Home Made Board Thread

~ TigerTimberMaster ~

Thanks for the share Udo. Still got those boards available too for anyone interested. Made a bit of an impulse buy myself today, so motivated to do a good deal atm.

Hey Tiger. What’s the dims on the midlength twin?

Hey seeds! From memory (it's out in the workshed) it's 6'8" X 20 3/4" X 2 3/4". I'll look in the morning for ya.

No worries. Is it gunna work on my backhand?

They go great backhand, very much a different animal to a short board/ fish twin. Just checked the dims, it's 6'8"X 20 1/2"X 2 3/4". It's got more volume packed into it than those numbers might suggest.

Cut the Swallow......Eat that Stringer

6’2” fish

Thanks Guy
That cheered me up. Golf green scene was great.
“Streaming (screaming? accent) out of a salt water fanny” was a great also.

Show us your home made boards! Here's my first three from right to left (took me about 2 years from first to last):
Board 1 5'10"x21x2 3/4 PU/PE horrible cut lap gouges, heaps of volume, I rode it pretty much exclusively for the 12 months after making it. I'd still be riding it now but it's out of action with a busted fin.
Board 2 5'10"x20x2 1/2 PU/PE ugh I seem to have a habit of doing something the second time much worse than the first. Super boxy rails. I haven't ridden this one much. Cut from a fish blank so it's got a very flat rocker.
Board 3 5'8"x19x2 1/2 PU/Epoxy with an acrylic fade brushed on. I still ride this one. Again, this one is cut from a fish blank. I tried to increase tail rocker and shape in double concaves through the fins and a vee off the tail. It technically has all of these features but at the confluence of the three it's got these weird hip bone curves right where the side fins are facing outwards from the bottom. I used peel ply for this one and a foam roller. No sanding and you can see the squeegee lines in the hot coat.
Board 4 5'2"x19x2 1/2 I re-shaped a factory second machine shape that was very kindly given to me when I when to buy a marko blank. Stringerless EPS with two layers of 4oz on the bottom and three layers on the deck. I used peel ply again this time with a squeegee and a roller for the rails. This is my go to board (or the fade thruster). It's super light and super fast and realistically it's pretty uncommon to get waves on the GC that this board can't handle. I hand sanded the rails and bottom using wet sand paper and left the deck unsanded.

Board 6 5'10"x19x2 1/3 I'm currently building. I've had the machine shaped blank for about 18 months but now with the lock down I've got a pretty good excuse to finish it. First time using the Surf Flex resin from Sanded and I'm pretty impressed with it. Coming back the following day after laminating it was really easy to cut through the glass with a razor so I reckon I might attempt a cut lap again on Board 7 or 8. This will be my most "conventional" short board. Not sure how I'm going to find riding it as I'm not used to having to generate speed. Definitely the best shape out of the boards I've done and I'll be almost certainly getting my next boards machine shaped.
I'm finding the glassing to be the part of the process I'm most interested in. All of my boards have mistakes and bubbles and insects in the glass. I'd love to be able to do this more often but need to work out how to make it cheaper / get more time. I reckon once I'm past board 10 I might be less sentimental about them and will probably start trying to sell them used to help fund the next one.