Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:46pm


Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:49pm


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:46pm

Carn fellas @seeds @jf
Real names to your posts if you're going to go toe to toe with someone willing to use theirs.
Fairs fair eh?

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:50pm

Look I’m very impressed by Mal’s firefighting and his Blood Bike stuff especially. Very admirable!
But it seems it comes with a caveat that if he doesn’t get enough pats on the back his ego goes rogue. Humble he is not.

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:51pm

Convinced now they're both bots.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 8:57pm

haha. You know more about him than me @seeds, but i never did get around to googling him but have read the comments from those that did.
The power of knowing someones identity eh? Definitely gives you an opportunity for a few cheap shots without consequences.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 9:00pm

Blowin posted the fire fighting story. Bloody good work by Mal and his mate.

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 9:45pm

Humility is an emotion shared amongst those that have mutual respect with each other that has been earned & not contrived or perceived. Often thru varying circumstances that sometimes are good or can be sometimes catastrophic. It doesn't detract from the importance of actual fact. Fvcking snipe dogs on online forums that make calls based on anonymity & "Google" searches to base their inferences aren't part of, but ARE the fucking problem.
Their accusations are moot because they aren't identifiable due to lack of credibility by aliases. Ego is not a dirty word if it's healthy ,& backed by credible
outcomes in life's important moments., sometimes even when the shits hitting the fan. Fools, as we now can see are many, & if you wanna tolerate then that's up to you. Fvck, give em 3 chances, if they don't match up, jettison them. Some of the best wingmen you'll find in life make it after initial failing.
Call out bullshit for what it is without fear or favour however the most important thing is firmly shake a man's hand, look him in the eye & treat him the way you'd expect to be treated. Something that is lost in the online world. Not gonna wimp out, fuck you idiot naysayer jokes here in this realm. Didn't wanna upset ur little echo chamber world & lap dog pack, nah that's bullshit, I did, there are other opinions that hold true regardless of your biases. All good if you wanna identify yourselves but you use an avatar, so fucking lame. You now all know who I am, some of you "apparently" know all my life defining moment's ( cause you Googled it, hahahaha) How bout you look me up here or invite meto have a beer with you when I'm in ur neck of the woods. Fuckwit's need not apply, but hey I'd still be happy to see who YOU are behind your psuedonym, helps my bullshit detector stay in tune. quote=seeds]Look I’m very impressed by Mal’s firefighting and his Blood Bike stuff especially. Very admirable!
But it seems it comes with a caveat that if he doesn’t get enough pats on the back his ego goes rogue. Humble he is not.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 9:46pm
Mal Caithness1 wrote:

AW, you've just lined up to be the King of the Knockem Down Clown's, perfect timing. Axolotls & firemen now?, my legendary status surpasses reality. The keyboard warrior psuedonym man bag's have been whipped so much into a frenzy they're salivating like a quadriplegic at a blue movie. Pathetic mate. Never wanted to be a role model & never wanted to draw the same lines ( as a surfer) as anybody else. Achieved, period. So don't give a fvck about " half of the regular Swellnet contributors". Do you guys or have you even surfed? Not ever been found wanting when that question was asked. You do you ...

Mal. Hi. Born on the Great Ocean Road and I’m on a surfers website.

I’m sure you can join the dots.

You bagged the fuck out of an individual a while ago, for what, just having a crack and for no other reason than the focus was on her, and for most of us, we thought she did ok, but for some reason you didn’t, fine your opinion.

Then Slackjawedyokel pipes up with your historical anthology which you just fuelled, to be honest, hilarious.

I’m yet to see or hear anything from you of interest, except your self interest , which seems to appear everytime you scribe, there appears to be something heroic in most posts.

I wouldn’t mind engaging with you on topics of interest, if you have any.

What’s life like around Marg’s, the environment, building, population expansion, community, flora, fauna, vineyards etc. I’m sure you know

Don’t you have anything else to offer but stories of your accolades.

You’ve mentioned several times of late that you use your own name, your prerogative. Doesn’t mean we need to @SouthernRaw @ Mal Caithness 1

Seeds, you cracked me up with the Maroochydore Cricket Club comment.

I’d like to know if it’s still 6 and OUT if you hit it over the fence.

Lighten up Mal, we are just blokes having fun, we’re not arse licking dogs.

Life’s too short to be hard and serious.

