The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 11:26pm

should be easy to answer this question with a reasonable response to why..

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 7:38am

Hey southernburnt, dude, that was a slimy trick question, almost had me there!

These folks ain't just throwing some casual questions at Israel's military moves.

What they're really up to is rolling out the whole Hamas and Islamic terrorist information warfare package: all the lies, fabrications, false histories, propaganda, and all that jazz. It's a full-on blitz of deception, misinformation, and distraction.

They're only telling one side of the story, the Hamas side. Endless abusing and blaming of Israel and the West, but no questions asked about the long history of Islamic terror, Iran's shady support, the extreme aspects of Islam and its stated objectives, and so on. They're not giving Israel a fair shake of the sauce bottle (LOL) or acknowledging their countless efforts for a two-state solution.

In doing this, they're siding with Hamas, acting like turncoats against the West. Traitors, man, committing straight-up treason.

My only take on this is maybe they're so dumb they don't even realize they're doing it.

And dude, when it comes to the whole human worth thing, you might wanna hit up Hamas for an answer. Does hardcore Islam put the same value on the lives of non-believers as they do on Muslims? No need to answer that.

Yo, and just so you know, this ain't Israel's battle. It's straight-up extreme Islam going at it against the West. Israel just happens to be at the pointy end of this one. And once more, it's on the US to step up on the world stage and take leadership on this matter.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 7:36am

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 7:47am

Shapiro really has lost the plot. This guy is much more measured.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 8:07am

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 10:20am
green room wrote:

Hey southernburnt, dude, that was a slimy trick question, almost had me there!

These folks ain't just throwing some casual questions at Israel's military moves.

What they're really up to is rolling out the whole Hamas and Islamic terrorist information warfare package: all the lies, fabrications, false histories, propaganda, and all that jazz. It's a full-on blitz of deception, misinformation, and distraction.

They're only telling one side of the story, the Hamas side. Endless abusing and blaming of Israel and the West, but no questions asked about the long history of Islamic terror, Iran's shady support, the extreme aspects of Islam and its stated objectives, and so on. They're not giving Israel a fair shake of the sauce bottle (LOL) or acknowledging their countless efforts for a two-state solution.

In doing this, they're siding with Hamas, acting like turncoats against the West. Traitors, man, committing straight-up treason.

My only take on this is maybe they're so dumb they don't even realize they're doing it.

And dude, when it comes to the whole human worth thing, you might wanna hit up Hamas for an answer. Does hardcore Islam put the same value on the lives of non-believers as they do on Muslims? No need to answer that.

Yo, and just so you know, this ain't Israel's battle. It's straight-up extreme Islam going at it against the West. Israel just happens to be at the pointy end of this one. And once more, it's on the US to step up on the world stage and take leadership on this matter.

WTF? hahaha. I can't make heads or tails of your comments.
"My only take is maybe they're so dumb, they don't even realised they're doing it".
Throwing around insults like 'burnt' might sit closer to home with yourself...homie yo gsco.

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 12:28pm

I don't get why this is hard to get.

Peeps are free to choose how they see the Hamas terror attack and Israel's comeback.

Some folks around here are way beyond questioning Israel's military. They're totally spamming Hamas' info war propaganda, and in doing so siding with the terrorists.

Why are people in here doing this? They gotta be either (i) too dumb to realize they're doing it, (ii) anti-Semitic, or (iii) lost in that extreme left Marxist ideology.

Likely all three.

But man, I can tell you this, I noticed something was seriously off around here when the same folks seamlessly switched their anti-West Marxist decolonization vibe from supporting The Voice to siding with terrorists.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 1:32pm
green room wrote:

I don't get why this is hard to get.

Peeps are free to choose how they see the Hamas terror attack and Israel's comeback.

Some folks around here are way beyond questioning Israel's military. They're totally spamming Hamas' info war propaganda, and in doing so siding with the terrorists.

Why are people in here doing this? They gotta be either (i) too dumb to realize they're doing it, (ii) anti-Semitic, or (iii) lost in that extreme left Marxist ideology.

Likely all three.

