Best Surf Movie List Ever

Blowin wrote:Here’s a cracker to put away for a viewing over a couple of beers on your weekend. Wipeout at 5:35 is crazy. Some epic pits.
That's a favourite, Blowin. I watch that every month or so to remind myself how pitiful my surfing is. Unreal.

Where and how to watch Lobotomy?

Island Bay wrote:Where and how to watch Lobotomy?
Volcom live-streamed it for free last week. For the time being its only available via stab premium I think. could have a free release in a month or so

Well... a spot has recently been vacated on my top vids shelf and thank you to blowin and udo a PERFECT replacement has been found.
1: Doped Youth
2: Lobotomy
3: Fair bits
4: Lost and running
5: Riding Giants
6: Laird

7: Surfs Up
8: Chasing Mavericks
9: Sharks Tale
10: Finding Nemo.

10.......A stoned surfie dude green turtle, doesn't make "Finding Nemo" a surf movie...
9. Nor does a fish who speaks like Will Smith....
Time to replace em mate....
Morning of the Earth...
Green Iguana

dOPED Youth is kinda good.scored it from cashies for about 40cents.
crime converters had a deal,10dvd's=$4!
dunno bout it being nmbr1?
not compared to the greatest true story ever told...Slaters special guest star appearance on bay witch,
and lets not forget Duh North shore!
but me new favourite is Psycho beach party,check it out.
does anyone remember Sigmund the Sea monster?

There are people out there who blame swellnet for increasing numbers in the surf. The nerve of em..

2: Espinas Grandes.
I stand by my bottom half list. Flat day fun.

Island Bay

Grazie mille!

My top three are:
Endless summer 2
Five summer stories
View from a blue moon - John John Florence film.
These guys put "Innermost limits of pure fun" as their no.2. Not sure I agree with that.

Searching for Tom Curren
Wanderjahr - margo movie
Surfers of Fortune
Bunyip Dreaming
GLand 97 Pro
My Eyes Wont Dry
Lost Track North Africa part 2

Rubber soul (Rip curl): use to love this had the best soundtrack, Celibate Rifles, Exploding white mice, Ed Keupper etc it was more just the vibe that was a big influence on me (Savage cuts 2 was similar) Oh and then there was off course searching for Tom Curren the J-Bay footage and Bawa footage. (i think it was that movie)
Filthy habits (Billabong): Again amazing soundtrack T.S.OL. Social distortion, the Johnnys etc, great surfing the Occy footage is legendary (Surf into summer also good)
Chris Bystrom movies (Blazing boards, Beyond blazing boards, Freeze frame, son of the last surf movie etc) almost docco style and great insight into east coast OZ surfing, especially the Kirra & burleigh footage.
Wave warriors 3 & 4: very USA vibe but the surfing from Christian fletcher was way ahead of anyone at the time.
Indo express: surfing not so great, soundtrack not so great, but great insight into the east side of Indo, still a few waves on it that rarely get shown anywhere else..
Sarges scrap book series: Again awesome soundtrack, raw footage almost reality TV like, great documentation of what pro surfing was in the 90s
Kelly Slater in Black & White= Level of surfing blew us away when it came, surfing was just so far ahead of anything else. (then latter In Color)
Jack McCoy movies(Bunyip dreaming, Green iguana)= Brought a more quality filmmaker quality to things, again Occys sections were always the highlight.
Taylor Steele (movies) not a huge fan of the soundtracks IMHO the whole so cal punk thing hasn't aged well, and the waves weren't real great a lot of the time ad the vids had little soul, but the level of surfing was very high.
The Hole: Pretty much exposed the world to the Mentawais
September sessions: Great movie featuring the Mentawais with a mellow soundtrack
Young guns 2: Again all about the Mentawai's first footage of Green bush and maybe even Rifles
After that it's all such a blur too many to name, lot of good ones that just came with mags etc

Good summation of vids there Indo.

zenagain wrote:Good summation of vids there Indo.
Thanks Zen, I actually thought it was a new thread then after posting realised its an old thread, id even commented in, but luckily i hadn't already done a list.

Castles in the Sky, Rastas' surfing in Lakshadweep is sublime and an awesome soundtrack

I’ve always loved this little section. The pace and cadence of the music, the vibe and the insane technical ability and style of one of the greats. Epic. The off best suits his surfing.

Yes, that was good.

50 seconds of perfection

Tahiti one is interesting just for the fact you rarely see any other waves from there, looks like a fun little set up.
Gee's boards from that era looks long though.

yeah Blowin Ethan channeling AI .............good clip !

