Next Federal Election

GuySmiley wrote:andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:pretty funny seeing dutton get slammed for a mouthful of cavier at gina's shindig...
do these people think albo's eating meat pies and down with the peeps when he's dancing to katy perry at pratt's private party?
Long way to go for 1 hour spent at a party! Must be best of maaaates.
Hope he stuffed himself with caviar and Champers!!All sides do this, presumably at the taxpayer’s expense, but is the taxpayer getting good value for their money? A resounding no so why do it?
Reckon was at his own expense, or Gina. Doesn't really matter, still long way to go for an hour. Weird.
Yep and both parties do it. But reckon one takes more of the piss than the other and generally gets protected by msm...
Angus is still sitting in parliament, enough said.

andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:pretty funny seeing dutton get slammed for a mouthful of cavier at gina's shindig...
do these people think albo's eating meat pies and down with the peeps when he's dancing to katy perry at pratt's private party?
Long way to go for 1 hour spent at a party! Must be best of maaaates.
Hope he stuffed himself with caviar and Champers!!
quite the weekend...
flyimg into sydney friday, then on to melbourne saturday, presumedly canberra sunday... private jet and entouage all the way...
wonder if the pooch got to add some frequent flyers?
dudes weekend had a bigger carbon footprint than my whole life...
is that still a thing?
are we still talking about albo?
oh, you mean the other guy...
of course

You are right Smiley , all sides do this , entertaining .
Dutton would have been rude 2 comment with his mouth full ffs :)
The Sydney Set also love a bit of CAV .
Gina , as Australia's Richest Person ( ??? ) , can sure afford 2 give her guests , the best .
What does seem a bit Fishy , is that there is NOT 1 , word of that Action by a Senior Politician in Queensland , the 1 that NO Polly should Do !
Especially a fn Premier , shit , that's big ( maybe not in the Voldy script yet ? ) !
Misleading Parliament is a sackable offence .
BUT , when apologising , lied again , FFS !
What a DILL !!!
It's ALWAYS the cover up .
Anyone heard of Millsy Misleader , about 2 become an Exleader !
If the young learner was just honest , who CARES about texting a colleague in trouble , no trouble !
Why lie about it in Parliament and then FFS , lies that he forgot he sent IT !
Thats the sort of Fairytale , I am getting dished up .
Strange , but fn interesting .
This guy should go , get some good advice , have a break and maybe make a comeback .
How 2 ruin a Career , in 1 minute .
Who is next in line in Queensland TBB ?
Gina does NOT need help from Voldy 2 Snap The Twig .
She could do it blindfolded and with one hand .
Twiggy would know , do NOT f with Gina .
She IS formidable and should NEVER B underestimated .
She HAS the BEST Advice on the fn Planet , 4 sure !

Twiggy having a go at spud and big gina .

and katy perry?
is it a prerequisite of the rich and powerful to have no taste?
I honestly cannot decide who is more pre-fab pop mediocre and nauseating...
taylor swift or katy perry?
at lesst twiggy had barnsey for his largesse...
which also ain't my thing... but at least he has more to offer than a bare bum stage wiggle...

Hey Sypky
U have not watched much of Kate Perry .
Oh My Stars .
Perhaps she can B Betty Boo , in TBB's story , and scare everyone 2 with her Ghostly complexion ?
Not sure who U would have at your largesse , let me know :) , but 4 me 2 choose your party over Gina's ( even if u have Cav ) , she would have 2B Red Hot ( Mily Cyrus or Kerryn Fields ( The FOLKSINGER ) will get me ) .
The Pirate Guy Sub King has scored imho , big time !
MILLSEY , is he Crickets 2 :)

I prefer my 'artists' to be able to sell records whilst keeping their pants on...
you won't like my party popd

Even if U are a Punk Fan , I might like it Sypky :)
I loved Johnny Rotten ( did anger singing the BEST ) .
Disappointed not 2 hear on Mills Misleading Parliament after Pop Prodding .
The Lazy Sussan cops a bagging on this thread for not declaring some freebies .
She Resigned over the fiasco .
Mills Misleads Parliament , NO ONE should do that .
He should resign over that , a MUCH worse offence than The Chairs .
Then , after a long Reflection , HE can't Remember Stuff , REALLY ?
Pigs and Voldy , really fly haha .
Is this NOT relevant ?
Maybe he is just some Queenslander , that is not worth us all worrying about .
I am Over him already :) and won't Miss Millsy , neither it seems , will any of U .

sorry for holding out on my gig list popd, I was gonna... but the my bands are better than your bands gets a bit tedious... it's just opinion at the end of the day...
except girly pop, that stuff is just shit, and it does my head in
but since you mention john rotten...
I was gonna have a stone roses, massive attack, portishead, pnau warm up afternoon... then some the drones, mark of cain, cosmic psychos, suicidals dri early evening... to appease and wear out my more pent up violent friends...
then J rotten would be leading leftfield, as we move into the late evening (and the good drugs kicking in) before transitioning into a full rave dnb meltdown, before a nice house music sunrise
bring adam, we'll set him up with an ipod and his funky beats out the back
(I figure I can get all that on a katy perry budget)

I will bring Adam but the Drugs we will have will need supplements with some Super Stuff .
Sounds like Woodstock on Pnau Stoned Cosmic Roses Shit and we will Love it ( till we don't ) FFS .
Nothing scares Us Toothless Tigers , anymore .
Adam may talk AW and Base 6 into it .
He will probably bring that fn Cat 2 , is it Pinky ?
We only need 24 hours notice , if U are in NSW , SA or the fn ACT ( haha ) .