But man, I can tell you this, I noticed something was seriously off around here when the same folks seamlessly switched their anti-West Marxist decolonization vibe from supporting The Voice to siding with terrorists.

Even without the americanised bullshit vernacular, it's still all gibbledy gobbledy bro ho ho.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 1:44pm
southernraw wrote:
green room wrote:

I don't get why this is hard to get.

Peeps are free to choose how they see the Hamas terror attack and Israel's comeback.

Some folks around here are way beyond questioning Israel's military. They're totally spamming Hamas' info war propaganda, and in doing so siding with the terrorists.

Why are people in here doing this? They gotta be either (i) too dumb to realize they're doing it, (ii) anti-Semitic, or (iii) lost in that extreme left Marxist ideology.

Likely all three.

But man, I can tell you this, I noticed something was seriously off around here when the same folks seamlessly switched their anti-West Marxist decolonization vibe from supporting The Voice to siding with terrorists.

Even without the americanised bullshit vernacular, it's still all gibbledy gobbledy bro ho ho.

Mind virus?

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 1:53pm

Sadly yep @andymac. I think the vanlife trip around oz mighta ended up in some kind of cult or at least surrounded by like minded individuals.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 1:57pm
green room wrote:

I don't get why this is hard to get.

Peeps are free to choose how they see the Hamas terror attack and Israel's comeback.

Some folks around here are way beyond questioning Israel's military. They're totally spamming Hamas' info war propaganda, and in doing so siding with the terrorists.

Why are people in here doing this? They gotta be either (i) too dumb to realize they're doing it, (ii) anti-Semitic, or (iii) lost in that extreme left Marxist ideology.

Likely all three.

But man, I can tell you this, I noticed something was seriously off around here when the same folks seamlessly switched their anti-West Marxist decolonization vibe from supporting The Voice to siding with terrorists.

A % in here don’t quite grasp long term security issues. They are unwilling to recognise this and simply focus on deaths in Gaza whilst ignoring the fact that all deaths in Gaza are 100% attributed to Hamas actions. There is indirect soft support for Jihardism. And for all the posts about having discussions…none of them want to hear alternative views.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 2:14pm

Is that you @info or is it your @mini-info?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 2:45pm

Hahaha ;)

‘ I don't get why this is hard to get. ‘
- and yet it was so easy to contract your mind virus grco ;);)

We knew something was seriously off around here when some farkn schizoid tried his fake weird over the top wank yank dude and bro fest…

… the thing you really don’t get is that within a democracy ppl can have their own opinions and make up their own minds. Free speech is an open expression that doesn’t have to fit into anyone else’s forced paradigm - no one has to agree with a supposed narrative - and not agreeing is not showing support for ‘the other side’.

It’s ridiculous and utterly foolish to assume that anyone questioning the barbarism on show in regard to civilian deaths as being a hamas sympathiser or an antisemite… it’s a pathetic and childish reaction from brain dead fuckn idiots who just can’t accept reality. I recall this same knee jerk idiocy with the iraq war - and look how that turned out ;);)

Nobody is obligated to blindly follow and endorse the slaughter of women and children. Nobody has the right to say that because you oppose something you are against freedom and a traitor etc - it is freedom of speech at play to question and scrutinise and hold whoever is responsible to account. And holding somebody to account does not justify an egregiously shocking display of violence as a supposed valid solution…

Continually there are repetitive attempts at coercion to try force ppl to submit to how they should apparently view the situation. This is not a free nor democratic process, nor an example of exercising liberty….

What is occurring is a pure campaign of lies and deception- and both sides are guilty of exaggerating victim hood and downplaying responsibility. It is no way goodies vs baddies, in no way the civilised vs the uncivilised and in no way at all an effort to create lasting peace by eliminating a dire ‘threat’.

- the idea of ‘siding with terrorists’ applies to anyone supporting what the idf is doing now, no different to anyone saying that what occurred on Oct 7 was justified.

