The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 2:47pm
gsco mkII wrote:

I'd say 2 things:

1. It is fascinating to observe just how deep Marxist, post-structuralist, "post-colonialism" ideology has penetrated the Western mind and institutions. Fascinating but appalling. It is the central information warfare theme of this ME ordeal.

2. Many people seem to think that "colonialism" is a relatively recent, modern thing mostly practiced by the British empire and West more generally. This is fundamentally ridiculously false.

The truth is there is no such thing as "colonialism" in the sense that Homo Sapiens and ancestors (archaic humans) have moved and settled across the planet, in the process conflicting with each other, for hundreds of thousands of years - for all of human history and prehistory.

If one was to single out, criticise and derogatorily define as "settler colonialism" a particular movement of peoples across the globe, say the Jewish or the British empire, then one needs to do the same for all movements of all peoples across the globe in all periods of history. One will quickly find that everyone is guilty; no peoples are spared the label.

To focus only on Israel or Jewish people is simply pure racism and/or pure anti-West post-structuralist ideology.

Edit: Calling all Israelis "settlers" or Israel a "settler colonial project" is a highly effective information warfare tool and derogatory label to corner and discredit Israel and Jewish people with by Marxist, anti-West ideologues and other antisemites. The problem is the label has penetrated into mainstream usage.

Edit 2: And just look at The Guardian go, relentlessly pushing its extremely biased and selective Marxist, post-colonialism, antisemitic ideology and information war based on carefully selected "anecdotal evidence" and "lived experience".

Remember, in the post-modern, post-truth world, evidence, historical facts, data, statistical analysis - proper scientific evidence and analysis - are now optional if they don’t align with and support one's ideology and agenda. Highly selective anecdotal evidence and lived experience are the new black.

You don't understand post-structuralism ya dope. I've pulled u up on this b4. Get out of the water ya knob.

gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 3:02pm

actually Pop that's not really very accurate, quite negative really.

Many of the legends of the age of discovery, and the explorers previous and later to it, even to this day, were and are also motivated by and seeking all kinds of things additional to, more like over and above, what you mentioned, including:
- adventure
- discovery
- exotic romance
- basic curiosity
- new knowledge and technology (scientific, geographic, cultural, cartological, etc)
- spread of religion
- personal status and glory in all its forms
- personal discovery, challenge, triumph, growth and achievement, etc
- status and prestige for their home nation and its rulers among other nations
- etc.

Who here has not sought many of these things at some point?

I've read mentioned in many treatise of history that this outward looking pure curiosity and desire for adventure and discovery was another relatively unique feature of Western civilisation. Contrast that with later Chinese dynasties, who basically arrogantly thought that they were superior to the rest of the world and decided that they were relatively uninterested in it, believing that it had nothing to offer or teach them, even to the point of ordering the cancellation of their ocean trading and fleets.

The Australian situation was no different. To say that the intention of the British towards Australia was simply a land theft or continent claim and genocide is grossly mistaken.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 4:00pm

Columbus and Cook were Explorers , gsco .

Darwin's trips WERE very cool .

Who paid for their pleasure cruises and why ?

Vasco da Gama has to defect 2 Portugal , 2 fund his trip !!!

I have picked up a big Bar of Gold , it almost has a smell ( of money ) and was the attraction for all the Royalty and Religious Artefacts ( and Pope ) .

Marco Polo was an explorer as was Alexander 2 .

Silk , Spice , Diamonds , Beaver Fur Routes , etc etc .

The Dutch checked out Oz and there was nothing here that the could sell , for money , back home and sailed off .

The people who left Africa , were extremely cool !

The Eskimo's are 2 cool imho !

Careful putting words in my mouth gsco .

Never said the English planned to commit genocide , that is wrong ( so very Negative and extremely gross ) and rude !

With the English Leadership knowing our FNP were all over the continent , genocide of a race was NOT a consideration .

The Poms are not that stupid !

Portugal had claims to the West of our continent .

The English Funded a Fleet to Land and build a settlement .

Same thing happened with countries staking claims on the US .

That's why the Dutch got NY !

Hey soggy , I am only talking of the intensions of the Kings and Queens who funded the trips .

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 3:53pm

“The Australian situation was no different. To say that the intention of the British towards Australia was simply a land theft or continent claim and genocide is grossly mistaken.”