Supafreak wrote:Twiggy having a go at spud and big gina .
“Mr Forrest and Australia's richest woman, Gina Rinehart, addressed a boisterous 1200-strong crowd this morning before Mr Rudd's speech to the Perth Press Club.
From the back of a large flat-bed truck, Ms Rinehart led the crowd in chants of "axe the tax"”
It’s called greenwashing.

Pop had to ask & crew conjured this up...swear you blokes push the envelope!
Don't know who yer messin' with...
Wot....They're not buying it tbb...ya don't sound Boss scary enough!
tbb just got summoned by The Grandest Poobah Free Mason.
Meeting on Friday @ Our Top Secret Canungra Troop training location.
Say ours!...well, was ours until Army did that thing they do...
So...Talk politics on Friday be hard to avoid that...sworn to secrecy!
More like a Cold War starting a private war...most likely.
Is tbb asked to join in this war...err! Wot war! Said it's Private!
Gotta respect a 1st prize Lotto winner...that never won a cent...
Larger than life mentoring education for tbb.
firestarter...this secret was buried along with our Magnate life...robbed we was!
tbb knows less than you lot about it...just dig up more trouble as we go!
Yes...went lookin' to uncover that secret last visit.
Yes! They gave us ADF clearance! Well once they knew who they were messin' with.
That's the only rule & Yes! More secrets will likely be revealed on Friday!
No! Not here...tbb wants to live!
Just the way it is...big talkin' / big news either way!
Like to think tbb is making it up...happy to play whatever role tbb is assigned!
Secret Handshakes...that has come up in last visit to inner sanctum.
Can't talk about that...outta respect!

Gee , that explains a lot .
Too Satanically Punk , 2B a bunch of Rosicrutions , but U guys up at Canungra will have a Ball , 4 sure , with all the secret handshaking ritual , burning stuff , Stuff ..
The Grand Poohboy has a job 4U .
Wants U 2 look after Miles and C if U can help him remember Stuff .
Maybe even Wants U , for Numero Uno !!!
Can Queensland actually GROOM anyone of talent .
Only OLD JOE B ( not Biden ) was a Premier I can even fn remember , up there .
And he was not THAT sharp ( wife made nice scones ) .
Can Miles and U guys create a Super Spell that can wake the dill up .
This is getting extremely cool :)
I am on the edge of my seat :)

As written by a former Howard staffer

bonza wrote:.....
It’s called greenwashing.
Twiggy and Fortescue read the future a few years back and pivoted. His shouting down of Dutton and his nuclear option is about protecting his financial position. Wouldn't call it "green washing", more "rich man wants to be richer"and doesn't want a politician interfering in the process. Exactly the same as with the "axe the tax" palaver. A tax that would have improved the nation's bottom line no end.

Carbon tax was not about improving the nation's bottom line. Was simply Environmental Economics 101.

I didn't say it wasn't. It would still have provided a positive net gain and help pay for the cost of transition. Instead we have sat on our backsides arguing over everything and not making the changes needed.

Environmental Economics 101 .
This sound fun :)
Is that the Same formula that the Wind mills use ( cut 90% yesterday ) , that Bunbury are using 2 evaluate the monsters sitting offshore , the one that won't allow ANY new Gas deposits , can sell U3o8 but never thought 2 use it , the ONE that ALBO used to calculate the 250 BUCK rebate that never happened ????
I could go on 4 days about the Economics of the Cost of Living increases that Electricity Price rises , how its killing our business 2 .
Sorry , but ANY TAX idea that is INCLUDED in this framework of disaster is , definitely going 2B a fn disaster .
Never bite the hand that feeds U , must B in 201 ( then 301 )
They have wasted hundreds of millions ffs . The Mining Tax was ill planned and was always doomed 2 fail .
Who is the fn Judge that decides that ONE Business gets taxed at 30% and another ( they don't like )can have 40% ffs .
Just stupid fn Red Tape !!!
How can a business have a long term plan IF these REAL Economic Fundamental 101 , can't b predicted ?
Doing their TAX, is already taking up way @ much time ,for a small business owner .
That's why OUR Tax acts are SO long .
Lets simplify this stuff , NOT make it more complicated .
Whoever thought the idea , set up Labor 2 die on this .
Tax Consumption of everyone and STOP picking on Industry .
Labor's Energy Policy is in tatters NOW , with 770k new Australians this year .
And U guys want to spank Gina for not giving U more of HER money 4 an issue smash 10 fn years ago , really ?
Let's focus on 2day , perhaps .

polluter pays is a very simple, age old, effective taxation model.
Instead, we now have an extremely confusing, (created purposedly so), multiple, Wall St designed environmental market schemes, highly flawed in the science, severely lacking in environmental outcome integrity, ripe for public-private cronyism, manipulation & profiteering by big city bankers, corporations (ag & traditional) and all the hangers on being opportunistic cowboy traders and "the straight to landfill stuff we sell" companies eager to plant some trees and spin their greenwashing credentials.