Odd that western governments and the western media - with all their imagined transparency, ‘equality’ and ‘good intent’ - continue manipulating, controlling and deciding who is at fault (and why) in order to enforce exactly how the population must view the current crisis…

If you are against the chosen narrative - then it is officially assumed you are against freedom, liberty and fairness ;);)

- and this corrupted form of engineered autocratic delusion is the perfect mirror of the madness netanyahu continues to represent.

…observations, opinions and questions are not endorsements.
- talk about …ummm …being too dumb to realise ;);)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 3:07pm

Haha ;)
“…none of them want to hear alternative views.”

- and yet the alternate view is to stop the war ;);)


Wonder if for any other reason in any other land and with any other people… whether this excuse can be used to justify a lie, enable an occupation and validate genocide :

“Ummmm… coz ummm… it says so in the bible.” ;);)

- and it’s not like any other colonial ‘democracies’ were ever founded on racism and lie$$$… derrrrrpppp ;)


garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 3:12pm
southernraw wrote:

Sadly yep @andymac. I think the vanlife trip around oz mighta ended up in some kind of cult or at least surrounded by like minded individuals.

Like minded FOLKS southernraw.
Get with the vernacular dude.

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 3:32pm

Man, it's way too late at night for this stuff. But, jelly flater, you're so dumb you just confirmed everything I said.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 3:37pm

“I don't get why this is hard to get.”

- your confirmation is more than confirmed ;);)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 3:40pm

…usa …usa ;);)

Keep on driving gr haha ;)

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 4:32pm

Abu Obeida seems like a great peaceful Palestinian. Surely Israel should negotiate with terrorists…….said the same people who repeatedly blame Israel.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 5:13pm

Yes it is the Daily Mail, but a good piece…worth reading by some, and will be hated by others in here because it is true.

Quote “instead of demonstrations against their atrocities and hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel”

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:02pm
Roadkill wrote:

Yes it is the Daily Mail, but a good piece…worth reading by some, and will be hated by others in here because it is true.

Quote “instead of demonstrations against their atrocities and hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel”

You are an absolute tool Dill. Imagine bagging any article from the daily mail during covid but now sharing one thinking you’re making a valid point.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:02pm
Roadkill wrote:

Abu Obeida seems like a great peaceful Palestinian. Surely Israel should negotiate with terrorists…….said the same people who repeatedly blame Israel.

Oh and sky news! LMAO

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:19pm
burleigh wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Yes it is the Daily Mail, but a good piece…worth reading by some, and will be hated by others in here because it is true.

Quote “instead of demonstrations against their atrocities and hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel”

You are an absolute tool Dill. Imagine bagging any article from the daily mail during covid but now sharing one thinking you’re making a valid point.

“……..and will be hated by others in here because it is true.”

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:23pm

"........and you will know us by the trail of dead."

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:29pm

I don’t think anyone here has any doubt as to what a bunch of homicidal psychopaths Hamas are. But thanks for that anyway Roadkill

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 6:31pm
southernraw wrote:

Here's a question for @roadkill, @Indodreaming @greenroom @gsco and co, since they've continually acccused posters of being pro Hamas and anti semite for asking questions of Israels military operations.
Pt 1:Do you think Palestinians are equal to or are lesser humans than Israelis, (Americans, Australians, English, whatever)
Pt 2: Please explain why. (critical part of question to develop an understanding of your point of view so as to allow a good conversation and debate)
Cheers in advance.

Weird question but

1. Both are equal and humans, i feel for civilians on both sides.

2. Not sure what else to add, other than Palestine's in Gaza's worst enemy is also Hamas, Hamas the government has done nothing for their people since 2006, just wasted billion in aid (apparently highest per capita in the world) mostly on building tunnel's and rockets and now started a war that has brought suffering on their people.

They deserve Hamas gone as much as Isreal does, imagine if they had a half decent government, they could be like a middle east Singapore, first thing you would do is build an airport.

There is two people here that are 100% pro Hamas and clearly have an anti Jew thing going then maybe two others i can think of that seem to have a similar view but less vocal or consitent

Then there is a group of others who should be seen in a different light that you could say "asking questions of Israels military operations. " Although do lack asking questions or condemning Hamas.

