Sunnny coast rant (don't mind me I'm just losing my mind)

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dromodreamer05 wrote:... as southerly upon southerly swell disappeared wherever the hell it goes ...
Look to the South East, that big chunk of sand that has been sitting out there so long so it now has trees growing on it, may, like, maybe just maybe, have something to do with it ...

Dromo did things work out for you
Are you singing ?
It's been a long year. I should be used to it, three years living in Mackay learning to read wind observations for surfable waves. Waves of consequence? I saw tiger sharks jump out of the water while surfing one foot junk. I saw a box jellyfish big enough to kill 100 men three feet away from me after surfing in a northerly half foot wind swell. (By the way anti shark cull friends, what about they stingers caught in the nets? - poor buggers) Caught a 6 foot I-don't -know- what -it- was shark, walked it up the beach, gave it to a mate to take over, finally reeled it in and left it on the beach far past the high tide mark as a warning to parents who used to let their kids swim there. And waves of consequence? They were to be had, if you could get out past the relentless windswell lumps pummeling the beach at low tide as you dry docked yourself to certain doom- Get caught in the suck hole and put through the ringer and the loss of ego from nearly drowning in Mackay- it became a no go past three foot. The Sunshine Coast seemed a good idea. A year and a half later, a period of six months without surf above one foot as southerly upon southerly swell disappeared wherever the hell it goes, a couple of memorable days, and back to it. Is this really a good idea? What was the alternative, Gold Coast? 25 people out on every decent bank from Straddie to Coolly? I'm not a pro surfer, I love watching it, but being in it and paddle battling every wannabe jock who buys a Monsta and thinks he's fucken Parko? Yep, I guess they aren't their to make friends right? Straddie is looking good at this point in time. Fuck the sharks right? Julian Wilson deserves everyone's support if he seriously got as good as he did in this place, but didn't he get sponsored at 12 or something and get the fuck out of town? Performance Centre? How long can you do fucking alley-oops on an imaginary wave (foam pit) and not have an actual one to practice it on. Beauty? Fucken oath. This is god's country. Surfing playground? This is Satan's lair.