So , mate , defining Pollution , is almost fn impossible , for a Politician lol haha .
Age old , what , did it help us Take Lead out of Petrol , no maybe quickened it .
U want to TAX a Clean Gas , OR , is it a Pollutant ?
If its HOT , it's bad , if its getting Colder , maybe good .
Is it a little polluter but we love them ( or hate them ) , lets have a fn Focus Group decide that one , as it's a bit hard 4 us .
Give me 1 example of Polluter Pays Long Term Tax , and its been GOOD for Everyones Economics .
U give a General , of course this stuff works , always has .
Just 1 , make it important , please .
If someone makes a Pollutant , as defined by a fn Expert , the business should be forced to fn close , not keep polluting and paying fn tax ffs , its mad !
Then we can talk about the Current Stuff , that IS important .
U are right that everyone IS now confused with our Energy Policy .
Prices are JUST going UP .
This WILL B an Election issue !
Taxing vices , like smoking , don't count , no fn way !

BHP , RIO , Gina and The Twig WERE making OBSCENE profits , when The Mining Tax was dumped on them , so a great example of how these Tax's Can work .
Iron Ore went from $US 50 p/t to $US 200 p/t and the $AUD went down .
$US 150 ish per tonne , went ALL to BHP's bottom line and profits turned to Obscene .
FMG ( Twiggy ) got to PAY back ALL the $US Debt and pay Twiggy huge fully franked ( tax free divs ) .
The Iron Ore price , soon went back down under $100 .
Profits were NOT so obscene .
BHP competes with Vale ( Brazil ) , same Top quality Fe .
Transport costs STOP China ( a few burst Dams helped ) buying all this from Brazil .
China are NOW , just finishing a BIG Fe project in fn Africa , funded and built by China ( they hate giving us their money ).
Contracts for this stuff and Gas , are 20 years plus but based off current prices !
No one knows WHERE the Iron Ore Price will go as China's property boom bursts !
Rules for business's can't be chopped and changed at some Person's Whim !!!
Try it with the Banks haha .
This , lets get the Easy money , the easy solution , the quickest solution , does NOT Build Nations .
The Rules of Engagement for BHP and Woodside are Internationally governed .
Don't try and Change The Rules here .
They are Big , they Matter , they have Clout .
Leave them alone and they are quiet , like a mouse .
Poke them , and they show the have the Claws of a Grizzly Bear with Teeth that will tear apart any silly Political idea , in a flash , never to be tried again , until , the next Obscene moment .

one example relatable may be your council rates which include waste disposal.
others include the EPA in NSW for regulation of significantly contaminated land; the Federal AMSA for marine pollution; Domestic and stock water use by various state legislative water act regulators, Park fees by National Parks will include fees for the management of facilities.
I'm not saying its current application is 100% effective not without its flaws. I'd say its done much better overseas in Europe etc. In many cases it is simply applied as cost to business line items.. but those penalties can be adjusted appropriately in a taxation framework that is a predictable, transparent and stable methodology to penalise polluters, generate revenue and prevent environmental harm.
anyway that ship has sailed unfortunately. we are stuck with the enviro markets for now.

Actually , I don't see your point , U said a BIG Polluter Tax is Big for a Business .
Taxing Farmers for getting Access for WATER use , no WAY , Water is NOT a pollutant !
Park fees , 4 SURFERS ???
Tax me 4 that 2 FFS .
Litter collection , must B a joke !
We are NOT stuck with anything that CAN B fn Fixed !!!
Thats what we and The Election will debate .
Bowen No Idea , just CUT available space by 90% for fn Windmills on Our Oceans .
Thats a Change in the Status Quo FFS .
Build ONE Gladstone , that changes things 2 .
Are U happy with Our Current Enviro Markets .
Can U define them for me ?
Sorry , U haven't given me ONE good example , yet .
Any where in the whole wide World !
Don't limit yourself 2 Oz !
I can't think of ONE either !!!
Others aren't helping us much either atm , bloody crickets .
And Carbon Credits are something The Wolf's on Wall St , are promoting , so not a safe ( lol ) investment ( they will make Obscene profits from it, but won't get taxed , but will get ( carbon ) Credits ( deductions :) ) .
The Movie , It's a Mad , Mad World , comes 2 mind .

Bowen No Wind ( turbines ) on My Oceans , No Gas on My (Bowen ) Basins and Bowen , atm , Out of Ideas .
What does He OR Deputy Dog Richard , THINK should REALLY happen ???
Albo can't B the ONLY Idea's person as Pilba Puff , disappeared in a Puff of Voldy smoke .
Are any ONE in the Government , actually DOING anything atm ?
I don't hear anyone on this thread . talking UP , Labor .
The Tresurer brought in Tax Changes .
They are applied 2 everyone , so I won't be negative on that , at all .
We will C how Bracket Creep ( lol ) will affect Voldy's chances , of putting a spell on Australians and casting out Albo and his Merry Team of Ghost Busters .
Maybe they are going Down ?
I feel Voldy's cauldron warming up , a puff of steam appearing , nearly :)
It could B still some Pliba Pussy Puffy Stuff lingering , like a Polly ( mutant ) , who knows with that shit ?
I still have NFI was going on or going 2 happen .
Business as usual .
Toil and/or Trouble , are all that Stand , in Albo's way ( can Albo's jump ? :) .
Labor have sent him out alone , Custer or Biden like , 2 face ALL of Voldy's forces ( and the Chair ) .
We will C .

