I can't tell what these fins are. Can Anyone help.

Wow.. never seen 'em before.

Possibly they are Speed Fins? Jim Banks and Mitchell Rae used them at one stage. Could find out for sure from the shaper of your board, is it Brett Munro?

Def Speed fins. I used them for a while but wasn't a fan. You can still pick up the odd set on eBay.

a board maker on mornington peninsular owns speedfins these days...just google speeedfins...3 eees....may be trigger bros???
I got a second hand board as a gift recently and can't work out the fin system It doesn't seem to be FCS or Futures and I don't see any points for screws. The fins look like they have clip with two little T's on each fin where it attaches to the box, but I can't unclip it by pulling out on it. There's a little bit of wiggle (up and down) but they don't want to budge any further. There is a couple of photos at this link
any help identifying these fins would be greatly appreciated.