Twinzer fun shape - Comparing notes

Bert, you can post pics via Let me know if you need instructions. Love to see ‘em!

There are some instructions here:

Interesting to see that the twinzer setup is working on a board of that size. I'm more used to seeing it on boards of the sub-six region and I've heard tell that it's a helluvalotta fun.
I'd have thought the wings would have more influence or interact more tangibly with the fins if you brought them closer together. That way, the water moving over the outside foil of the fins would be released in a bulk lot with the water releasing off the rail, emphasising the enhanced manoeuvrability that the wing design is supposed to be facilitating. Does that make sense, or am I talking gobbledegook?
I think having the fins so far back would be contributing to the board's trackiness as well. I can see why you've done it. You want a certain amount of track - it just suits the style of surfing you'd be doing on a board of that length - but moving them forwards an inch or two might allow a bit more pivot in your turns, interact more actively with the wings and reduce the trackiness on your backside.
I've never tried twinzers myself, but I have a busted up old 6' quad with broken fin plugs out in the shed that I'm thinking of converting to a twinzer, just to see what all the fuss is about.

Bryan Bates twinzer fin setups -Fins are Routed into the fillet around fin base..

A very good thread rajon. Thanks for all the musings on placement, tail rocker etc
Always wanted to try a twinzer. I wonder how tall/how much base the little fins are. You mentioned big ones are 5 1/2 tall 5 base.

Hey Rajon,
Here's a li'l info plus photos that you could use by way of comparison:
In 1990 I had a Pottz Twinzer set up the same as the Pottz in the article, and it was a great board. Perhaps the first great board of my surfing life. When it snapped I tried to get it replicated without much luck, but because of that first board I've got a real soft spot for Twinzers.
Also, I saw a photo the other day with Pat Rawson holding a four fin that was a Twinzer by any other name. Which isn't that interesting except for the date the photos was taken - 1987. Not sure exactly when Wil Jobson came up with the idea, I've heard '88, but maybe it was earlier. If not, it's possible Rawson did it first.
An academic argument, but I don't discriminate, I like all kinds of arguments.

Hey Rajon,
best person to talk to for modern Twinzer fin placement would have to be Bryan Bates in Byron...he has been making them for years, sold heaps. I have one, my son has one, both in the sub 6ft range. Bryan knows exactly how and where to place fins.... cheers

Swaylocks - put Twinzer into there search function and theres pages of info

Anyone surfing a modern twinzer? I’m keen to find out how you find it compared to a twin or quad fin surfboard.

TJ on the twinZer
I have an 8'4" fun shape that's using a Twinzer fin setup, and I'm fairly happy with it, although, there's some room for improvement - So I'm in the process of making a new one and it's shaped already and ready to glass.
I'll refer to my original one as my prototype
The prototype is 8'4" long and 21" wide with a 13-1/2" tail with 3-1/2" tail rocker. The fins are 5-1/2" high and 5" at the base and located with the trailing edge 9" from the tail. These are toed in 3/8" on each side, measured from the stringer.
There's a small wakeboard fin that is located 1" outside of the main fin and overlapping the leading edge of the main fin by 3/4"
I am 150 lb and 65 yo so I have been surfing large boards for a while now.
I'm happy with this prototype, but always looking to improve, so I have shaped a replacement.
The new board will have 4"TR And it will be slightly wider as well, to allow more outline curve.
I am thinking that It might be good to reduce the toe in of the fins, to accomodate the 1/2" increase in tail rocker
Does anyone have any design experience with boards like this?
Feel free to ask questions. I am willing to contribute to other guys' projects as well.
I'm not seeing that it's possible to post pics here - Am I missing something?
Thanks - Bert