Pop requested rundown on Qld #1 Political Prime Mover...
[L] David Crisafulli (Centrist Autocrat)
@ (Pat Cash Pad) Now Clive's / Newman Hope Island [L-Democrat] HQ
Why Clive? Needs SEQ Govts Floodplain Override to upgrade many 1,000's of Swamp Sewer Lots!
Italian Family Cane Farmers > Promotes (Big Sugar) > Grog / Food-Dining / Clubs
2000-2 Win News Reporter+ Boss Staff / Shock Jock / Murdoch Newspapers = Veteran [L] Media Pro.
2003 DC Adviser to [L] Qld Senator Ian McDonald AM (Oz Longest Serving Pollie 1990-2019)
Local / Regional / Territories Development >Infrastructure > Enviro > Forestry > Fisheries > Conservation
Assistant Leader > Parliamentary Secretary Northern / Remote Aust' > Defence
Phobias : Loves Pollie Perks > Told ALP Dougie to Speak Aussie > Get Up = Hitler Youth
2004 David is elected to Townsville Council
2008-12 Serves as 'Deputy' merger Townsville Mayor + *Planning Chair
Resigns to Run for State Govt
2012 [L] Qld State Mundingburra MP (Minister for Local Govt / Recovery / Resilience)
[ Qld ETU ~ NOT 4 SALE ]
2013 Sets up Own Procurement Company to Lease Govt Assets (Unofficial Surname reference?)
Only added coz "Company / Surnames match!" he said he works in with family...don't read too much into it!
Jan 2015 [L] Lose Govt & Seat (Note Fed ALP Tanya Campaigned for State ALP)
Quote : 3x National Media all race to Loser David for [L] Qld State Mop Up Plans...(Media Embedded)
David : No idea what I'm gonna do!"
Feb : Crissafulli Consultancy Firm : Strategic Public Media governance advice for Govt Business Relations
June : Moving to Bne as he spends a lot of time there! Won't be drawn if he was reentering Politics
Oct 2015 Murdoch's Bully : David to Speak at [GC Mayor's Local Govt -Young [L]Forum]
Plan A : "David eyes off [New GC Seat]
Plan B : [L] George Brandis will employ Verity to give loser David the uncontested #1 Safe Qld [L] Seat.
News varies on this but most recall it was a private affair > not a proper Vote as it was long sorted.
Just for Media beat up! re: Photos of only David greeting [L] voters inside the doorway! Done Deal!
May 2017 : David Parachutes uncontested into #1 Qld [L] Broadwater Seat
Some commentators herald Loser Parachutist soon liquidated Crisafulli as potential Qld [L] Leader
tbb asks how the fuck is SBS News promoting Loser @ Qld [L] local state seat preselection? Huh!
June 2017 : David is CEO of Southern Edge Training (Goes into Liquidation)
Breaches Parliament Rules by not declaring Liquidation...(Promise to correct record that I'm a crook!)
Nov 2020 : David is elected unopposed as [L] Qld Leader
June 2023 : Crisafulli pledges to cut out the Big 4 > Deliver Oz best "Govt run in-house Public Service"
July Polls : 39% of Qldurrz never heard of Crisafulli (vs) 3% Palaszczuk
39% Don't like Crisafulli (vs) 47% don't like Premier
Crisafulli 45% overtakes Premier Palaszczuk 44%
Primary : [L] 40% ALP 34%
(2PP) Poll = [L] 52% vs ALP 48%
Confirms No sell Off > (Push) Privatized Long Term Leasing of Assets
[L] Qld #1 Hassle (Nuke Dutto!)
Gladstone Aukus Nuke HQ Inland Rail Port > ( Qldurrz Coal Port is Cool (vs) Nuclear Port! Not cool! )
Southern Crew may not be accustomed to Qld 99.99% [L] Media
ALL [L] SC Mayor owns all Pacific Regional Press / Radio + Costello TV + Murdoch > All ABC Heads.
Every News Reader / Editor / Shock Jock all 99.99% [L] Default Spy Network Govt.
Can't do or touch nuthin in Pleasantville...( TV runs [L] Govt Policy 20mins each Night )
Usually David does a lil' Tony Barber Skip > Shakes a Victim's Hand then rolls up sleeves for [L] Showcase!
[L] Clive Campaigns & Funds all Anti Govt Frontline Red Union/s Court Victories
In turn they feed inside Govt Data / Cams to undermine & Trial the Govt by Victims on [L] TV
Southern States can feel the power of Media run [L] Red Mobster Unions running Govt from opposition.
[L] IPA Fenwick bankrolls Jack McGuire Qld / Oz Red Union Uni gigs
Don't be bled dry...Join Wotz New [L] Magnate Union today!
[L] NPAQ 10,000 members (50% Cheaper [L] union + Clive openly promised to pay all yer Court Fees)
[L] TPAQ 7,000 members (50% Cheaper [L] union + Clive bankrolls yer ALP Govt Compo Rebate)
Members flee expensive weak ALP unions > [L] Magnate unions (Sure! A joke right?)
As said...Howard Cries seeing [L] Unions > But they're already running Qld by Costello's [L] TV jury!
Press Pleasantville Remote to oust this weeks [L] Union targeted Minister or Premier (Trapdoor Opens)
Costello [L] TV will vote in yer New ALP Govt Police Minister for just crack open another!
See recent [L] tactic of Spying on & Recording Govts Phone-screens in Parliament!
Crisafulli would've authorized next level Spying...(Goin' back to Joh [LNP] Police State Era )
Look Under yer Beds.
Watch every Progressive Qld Law be rewound back to Davy's 1950 Sugar Train Hit!
Qld [L] = Pleasant Hicksville Curfews ...dd don't you worry 'b-out that!
Dec 2023 Polls
Crisafulli 53% (vs) Loathsome Boofhead 47% Qld [L]Newspaper label
2PP [L] 51% ALP 49%
Feb 2024 Polls
Crisafulli 51% (vs) Miles 49%
2PP [L] 50% ALP 50%
Primary [L] Vote took a hit from July 2023 = 40% > Feb 2024 = 33.8%
Qldurr tbb : Dutto's poisonous [L] Nuke Fallout + [L] Israel Fallout
Really can't see any Qldurr & never heard any Qldurr voting for them biggest ever Stink Bombs!
Reckon [L] would lose 3% Vote for each of them Voldemort Howlers!
Qldurr [L] Davy is tiptoeing a minefield of fellow [L] Qldurr Dutto's Time Bombs!
Apologies for the haphazard intro for the New Wave Mussolini Head Kick!
David is 5ft 7inches tall but Qld Media package him Taller...just like [L] UK PM..
Dude is a massive Nth Qld Footy Boof fan & ultra fit...
Seems tuff enough to be Qldurrz featherweight Boofhead Premier.
Mr Right nice guy will turn the screws pretty tight once he fits on his power glove...
Said outta my way Big People...
Songs were part chosen more for the fact...
Short Leader will revert back to conservative 1977/78 Qld Political a such a short space of time!
Qldurzz have very short memories...recall Blue Light Discos...Think it's called a Police State tbb...Yes Sir!
Italian Mob taking over Oz Leaderships Albo / Crisafulli ...
We might soon get a 1977 Qld News Poll : Boofhead (vs) Wog...halfway there already...Correct!