You belong in the second group, i think you guys are more genuine in your views and concerns but just come from a really idealistic but unrealistic view point, either thinking.

1. Israel should have just walked away from retaliation and bent over and did whatever Hamas wanted to get those kidnapped back.


2. If gone to war with Hamas somehow you expect them to destroy Hamas, the tunnels, rocket production sites etc all without taking out civilians. (when Hamas have purposely set up to see civilians in harms way)

Which is just totally unrealistic, it would mean no airstrikes and only going in by ground and Hamas would have a huge advantage.

Hamas already have had the advantage on the ground as any group does when on their home turf in urban warfare because they know the place and come from a point of hiding and are able to take cover shooting from buildings often up high with snippers etc, while the attacker IDF in this case has to come from the open and try to find the enemy only knowing where they are after being shot at, in this scenario it's made even harder as Hamas have the tunnels to hide in and pop up from or escape too.

IDF through have made very good progress only because of the combined use of airstrikes that first took out hamas targets weakening them and also targeting Hamas tunnel entrances and continue to do so through the use of drones that can break down where tunnel entrances are by where Hamas keep appearing from, they are also being very strategic in using the airforce to support units on the ground.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 7:11pm




Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 11 Dec 2023 at 7:41pm



Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Wednesday, 13 Dec 2023 at 2:45pm

Make of this what you will...

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 13 Dec 2023 at 3:09pm

…this too ;)


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 14 Dec 2023 at 4:58pm

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 14 Dec 2023 at 5:11pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

the truth.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 14 Dec 2023 at 5:35pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 8:19am

Kinda weird and ironic to think in a bit over a week we will all be celebrating Christmas, and while most of us are not religious its still kind of one of the biggest events of the year and a big part of Western culture.

Not being religious you kind of forget what Christmas is really about, and yeah sure there are pagan elements to how we celebrate the tradition, but really it's about the birth of this Jewish guy called Jesus from Bethlehem that funny enough is in the West Bank and while the area was already under Roman rule it was still known as the Kingdom of Judea (that Jews are named after) and Muhammad wouldn't be born for about another 600 years so no Jihadist in the region yet, (Just pesky Roman invaders)

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 8:38am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Kinda weird and ironic to think in a bit over a week we will all be celebrating Christmas, and while most of us are not religious its still kind of one of the biggest events of the year and a big part of Western culture.

Not being religious you kind of forget what Christmas is really about, and yeah sure there are pagan elements to how we celebrate the tradition, but really it's about the birth of this Jewish guy called Jesus from Bethlehem that funny enough is in the West Bank and while the area was already under Roman rule it was still known as the Kingdom of Judea (that Jews are named after) and Muhammad wouldn't be born for about another 600 years so no Jihadist in the region yet, (Just pesky Roman invaders)

Indo, just bringing us a bit of unsolicited religious bigotry to justify mass murder over the festive season…..Merry Christmas!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 8:59am

jesus, mary and joseph, you're a gun & a wordsmith @soggydog,
I agree, it is a time for peace and understanding and being wary of $$ and dickheads.
A Merry Crismus to all, whatever outfit you wear; humans, one and all.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 9:04am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Kinda weird and ironic to think in a bit over a week we will all be celebrating Christmas, and while most of us are not religious its still kind of one of the biggest events of the year and a big part of Western culture.

Not being religious you kind of forget what Christmas is really about, and yeah sure there are pagan elements to how we celebrate the tradition, but really it's about the birth of this Jewish guy called Jesus from Bethlehem that funny enough is in the West Bank and while the area was already under Roman rule it was still known as the Kingdom of Judea (that Jews are named after) and Muhammad wouldn't be born for about another 600 years so no Jihadist in the region yet, (Just pesky Roman invaders)

And herein lies the problem. Not so much for us "pagans" who like a few pressies and a bit of ham (wtf??) on Christmas Day. But the fact that this whole problematic part of the world and it's violence has for thousands of years has been based on some Jewish guy being born to a woman who was supposedly a virgin before, during and after his birth. This is what we kill each other over and celebrate once a year. Sounds normal to me!!!