That Ethan clip was great. Some solid ones in there - that tube at the end was meaty

Look, I realise that this clip is only so important to me because it was on such heavy rotation during some pretty pivotal formative years - think I was 12 or so at the time - but this still has a hold over me. Crazy to think how much this resonated. I still think it’s one of the best songs ever as a result. Even the droning monotone Turpel-esque delivery by Bryson is evocative.
Back then I’d have crawled through a shit filled sewer pipe to see some Occy and Pottz footage. The moment of Occy doing a high line speed run to cutback at 1:10 was rewound dozens and dozens of times. That thing owned me. I’d think about it all the time. I’m not sure what I thought was so radical about it now but back then it seemed to be the pinnacle of ripping.
Geez… was simple as a preteen pinner dreaming of surfing like your heroes. I’m sure there was some kind of anxiety in my world then though I sure can’t remember it. I do recall being so tired at the end of each day’s surfing that I could barely function. Who knew a twisty sandwich didn’t provide enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients to last a full day of grom slashing and assorted pinner hi jinx?

I really like the Kirra footage from Blazing boards but cant find it online.
This was my favourite part of the movie, its not as good as i remember but still he surfing was ahead of everyone at that time early 80s and still on single fins, just loved the creativity of his surfing, especially the V land surfing from about 40 seconds in

From another Bryson movie this was another fav section, he doesn't make much, but just the pushing it as far as he could was inspirational, doesn't seem like much now but Christian Fletcher and Archy blew me away as a grommet and paved the way for modern day surfing.

Not Bryson, it's Bystrom.
Jeez, you get Joe Turpel's name right and Chris Bystrom's name wrong. Where's the justice?

You’re right dammit.
I’ve just reread an old Bill Bryson and committed the gravest sin against the Bystrom legend. Almost typed Bryson again just then.
There was something soothing about Bystrom’s Seppo drawl where Turpel’s is grating. His narration and editing style lived up to the Cali Cruiser trope. Not sure if he was even from California?
Loved his movies - The filming, editing, narration and particularly the music.
I know this has been posted 100 times but fuck….this song and Occy’s air in 1985!!!!!!

I remember meeting a fella at G Land once and found out his name was Sloth. After Bystrom’s flicks, meeting Sloth at G Land was like meeting Neil Armstrong on the Moon. If I recall correctly he even invited myself and the missus to come visit him in Queensland if we were ever there. Pretty sure he was a builder? Maybe totally misremembering that part.

Blowin i met a guy in 98 who goes by the name of Matt who was dropping in on everybody at scars and supersuck on the shoulder. was on the same boat as me (Purnama Indah) he heard us all bitching about his drop ins and then said in a deep san diego accent " have you guys seen blazing boards? im in that movie, paddling out in the cave at ulus, you guys should check it out! "
We all cacked up laughing at his expense. could be the same guy unless the guy you're talking about could surf. I met him again in 2008 in Krui, well ujung bocur/biha and he didnt paddle out once. he said the waves were crappy compared to telescopes and he went back there....if you're keen traveller and can handle a bit of bike riding there are tonnes of waves in south sumatra that are better than telescopes which in my opinion is a way over rated wave and fickle.Krui left breaks as often as telescopes and doesn't need to be six foot plus to barrel. My secret spots in krui area break almost every morning and can barrel for 6-8 seconds on the right one notices one of them because most waves close out, just watch the indicators and you can tell which direction the set is coming from and go it and knife into a very memorable pit. Matt was a kook though so he couldn't knife to save his life.

Sorry for the indulgence, in the 70s I can recall filmakers like Hoole/ McCoy and Harry Hodge touring movies like bands travelling the coast along the seaboard. It was sort of an event to go to the Pix theatre in Geelong or a Townhall to see a flick at Torquay on a Sunday night. Hot Lips and Innertubes , Crystal Voyager(highly recommend) (George Greenough)and later Tubular Swells etc. It was a sort of a meeting of the tribes( no disrespect intended ) ie the Bellarine and the Surfcoast. Hopefully the filmakers made some cabbage out of it.You sort of had to look at the dates and wait.I guess it was a time when you would wait for Tracks or Surfing World to read a heat by heat and find out who won a contest….ok boomer!

Castles in the sky on youtube...get in quick before its deleted.

All bow before the King

Blowin wrote:All bow before the King
Hard to argue with you there Blowin, the drops he makes at the beginning and end are just astounding.

Retro Surf Brand Culture Series set in 1971 ~ Barons
Premieres Sunday 24th April 8:30 (ABC) Just started running ads now!
Unsure if 1971 Surfing has been filmed with modern Pro Go Pro film technique.
Reckon early 70's surfboard fans might get a bonus default insight into retro board lines.
This appears to be firstly a Cultural Surf Series...secondly a Soapie... ( Big on Surf Photography )
Check out the promos...instantly feel the surf Culture vibe & it looks & feels very natural.
Either shapin' up as a serious Oz Surf Series that will deliver.