Good luck selling this idea LNP!!
""Quiggin says these four reactors will likely have cost the UAE as much as $100bn – enough money to put a large solar system on the roof of every Australian house, he says.""

Peter Super Voldy Spud breathed on the Energy debate a few weeks back , with a Nuclear ( Pliba ) puff ,
Somehow , he Spun Labor and the Greens into some fn Vortex and the horrific ( but obvious) consequences of their Environmental Energy Plan , is NOW , revealed .
The NSW Government has asked Origin 2 KEEP running an OLD , Dirty fn Coal Power Station , FFS !
The Plant was Planned 2 close , next YEAR !
Thats Long Term Planning , Labor Style .
NSW needs the Electricity , surprise , surprise .
They are TWICE as DIRTY as the NEW Dirty Coal Power Stations , that China are now building .
The State Governments are ALSO , doing some shady subsidy secret stuff , to HELP the Coal Stations remain Economic , REALLY !
They started Subsidising Renewables , did it 2 much and now are subsidising the OLD CO2 Polluters !
What a fn BONZA , deal !
Then , Santos gets Narrabri Slammed shut again .
No Natural Gas can be built in NSW by Santos because , some Environmental , Native Title type form didn't include Environmental Impact Study of how Gas affects the worlds CO2 , FFS times 2 .
Gents , this is the fn Circle , Labor's and the Greens Energy Policy is driving US around .
Voldemort , is NOW a name , I am also SCARED 2 mention .
He , Who Can't B Named , is MORE Powerful than I thought , 4 fn sure .
Our Energy Transition Plan , is sure transitioning into a fn Train wreck and a Nightmare for Labor .

andy-mac wrote:Good luck selling this idea LNP!!
""Quiggin says these four reactors will likely have cost the UAE as much as $100bn – enough money to put a large solar system on the roof of every Australian house, he says.""
Like i said before i don't get this whole push for nuclear purely because it will never happen, because of public attitudes and economics and i think its a silly move politically to even suggest it.
But comparisons like above are also pointless, having solar on every roof in Australia would be great, but it's still leaves you with very unreliable energy and for only roughly half the time, so the goals are not achieved, you still have the same problem to solve.
While that nuclear energy from 4b plants you would expect would be enough to support renewables to give us the very realistic ability to have reliable carbon free energy 24/7 you could probably even do away with the gas safety net.
They are two very different things.
BTW. Any excess renewable's produced during the day would be converted to green hydrogen

U loved the Wind Mills 2 , Bowen Basined the idea a few days ago .
Nuclear was a ruse , that No Name used and its fn worked .
Your paragraph ending with " do away with Gas Safety Net " is quadruple Dutch ffs !
Have NFI , what U bloody are proposing !!!
We don't have a fn Gas Safety Net do do away with ffs !
U love Renewables 24/7 , mate , our Base Load needs 2B there 24/7 and Renewables can't FN deliver , 24/7 , and NEVER will .
That is not a plan and gets us back 2 the beginning , the fn Circle of Environmental Life !
The ONLY Renewable that COULD work , U bag !
The Economics of Nuclear have worked 4 50 years .
We have Gas 2 develop and don't need that Glow in The Dark shit here imho .