No Cook had specific instructions not to settle and displace a local population. Some had other ideas. Research the Rum Rebellion and William Bligh, Australia’s first coupe. And you’ll find that those first settlers who held positions of authority did have the intentions you mentioned above.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 6:13pm

Hello Soggy

Colleen McCulloch wrote Morgan's Run which is a great read imho .

Her husband was from Norfolk Island ( where they established a settlement for the Pine ( easier to cut than Gums ) trees to build the settlement ) .

From memory Colleen's relatives landed at Botany Bay .

The English did not send out a First Fleet to do an Experiment on how long convicts could survive in Australia .

What a strange idea .

Their model was tested in the US , they were getting pushed out from there and decided on claiming the Great Southern Land .

History facts , I thought .

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 6:26pm

"The Australian situation was no different. To say that the intention of the British towards Australia was simply a land theft or continent claim and genocide is grossly mistaken." Gsco
This just shows your complete lack of understanding... Mate, honestly, if you're going to spout on about history or critical theory make sure you know what yr talking about... which u don't. You like to come across as smart but yr ignorance is blinding!! U know what they say..."a little knowledge is a dangerous thing ".

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 6:47pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hello Soggy

Colleen McCulloch wrote Morgan's Run which is a great read imho .

Her husband was from Norfolk Island ( where they established a settlement for the Pine ( easier to cut than Gums ) trees to build the settlement ) .

From memory Colleen's relatives landed at Botany Bay .

The English did not send out a First Fleet to do an Experiment on how long convicts could survive in Australia .

What a strange idea .

Their model was tested in the US , they were getting pushed out from there and decided on claiming the Great Southern Land .

History facts , I thought .

Didn’t know that last bit, but I’m pretty sure the original voyage was not to colonise. I think that came later. But like everything else, I could be wrong.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 7:16pm
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 8:56pm
soggydog wrote:

This isn’t good


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 9:11pm

Israel like to give warnings, but the chances this is fake is pretty high, it's from back in December and a google search only comes up this one video that was posted in various places like reddit and social media, if it was real and was going house to house, everyone with their mobil phones would be recording it and there would be lots of different videos about and then proper media picking up on it and fact checks etc

Not to mention the volume doesn't really seem consistent with the distance of the drone.

File under not 100% confirmed but highly likely fake.

Or as the terrorist loving nutters like to say Hasbara bro.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 9:26pm

…stwength and powa haha


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 9 Feb 2024 at 9:28pm




Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 2:52pm

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 2:56pm



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 4:24pm
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 5:59pm

Concert for peace / Eurovision Battle / Holy War New Wave Prophet...Wotz next...
Hey Ho! Let's Go! (Problem Solving Antisemitic Jewish Nazi Punks)
Ramones are often written off as unruly Punks...but never lauded for Jew / Nazi racial harmony

Ramones are infamous for dueling Nazi (vs) Jew Lyrics in Song.
Rock fans die over it...can't get enough of Pro Anti Nazi Antisemitic Sentiment by Jewish Nazi Punks.

Jew Tommy's Song : [ Animal Hop ] Writes "They're Shouting in the back Now!" = Nope! Sorry, nothing!
Nazi Dee Dee Edits : [ Blitzkrieg Bop ] Edits "Let's go Shoot them in the Back Now!" = #1 Punk Song
Nope! Song is not about exterminating Jews but Seedy Teen Fandom at Gigs! (re: Ballroom Blitz!)

Song / Commando : written by 2 Jews (vs) 2 non Jews
Again!..Not about killing off Jews but US Cold War.
"First Rule is...The Laws of Germany"
"2nd Rule is...Be nice to Mummy!"
"3rd Rule is...Don't talk to Commies!"
"4th Rule is....Eat Kosher Salamis!"
Song Credit = All 4 Ramones OMG! Got a problem with our unruly band?

Liberal Jew Joey + Nazi Dee Dee : (Write : "Bonzo goes to Bitburg")
"Don't become one of Hitler's Children!" (1985- Prez Reagan visiting & Honouring SS Nazi Graves)

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 6:18pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

@ Southerraw

Ha ha retiree FFS

How long has it been a week or so????

But you couldn't help yourself, and here you are now back having your typical sooky la la's wanting people banned because they have opposing views to you.

You and others like Guy and AF are basically a modern day fascist and pro censorship, because you hate hearing views that dont align with yours, the other two even wanting the thread closed, even though they have little interest in the thread.