Surely there’s some common ground amongst all of us. But as you state, not us, you can say whatever you want until you get banned. Stu, he’s got the sledgehammer. All the best AW.

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 9:58pm

AW In another world I was a professional surfing commentator & base my quotes on previous said surfer through personal experiences. My call. I'll live by my own insights.Dont wanna rock ur boat about ur own perceptions, your entitled to ur own opinion.Leave it at that.

AlfredWallace wrote:
Mal Caithness1 wrote:

AW, you've just lined up to be the King of the Knockem Down Clown's, perfect timing. Axolotls & firemen now?, my legendary status surpasses reality. The keyboard warrior psuedonym man bag's have been whipped so much into a frenzy they're salivating like a quadriplegic at a blue movie. Pathetic mate. Never wanted to be a role model & never wanted to draw the same lines ( as a surfer) as anybody else. Achieved, period. So don't give a fvck about " half of the regular Swellnet contributors". Do you guys or have you even surfed? Not ever been found wanting when that question was asked. You do you ...

Mal. Hi. Born on the Great Ocean Road and I’m on a surfers website.

I’m sure you can join the dots.

You bagged the fuck out of an individual a while ago, for what, just having a crack and for no other reason than the focus was on her, and for most of us, we thought she did ok, but for some reason you didn’t, fine your opinion.

Then Slackjawedyokel pipes up with your historical anthology which you just fuelled, to be honest, hilarious.

I’m yet to see or hear anything from you of interest, except your self interest , which seems to appear everytime you scribe, there appears to be something heroic in most posts.

I wouldn’t mind engaging with you on topics of interest, if you have any.

What’s life like around Marg’s, the environment, building, population expansion, community, flora, fauna, vineyards etc. I’m sure you know

Don’t you have anything else to offer but stories of your accolades.

You’ve mentioned several times of late that you use your own name, your prerogative. Doesn’t mean we need to @SouthernRaw @ Mal Caithness 1

Seeds, you cracked me up with the Maroochydore Cricket Club comment.

I’d like to know if it’s still 6 and OUT if you hit it over the fence.

Lighten up Mal, we are just blokes having fun, we’re not arse licking dogs.

Life’s too short to be hard and serious.

Surely there’s some common ground amongst all of us. But as you state, not us, you can say whatever you want until you get banned. Stu, he’s got the sledgehammer. All the best AW.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 10:10pm

Humility, or even humbleness, is not an emotion. It’s a character trait.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 10:14pm
AlfredWallace][quote=Mal Caithness1 wrote:

"You’ve mentioned several times of late that you use your own name, your prerogative. Doesn’t mean we need to @SouthernRaw @ Mal Caithness 1"
Nah not at all AW. Just when it comes to continually belittling someone who's using their real name. It's a bit like a sniper. I think its only fair to man up and put your own identity and credentials on the table. Otherwise, anonymity can be enjoyed if it's a fair transaction between punters who aren't out to tarnish the others name.
And fwiw, i've put my real name up here many times and would happily do it again. Nothing to hide from my end. And real name kinda got a naughty cross against it by SN anyway.
Mal you're always welcome for a wave or a beer if you're ever down Sth.
Most crew over East don't realise WA is a very small surf community. Everyone knows everyone. You definitely aren't hiding behind a keyboard over here. hahaha. I know i'm not anonymous.

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 10:26pm

Your opinion not mine[ Seen it many a time in a fleeting moment amongst individuals but rarely as
character trait. We're all flawed, take ur sniping shit elsewhere. Zzzzzzzz quote=seeds]Humility, or even humbleness, is not an emotion. It’s a character trait.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 10:36pm

Aww gawwd.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 11:58pm

Oct 2023 CHO calls end to Covid
2024 Feds geared down servicing Aged care with $960 to Aug > split over monthly Res payments.
Aged care providers are claiming it costs more to service [+] patients ...during recent outbreaks...
This kinda triggered a mini War with Feds during the current outbreaks...about Prevention = Vax!

May 2024 CHO + Safety Com' writes to a/c providers about low Vax rate
AC Minister says Families should talk to residents / care teams about getting Vaxes now!
Feds did a few raids to bust some arses...
Also prepared a How to talk 'em around to Covid Vax Tool counter Vax hesitancy!
Providers equally say Govt should promote the Vax as before to give them support!

