old style knot method for leggies

Good luck tieing a knot with urethane cord.

Stu i think he means hand tieing where you bend over the end of urethane and tie off with cord/ surfaids style ?

I still don't understand, but my answer to anything loose is a reef knot.

Freeride likely to know.....watched his Surfaids leggie being made.

with the urethane go thru whatever your tying it too. Then half hitch and lay the remaining tail along the main line. Melt the two together with a ciggie lighter. Then lash with thin twine/ dental floss/ 50 lb braid fishing line etc.
have fixed completely snapped leggies by just melting a couple of inches of the ends together and then lashing the same way. Strong as
Hope it helps
Does Anybody know how to tie those old style knots to join the urethane cord to the ankle strap? Been looking around and can't find anything. Might need to find an old leggie and disassemble it. But failing this, a link in the comments would be awesome. Thanks