And yes many of you people in my view clearly support Hamas, weather intentional or not, if it was up to you guys, you would have stoppred this war months ago and been happy to see Hamas stay in power and live on, people like Jelly share garbage that would have been created by Hamas and other groups and you guys lap it up, you dont support Israel in getting rid of Hamas and the threat Israel faces, you actively try to bring down Israel and somehow twist things so they are the bad guys while Hamas the terrorist/jihadist who broke ceasefire and carried out an massacre and kidnapping and still hold over 100 people are somehow good guys.

And yes mate, im going to call you out as one of the worst because you actively support the people who openly say they want to kill your X GF

I also get accused of shit i dont like or agree with like nonsense like supporting genocide or killing of civilians etc, big deal, i dont even bother arguing against these things as just nonsense.

I dont care if you disagree or me calling you out offends you im allowed to have this opinion weather you agree with it or not.

As for "Just as the thread reaches a point where real discussion and progress" ha ha WFF you cant be serious most people here are more interested in back and forward abuse, generally just one liners and name calling or trying to derail the thread with other topics of discussion.

I do my bet to avoid confrontation and back and forth and stick to the topic, providing updates on how this war is progressing

Yeah okay the other day i did give a little poke in the ribs to Guy, taking the piss out of him thinking that Stu was moving the thread to the back pages and back again, i think most could see this for what it was, just some piss taking banter.

Anyway like i said in the other thread, if you dont like my views or things i share, the best thing to do is just ignore my post.

But the problem once again, is some like you really dont like people having or sharing views you oppose, so cant help yourselves .

No dot points?
No counting contributions?
I'm disappointed. I just scrolled back to stumble across your contribution to me. But you've lost your touch. (and to be honest, i couldn't read more than a line or two cos your posts always have the same effect...zzzzzz).
Slippery slope Indo.
Bumping women in Dandenong market one day(for a reaction bro's),
relegated exclusively to the 'Loose Lips Sink Ships/Wettie Rash' thread next.
At least give me a fucken dot point next time you shrivelling amoeba.

btw. There's a huge difference between engaging in a thread with intelligent, thoughtful people, and coming on this thread just to give you the bashing you actually ask for.
I've retired from the former, not the latter ;-)

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 6:45pm

Fuck, sorry Indo. I just took the time to read your whole post.
I'm sorry. I should have done it earlier. I just get really anal about simple grammar and spelling. (not that i get it wright all the time)
Anyway....just for you.

Lift your game. Dot points and grammar....cunt.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 6:47pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 7:14pm
soggydog wrote:

I love it how ignorant people like you think this is just some orthodox Jewish guy

This guy who appears regularly on social media because of his views comes from a very small fringe sect of Jews called the Neturei Karta, they are generally Hungarian and have a very unique take on Judaism that is Anti Zionist for religious reasons.

They are kind of like what Jehovah Witness are too Christianity, almost cult like with views other denominations dont hold.

"Neturei Karta (Aramaic: נָטוֹרֵי קַרְתָּא nāṭōrē qartāʾ, lit. 'Guardians of the City') is a fringe[2] religious group of Haredi Jews that was founded in Jerusalem in 1938 after splitting off from Agudat Yisrael. It is an active opponent of Zionism and advocates a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel under the belief that the Jewish people are strictly forbidden from re-establishing sovereignty in the Land of Israel until the arrival of the Messiah.[3] To this end, the group's members believe that the existence of a Jewish state is a rebellion against God as it did not occur with divine intervention through the Messiah.[4][5]"

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 7:18pm

BTW. while also rare there is muslims that support Israel too even zionism, as there is even a passage or two in the koran that muslims take to use as their support, bits even talk about the Jews being the children of Israel etc

Just a quick example.

"Some Muslim clerics such as Abdul Hadi Palazzi of the Italian Muslim Assembly[1] and author Muhammad Al-Hussaini[2] believe that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land as well as the establishment of a Jewish state is in accordance with the teachings of Islam.[3][4] Of the community of Muslims that support Israel, a portion designate themselves as "Muslim Zionists".[5][6][7] Prominent people of Muslim background who publicly support the movement of Zionism include ex-Muslim Afghan journalist Nemat Sadat,[8] Pakistani former radical Islamist Ed Husain, Egyptian former militant-turned-author Tawfik Hamid,[9] Pakistani American author and journalist Tashbih Sayyed,[10] and Bangladeshi journalist Salah Choudhury. Additional Muslim figures who have publicly voiced support for Israel include Irshad Manji, Salim Mansur, Enes Kanter, Abdurrahman Wahid, Mithal al-Alusi, Kasim Hafeez, Abdullah Saad Al-Hadlaq, Zuhdi Jasser, Asra Nomani, and Khaleel Mohammed."