70% of AC [+] cases were scripted with AV doses (Note : 6 month max interval between AV also!)

Above Oz average boosted A/C States [+] cases were higher than Winter 2023 with more Vax
Below Oz average boosted A/C States [+] cases dropped from Winter 2023 with less Vax
No really is that simple...
If CHO cared enough to read the data he'd apologize to Aged Care providers doin' the right thing!
(Pause!) NSW Premier is always snifflin'...thought to check as he was low key back then...Yep! Pfizer!

If NSW care providers drop the Vax to reduce cases they should be rewarded.
Likewise those ramping Vax should be ordered to stop vaxing to reduce their rising outbreaks.

Just to humour the CHO > tbb's Focus shifts to Naughty NSW this week.
NSW 36.4% (6mth) boosted Oz avg 38.1% only NT / WA were lower
NSW featured lowest in Annual Vaxing & Feds were demanding them to vax more...

NSW Outbreaks were -15% lower than 2023 for lowest annual Vaxed State
NSW Overall cases were 10% lower for lowest annual Vaxed State
Likewise lesser for WA > NT (Qld are Avg Oz Vaxing = Exact same cases as 2023) Go figure!

NSW most a/c cases were over 90 yrs
7th June 2024 NSW a/c outbreaks / cases peaked

tbb understands most of VoN crew observe how less vax = less Covid (vs) More Vax = more Covid
Vic CHO : Vax is mutating faster more evasive strains requiring expansion of AV criteria

Example : ACT Highest Vax a/c
Had fewer outbreaks in 2024 but higher Res / Staff infections = more infectious.
April 665 AV scripts > May 1531 AV scripts = #1 Boosted = more infectious > #1 OZ Spike in AV
tbb is just exampling that more Vax > More [+] > More Care > More ABS Scripts > More deaths
Feel free to examine the CHOs own data ...for the millionth time...It's not a conspiracy! (It's Science!)
Keeps showing the same in all highly vaxed settings! Sorry if that bothers some...better to know!
Sure...[ CENSOR ] Only ya can't wish it away!

Now Ask : Why can't Oz CHO simply follow the data and speak the truth > Practice Good Health...
tbb don't care if that means more or less vax...just be honest with yourself & patients!

End of First week of June NSW A/C / Labs / Emergency / [+] rate all peaked
Also confirms 90+ years spike is holding high
KP 3 has just risen over 50% > Special K bowl over 75% full.
One weird fact being the Wave was uniform over whole state > likely reflects 'set' [000] Lab Reads!

NSW Health are looking to break the back of 50% Flu Vax...( Consider CHO is onto them! )
Note : NSW Flu trailed & Peaked last week down on 2022 but up equally & for longer on 2023.
Again : Health Bosses reckon it's still on for 50% ...see more below...mostly mopping up seniors!

o/s Flu also may have peaked last week at only 1% up on 2023 peak!

NSW also runs the o/s weekly Covid data & we now have 2 solid continuous years of data...
Covid import has doubled each year & holding high.
Defying the NSW trend just rose 2% last week with rising Global wave > 46% of [+]
Meaning NSW peaked as Global wave is entering = (If o/s hits 48% it'll trigger an Olympic Oz bump!)
Pay to check on 50% o/s breach coz then it spikes a wave of Foreign muck! Dutto will let you know!
Not so much in A/C so we won't read about it...(Perhaps a few return to School outbreaks).

Deaths are a concern for the reason they're similar Oz / NZ wide.
So...neither Spiking nor backing down but an unhealthy long spell fairly moderate rate > NSW similar!
Certainly enough to concern all States with the lingering rise after cases > Hospitalizations..
Reminding of rising Oz AC/Deaths + Vic Deaths > NSW were a touch behind so deaths could also rise here!

PS : Anyone following will note KP3 likes the Cold > NSW > Qld were a tad late with cold snaps.
So Qld Aged Care [+] is still rising with our current delayed Cold Snap and may yet exceed 2023.
Just finished with that to lend some perspective to similar stalled NSW Snow season.
Happy to share that NSW RSV > Covid > Flu may have peaked in that weekly order...but...
Yer not outta the woods with > o/s splash-back pending...Back 2 School bump > Good health to all!

Also from above...NSW Elderly are still a concern...only fair to share the latest News on that...all good!
Vax hesitant NSW gotta reach their 50% Flu Jab target so Kez don't get bullied by that mean arse CHO!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 2:12am

Here's an example of Frontline pickerupperers direct observations on recent Vaping Bans.