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 9:09am

Haha ;) spot on @soggydog
- and nice work too @basesix ;);)

Who needs santa in gaza anyway…
- you’re right @garyg1412…. what a sad state of affairs …thou shalt not kill yeh.

- oh look ! ….it’s lowinfo at the window ;)


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 9:51am

@info shoveling up some Roman history and religious bigotry … right back at you biggus dickushead https://m.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 10:55am
garyg1412 wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Kinda weird and ironic to think in a bit over a week we will all be celebrating Christmas, and while most of us are not religious its still kind of one of the biggest events of the year and a big part of Western culture.

Not being religious you kind of forget what Christmas is really about, and yeah sure there are pagan elements to how we celebrate the tradition, but really it's about the birth of this Jewish guy called Jesus from Bethlehem that funny enough is in the West Bank and while the area was already under Roman rule it was still known as the Kingdom of Judea (that Jews are named after) and Muhammad wouldn't be born for about another 600 years so no Jihadist in the region yet, (Just pesky Roman invaders)

And herein lies the problem. Not so much for us "pagans" who like a few pressies and a bit of ham (wtf??) on Christmas Day. But the fact that this whole problematic part of the world and it's violence has for thousands of years has been based on some Jewish guy being born to a woman who was supposedly a virgin before, during and after his birth. This is what we kill each other over and celebrate once a year. Sounds normal to me!!!

Actually that is completely untrue violence in the middle east or even in Israel hasn't been based on a Jewish guy Jesus, because Jesus isnt even very important to the Jews they dont see him as the son of god some even see him in a negative light, and as a false prophet.

If Jesus wasn't born for Jews as a people and religion things wouldn't be much different, where the big problem started for the Jews was when the Romans took over Israel and drove most out of their land, otherwise the Jewish people would have been there the whole time, although im sure Arab Islamic invaders still would have tried to force them out or kill them like they also did to other Christian's in the middle east. (and still do) hence why muslims make up 85% of the population in the middle east.

And Jews as a people and Judaism as a religion in Israel and Judah were around long before Jesus was born.

I mean sure we have seen fighting elsewhere in the world between Christians and Muslims or even conflict between Catholics and Protestants or between other religious even Buddhism.

But please lets not kid ourselves here Islam is by far the biggest religious cause of conflict and violence in the middle east and elsewhere in the world, im sure there is Christians or Jews who would die for their cause even in acts of terror but the world doesn't have a problem with Christian or Jewish terrorist like we do with Islamic Jihadist be it from 9/11 to Bali bombings or Jakarta embassy bombing to Paris attacks, London bombings or quite a few attacks in India and elsewhere..

Maybe its happened but ive never heard of Christian or Jews strapoing bombs to themselves blowing up others because they think they are going to get a whole heap of virgins in the afterlife as a reward.

I have quite a few Muslim Indonesian friends and most are just like people that call themselves Christians in that apart from the minority that a very religious, most that call themselves muslims are not that different to me and you some drink some smoke, some dont eat pork but eat bacon (go figure), some wear bikini tops around in summer when not even at the beach, then go home to Indonesia and wear a hijab to keep the family happy, we have even had idul fitri/ramadan celebrations at my house for Indo community, so i get that not all muslims are bad, actually most are not.

But lets be real, Islam and the ideology and how it can be interpreted is the common problem in most conflicts in the middle east, especially between Sunni and Shia muslims, Jesus or Christianity or even Jews and Judaism isnt the cause of most religious conflict in either the middle east or elsewhere.

If you could prevent the birth of one person in history to make the world a better place it wouldn't be Jesus it wouldn't even be Hitler or Trump and as tempting as it would be it wouldn't even be Daniel Andrews, it would be preventing the birth of Mohamed.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 11:06am

If you read Jesus “ sermon on the mount” Matthew 5, 6, and 7 that will answer all your questions regarding expected human behaviour.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 11:11am

yes, @Optimist, I agree, we had high expectations of ourselves, and were combatting some horrendously unjust primitive behaviours when we wrote that!