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 7:21pm

Indo your post's become more impressive in direct proportion to how far away one stands from their screen.
I'm finding the 3m range gives your posts the most dynamic view for sheer volume of consuming the whole screen.
Easily the most impressive way to view your posts.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 7:45pm

Darn nice cut and pasting there info

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 7:58pm
GuySmiley wrote:

Darn nice cut and pasting there info

If i don't cut and paste anything, you guys will just think it's my opinion.

Providing these links at least gives you and other's a starting point where if you really want to educate yourself and learn more, you can now google more about say the "Neturei Karta " or why even some odd muslims support Zionism .

And at least next time when Soggy dog post this guy here or on social media he knows its not just another orthodox Jew and risk someone knowing and mentioning that he is Neturei Karta and what they are about

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 8:43pm

Nice sentiment there numbnuts but all the information sources in world don’t make what is happening in Gaza right, and that is fact

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 9:06pm

Sorry but that is not fact at all, that's purely opinion, and million's around the world are also of the opinion after Oct 7th that what is happening in Gaza is not only right but needs to happen, because Hamas needs to be destroyed.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 9:34pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

Sorry but that is not fact at all, that's purely opinion, and million's around the world are also of the opinion after Oct 7th that what is happening in Gaza is not only right but needs to happen, because Hamas needs to be destroyed.

Yeah, nah. The Americans, as I said in December, are withdrawing support, after a lecture from the Saudis and some legal advice from the State Department.
Rafah will be the last straw, just watch.
"The “conduct of the response in Gaza Strip has been over the top,” Biden said. “I’m pushing very hard now to deal with this hostage cease-fire. I’ve been working tirelessly on this deal … because I think if we can get the delay, the initial delay — I think we would be able to extend that so that we could increase the prospect that this fighting in Gaza changes.”
“I’ve been pushing really hard to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. A lot of innocent people are starving. A lot of innocent people are in trouble and they’re dying and it’s got to stop,” Biden said.
The comments mark a stunning turnaround for Biden,.."Biden and his aides have grown exasperated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has repeatedly ignored U.S. calls to limit civilian casualties, wind down military operations in Gaza and allow more aid into the enclave, where hundreds of thousands of residents are at risk of famine and disease."
"President Joe Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday night asking countries receiving US military funding to prove they’re following international humanitarian and human rights laws.

The timing of the memorandum coincides with President Biden’s unscheduled press conference where he took reporters' questions on the Israel-Hamas war, saying Israel’s response is “over the top.”"

Bibi has ignored the private diplomatic warnings at his peril, he is now ignoring the public ones.
Rafah was declared a "safe zone" by Israel, it has over one million displaced Palestinians there who Bibi thinks are going to "evecuate" the area he claims holds divisions of Hamas. They have nowhere to go.
The Saudis this week told the Americans the only solution which is a return to 1967 borders and a two state solution, self determination for Palestine and a complete withdrawl of the IDF from Gaza.
The Americans need the support of Saudi Arabia way more than their need to support Israel and Bibi.
They are going to cut him loose. Just watch. I'll be back on this thread when it happens.
You need to take your head out from Up your own Date @Indo when you "educate" yourself and "update" everyone on the "war".
Keep up.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 10:08pm

Haha, the noinfo head up date update self education ;)

… a continuous stink of narcissistic, opinionated verbal diarrhoea

U go noinfo… pure diarrhero of ignorance and plain farkn stupid
- trying to save the day but just covering everything with shit ;);)