""having solar on every roof in Australia would be great, but it's still leaves you with very unreliable energy and for only roughly half the time, so the goals are not achieved, you still have the same problem to solve.""
Not when battery capacity improves and becomes more efficient.
I'm hoping the LNP double down on this, they couldn't organise a hand job at Kuta Bugar, never mind a nuclear power transition! ;)

The World Wide Transition 2 a Clean Energy Future is difficult for ALL Countries , but Humans want a Clean place to live , very cool .
Australia IS the Lucky Country and we ALL love a Clean Australia .
We have EVERYTHING here , 2 ensure we Keep Australia on a Clean Path ( been getting cleaner for a while :) .
We have Everything 2 Build wonderful Renewable Projects .
Lots of Space and Wind and Sun .
The Economics of these technologies ARE improving all the time .
The Snowy Upgrade is going slow and costs are blowing out atm .
Australia will always have a Melting Pot of Energy Sources .
A Solar Farm will work for ONE Regional Centre and a Wind Farm may work well , somewhere else .
Narrabri should JUST have Gas .
770000 new Australian people , need at least , a bit of Base Load built , 4 sure !
I may have mentioned on SN , that our Victorian Old Coal Power Stations , WILL not B turned OFF , as scheduled .
The NSW Government just had 2 Face Reality .
The Old power Stations are ALL well maintained ( they have 2 B 2 run properly ) so WILL B able 2 outlive their Lifetimes .
Secret subsidies are needed 2 be paid to Coal , as Electricity prices are Really hurting people !
Reality is like the Truth Lion .
It eventually escapes , defends itself and bites a few bums .
Things then get straighten out , eventually .
Andy Mac , mate , how about We look forward 2 our FN Govt , telling U and me ffs , what's going on OR Selling their Current Plan that unravelled in the last fortnight .
Does anyone here Look at Labor Policy ???? :))
Maybe Albo's Energy Policy IS , 2 NOT have ONE !!!
FFS , a Plan , 2 have No Plan !
Let Reality Plan !
A fn Master Plan cooked up , in another fn Cauldron ( they are fn everywhere atm ) somewhere !
An oldy but a goody !
Or , He who can't B named , just murmured the words Nuclear and Plan and Labors Plan , became a Plan with NO clothes on .
A Naked No Plan , plan !
I can't believe U guys aren't following all the Planning !!!
We all need a TBB injection or I will get Vaxed out , imho .

If you want to get rid of carbon….put the trees back.
You get fresh air thrown in.
Nobody seems to be talking about the obvious.
What happened to big Tony’s 60,000,000 tree plant program.
Then if you keep on the right track with the rest of the nature friendly tech you will eventually win.
Nuke is not in nature…..everything like that should be rejected.
Besides it’ll be out dated before you know it.

Honesty is best policy...
tbb signed up to Howard's Solar Power Plan back in 2007.
1kw System + Solar Hot Water Pay $500 ($15,000 worth)
tbb paid $900 for 2kw inverter upgrade (Future 2x panels)
Sure! Wait months'n'months FIFO Vic Labour..Bang Bang...Way ya Go!
Installer said Massive Rort 3x overpriced Set Up...
Plenty of firms went belly + plenty of neighbours missed out!
Many never got half or none of their Solar Packs...or money back...
tbb never got his contracted Solar Hot Water gig...
More fly by nite Solar Installers died on roof tops (Falling) than in roofs fittin' Pink Batts..
None ...never said a word...[L] media roasted Rudd for safer > less Deaths Batts roll out!
Full Royal Inquiry roasted Rudd > Mass Killer Johnny pissing himself!
Also note...if ya got Johnnie's Solar pack > Negated Rudd's Pink Batts deal
One or the other! Coz it rolled out between 2007-2008 change-over!
Still live @ same address...
2007 : Qld Power Bills were $350 / Quarter
Solar knocked off about $40 / Quarter.
Bills kept coming down & keep coming down in price...
State Govt Mobs keep threatening to punish those on Solar by reducing credits...
Fast Forward 2020's...
tbb never since paid a bill over $200 / Quarter
Often as little as $90-$150 / Quarter (Last BILL!)
Qld Govt $500 rebates > even had $zero Bills + Credits WTF
Never once upgraded or spent a cent on [L] Granted Solar System!
Never once malfunctioned.
As said...just being honest...Happy to share! Hard to believe..Huh!

This thread just keeps giving :)
TBB has scored big thanks to Little Johnnies Renewable Plan , and it's still working , and Opti blames Terrific Tony , that only had a month or two 2 plant 60 Million trees , before knifed by Turncoat .
The fairytale that includes NO fn Gas .
Just unbelievable , Albo's No Plan Plan , is a Winner on SN !
Keep up the good work , mate .
Reality will do your work , again .
Pink Batts might B tried , AGAIN , by Labor .
A great example of their Planning ability atm .
The Honeymoon should be over , SN , imo .

Planting trees is a great idea and leaving them standing is even better but farmers and developers can’t drop them quick enough all around the country. Trees perhaps are nolonger the best carbon capture method sadly given the changing climate and the intensity of bushfires

