I used to work at the Caloundra shop, sometimes did some hours with Cutch at beachbeat next door with Al, Woodsy Jenn and Sparky then walked across the road and stuffed chickens at the Hot Chook Café for Jenn and Sutto! Those were the days. Used to order hot chips from the F&C Shop across the road and the girl would bring them up and race me off in the back loo's. I was too young to make a real go of it though! LOL
First place I ever got drunk was the Kawana Pub Crab races on a Sunday. 14 I was. bad bad bad
After that and once I turned 18 I did some part time work for the Wheller Family at Mooba Pub and actually got to play with Keith Urban in the small beer garden one Sunday Arvo. Before he was HUGE. (Can't find anywhere he's credited me for my soulfull tunes inspiration!! LOL) Robby Sherwell was the man at the time with Cadet Pete Boyd the up and comer. Lived behind Jim Pollard for many years at Caloundra, fancied his middle daughter (when I was 12) and then went up to Maroochy.
When I move I'll build myself a large shed to store my car collection and build in a sound/rehearsal room as well to make some music. If I can find a group of guys with similar interests and a sweet sounding vocalist I'd be wrapped but at the end of the day as long as we're making music with a smile I'm happy.
To bank roll a jazz bar sounds like a nice idea, but the logistics, capital investment and bugger all return sure takes the fun out of that idea. I'd enjoy more playing tunes in my shed than hang my ass out for that. But a nice idea all the same.
And as far as surf goes....Well there are some spots and if you drive or powerboat you'll find em. I think of it this way that for me when its no good out front I have to drive...through Surfers Traffic nightmare to even more crowded conditions at the break I I don't bother. I know up there, with the ability to pick spots from DI to Cape Moreton there's only time and the will to do it standing in my way.
Can't wait!

im a brissy boy, been living in Canada now for 14 years,born in 75 ,first time drinkin in apub was mooloolabah in I reckon 89/90. after school was done in 92 we used to go to secrets night club(called the cesspit by local band the wendles), I used to surf south side of pincushion when it was connected to the south side of maroochy beach. most fun I ever had was 4 foot north east swell at old woman island, bowling lefts yeeewww!. still get back every few years, great thread would loved to have seen it 20 years before I did.
my granddad had his honeymoon up in noosa in the 50's how sweet would it have been then?

That left is soooo fickle... But when it's on, maaaaaaaate!!!!!! Arguably the best left on the east coast....

Did anyone ever go to the "Emundi band bash" only went once in the 90,s but it was a cool camping kind of band comp festival, real laid back, no or little security etc, bomb fire etc

There were heaps of those sorta gigs, Indo..... Went to a few bush bashes up Kadanga way too, before the muster got popular.... Crazy times.....

Hey sheepdog their is someone on this site I want to ask you questions about , this is very important to me my number is xxxxxxxx would be much appreciate
(mobile number edited)

Att Jeff Manly.... Are you online today?

Jeff......... I do not personally know anyone "on this site".... So, i don't know how I can help you..... I do know that most bloggers here seem to be top blokes, with the odd nutcase thrown in, but such is any cross section of society.....
I'd feel slightly uneasy about this.... But if your intentions are pure, may I suggest you personally contact the owners of this site..... They may be able to help you.....
I have noted your phone no', and I'd suggest you go back and delete it via "edit post".....
As I said, if it is a "pure intent", eg - looking for an old mate or a lost family member, I'm sure the owners of this site would be willing to point you in the right direction within legal boundaries, as would I.... They seem like top blokes..... But at this stage, I wont call, because it seems a bit "grey"....
I don't mean this badly.... I'm just being careful....
Perhaps some cryptic clue posted here would help..... Cheers.......

Swellnet, why wasn't the private message system carried on with the new site ?

Udo... I had 4 choices in regards to this "situation";
1 - Tell him to get lost.
2 - Totally ignore. I find both of those choices to be on the rude side.... But that's me, not you..
3. Phone the guy up and say whatever I can about "someone on this site", perhaps it's udo lol... Don't know where you stand ethically on this..... But it doesn't "sit well" with me.....
Or 4 - politely say something like -hey man, I'm just a blogger... If you want details about someone on this site, ask someone from this site.... Don't ask me......
I chose 4, man........ The owners of the site can do as they please..... They may take my suggestion and help him if it is a noble, or surfing related request..... Perhaps he's chasing a shaper on the sunny coast.... Who knows........... Or Swellnet can say piss off, or anything in between....
Or "Jeff" can post a cryptic clue as I also suggested.....
It's just a bit sus for me, udo........ Wasn't born yesterday......

100% with ya sheepy....cryptic clue only.

I don't no my father only his name . My mother told me that he was a well known surfer around Narrabeen NSW back in the day . I've been looking for him for a long time . The other day I search his name again and he came up on the ( wax on ) chat forum . His name is Morris Fleming that's all I no , that and he had a nick name "pig of steel " lol. I notice you were chatting to him a lot if this guy is the same man . Before I try to contact him I wanted to be sure . I mean no harm mate :)
It's been a long year. I should be used to it, three years living in Mackay learning to read wind observations for surfable waves. Waves of consequence? I saw tiger sharks jump out of the water while surfing one foot junk. I saw a box jellyfish big enough to kill 100 men three feet away from me after surfing in a northerly half foot wind swell. (By the way anti shark cull friends, what about they stingers caught in the nets? - poor buggers) Caught a 6 foot I-don't -know- what -it- was shark, walked it up the beach, gave it to a mate to take over, finally reeled it in and left it on the beach far past the high tide mark as a warning to parents who used to let their kids swim there. And waves of consequence? They were to be had, if you could get out past the relentless windswell lumps pummeling the beach at low tide as you dry docked yourself to certain doom- Get caught in the suck hole and put through the ringer and the loss of ego from nearly drowning in Mackay- it became a no go past three foot. The Sunshine Coast seemed a good idea. A year and a half later, a period of six months without surf above one foot as southerly upon southerly swell disappeared wherever the hell it goes, a couple of memorable days, and back to it. Is this really a good idea? What was the alternative, Gold Coast? 25 people out on every decent bank from Straddie to Coolly? I'm not a pro surfer, I love watching it, but being in it and paddle battling every wannabe jock who buys a Monsta and thinks he's fucken Parko? Yep, I guess they aren't their to make friends right? Straddie is looking good at this point in time. Fuck the sharks right? Julian Wilson deserves everyone's support if he seriously got as good as he did in this place, but didn't he get sponsored at 12 or something and get the fuck out of town? Performance Centre? How long can you do fucking alley-oops on an imaginary wave (foam pit) and not have an actual one to practice it on. Beauty? Fucken oath. This is god's country. Surfing playground? This is Satan's lair.