I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 10:11pm

In 1938, Ben Gurion described the conflict with the Arabs as "in its essence a political one... politically we are the aggressors and they [the Arabs] defend themselves." Israeli historian Benny Morris, widely regarded as an authority on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the leading authority on origins of the Palestinian refugee problem, affirms Ben Gurion's description, saying: "Ben-Gurion, of course, was right" and goes on to describe Zionism as "a colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement" whose "ideology and practice were necessarily and elementally expansionist." Morris describes the Zionist goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine as necessarily displacing and dispossessing the Arab population.[70] The practical issue of establishing a Jewish state in a majority non-Jewish and Arab region was a fundamental issue for the Zionist movement.[70] Revisionist Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky described the notion of "transfer" (the Zionist euphemism for ethnic cleansing of the Arab Palestinian population) as a "brutal expulsion" which could resolve this challenge.[71] The idea of transfer was not unique to Revisionist Zionism, in fact, as explained by Morris, "the idea of transferring the Arabs out... was seen as the chief means of assuring the stability of the 'Jewishness' of the proposed Jewish State".[70]

According to Morris, the idea of ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine was to play a large role in Zionist ideology from the inception of the movement. He explains that "transfer" was "inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism" and that a land which was primarily Arab could not be transformed into a Jewish state without displacing the Arab population. Further, the stability of the Jewish state could not be ensured given the Arab population's fear of displacement. He explains that this would be the primary source of conflict between the Zionist movement and the Arab population.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 10:36pm

^^^ quite a few facts to focus on ;)

… “ Sorry but that is not fact at all, that's purely opinion “

- hahaha …another hypocritical display of stwength and powa ;);)

Float on in your pile of delusional shit noinfo
… you’re a try hard wannabe fact enforcer showcasing nothing but inner karen ;)


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 10:58pm

Dipshit info from info

ringostarr's picture
ringostarr's picture
ringostarr Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 12:29am

I am in awe of Indo. He is the expert, the oracle, on every subject under the sun. It is truly inspiring, how much knowledge one person can accumulate, and we are so lucky that he can share it with us all.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 7:51am
adam12 wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Sorry but that is not fact at all, that's purely opinion, and million's around the world are also of the opinion after Oct 7th that what is happening in Gaza is not only right but needs to happen, because Hamas needs to be destroyed.

Yeah, nah. The Americans, as I said in December, are withdrawing support, after a lecture from the Saudis and some legal advice from the State Department.
Rafah will be the last straw, just watch.
"The “conduct of the response in Gaza Strip has been over the top,” Biden said. “I’m pushing very hard now to deal with this hostage cease-fire. I’ve been working tirelessly on this deal … because I think if we can get the delay, the initial delay — I think we would be able to extend that so that we could increase the prospect that this fighting in Gaza changes.”
“I’ve been pushing really hard to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. A lot of innocent people are starving. A lot of innocent people are in trouble and they’re dying and it’s got to stop,” Biden said.
The comments mark a stunning turnaround for Biden,.."Biden and his aides have grown exasperated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has repeatedly ignored U.S. calls to limit civilian casualties, wind down military operations in Gaza and allow more aid into the enclave, where hundreds of thousands of residents are at risk of famine and disease."
"President Joe Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday night asking countries receiving US military funding to prove they’re following international humanitarian and human rights laws.

The timing of the memorandum coincides with President Biden’s unscheduled press conference where he took reporters' questions on the Israel-Hamas war, saying Israel’s response is “over the top.”"

Bibi has ignored the private diplomatic warnings at his peril, he is now ignoring the public ones.
Rafah was declared a "safe zone" by Israel, it has over one million displaced Palestinians there who Bibi thinks are going to "evecuate" the area he claims holds divisions of Hamas. They have nowhere to go.
The Saudis this week told the Americans the only solution which is a return to 1967 borders and a two state solution, self determination for Palestine and a complete withdrawl of the IDF from Gaza.
The Americans need the support of Saudi Arabia way more than their need to support Israel and Bibi.
They are going to cut him loose. Just watch. I'll be back on this thread when it happens.
You need to take your head out from Up your own Date @Indo when you "educate" yourself and "update" everyone on the "war".
Keep up.

Come on mate you aren't silly, we all know it's an election year in the USA, Biden is clearly trying to keep both sides happy, initially he took a strong stance of support both in talk and action to keep the majority of people in USA happy (70% plus support Israel) and also not give republicans too much to work with, but now he is pandering to his own parties vote, he clearly just playing it both ways.

BTW. I will post a very recent video i watched last night below from Malcolm Nance, global counter-terrorism expert, former U.S. intelligence officer.