I think Planting Trees should DEFINITELY be a major part of our Environment Energy Plan .
It is SO fn Sensible .
My daughters and I planted some baby corals in the Maldives 11 years ago .
We are going back to C how the little tackers have grown , in April .
Parents and kids can do the same here , with Special Trees ( then a Grove :) .
This is GOOD , sensible stuff .
I can't C a tree as a Carbon Credit ( Bridge 2 far ) .
U and AW types can help us choose sensible locations and variety of Trees and Shrubs to mitigate Fire Intensity .
Yes , a Gum near a house in 46 degrees is a bomb , potentially .
Everything else , might be a better option .
Our Native Forests also need help re Bush Fires .
Trees are so fn COOL.
An Oasis in the Desert .
We need more , nearly everywhere and Kids love Planting stuff .
Schools should B growing seedlings .
Smart planners , like U , can work out what goes were .
Victoria is the Garden State and there MUST huge areas where cool tress can B planted .
The Rest of Australia is almost Barren of nice tress and Farmers love trees , in the right spots .
Melbourne would be much more Cooler with more trees !
I walked down the Docklands area of Collins St today .
Was appalled at how UGLY the street was !
All Black Stumps , crowding the streets .
No fn Character at all , just black boxes , lining the street .
The Paris End of Collins St is magnificent !
We should be making MY city , more Green ( no Polly's ) .
City roof top Trees , Hanging Gardens ( we have all the surrounding Parks , full of wonderful OLD trees ) , Roof top Fruit ( cake ) Farms all that stuff can Grow here incredibly imho .
IF we did that , I guarantee the temperate gauges in My city will DROP , by one WHOLE degree , so WILL make a big difference 2 how we feel !
Australia has so many smart people that are sensible .
Why do we allow ourselves to Underachieve and Bat so low in the Order ?
Sweden showed with Covid , how , when well lead , smart sensible people GET things done and GO about real business .
So , seedy , U are already doing your seedy bits and I will pull my finger out .
Not going to plant any more seeds ( 2 old ) but definitely can Plant some more seedlings .
The type U don't pull out in April but can leave , long term , 2B cool .

Ok Indo
I was going to Pop off but the more I watched , the funnier the clip was .
Was it really a One Nation ad ?
Am I really off the planet and this is a CURRENT minister ????
IF so , WTF !!!
The Election Ads WILL step UP a Degree or 10 ( not CO2 related ) as Trump has just set a NEW Bar with his ad for Re Election as The President !
It's Us V THEM , now .
No Democrat V Republican , no way .
It's gone Good V Evil in the US .
Just like here , with SN and He Who Can't Be Named ( I don't mean ALBO ) .


What about trumps latest post. Haha

GuySmiley wrote:Planting trees is a great idea and leaving them standing is even better but farmers and developers can’t drop them quick enough all around the country. Trees perhaps are nolonger the best carbon capture method sadly given the changing climate and the intensity of bushfires
geez... what a depressing and defeatist thing to say...
care to share what the 'best carbon capture method' might be...
just so us lowly dissidents might feel more inclined to get on board with the establishments 'narrative' approved method...

Smiley was reflecting our Reality imho .
I speak 2 2 many people who realise Important Stuff , is just 2 hard 2 DO !
I told off a Very Senior Banker ( nicely as is my brother in law ) when I suggested the Future Fund get involved in Public Housing and he said , Not in their Charter Pop . I said it fn should B , so how about it . 2 busy doing other stuff .
We have become the country of Red Tape .
The tape is NOT made in China , its our own stuff .
Thats defeatist imho .

Reflecting on the Leadership Australia has had , Federally , is depressing .
We had Whitlam , good ideas but a lone wolf with no real idea .
Bought Blue Poles so , gets a tick .
Then we finally found a Real Leader , in Hawke .
To be a Great Leader U need help - Keating , Beasley , Dutton , all helping .
Hawke is a Legend .
Keating was great ( gone senile ) .
Howard had Costello , Hockey and other capable ( Downer not included ) people , like Truss , Macfarlane and Abbott .
Not inspirational like Labor , but so steady .
Then Rudd , started busy with lots of Plans , Fibre Plan written on a fibre napkin , Green Policy while flying to China , Pink Bats , Free Cheques in the mail etc .
Then started fn swearing , fn terrible look imfnho .
Sorry .
Gillard .
Stabbed an Abbott and had a Shorten , Handy helper .
Rudd .
NFI why ?
Abbott , was a Great Opposition leader but never Lead , as PM ( was a Figure Head till stabbed ) .
Stopped The Boats .
Gave Philip the gong ( Captains Choice ) and helped Rosie become Australian of the Year .
Then , the baddies .
Turnbull . Great at gossip and taking selfies .
A total waste of Time and Space .
Morrison , WORST PM EVER !
Then Albo .
The referendum was a No .
Australia needs a Great Leader with a good Team .
Albo's team is one choice at the election .
Voldy and a The Chair , are the other .
Shit , no wonder Australia is in a bit of a pickle atm .
Not sure what Rudd is doing , don't care what Turncoat is doing , Morison is a .... , Gillard , I hear is working hard and mentoring kids ( good work ) and Tony Terrific , is doing so terrifically well , that he was recently invited onto the Fox Board of Directors .
Not sure what Albo is doing , either .
We always know when a Leader is in trouble , 2 .
Their MOST loyal supporters , Stop talking Up the Leader and just bag the opposition .
Their thinking supporters , just GO , quiet .

he might reflect reality popd
but he also reflects all that is wrong with contemporary politics...
(which isn't meant as a personal attack on the frown... it really really isn't...)
he reminds me of all the advocates and leaders in this vid...
they are all too willing and keen to ignore, dismiss, and belittle anything that doesn't directly align with their teams narrow and conpromised ideological position
I'm not anti climate change, and I'm most certainly not a 'denier' ...however... I do find the current crop of advocates very cultish... there are so many questions around the current 'debate' re. climate change that the ipcc and friends do themselves no favours dismissing any questioners, and resorting to that old chestnut 'the science is settled' ...and 'I trust the science' etc...
(that last chestnut didn't bode well in recent times...)
after decades of debate around taxing carbon... ( here descending into debate about a tax that's apparently not a tax...)
...I found it both encouraging and hilarious when the COP#whatever came out about 5 - 10 years ago with trees as clealy their key talking point...
a couple of years passed...
and that's now a distant memory...
with the most recent COP clearly having a focus on health... in a post covid world - this came across as having the appeal, health benefits, and sadly - credibility... of a bucket of sick...
trees are now so passe...
mike moore captures this changing narrative - and to my mind why 'they' are dismally losing the debate, and any tentative public support - very very well...
even if he also presents a depressing and defeatist picture... its well worth a watch...