16th June...tbb exampled #1 discarded 'Shiny Iget Winged brand fav' Vape Berry Flavours'
Said a 200% ramp in tossed Ciggie Packs (tbb meant 4x the amount...honest)
(Pointed out Non warning New Slick shiny designer Chinese Packs with ghastly White Ciggies!)

Ok! That's a pretty big call from tbb...reckons he's got his finger on the pulse of society...
Knows wotz goin' down without ever goin' downtown like forever...(Can we factcheck that!)

ABC (Today!) Feel free to watch & learn Gromz on how Hodad's Street Art Smartz imitates Life...
It's Ok to laugh...but then pay respect to yer VON swellnet Hodad Health experts...'We know shit!'

Vape Ban > Ciggies
[ 0:07] iget Blueberry / Raspberry (Tick!)
+ No health warning "New" Shiny Chinese Ciggie Pack (Tick!)
[0:10] There...See that...that's them Sickly White Smokes (Tick!)
[0:25] See warning on Vapes > No warning on them Chinese Ciggies
[ 0:35] That's about a 3-4x increase in Ciggies (Tick! See above...Can lock that in!)
[1:15] Lost sight of the Dangers of Smoking (Tick) No Diseased Label
[1:20] Haven't been exposed to as much info of Dangers (Tick!) No Warning Label

Bonus (New fresh) Hot Tip (Today!) Just from doin' a 20min Rubbish round
Firstly! tbb felt unwell had a Heart scare (twice)..lack of exercise...just a short scary tiring round!
Wotz New! Is that there large Gold Vape?

[1:49] See that Gold Vape in the Bin...
Just picked up a brand new one today ... Identical Gold DP 6000 UWELL
Yep right here as tbb types...
(tbb is Pretty sick alright! Nope not suckin' on quick puff won't hurt...won't get addicted or anything?)
Never picked up one similar ever before...Just checked it's an unlisted 'New' flavour (Contraband)
Border Force Sydney just busted 400,000 DP 6000 UWELL valued @ ($12m)
Just goes to show how quick the Chinese move Contraband from Sydney > Reedy Creek GC.
One step ahead...likely shifted a batch of first 400,000 a tip off, then got busted!
That's the inside word from yer swellnet pickerupperer ...
tbb's yer man on the Street...never miss a beat!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 12:58am

Presidential Immunity (vs) Presidential Exemption
Is this the Big One!

Did Big Pharma just orchestrate Biden outta the Presidential Race.

Da Prez is #1 Vaxer with perfect [10] Score = (1 RSV + 3 Flu + 6 Cov shots)
Vax Pin Up now blithers about as #1 Anti Vax fall guy.

Exclusive VON Presidential Brain Fog Timeline is a bit Hazy...well durr!

Vax (Headaches 10%) & Brain injury (Swelling! 2%) is common enough
But like common sporting head knocks are seldom diagnosed & to share such is taboo.
Many mRNA studies reveal a host of Vax Brain Injuries but exposure further fuels Anti Vax movement.

Free World can timeline orchestrated Presidential cognitive decline by Vax or Not.

Plain as day all see Pre Vax Creepy Joe walk from one puddle into next without knowing how!
Uptight hair sniffer Joe stutters over self embellished acclaim to reap tone deaf street cred to top rivals.
{Important!} Joe exploits aging memory as a political power tool, not a daft as that sounds!
Opposition extort any slight liability and twist or edit it...(This is the best pre election screen Test!)

Note tbb is not alone in Bloopers Reels...Plenty are running the same but all without any context.
You'll soon see this is most serious...not some Hollywood Puff Piece.
This Timeline is more insightful sharing Presidential Vax Headaches worsening cognitive decline.
eg: Pre Rollout > Moderate Forehead pain 'Spot' > from Booster onward > Painful Right Temple!

Yes! tbb parallels the results of Vax > Photo Timeline sharing Peak 'Painful' Headache Periods.
President suffers most pain after Boosting @ Live Podium Gigs without a Tele-Prompter. (Sorted!)
If one compiled the actual millions of photos > be easy to timeline exact points of Vax Pain & decline!
One don't need to slap the Prez to ask him how or Why...all have a Gazillion Shot Gallery!