Ive posted an interview before from a a similar qualified guy, these guys are experts, and they are the guys im listening too and agreeing with, im sorry but your views are not in line with these experts, in the past you have posted little snippets from Tik Tok which signals to me that you arent investing enough time in the issue to have a proper educated opinion.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 8:10am

@Roadkill @gsco mkII @bonza @Greenroom @Pop Down @sypkan @Optimist @Rabbits68 @flollo @velocityjohnno @ anyone open minded and interested to learn more.

This is new and a must watch/listen one of the best interviews/run downs, covers a whole heap of aspects a very easy listen but very informative, and from somebody with a proper educated view point, Malcolm Nance, global counter-terrorism expert, former U.S. intelligence officer.

00:00 - Introduction
02:14 - Oct. 7th intelligence failure
05:55 - Strategic goal of Hamas
07:22 - Hamas arrogance
10:15 - Full-scale war in Gaza
14:09 - American support for Israel
18:09 - Russia and the war in Gaza
20:48 - Political gridlock in the U.S.
23:15 - How to rescue the hostages
26:06 - Iranian support for Hamas
28:32 - Hamas and Islamist terrorism
31:52 - Fighting against an ideology
34:44 - Hamas expansion in West Bank?
36:08 - Israel and the Arab Peninsula
38:28 - US vs the Houthis

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 9:16am

The guy knows his stuff but is part of the US Military/Political System so is NOT reliable imho .

Definitely right about the Under 34's being ignorant of history and being misinformed .

He seems to cause trouble , wherever he goes .

Has NFI ( not giving us the truth ) about Europe or the US Political system .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 10:56am

Hey info, just to clarify your position; in your mind how many citizens deaths in southern Gaza are acceptable to “destroy” Hamas? Come on warlord nail your nuts to the mast, how many? You previously have stated a 2:1 death ratio was acceptable so how many dead Palestinian children, women and men is acceptable??

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 10:55am
GuySmiley wrote:

Hey info, just to clarify your position; in your mind how many citizens deaths in southern Gaza are acceptable to “destroy” Hamas? Come on warlord nail your nuts to the mast, how many? You previously have stated a 2:1 death ratio was acceptable so how many dead children, women and men is acceptable??

He Guy, if nailing nuts..

Did Hamas start this current bloodbath by murdering 1200 Israelis on Oct 7th?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 10:57am
Roadkill wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

Hey info, just to clarify your position; in your mind how many citizens deaths in southern Gaza are acceptable to “destroy” Hamas? Come on warlord nail your nuts to the mast, how many? You previously have stated a 2:1 death ratio was acceptable so how many dead children, women and men is acceptable??

He Guy, if nailing nuts..

Did Hamas start this current bloodbath by murdering 1200 Israelis on Oct 7th?

Perhaps you can also answer the question as well RK

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 10:59am
GuySmiley wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

Hey info, just to clarify your position; in your mind how many citizens deaths in southern Gaza are acceptable to “destroy” Hamas? Come on warlord nail your nuts to the mast, how many? You previously have stated a 2:1 death ratio was acceptable so how many dead children, women and men is acceptable??

He Guy, if nailing nuts..

Did Hamas start this current bloodbath by murdering 1200 Israelis on Oct 7th?

Perhaps you can also answer the question as well RK

After you..sure

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:08am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Sorry but that is not fact at all, that's purely opinion, and million's around the world are also of the opinion after Oct 7th that what is happening in Gaza is not only right but needs to happen, because Hamas needs to be destroyed.

Hey dickhead. U do know Israel has been terrorising the Palestinians for years dontcha?? Catch up with ya history NEMESIS

oliver.ricci's picture
oliver.ricci's picture
oliver.ricci Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:11am

Hamas started it. And they fight from in civilian areas. So all deaths are on Hamas. They are ethnically cleansing their own people. It's that simple.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:29am

This “started it” line is kindergarten level bullshit. It’s only the IDF that has the ability to use deadly force against civilians so come on you keyboard warriors put a number to your name; how many deaths are acceptable to destroy Hamas?

oliver.ricci's picture
oliver.ricci's picture
oliver.ricci Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:34am

and Hamas won't return the hostages or stop firing into Israel, same with other Iranian proxies.

sorry mate but Hamas are barbaric terrorists

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:38am
GuySmiley wrote:

This “started it” line is kindergarten level bullshit. It’s only the IDF that has the ability to use deadly force against civilians so come on you keyboard warriors put a number to your name; how many deaths are acceptable to destroy Hamas?