Easter Holidays ~ Micro Gromz swellnet Surfari Matinee
Wonder Gang & The Wave Question
Droners ~ Comeback Kid (Cameo by Huey)
Kangaroo Beach ~ Sandy's Surf School (Guest appearance by Motorised Surfboard)
Octonauts ~ The Sea Skaters & (Starring The Freak Wave)
Bluey ~ The Beach (Features Tandem Skateboard & Twinnie & Shories)
Go Jetters ~ Waterspout Wipeout (Look Gromz! It's the Rainbow Unicorn Foil Boarder)

I know there’s a dedicated Maalaea thread but this is the best POV surf clip I’ve ever seen. So it’s going here as well. Not sure why but it’s even better than Deserts or Skeleton vids.

Awesome clip but the drop ins! only a couple that i saw but kooks...Also i would have thought taking off in waves like that would have rooster tail offshore wind spray blowing in your face taking off trying to lean into it and drop in, but that clip things seem pretty clear. Excellent vid. 9/10

Over 25 years old now but still one of my favourites. Great camera work, epic soundtrack and documenting a good period of surfing when the tail-slides-for-tail-slides sake which eroded the excellence of rail work was waning and progressive power surfing was on the ascension.
I’m 50 and still value it. If you’re of similar demographic perhaps line it up for a Friday night viewing over a beverage or two. Sound UP.
Special mention to the Curren/ Occy section
Morning of the Earth it’s not.

Will watch that tonight blowin, i didnt realize they made any more movies after Hawaii 9 1.

Unsure if crew have run Bird's Shed Sessions.
Timeless "Surfer" Movie series of timeless Surf Shack Hire + Plenty of Pros + cool tunes!
tbb thinks he's loaded the (current) 14 part series...enjoy!

Nice one TBB, this is a great series. It’s interesting to see which shapes have stood the test of time, and which have not. Some lovely old boards and Bird is a great host with an encyclopaedic knowledge of his hometown and it’s surf history. Would be nice to see something similar done about some of the true Australian surf communities.

Rusty - C5 Comp

Free Ride Tour 45th Anniversary Edition ~ Presented & Hosted by Tracks
Original Video Tape found & restored > Most complete version since original release!
Review is stoked by #1 swellnet hodad crew...Go for it!
tbb has met both idols Bugz / Shaun...terrific blokes...used to have Free Ride poster from Mermaid Flix.
Pretty rare deal to have 2/3 World Champ's star in movie ~ Live on stage...Cowabunga!
Salute to Idols for Family value Tickets...crew know you Champs pull 5 to 10x that fee easy.
Special Live Q&A Hosted by Tracks with Live Cast ~ Shaun & Bugz + (MR @ Newcastle)
Wed 15 Nov Hayden Orpheum, Sydney ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35}
Thurs 16 Nov Civic Theatre, Newcastle ~( MR / Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $41} + {Gromz $35.95}
Fri 17 Nov Gala Cinema, Warrawong ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35}
Thurs 23 Nov HOTA, Gold Coast ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35}
swellnet crew pass on good vibes to the Champs...thanx for sharing the stoke!

Quote of the year from MR about THAT wave with Shaun, last night in Newy “ I just wanted to fucken burn him!”
truebluebasher wrote:Free Ride Tour 45th Anniversary Edition ~ Presented & Hosted by Tracks
Original Video Tape found & restored > Most complete version since original release!Review is stoked by #1 swellnet hodad crew...Go for it!
tbb has met both idols Bugz / Shaun...terrific blokes...used to have Free Ride poster from Mermaid Flix.
Pretty rare deal to have 2/3 World Champ's star in movie ~ Live on stage...Cowabunga!
Salute to Idols for Family value Tickets...crew know you Champs pull 5 to 10x that fee easy.
Special Live Q&A Hosted by Tracks with Live Cast ~ Shaun & Bugz + (MR @ Newcastle)
Wed 15 Nov Hayden Orpheum, Sydney ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35} 16 Nov Civic Theatre, Newcastle ~( MR / Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $41} + {Gromz $35.95} 17 Nov Gala Cinema, Warrawong ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35} 23 Nov HOTA, Gold Coast ~ (Shaun / Bugz) {Tickets $35} crew pass on good vibes to the Champs...thanx for sharing the stoke!

suchas xxx Quote...think they edited that out from our '70's Golden Breed Gromz version.
They do warn that Restored Video Tape does come with a few glitches...sit a few rows back ya reckon!
Sounds like ya got yer money's worth...MR burn was easily worth the extra $6...bloody jealous!
Restored Free Ride Video ~ Reviewed Live Ratings Guide M/R\
Don't wanna get Ben into trouble just in case MR Joke was shared at Goldie schoolies screening!
Storm Riders
Crystal voyager only for the echoes scene at the end.
Billabong surf into summer
Surfers of fortune.