Just saying we're all pre-conditioned to ignore Joe's or even Trump's Old Guy's Gaffes....
It's actually very difficult to prove that anything else contributed to his already befuddled state!
But given how far Joe has fallen from the tree...we owe it to ourselves to at least check reasons.
Mostly as we're at the crossroads where or if something can be done or addressed.

Q: Should a National Emergency exempt the Prez from orchestrating his own demise.
Can Prez Biden equally argue any Trump Election Victory is Void coz Sitting Prez was Vax damaged.
Vax injury should present as a progressive anomaly creeping into Joe's cognitive decline timeline...

Date / (Dose)...Anomaly

21 Dec 2020 (1) New Prez orders first ever total sanitizing of the Whitehouse (Everything must go!)
29 Dec 2020 Biden introduces his President Elect Kamala (Woah! Press did notice that! Ok!)
11th Jan (2) Open invitation for MAGA trailer trash to street sweep US National Treasures.
14 Day Isolation after Vaccination = President Biden must Isolate until 26th Jan 2021 (Vax Rules!)
20th Jan 2021 'Inauguration Speech is 1st Mass VIP incubation Iso' protest breach led by Prez Biden!

End of Jan- Feb 2021 (What we know is Biden can read Ok but fuzzy of those near!)
8 -18 March : (Publicly Forgets Names/ Roles) of closest Defence & Vice Prez
June : (Forgets Joke Punch Lines) Blames Media for not laughing & for Killing People
G7 : Forgets shit @ live Meeting / Goes on Walkies / Snaps & attacks by Finger Pointing Media!
July : Prez says Vaxed can't get infected > or get ill > be hospitalized > or Die
Sept : Issues Vax Mandates / Ultimatum + Forgets Down Under Fellow?
27 Sept : (Booster 1) + ('Reportedly' Annual Flu Jab Ritual)...see 23 Sept 2023
(Photos indicate Painful Headaches during this Period > Continuing to next peak)
Nov : Mixes up Sports / Hero idea!
Dec : Prez : "All unvaxed will face certain death @ Xmas!"

Jan 2022 Prez : 'Be optimistic bout 2020 WTF says only some non-vaxed will surely die!'
March : Mistakes Annual Power Cost as Monthly Bill Shock + Mistakes Countries + First Lady Kamala
30 March (Booster 2)
April : Prez "Eye Wondering" + Makes Up New Words + Thinks he's still a Senator ( Prez?)
(Photos indicate Painful Headaches ramp thru this Period > get worse later with [+])
May : Weekly Slideshow Lunches with Kamala are now called more!
July : Prez is time slipping thru Centuries it's Now 1916?
Tragedy flips as Triumph (Holocaust Honour? Gulf War Selfishness? He's a Cancer Survivor?)
21 July Covid [+] Pax Script
30 July Covid [+] (rebound) = 90 day delay > Next Booster (Policy)
(Photos indicate Painful Headaches during this period)
Sept : Live Gig of Channeling Dead People..."Hello Jackie "Speak to me Jackie!"...(She's dead mate!)
25 Oct (Booster 3) + (Annual Flu Jab?) Bunkers down for Xmas.

Jan 2023 Starts year Touching Forehead to ease pain
6 Jan : President Kamala
24 March : Applauds China instead of Canada
31 March : Mixes up Hurricane Town Names
20 May (tbb believes Biden describes his ongoing Covid Vax Headache Pain to best friend Macron)
Nope! This is not a Joke...Plenty of Photos of these two closely hugging & often.
Macron is very sensitive towards Biden confiding his Cognitive decline secret with him...No Shit!
Over a dozen photos share Biden easing his painful Vax migraine right there...X marks the Spot!
Humans share most intimate secrets with those least likely to share with friends > outta respect!
tbb was blown away seeing this photo...the whole deal in one Frame between Vax Giants!
Anyone telling tbb different...please share what the secret is...Nothing more bugs the Prez than this!
That photo gallery speaks 1,000 words don't it now...ya can't hide pain & suffering...real as it gets!

June : Trains now run across Pacific > Atlantic > Indian Oceans (All just Humour him!)
Putin is losing the Iraq War ...God Save the Queen Man! (Right on Mr Prez!)
Biden calls Xi Jinping a Dictator
June : RSV Vax
28 June: Strong Flow CPAP =Full face tight Strapping reshapes the Prez' Face / chin
Headaches/Pain/Strugglin' to Sleep > Needs High Flow (Mix) to pump life into his flailing body!

Mandatory White House Intervention ...................................................................................................................................
25 Aug Prez proposes to request New Boosters & to Tentatively 'MANDATE Vax for ALL'.
5 Sept : Jill Biden [+] > (White House Physician {Memo] Da Prez Tested [-])
12th FDA approve New Booster Vax for kidz & everyone
21st UN stage > Biden snubs Brazil Prez handshake then knocks over their Flag!
23rd : [Live Jabbing of Prez is now Censored] Prez has had all latest & greatest annual Jabs (Trust Us!)
Govt refuses to purchase or distribute the New Vax > Now Mass Confusion over insurance coverage

Looks like the End for Biden & Vax...who is brave enough to plug another one in...No way!
14 Nov : Kamala is Now Prez? Just Humour Him...this is now a thing!

6 Jan 2024 Capital Riots now commemorated alongside 6 June D Day Invasion
5 Feb Dead French Prez for current....9 Feb Israel (vs).....(Press...Hamas?) Yes that's them.
Note this would hurt best friend Macron...although he knows how much Pain the Prez is in!
7 Feb Dead German Leader for current
8 Feb : Egyptian Prez of Mexico
April (Photos indicate Painful Headaches thru this Period to now...seemingly no relief anymore)
28 April : Biden reading from his [Teleprompter] "4 more Years ...PAUSE"...(Waiting for my Ai Prompt!)
11 May : Kim Jong-un now South Korean Prez.
14 May : My name is Joe Biden and I work for Kamala Harris (Joke is now wearin' thin...Huh!)
21 May : Demotes himself to Vice Prez during that Covid / Recession thingy!
24 May : Now 8x he calls Kamala President....give it up!
June : G7 US Prez Sniffs'n' Kisses his Italian PM Baby sitter as he salutes her! (First signs of recovery?)
15 June : Forehead Smooching with Pope!
27 June : Debate Debacle...reveals Prez Biden can't hold a live Audience without a Tele-Prompter.

Prior to Vax befuddled Biden had minor central forehead headaches...very few photos share concern.

From First Vax the Prez ignored Incubation Iso & confused closest Team Players and Roles
All hear & see The Prez can read well enough until this day...(This is not affected by Vax)
Possibly reads less & needs larger type...also would suffer headaches!
Months after Vax he gets cranky responding to live reactive Media..
He only stops to point & deliver ultimatums...very short sharp and swift.
Starts forgetting punch lines of old Jokes and distant irrelevant People / Lands
Gets Booster and suffers Headaches this repeats always after...(Gets cranky > Unvaxed gotta Die!)
Now can't recall own iconic National Sports / Heroes

Months become years he's losing track of time & Monetry Values / Countries now anywhere.
2nd Booster > More Headaches
Makes up new words and confuses his Role and other's roles...(Looks dazed & confused!)
Cancels weekly appointments with Vice Prez > Wrong century > Laughs off Monumental Tragedies
Gets infected & Pax rebounds a 2nd Infection > Now channels Dead people!

2023 After winter still in pain...calls Kamala Prez from now on...
Mixes up Neighbouring Nation & US town Names
Flys off to meet old mate Macron & seemingly shares his Vax Brain Foggy Pain...(Gets it off his chest!)
Returns home with News of Trains flying over all oceans + Calls Chinese boss a dictator.
Shoots up experimental RSV & Gets Strapped down tight as they pump air into him.
While White House apparently jab him again then try to hijack a new Vax Rollout

2024 Prez comes to in the New Year > Now confuses Worst day (vs) Hero Day
Lives in a past world of Dead Hodad Leaders or where leaders boss the wrong countries
Now acts like baby on a Big Day Out > Smooches other World Leaders.
Can't recall what a debate is & reads everything off Tele-Prompter...Pause...(Don't say that... Doh!)

tbb can only share that if Trump Wins Election....
Reckon Dems will wanna blame someone...least likely target is a sitting duck...
Will we see Dems bite the hand that feeds them to gain instant cred by suing Big Pharma for damages!
Be kiddin' yerselves thinkin' this ain't #1 Vax damage Class action Role model.
Yanks love this shit & would go there...All say Aye!
Someone but them is gonna pay...Expect a larger than life twist in the tail!

Ask! Who Signed the Vax Contracts...( Wasn't who set him up to fail! ) All know who!
Possibly tbb's biggest call...but that Timeline rings straight and true...crew wants a fairytale ending!
Think about it...(Trump locked them all in his compound then laced all the Kool Aid Vials with poison...True!)
Dems : What did Trump bake into the Warp Speed Vials that poisoned their innocent Big Pharma pure brew!
tbb knows what & it's not healthy & ya wouldn't serve that up to yer incoming Prez!
Dems turn the tables to have truck loads of fuel to instantly attack Killer Trump and bring him down!
All above board, ticks all boxes with no blame other than the Prez that oversaw the evil thawing compounds!
Perfect one but Trump goes down! Too easy! Not even an evil plan & Trump gets just deserts! Kaboom!
Not even Trump can be held account for Emergency Mass Thawed Kool Aid Genecide...No one goes to jail!

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 3:16pm
AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 5:00pm

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 5:10pm
AndyM wrote:

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

Because other news sources have proven themselves to be a reliable source of information Andy?

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 5:15pm

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:17pm
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

do you prefer ABC? lol

mattlock's picture
mattlock's picture
mattlock Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:22pm
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I feel that way about all commercial TV baseix. What a shitshow.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:44pm
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:51pm
burleigh wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

do you prefer ABC? lol

yeh, probably.. don't watch free to air, but do stick the radio on, there was a time I could listen to radio national all day long. but since the ABC shake up 10 years ago, and programs that make me shudder with disinterest, not sure I'd say I 'prefer' anything.
(ABSOLUTELY, @mattlock, I feel dirty after staying in hotels and binging the crap telly)
(not a slight @ashsam, it's a genuine thing.. I admire people's resilience to the rubbish on offer..)
(oops.. sorry, shouldn't be here, I forgot what thread it is, was just commenting generally on Sky..)

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:49pm
ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 6:54pm

NBN news 6:45-7pm
Local daily surf report
All ya need lol ;)

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 7:17pm
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 7:27pm
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

Was putting forward the chooks own words lol ;) guess you were a fan of the COVID lockdown premiers keeping us all safe ;)

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 7:30pm
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

Because other news sources have proven themselves to be a reliable source of information Andy?

Well yeah, Sky is a joke, little more than another version of A Current Affair or Jerry Springer, it's an insult.
And my point was about some nobody, know-nothing egotist stirring up the bozos in that typical tabloid way.
I'd actually be more than ok with an enquiry into that political shit-show but I'm very wary of being played by some tabloid tv talking head.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 7:37pm
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

Was putting forward the chooks own words lol ;) guess you were a fan of the COVID lockdown premiers keeping us all safe ;)

Nice logic, you're clearly a genius.
I can imagine you watching that Sky reporter and shouting at the screen "Yeah! Fuck yeah bro, truth bomb!!"
You'd have to be a certain kind of special to watch any of that shit.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 8:28pm
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

Because other news sources have proven themselves to be a reliable source of information Andy?

Well yeah, Sky is a joke, little more than another version of A Current Affair or Jerry Springer, it's an insult.
And my point was about some nobody, know-nothing egotist stirring up the bozos in that typical tabloid way.
I'd actually be more than ok with an enquiry into that political shit-show but I'm very wary of being played by some tabloid tv talking head.

you don't think your views are influenced. lol

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 9:41pm
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

Was putting forward the chooks own words lol ;) guess you were a fan of the COVID lockdown premiers keeping us all safe ;)

Nice logic, you're clearly a genius.
I can imagine you watching that Sky reporter and shouting at the screen "Yeah! Fuck yeah bro, truth bomb!!"
You'd have to be a certain kind of special to watch any of that shit.

Go get another jab in ya and calm down lol ;)

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 9:47pm
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

Was putting forward the chooks own words lol ;) guess you were a fan of the COVID lockdown premiers keeping us all safe ;)

Nice logic, you're clearly a genius.
I can imagine you watching that Sky reporter and shouting at the screen "Yeah! Fuck yeah bro, truth bomb!!"
You'd have to be a certain kind of special to watch any of that shit.

Go get another jab in ya and calm down lol ;)

Reckon you're the one foaming at the mouth.
"Farkin truf bomb ya farkin karnt!!"

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 9:52pm
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
AndyM wrote:
ashsam wrote:
basesix wrote:

faark.. I have so much respect for people who can watch Sky.. it's like being held hostage in an empty tin shed with hail pelting the roof.

I don’t watch sky or abc, saw the video in a news story.

And yet you put it forward as something worthwhile.
Says it all.

Was putting forward the chooks own words lol ;) guess you were a fan of the COVID lockdown premiers keeping us all safe ;)

Nice logic, you're clearly a genius.
I can imagine you watching that Sky reporter and shouting at the screen "Yeah! Fuck yeah bro, truth bomb!!"
You'd have to be a certain kind of special to watch any of that shit.

Go get another jab in ya and calm down lol ;)

Reckon you're the one foaming at the mouth.
"Farkin truf bomb ya farkin karnt!!"

Stick to the science dumbo lol ;)
Come in spinner

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024 at 9:59pm
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

Because other news sources have proven themselves to be a reliable source of information Andy?

Well yeah, Sky is a joke, little more than another version of A Current Affair or Jerry Springer, it's an insult.
And my point was about some nobody, know-nothing egotist stirring up the bozos in that typical tabloid way.
I'd actually be more than ok with an enquiry into that political shit-show but I'm very wary of being played by some tabloid tv talking head.

you don't think your views are influenced. lol

Burls I hate to say this but you haven't got the inside scoop on reality in this case.
You just don't.
By the way, have you heard whooping cough is on the up, 11,000 cases so far this year.
What's your advice, kids fend for themselves like you recommended with polio?
Nothing like watching a new born baby turn blue eh?
I heard a rumour that about one in 125 babies under the age of six months with whooping cough dies from pneumonia or brain damage but a bit of bone broth and manuka honey should sort that out.
That'll stick it to Big Pharma!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 12:47am

tbb can't wait for next Channel 9's [L] Red Union Health Crisis Alert.
We have an Inside Hot Tip for Next Monday's 20 minute Shocking Health Crisis Allegation...
A Man will be asked to wait 2hrs in the Emergency Bay for our Ambo Alex to refill the Coffee Machine.

[L] Paid News Reader >
"Can we get our [L] Prat Tim up here on his Bar Stool to break down this 20min anonymous allegation."

It's Not Good Enough...Our insider says the new Blend will likely taste even worse than the last!
Can't imagine how Patients will be made to live with the fear of the unknown taste sensation.

After the Break ..."Patient says his Frozen Sangas weren't Soggy enough!
[L] News Chick : Frowns... & motions It's another #*&@ disgrace! Where's my money! ...Next Up...
ACA will investigate if Qld Govt are planing to cut 3 Salt Shakes down to 2 over the not so hot Chips.
Our man on the spot says Hospital Salt Shakers will likely clog up on next Tuesday @ Midday...(Cough!)
Our Whistleblower is not to blame for that, but will fight for your right to fear the ALP Crisis live on 9.

Channel 9 [L] Red Union promise to ramp a full 20 mins Cafeteria Crisis every night 'till the election.
We also promise not to hassle Davy over any Heavy why he fully supports ALP Policy!

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 10:33am
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hahaha, Sky News sock puppet calls for Royal Commission.
Stop the presses, hold the front page.

Because other news sources have proven themselves to be a reliable source of information Andy?

Well yeah, Sky is a joke, little more than another version of A Current Affair or Jerry Springer, it's an insult.
And my point was about some nobody, know-nothing egotist stirring up the bozos in that typical tabloid way.
I'd actually be more than ok with an enquiry into that political shit-show but I'm very wary of being played by some tabloid tv talking head.

you don't think your views are influenced. lol

I heard a rumour that about one in 125 babies under the age of six months with whooping cough dies from pneumonia or brain damage!

oh dear. too bad you cant delete your comments.

this is up there with roadkills cafe scenario.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 11:07am

That's according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's national agency for information and statistics on Australia's health and welfare.

You got anything credible to offer?

Or just bone broth and manuka honey?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 11:39am

..... bone broth booster ;)


burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 12:45pm
AndyM wrote:

That's according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's national agency for information and statistics on Australia's health and welfare.

You got anything credible to offer?

Or just bone broth and manuka honey?

So it’s gone from a rumour to Australian institute of health and welfare. Hahahaha which one is it AndyM? You’re drowning in your own verbal diarrhoea again.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 4 Jul 2024 at 1:06pm