Why is it so hard to just admit if Hamas didn’t attack Israel on Oct 7th….there would be no deaths in the last 4 months?

Even 1 innocent death in Gaza is too many. None of those innocent Palestinians that have died deserved to die and none of them should be dead.
(See how easy it is to answer without hiding, guy, you really are a gutless piss weak apologist for Hamas.)

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:57am

U have to ask Hamas how many innocent civilians THEY are willing to sacrifice for their cause .

As pointed out above , Hamas is using the Gaza population as "SPONGES " to absorb the IDF onslaught .

The Fight is on going , as Hamas is Super Dug In and armed to the teeth .

Israel is willing to sacrifice the Hostages for Their Cause .

Hamas has 2 surrender , for the civilian carnage 2 stop , simple .

Smiley , moot question imho .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 11:54am

The line that Hamas started it ignores the death by a thousand cuts war and land theft wagged on the Palestinians since the ‘67 war by successive Israeli governments and the emerging extreme Zionist movement. Yes Hamas is vile but they didn’t emerge in a vacuum did they.

So back to my question …

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 2:05pm

Bit of unreal surfing going down today dudes. Catch any of it….?

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 2:15pm

"The line that Hamas started it ignores the death by a thousand cuts war and land theft wagged on the Palestinians since the ‘67 war by successive Israeli governments and the emerging extreme Zionist movement. Yes Hamas is vile but they didn’t emerge in a vacuum did they.

So back to my question …"

Look Guy, it all was started by Hamas on Oct7. You know nothing. Stick your questions mate.
Get with the program will ya. FFS. So sick of your lack of understanding on this.
The fact that Zionist terrorists like The Irgun, The Stern Gang, The Haganah, and the rest were committing atrocities and terror acts going back to the 1920's, who then disbanded to be absorbed into the IDF who have been doing it since the 1940's, or that Hamas was supported and funded by Israel and Netanyahu has nothing to do with any of it. Human rights, self determination, the Genocide Convention and all that other simp bullshit is irrelevant.
Time only started on Oct.7. Middle East history prior to Oct.7 is just a blank void. It's all the fault of Hamas, they actually have been the only one's at fault here. Bibi and his mates are golden, everything done since then is only aimed at getting the hostages back and destroying just one, minor terror group in the ME. The others will not care a bit, won't do a thing in response. Only by defeating Hamas will Israel live in peace. You will see. Those dead and maimed and parentless children and the war crimes and acts of genocide are all completely legal because Hamas started it all on Oct.7, when time itself began, and even though the victims are mostly defenceless women and children, they are still "enemy combatants" and totally must die for the sake of Israel living peacefully, once the baby killing and maiming and displacement and starvation and disease inflicting and war crimes and genocide is done. Palestinian lives don't matter, who cares? Only Israeli lives matter. Everyone else's are expendable. Hamas' real aim was to kill as many of their own people as possible anyway, but they don't have enough guns and ammo to do it, so they devised a cunning plan to get the IDF to do it for them, and the plan is working so just shut up with all your Hamas simp nonsense Guy. Leave it to the experts here. They do surveys and research and listen to podcasts know maps and history and stuff, you just come on here to cause trouble for them so fuck off will ya, they are very sensitive and caring beings unlike you.
The only way to defeat a small, poorly armed terror group like Hamas is to use the 4th most powerful army stocked by the most powerful and technologically advanced military on the planet to kill 30, 000 civilians trapped in a rat cage. Now although it won't work and you cannot defeat an idea, it sure satisfies the pathologically sociopathic bloodlust of the (dipshit) commentariat here, don't go questioning them, they know it all. And that is apparently all that really matters, not murdering people who you claim have nothing to do with it. Haven't you seen Roadkill's survey work? All Palestinians are Hamas or supporters, even those little kids who were killed by bombs in their beds or had limbs amputated without anesthesia. It's all on google apparently. You should spend more time researching, and less time here just trying to cause trouble with your stupid humanity and empathy and stuff like that. It doesn't matter, only the Jews in Israel do, and the opinions of the experts here.
If you can't grasp that then you are just another Hamas simp.
Fuckin' hell mate. So sick of you not understanding anything.
Try reading some of simp. It only started on Oct.7.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 2:30pm

Thanks A12 , always entertaining comments.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 2:43pm

Adam12 as eloquent as ever, cheers