Random surfcam images

They're from a rival webcam but this guy never fails to make me laugh.
I seem not to be able to load them like you Ben
clearly I'm missing something here

Here you go, guy.
This bird is sent down by Swellnet to block rival cam vision btw.

Thanks LD

You just tell Gary where he needs to be and when and he'll put on a reeeeeeal show in front of the surfcam for you.

mmmm ..... like an animal for the camera?

Is that TB cam lost doggy?
P.s I cant reply to comments?

Nick, I think the forums you can't directly reply but you can on the swell net articles.
It's Guysmiley's photo, so could be 13th. Not sure.

@GuySmiley like a tigerrrrrrrrrrrrr

@nick, its a screen shot from one of the many cams of westernport

wow...what an image of d.bah. it's going every which way.

From a traffic cam in Cairns today ... hello cockie

Haha, awesome!

There are no snow trips and cheese platters for Collingwood supporters nor Pinot Noir but after today's drubbing a few Melbourne members maybe reassessing why they cancelled this year's booking at Falls Creek.

I think that’s the wave you use to draw in high school.
P.s by writing this comment, i have just improved my english - http://www.5minuteenglish.com/mar20.htm

I hope

Whats that vessel doing at Narrowneck Ben?
Whale caught in net ?

Around 7.20 am pretty sure a whale breached

someones got too much time on their hands ;)
My morning ocean cam view was entertained with a dog walking into the picture looking a tad uncomfortable .. wanting to go on the sidewalk but then changing its mind.. then the owner appears with plastic bag and proceeds to pull the poo out of dogs bum. Dog then relieved and happy wags tail and the two of them walk out of the picture , and I'm back looking at ocean again to decide if waves are worth a paddle lol.

5 pm tonight, 200 metres off shore, a sweeper chancing a ripple

I'm guessing this is one of those "whats wrong with this picture?" things . I can spot at least 8

The ones in the background are not considered to be at 'first point'.

Yeh I was responding to TS.
You reckon the orange jetski is some kind of kids inflatable?

If you think that is rough Ben a few years ago I pulled out to overtake a 100 limited truck on the freeway, sat on the speed limit of 110, then saw a car coming up in my rear mirror doing at least 160. I pulled in to let him through and he slowed and stared at me ..... Unmarked police car doing 160+ to catch me doing maybe 120!

I know of a bloke that got fined a substantial amount for leaving his car unlocked as he ran inside the newsagents he was parked outside of. This is 7AM in a small country town with a low crime rate.
The same copper fines people for having non rated D shackles on their boat trailers.
Oink oink

Challenge for Swellnet Super Sleuths (Today Tues 4/12/2018) Coast is clear!
(swellnet Stardate time:(NSW/DST)@ 5:50-6:05am Falcon 9 rises from east.
This should be easy to see pre Sunrise.The rocket heads in a W/SW trajectory.
I did see it live this morning,looks like a major chem trail it should show up on cams!
Be cool to see if swellnet outposts can detect spaceships as well as seaships.

Classic, worth a closer look.

Backwash! That reminds me of this classic old clip from kookslams. The wave is barely 2 foot (imperial) when the chap paddles in and he ends up easily 20 foot in the air. Kaboom!!!

How’s this one.....

Never gets old, haha!

Yes, that's a classic.
The kookslams clip that has given me most laughs is this one. It's the narration. You need the sound on.
Every week our surfcams output some interesting/arty/bizarre still images.. it's about time I started documenting 'em.