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 11:16am

If you’re looking at it through a modern lense with a critical eye then you would come to the conclusion that most of the worlds conflicts are over resources and land, workers rights and the nationalising of assets.
Or you could just say Jeebus and stick your head up your arse. Happy Hanakah!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 11:57am

So true Soggy imho

Just human nature ( Mercantilism ) .

Hunter Gathers had conflicts .

Lions have conflicts .

I am not religious and I cause conflicts .

I hope everyone has a safe and festive Christmas holiday ( my eldest daughter has already bought MY most important gifts , so safe on that , I hope ) .

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 12:03pm
GuySmiley wrote:

@info shoveling up some Roman history and religious bigotry … right back at you biggus dickushead


How’s things, haven’t spoken in a while, hope you’re well. Chat soon mate. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 12:10pm

"I am not religious and I cause conflicts" haha, @Pop. we are all complicated chimps, and we all do! Glad you're watering yourself lately, always helps : ) True, the power-sucking-$$-nobs use a variety of tactics to get the plebs to do their bidding, Nigeria, Somalia, Russia, Philipines, USA, Israel, Congo, Iran, even us here to an almost benign extent (in context)... same shit, old as time, just mildly different songs..

Merry Crismus, mate. Me and my kids always do a New Years thing, staying up, looking at the stars, having a little sing, driving to the local beach after tea via wombat spotting.. reflecting, appreciating.

Christmas, we do a *tiny* amount of naff things in memory of their mother and her german heritage. Watch polar express in front of a slaughtered feral radiata Tannenbaum, haha. Crismus is great, my sermon on the mount: spend less, stay home, catch up with loved ones in Jan, be calm, reflect and appreciate how bizarre you have existed for another year. And eat really well ; )

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 12:21pm

Gosh 6 , Christmas sounds a fun time at your place :)

My mum is Dutch :))
She is still alive , BUT , already unforgettable ( most mums are ) .

There is some Dutch in me .

lol One of the reasons I am retiring is I'm tired of fighting THE boss ( he is still fighting and now I am a Trans(itional Retirement ) .

Crismus is great, my sermon on the mount: spend less, stay home, catch up with loved ones in Jan, be calm, reflect and appreciate how bizarre you have existed for another year. And eat really well ; )

Great advice ( a reminder , perhaps :) , which I Gratefully , appreciate !

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 12:35pm
basesix wrote:

"I am not religious and I cause conflicts" haha, @Pop. we are all complicated chimps, and we all do! Glad you're watering yourself lately, always helps : ) True, the power-sucking-$$-nobs use a variety of tactics to get the plebs to do their bidding, Nigeria, Somalia, Russia, Philipines, USA, Israel, Congo, Iran, even us here to an almost benign extent (in context)... same shit, old as time, just mildly different songs..

Merry Crismus, mate. Me and my kids always do a New Years thing, staying up, looking at the stars, having a little sing, driving to the local beach after tea via wombat spotting.. reflecting, appreciating.

Christmas, we do a *tiny* amount of naff things in memory of their mother and her german heritage. Watch polar express in front of a slaughtered feral radiata Tannenbaum, haha. Crismus is great, my sermon on the mount: spend less, stay home, catch up with loved ones in Jan, be calm, reflect and appreciate how bizarre you have existed for another year. And eat really well ; )

Basesix. How’s things, hope you and your children down there have a great time together. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 12:47pm

Hey AW, we are, mate, thank you, enjoying the unseasonal weather. How was it for you up North? Can't believe that roadside thing you snapped was native! What a plant : o

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 1:28pm
basesix wrote:

Hey AW, we are, mate, thank you, enjoying the unseasonal weather. How was it for you up North? Can't believe that roadside thing you snapped was native! What a plant : o

Basesix. Me either, the plant looked so foreign to the landscape, you’ve seen it, it was like something from another world, sure stopped me in my tracks. Area dominated by Astrebla sp. Mitchell Grass but the only plants foreign were introduced pastoral grasses, so i suppose they are the foreigners.
The trip was amazing, on my own, how I like it , free camped the whole 3671kms travelled, saw amazing biological stuff. I’m thinking of putting together an 18 Day diary of the journey, Keep well mate. AW