Trees being passe ? , what sypky ? mate , I nearly passed , or passed out !
Wash your mouth out .
Go stand in a forest of Giants :)
I don't care what U say , Growing good stuff , any good stuff , is just , good .
It's part of US humans just having good , intensions .
Magical stuff , kids and I love this stuff .
It teaches kids about life .
If we just leave sensible people alone , the right path is eventually , always found .
It's not Voldy Stuff , its God ( whatever that is ) stuff .
Go hug a big tree asaP ( don't P on it :) !
Mike Moore , is that the Inconvenient Guy that inconveniently , Blows himself Up ?
Didn't Moore go with Gore , on some Award ( Logie ? ) Spree and get Peace Prizes Nobley , accepted by themselves ???
I had a quick look at the Shadow(ery) Ministry .
Including Senior and Junior Minister , 18 are women ( 8 in the main game ) .
I was especially looking for the Shadow Treasurer .
Its The Hon Angus Taylor .
I know that name :)
Definitely not a Keating , BUT could B a Costello .
Not much Media appeal BUT , Very smart , loyal and believable .

trees are not passe to me popd
I take great joy in them and have planted my fair share
my point is, the machine now don't wanna talk about them...
seems to be especially the case in oz - now labor's plans involve clearing large swathes of them
and is especially the case in moore's vid in the US - where they are now being, pushed, sold, and chopped as a 'renewable fuel'
it's insanity!
this is where 'the debate' has gone totally off the rails
I appreciate having big business on side has immense benefits... but reaming the little people with outrageous power bills and costs for 'transition' ... whilst big business just 'transitions' its outrageous profits to 'alternative' sources ain't gonna cut it...
and shouldn't!
'the peasants are revolting'
just my observations...
"If we just leave sensible people alone , the right path is eventually , always found ."
I agree...
I have hope
it ain't on this current top down approach path...
(it's on a path that unites the frown with his percieved, self manufactured, psychological nemesis... optimist!)

just for a bit of context re. uniting the frown with the optimist...
optimist cops so much shit on here, not just from the angry frown...
but he presents so many good ideas, with some great exanples in the thread above...
like many posters on here that go head to head... toe to toe...
eg. facto v blowin
frown v optimist
and historically...
blindboy v everyone
what strikes me is, how much people agree on the fundamental big issues...
whilst contemporary politics, nature or design... pits people against each other in the most vitriolic and divisive manner...
most people on here actually agree on the fundamentals, and are actually on the same side... seemingly fighting a manufactured enemy...
if we can just get through this most toxic phase of tribal politics... I think we will do alright...
the 'enemy' is not your fellow little man
can we possibly appreciate and 'see the forest' ...without burning the whole thing down?
that is the question...
the 'vibe'
the feel...
the zietghiest...
is definitely one of... fuck it... fuck you... trash it... and start again...
from both sides!
all sides!
this ain't cool

sypkan wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Planting trees is a great idea and leaving them standing is even better but farmers and developers can’t drop them quick enough all around the country. Trees perhaps are nolonger the best carbon capture method sadly given the changing climate and the intensity of bushfires
geez... what a depressing and defeatist thing to say...
care to share what the 'best carbon capture method' might be...
just so us lowly dissidents might feel more inclined to get on board with the establishments 'narrative' approved method...
…. and another miss from you shithead.
I’ve planted 1,000 of trees in my volunteering and will continue to do so. My ^^^ was a reflection on Abbott’s deflection on planting trees as an excuse for not getting busy on renewables great idea if done concurrently, how farmers and developers are ripping trees down in massive volumes, how loose (fraudulent) the Libs carbon capture program ended up and how the black summer bushfires wiped out possibly millions of trees.
So sippy get off your arse and plant some trees but don’t forget to lobby your good ole mates down at the tinfoil hat club to get onboard the renewables truck, now fuck off

'how's the hostility'
in a 'the castle' voice...
I don't wanna engage in a 'my trees are bigger than your trees' debate...
(they're not! ...but I'll bet you $500 to trees for life... they're bigger in number...)
trees for life... what an excellent initiative...
engaging community at a grass roots level, to provide free labor, to do shit that matters
'sensible' shit, all reasonable people can agree on...
that's gotta be better than taxing the plebs into poverty?
(looking at you gillard and albo...)
I know john howard probably didn't have the best interests at heart; didn't really care about much at all; didn't forsee what a resounding success it would be...
but geez it was a good initiative
and, your tarred up broad brush re. farmers is a bit dated
and not very helpful...
you go you
'us and them' guy...
hostile fuckwit wanker...

"how farmers and developers are ripping trees down in massive volumes,"
not just farmers and developers...
(check the vid above, if you can bring it to yourself to get off your high horse...)
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: