Australian churches, Victoria, Qld, ACT, New Zealand offer sanctuary to asylum seekers

indo-dreaming wrote:Does anyone know all the reasons they are in Oz for?
As for sanctuary or whatever by a church what a load of crap, no one is above the law, religion in this day and age doesn't exempt you from the law.
the TAX FREE churches can pay for their existence, to live in Oz the Government and the taxpayer does not need to fund their continually existence. THE CHURCHES WILL BECAUSE THEY CARE SO MUCH.
BRING EM IN FUNDED BY THE CHURCH TILL THEIR LAST DYING BREATH, GIVE EM A VATICAN PASSPORT RATHER THAN AN AUSTRALIAN TAXPAYER funded passport. You have to pretend to ignore the molestation of kids for 30 yrs to get a Vatican passport, Refugees would not be worthy.
Tax religion or make them use their tax free money to fund what they Spruik rather than using the money for Profit to be funnelled elsewhere
The Most profitable Organizations in the world are religions shame they are not listed on a stock exchange

Sheepdog wrote:rule303 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Does anyone know all the reasons they are in Oz for?
As for sanctuary or whatever by a church what a load of crap, no one is above the law, religion in this day and age doesn't exempt you from the law.the TAX FREE churches can pay for their existence, to live in Oz the Government and the taxpayer does not need to fund their continually existence. THE CHURCHES WILL BECAUSE THEY CARE SO MUCH.
BRING EM IN FUNDED BY THE CHURCH TILL THEIR LAST DYING BREATH, GIVE EM A VATICAN PASSPORT RATHER THAN AN AUSTRALIAN TAXPAYER funded passport. You have to pretend to ignore the molestation of kids for 30 yrs to get a Vatican passport, Refugees would not be worthy.Tax religion or make them use their tax free money to fund what they Spruik rather than using the money for Profit to be funnelled elsewhere
The Most profitable Organizations in the world are religions shame they are not listed on a stock exchangeGreat soap box you got there, 303.... From your lofty heights, can you tell us how many bombing raids Australia has done over Syria? And how many human shields have died in the process? Ohh that's right... We dont talk about "operational matters", do we..... When we stop dropping bombs among women and children, you can then rightly say "fuck off" to those coming here....
On your religion spit, I agree.... They should pay tax.... But so should multi nationals.... However, whilst the deeply christian right wing fruit bats control the government, I can't see churches paying tax any time soon....
Write your church/tax concerns down and email them to Cory Bernardi, Or Eric Abetz, or Tony Abbott, or George Christensen, or Kevin Andrews, or any other war mongering christian nutcase in the Liberal party.... I'm sure they'll write back to you....
FIRST OFF TWAT :, can you tell us how many bombing raids Australia has done over Syria? And how many human shields have died in the process?" PLEASE EXPLAIN THE HUMAN SHIELDS AND HOW MANY DIED????????????? Since you posted it
Its quite offensive to link or liken peoples posts to cory bernardi i find it more offensive than the vegetarian Hitler So if you have something to say Provide something. Besides VOTE GREEN, join the nutcase repeat our quotes ...repeat believe

Sheepdog wrote:
WOW you are deluded , Head to your local library and have a read about the black shirts . Deluded connection. AHH the anglicans how much money do they take from the Australian taxpayer ????? SHEDOG How much money does the Anglican Church receive from The Australian government Annually ???? Enough to house refugees from the profits after paying corporate wages.
Shedog dont try and defend the indefensible

Yes but i still have issues as i was an ugly kid and the priests never wanted to molest me

Not sure if i really want to dig up this thread, i do get a bit passionate about this issue.
But i got pointed to this story today, for me it was a real eye opener, i think no matter your view its a good watch.
Yes yes it's current affair but they do seem to take a very neutral view and what they film is what it is, there is no TV sets here and what the refugees etc say is straight from there mouths, not second hand information, he or she said this.

a couple of hundred years ago when Australia was invaded , and used as a penal colony , our fore fathers were convicted criminals . Now we have the descendants of these criminals , creating a penal colony for refugees on another island , now there's irony for you!

I note the irony that many of the most vocal critics of anything to do with accepting refugees into this country are those that are either migrants themselves, the 1st generation children of migrants or have married migrants. Certainly evident in contributions to these forum topics and in my circle of family (by marriage) and friends. Its interesting when you dig below the surface of their reasons and it seems to either come down to people needing to wait in non-existent lines and therefore playing by non-existent rules or some unfounded fear of muslims where the actions of a few means the many are tarred with the same brush.

ha ha...the irony..yes the irony.
"where the actions of a few means the many are tarred with the same brush."
How do you know? that "many of the most vocal critics of anything to do with accepting refugees into this country are those that are either migrants themselves, the 1st generation children of migrants or have married migrants."
Seems to me you just tarred a whole heap of people with the same brush.
Im married to an immigrant and am a child of immigrants and i don't have a problem at all with Australia accepting refugees no matter race or religion, and I'm quite vocal as you know about wanting a fair system that gives all asylum seekers a chance, not just the ones that can afford to arrive by plane or can afford to travel and pay people smugglers and i sure don't fear muslims many of my good friends are muslims..
BTW. there is a different between a "Migrant" and an "immigrant"
Migrant = is someone who moves within a country from one area to another, for example if i migrate from Vic to QLD I'm a migrant.
Immigrant= is someone who immigrates from one country to another, for example my wife imigrated from Indonesia to Australia so is a Immigrant.

Well fancy, never in a 100 years would I have figured that ... Sunderland Bay must be that hidden little cosmopolitan / multi-cultural gem of the Victorian SE.

refugees are 'refugees' not because they are fleeing their country, or because they wish to choose to flee to a particular country, but rather because they are fleeing persecution. our offshore refugee camps are providing refugees protection from persecution in the simplistic sense. that is what australia is required to do first and foremost. it is irrelevant that a refugee ends up in a backwater in PNG where they dont wish to reside. this is not about peoples 'wishes'. our responsibility is to protect refugees from damage and protect their health until their country is in a state for their return. we are selfish in that sense, because we dont wish to share our prosperity but thats actually a separate conversation that cuts across the philosophy of many wealthy western civilisations.

Just so you know.
Sending asylum seekers to a third word country with a govt and police force so corrupt its not even slightly funny is not protecting them from further persecution. Your fuckin tripping.
Sending them to a country where the health and education system is completely fucked is not protecting them. Holding them indefinitely on an island where most locals despise refugees and treat them and their children so badly it hurts my brain thinking about it.
Wake up Australia your govt is committing crimes against humanity.
Nauru is so fucked on so many levels.
Yeah good job sending little children to an island littered with UXO's and asbestos debris galore.
Don't get me sarted. I've been immersed neck deep in their misery and know first hand how completely fucked Dutton and your govts policies are. They are complete fuckwits who should rot in hell cor what they are doing.

Very well put HappyasS, you summed it up in one paragraph.
But you could open a can of worms here with this line
"our responsibility is to protect refugees from damage and protect their health"

inzider, im making no claims about the refugees treatment on nauru or manus. if the accounts are correct then the treatment is not up to stratch failing on account of the reported voilence. as for quality education well thats debatable as to extent of australias obligation. its my opinion that the detention centres should have been run by the AUS government and not some commercial entity. that much i know should never have existed. that being said, all we see is snippets of information and the headlines and are provided little to no real information. our government is clearly outrageous to block this information, it is totally wrong. the nauru files are an insight but look how people react at that, ignore the detail and just focus on the headline '2000'. as if '2000' means something in itself. have a random click of entries in the files and see what turns up yourself. i did so. im not making argument in favour one way or the other but what i get pissed off about are the human rights fundamentalists who say that Australia has a duty to home (on australian soil) whoever arrives here. its too simplistic for me in a world where nothing is simple.
indo, it is a can of worms man. thats the point.

Spend 6 months on Nauru working amoungst it all.

any details inz?

Where do you start. Pretty fucked up island.
Not hard to see why long term refugees are topping themselves
Feel free to ask questions.

Okay so in general what is the standard of living like in Nauru for an average Nauru person?
Watching that video of ACA i was very surprised at the high standard of accommodation provided for refugees, modern clean self contained buildings, complete with mod cons like microwave and big flat screen TV, modern kitchen, western toilet and even Air Conditioning, plus facilities like a Gym and modern kids playground, and meals complete with fresh vegetables and variety of meat dishes, from the conversation it seemed many of the refugees either owned or had access to motorbikes.
I only have Indonesia to compare this too but if you had these things in Indonesia, you are doing quite well especially in a small island community.
Would it be unusual for a average Nauru local to have this kind of standard of living?
Maybe I'm wrong and the standard of living in Nauru on average is much higher than id imagined, but would have imagined most locals there would live very basic life's perhaps a basic small house wooden or brick with perhaps a TV if they are lucky, refrigeration if they are lucky, squat toilet, maybe not running water, and only the very well off would have A/C, id imagine the diet of most would be very basic staples such as rice or root vegetables with some fish if they are lucky to catch a feed that day or had some cash to spare, lamb or beef would be almost unheard of and even chicken or pork would be only eaten on special occasions.
A gym would be unheard of and something only seen before on TV, most likely no pubic playground facilities for children and if there is they would be old and broken.
I would have imagined in general the incomes would be fairly low withe no real disposal income for things other than the essentials, most would not be as well clothed and presented as the refugees in the video, who looked like they all had new threads, sunglasses, jewellery and looked extremely healthy.
But thats only my perception, id be interested to hear the reality of how the local people live and the standard of life.

yes it's ACA but a picture telks a thousand words, and that thousand words totally discredits the refugee advocacy groups, even their own pictures, like the the ones that show signs and sad faces behind cyclone fences. and then we see the wider angle shot with an open gate. fucking laughable, these groups have set the cause back so fucking far it'll take decades before they win support from majority Australia.
yeh it's a miserable place to be, but as el presidento said, three years on narau versus a generation of time in an african camp. no comparison!!!!
as indo says the average narau person isn't that well looked after. and no doubt the feeds into the ill feeling between inhabitants
as to no opportunities for your kids and bullies at school, well....middle class dilemmas, and first world problems
and for anyone that's waited over a year in Australia to see a specialist (me) it seems they're getting very similar treatment to what we get. also waiting lists are so long here in oz I've paid for my own operation, welcome to oz!
yep, shouldn't use third world countries as holding pens, and yep private enterprises doing the dirty work is all fucked up but advocacy groups have just lost all credibility
one could disect that whole video but it would get us nowhere

one thing to point out sypkan is that the refugees did all live in tents prior to the accomodations being built. so the ACA picture is distorted and unfair. but if those problems that the UNHCR uncovered are now largely sorted out (e.g.leaking tents, heat, flooding) then what the heck is wrong the nauru? i just dont get it. yes its a backwater but that is besides the point. a backwater is 10 times better than living in a big city waiting for that rogue missile to be launched into your bedroom window. so how unsafe is it really? you read the nauru files and see for yourself. the picture of why nauru is unsafe is not clear to me. someone needs to explain it to me more clearly.

yeh I can appreciate that happyas but an aircon tent is still better than an African tent. I've said it before but my friend waited 7 years, 7 fucking years!!! before he was given corrugated iron to make a humpy
as to the 2000 'incident reports' any institution in oz would have a similar number, that's just how we do business now, incident report no matter how minor the risk, 2000 sounds impressive though, the guardian seems to be scratching to find significant ones
the whole things a joke, the fact is the world has changed dramatically, equality is huge!!! and well to do asylum seekers are pissed when they blow their life's savings on a dream that doesn't exist anymore
this article makes some good points

the perfect example is that serial rapist murdering PNG we just awarded 300k to. the international laws mean we are obliged to keep him here in Australia, he's 'so called' persecuted and yet murders people himself. so how does that work again? no wonder the govt is shit scared of letting anyone, even good people, come here. even when the wars over, there is no legal way to persuade people to return home. the law is fucking void of common sense.

I have a mate who knows a mate's mate and his uncle says ....... blah blah

OK, so the refugees and their accomodation you saw on the tv are not asylum seekers.
The asylum seekers are the ones living in tents, which is pretty grim for sure. Been there, seen it.
Once processed and declared "refugee" they get to live in accomadation in the naruan community.
The standard of this housing varies greatly. They are basically glorified dongas you would have in mining camps. Some are converted containers that are rusting away quickly as too will the new dongas you saw on telly because the construction materials cant cope with the environment very long.
The average Naruan dwelling resemble a shanty shack by our high stds. the average naruan yard looks like a tip. A lot of them live like tip rats, where as the refugees quite often look after their dongas with pride, planting gardens trees , trying to grow food etc. The average naruan is a fat overweight obese diabetic who cant be fucked even throwing a fishing line into the sea for a feed. Their life expectancy is mid forties i think.
Many of the refugees want to work but have limited options as most employment is given to locals who on the most part have the work ethic of a sloth.
OZ govt gives refugees a couple hundy a week to survive which dosnt go far when you go to the local shop and see how expensive fresh food is. Hence them trying to grow stuff.

As i expected.
And you wonder why there is negative attitudes between locals and refugees.
Imagine being a local in this situation, you have all these people come in to your community who are supposably seeking refugee from war torn country, then live a much higher standard of life than you, while you struggle to put a meal on the table or get services such as adequate health care.
Obviously it would create jealously and resentment, add insult to injury, the same people who are getting much more than you have and have it all provided totally free including a spending wage, instead of being grateful and happy to be a million miles away from a war torn country then whinge and whine how hard done by they are and try to make you and your country who have provided these people a temporary home out to terrible people and say your home is a hell hole.

BTW. This ACA report was not the first of it's kind, i believe the only journalist allowed in before them also came out with a similar report.
"Nauru has become a vortex of political and personal agendas conspiring to mask the truth.
Even simple facts and obvious realities can be difficult to discern or expose. Happiness is disguised, secrets are kept, identities are hidden, allegations are made and politics are played.
And if the reality of Nauru is difficult to discern from the island itself, the misconceptions and distortions from Australia are extreme.
The Nauruan government, dismayed by inaccurate and tendentious reporting, has kept overseas journalists out for years. Maligned with labels such as “prison island” “guano heap” or “rape culture”, Nauru’s defensiveness might be understandable. But secrecy only makes the situation worse."

I seriously question the comments on these forums about so-called mates e.g. "my Aboriginal mates" or "my muslim mates". These "mates" comments are used in an attempt to disprove arguments like affirmative action to counter Aboriginal disadvantage or to justify our horrific treatment of refugees in so-called off-shore detention centres.
Do these mates exist? I very much doubt it. Is it a legitimate form of argument to present an example of some spurious third party's views (i.e. one view or incident) to disprove what is the consensus view broadly held view in the community? Most certainly not.
You also see this approach very commonly used in the climate change debate. 97% of the world's climate change scientists say its man made but you get some yokel claiming based on his/her experience (one person / incident) is all bullshit. Right, one example disproves the lot.
Stop the pretence here, many of you here have alternative thinly veiled motives like Barber and his dislike of the HRC, Triggs and 18c. From reading many recent comments and remembering back to the Adam Goodes topic I suspect many of you have darker agendas.

The reason naruans live in poverty is because they have fucked themselves over for decades. From what was a country that had the highest wealth to the one of the lowest lends to the question how did this happen. Corrrupt govt, corporations etc. The Naruan ruling class has wasted and embezzled squillions over the decades.
Remember that the OZ govt gives the Naru govt a thousand or so per head of refugee per month to cage them there, thats close to a million a month, that gets spent where?????????? . The naruans fuck each other over left right and centre. It is there on fault they are in poverty and no one else.
Sure aint the refugees who have made the island better by opening their own restaurants etc.

I can assure you my 'mate' exists floyd, he's a workmate, seven years to get some pieces of tin, and twelve years to get to oz. he's one of the lucky ones, because there's a heap of crew and family he left behind.
seriously floyd have you ever been to remote parts of Indonesia? and seen real poverty and hardship. Indonesians are relatively lucky, there's always water and food around somewhere, but parts of Africa are a different story. the work I am associated with most Australians are not interested in for many reasons, so I am surrounded by Africans, as well as indians, sri lankans, Bangladeshi, chinese, korean. some are hardcore refugees, some are dubious plane refugees, some are on student visas, and many are self funded legit immigrants. there are many many views on refugees anongst these people, but I can assure you, the ones that have done time in the camps have a very suspicious attitude to many of the people in our camps and what we hear about them they dont share their own experiences and their own opinions readily, and they only open up to me when they realise I'm not one of the redneck ozzies you so despise
the morons advocating the misinformation about narau etc. should go where the real action is if they want to make a difference. but their only interest in such places isi in an Angelina joli lightening 2 day tour. too hardcore for the little princesses, too hardcore for this little princess too, it's easy to be a do gooder when there's Australian wages and conditions on offer

Floyd the story I told was completely true but you still seem to have missed the point.
The point was not "oh we give the black guys too much money", the point was if you're comfortably middle class isn't the money better off spent somewhere else i.e. the Indigenous who are (still) dealing with poverty which has little equal in the modern world.
At the same time, it's extremely important to encourage Indigenous people to engage in further education but the anecdote was a conversation starter.
Unfortunately some topics are totally off-limits to some people, which I see as very unhealthy.
Can't you see the trend here Floyd?
To a growing extent, if you critique a woman in any way you're sexist, if you question Indigenous policy you're a racist bogan and so on.
It's long-overdue that Indigenous issues are finally gaining traction in the wider community but you can't just throw a big set of restraints on the parameters of discussion and crucify anyone who steps outside them, especially when the discussion is in good faith.

By the way Indo and Happy, if you've got a few thousand psychologists, doctors and lawyers condemning Manus and Nauru, and you've got detainees there killing themselves in the most horrible ways, I think it's fair to say there's something desperately wrong with the places.
Indefinite detention of children?
You must be kidding.

AndyM, lets hear from the Aboriginal community then rather than the wide community speaking about and for them .... sort of like whats happened for the last 200+ years with absolutely no success. That would be a good start ...... speak and more importantly listen to what the Aboriginal communities say they need/want.
Its not good enough that any knucklehead with an opinion based on what a mate's mate's mate said passes for constructive or, dare I say it, informed comment. As Blindboy and The Turks have said try to see this issue through the Aboriginal experience of 200 plus years of repression, genocide and lies.

Andy There is no children refugees at Manus PNG, those children at Nauru either live in the community or at the centre and as we know those refugees at the centre are living in conditions much better than hundreds of millions in this world do and seems better than most locals.
As for psychologists, doctors and lawyers I'm sure like anyone else all have different views.

I fucked around with spinning "useful idiots", now maybe the "chattering classes"? Let's call 'em the "conversation starters".
Like Bill Leak! Yes! After the horrors of Don Dale, Leak's first response was a real "conversation starter". All put out there in the best possible "faith". Naturally. Just ask him.
When I first saw the 4 Corners footage, for example a young kid being thrown down on the ground and stripped naked with a big bloke kneeling on him, well, I can see how Leak's cartoon idea sprang instantly to mind. Never mind the solitary confinement lock-down periods numbering in the WEEKS! And the tear-gas! And the hoods and straps for HOURS. Forget that shit. Yep, Leak's fearless and audacious cartoon really nailed it for me.
Got me thinking about funding and skin-colour too. Leaners and lifters. Hang on, I think that was Hockeynomics. Sorry.
Anyway, first and foremost, and of utmost importance, the Leak-ist "conversation starters", in the best possible faith, are the audacious, fearless, and dissident topics we, as chattering Leak-ist "conversation starters", should really be focussed on. Anything else is unhealthy and counterproductive and "groupthinky".
Can't you see the slippery slope, people?

Andy. im not supporting the conditions in the camps one way or the other. i was specifically talking about Nauru as a home in which refugees could settle temporarily until they can return home, and specifically i wanted to know whether or not the island itself is really a bad place or not. refugee settlement needs to be temporary. the long term goal has to be about helping to make their country safe again and getting them home when ready. so why is nauru so bad? im still waiting for that answer as to how nauru isnt a place that provides relief from persecution they fled.
so too id like to understand why people are topping themselves. inzider says nauru is a hell hole but when questioned talks about fat lazy islanders having low life span due to being type 2 diabetics. thats simply not enough for me. so for me the fact that people are self harming is more than just conditions on the island. there is other psychological factors going on and id like to know what it is.

I will explain in depth why these people are losing the plot on Nauru when I get enough time to respond adequately.

Nobody draws a hysterical long bow like The Turk!

THAT sounds a tad hysterical, AndyM. And then there was that:
"Unfortunately some topics are totally off-limits to some people, which I see as very unhealthy.
Can't you see the trend here Floyd?
To a growing extent, if you critique a woman in any way you're sexist, if you question Indigenous policy you're a racist bogan and so on."
Floyd! Floyd! REPENT!

Actually, Mad Turkey, though it's a bit too much on the cynical/satirical side, I must concur with the gist of your previous post. Leak was an embarrassment. And his 'justification' article was worse. No, make that his claiming that the response from indigenous Australians showing proud pics of their fathers was part of his doing, in a positive way, and all part of his master plan from the get-go! Crikey, that bump on the head years back is coming home to roost?!

"Migrate usually indicates a permanent change of settlement when referring to people and implies historical demographic shifts of great magnitude"

Ok so the reason a number of Nauru refugees have kiiled themselves and umpteen others have tried is pretty obvious. They are being held as political slaves with no future to look forward to.
They live on a tiny Island surrounded by people who resent them. They have children who are showing many signs of mental illness. All they want is to be recognised as refugees and resettled somewhere else. The fact of the matter is the Australian govt wont let them leave to go anywhere but Cambodia,
They have been offered resettlement in NZ and Canada etc but cannot leave. Imagine being in their shoes knowing countries want you but between the OZ govt And the super corrupt NAuru Govt you cant leave.
The Nauru Govt are fuckin twisted sick fuckers who gave a beacon of hope to refugees by issuing them travel documents for a charge of $160 per head( they looked like passports but when several refugeees tried to travel to fiji they got laughed all the way back to their dongas.
Imagine being a refugee who is the victim of a crime and the cops are invloved in the crime ,
Imagine living in a country who graduates convicted rapists as police oficers.
Imagine needing health care and being told to get to the back of the line because you a re a refugee .
The list goes on and on why these people are keen to end their lives.
Nauru is so fucked its not funny.
You ask why they look like they are well dressed etc on t.v, well they take pride in themselves and the ones that are lucky enough to work save their coin not spend it all on $100 slabs off piss. like the locals.
As tax payers you should be livid. about 800 refugee and asylum seekers on Nauru at a cost of approx 1 billion a year to run the detention centres alone. Thats also not counting the kickbacks the Nauru govt are getting which I understand is 1k a month per head. not counting the shit hospital that cost 27 million that is already fucked, the camp where expat workers live that needs millions spent on it even though its only 3 years old. The billions you are pouring into Nauru is just a jioke.
A million or so a year per rufugee, hmmmmm. Some have been there in limbo for 3 years.
OZ taxpayers you are fools, your govt is a fuckin joke. Let these poor tortured souls out of their prison island and get on with their lives. Cunts

@Sheepdog Actually despite the huge number seemingly reliable sources who do not agree, i think you may be technically correct...migratory birds sure don't take notice of borders.
The use of the migrant for refugees in detention is still not the correct term though, because the vast majority don't want to go home even if conditions change, if they did they would take up a resettlement option offered and get on with life and make the most of things until its safe to go home.
Sorry Insider, but your post sound extremely bias and even bordering on down right racist towards Nauruan people.
So why did you go to Nauru?

I would agree with 95% of your post inzider. it really is a disgrace and a tragic fuckup for all involved, but little is going to change in the near future because as you say
"They are being held as political slaves with no future to look forward to."
my little insider said exactly this as well. his conservative estimate was that 50% of the detainees were economic migrants, and the government knows this but does not care as they can be used for political gain. unfortunately the others have been caught up in this little game.
I can't see anything changing soon because the advocates totally over played their hand and ACA caught them out, how much so is debateable, but it doesn't really matter because ACA showed the aussie public what they wanted to see
no matter how much david marr et al like to think and tell the aussie public sentiment is changing nothing will change until the LWNJs come back to earth with some reasonable ideas and propositions. scream racism and xenophobia all you want no one (besides their buddies) is listening anymore. if you can't get exactly what you want it's time to think outside the box and propose something...anything else. until this happens the RWNJs will win the battle for public support. it's a bitch of a game but as penny wong said the other day, in democracy you need 51% support, until you have that you have nothing. sure scream, cry, pack up your toys and go home, but that doesn't win people over.
time for some realistic ideas and solutions from both sides of politics, and most importantly, a littleccooperation because stalemates are just soo....stale

Up to half the refugees on nauru are Iranian. If the political situation in Iran changed, the ones I knew well would go back tomorow.
I'm not rascist either you dumb honky nigger.
However I do have a degree in anthropology so evaluating culture is one of my specialties.
The Naruans are a very different human. After being there for 6 months I reckon My observations are not rascist cobber, they are realist.
I was working on construction projects .95 Percent of the tradies were kiwis. Earning NZ dollars working for OZ company Canstruct under oz workplace law (bollocks).
Oz readies would not put up with conditions.
Economic migrants us kiwis