Random surfcam images

Haha, hadn't seen that! How good.

Gold! Somebody buy that dolphin a beer.

Dolphin v Sup. Brilliant.
There is a local reef that I have given up surfing super early before dawn such is the sea life. Dolphins, seals, and massive schools of panicked fish and recently the pectoral fin of a whale ambling past.
Once when I was about to duck dive a set wave about to close out on me a dolphin flew straight out of the wave's face and right over me. When I came up a whole pod of them were all over the line up swimming around and taking any wave they wanted!

That first point bomb set come through yet?
(thought this was going to be attached to Ben's comment on the picture of First Point from the middle of last year - the one with the three crew sitting patiently wide at flat 1st point - doesn't quite have the same impact when it's 50 posts later... Happy New year SN crew)

It's not February yet!

Geez the Duranbah Cam is very entertaining today.
Did someone tweek it today so it stays focussed in the one spot and has been zoomed in? Pretty good to watch....in-between working.

Haha yea I know, drop in central!

Also they seem to think its ok to park in the “No Standing zone” across from the Cafe when buying takeaways........

Salute the boss! Now that's how ya do a Captain's pick! (Take note Pollies!)
Ben's bird man susses out swellnet's new high flyers comment cam.
Must be swellnet business class with miles of leg room in the mile high club.

The first swallow of spring?

Welcome Swallow.

The current view on the Dbah cam and Tweed Bar cam is interesting..

swallow can surf everyway

If a stork brings white babies and a crow brings black babies, what brings no babies?
A bloody big swallow!

NZ / Welcome Swallows(Coloured/Broad Shorter wing) 'resemble' Vic Swifts
(Fork Tailed Swifts) Apus pacificus. N/E Asia < Migrate > Vic/SA Coasts
Improbability over-drive : Swifts clock 120-170km/hr...
This Swift was a month early > 150km + [< 50m Freeze frame >] @ 10min interval.
Birds are wired to Craig's ECL reports which trigger Ben's Lorne cam..(A scam it is!)
Basically Storm Birds feast on Bugs in Currents like Bait Fish in Currents!
Swifts Rock up for Lorne Schoolies / Surf the Vic Surf Coast Cliffs sleeping mid air.
Hitch rides around to SA - Start of Winter vacates Oz to hit up N/E Asia Summer.

Currumbin at 7.45 shows the dredge being towed into the creek for annual dredging program.
This signals the beginning of the end for the bank every year.

Where do they put the sand?

First time I've seen lightning proper on the cam.. (instead of just flashes)

First one is nuts

I'll swoop the SUPs first and then the mals ...

Figured this was a good spot for this. I’m thinking about subscribing but wondering if I could get a screen shot of the Sunshine Beach cam and/or hint of which entrance it is pointed at (the thumbnail doesn’t give me much).

nuthins for nuthin mate

I don't know how to take a screen grab but just sitting here at my desk and thought I'd have a look at the cams and spent over 20 enjoyable minutes watching a kite surfer having a whale of a time surfing Margs. He/she was real good too. Definitely making the most of a Saturday arvo, as opposed to me.


So good. I have quite a few shots of skies like that. Early morning and sunset, when there’s no clouds on the horizon but clouds above, always so special. Nature throws out a million Rembrandts and Monets a year, you just have to look.

Dbah at 10:52 this morning, copper booking a poor bloke in a van parked the wrong way just trying to check the surf :(

gromnuggets wrote:Dbah at 10:52 this morning, copper booking a poor bloke in a van parked the wrong way just trying to check the surf :(
Well spotted, here it is (skip to 3.40)...

Misread that on the home page Ben...
Also looks like it's reaching the ground, so not quite virga?

I was watching shark island cam from here in the west coast one day about a year or so ago and saw something splashing at surge and no one out. Later on facebook a couple of my cronulla friends were talking about a 4metre great white that was out there. Should have screen shotted it. Despite the name sharks are not regulars out shark island.

speaking of Shark Island Groundswell....Did you ever know of an old 70's/80's charger named Gerry Manyon?
He had a double page mag photo spread that took pride of place on my wall, standing in a huge Shark Island pit......Talkin late 70's now, but epic all the same

Say his name three times and he might just pop out like Beetlejuice.

Did I get his name wrong Blowin?
I'm working with a foggy memory here mate.....

I know him. Real short guy, right?

@megzee , If my fog is clearing he had both hands in the wall ? Massive barrel , some were comparing the wave to sunset bowl .
Every week our surfcams output some interesting/arty/bizarre still images.. it's about time I started documenting 'em.