2021~Olympics ~~~ /(C`..[oi.oi.oi )

>>tbb is baking himself inside an Olympic wax cake...bit of a rub & out pops tbb genie!
Message from Huey!..."Surf's Up!" ( Race is on for the Golden Ticket )
pure gold tbb

Team looks strong, so thinking the girls are favs...boys not so much. but thanks for update.

TBB you're the expert on the Olympics by the look of it. So I'm confused! The media in NZ are trumpeting that Ella Williams has qualified for the Olympics. But she didn't even go very far in the comp and she's clearly behind Paige in the pecking order in NZ. I just can't figure out the qualification conundrum at all. It's so convoluted. She qualifies despite Paige's years of CT experience and out of such an average performance ? Just baffling really.
Then the other interesting thing was how many of the CT girls just didn't cope with the 20 minute 4 man heats very well. Sofia Mulanovich comes through and wins despite being out of the big time for years. Well done to her.

Ok that makes a bit more sense TBB. Still can't see how qualification based on finishing 29th in anything means that much though ha.

just watched a young lady goofyfooter at deebs today who was as good as i can remember. hope they have her on the radar- this girl very very special- who r u- blue/green bottom board- two thumbs up - u were rippin big time.

Thanks TBB, was a spambot, now removed.

How’s the heat coming up today?
Kelly, Medina, Italy and Kolohe in one 4 man heat. You’ll be unlikely to ever see something like that again. Compulsive viewing I say even if the conditions are wild and woolly. That barrel that KS follow found yesterday in the wild conditions was remarkable

And NZs Billy Stairmand has been on fire too also qualifying for next years Olympics

How’s the heat coming up today?
Kelly, Medina, Italy and Kolohe in one 4 man heat. You’ll be unlikely to ever see something like that again. Compulsive viewing I say even if the conditions are wild and woolly. That barrel that KS follow found yesterday in the wild conditions was remarkable

I watched quite a bit of that today. There was some high drama and some really good performances. Actually quite cool to see compared to CT events and the crowd was huge. Well done to Italo he was on fire but so was Billy and KS and others. I remember KS getting 5th in Japan in 1990 so here he was 29 years later and 5th again. Kolohe was on fire too. And what about Australia? That's a pretty poor result given the quality of the team

Has Coronavirus saved professional surfing ?
The olympics is being billed as the final Hail Mary of professional surfing as we know it. With the WSL’s complete failure to capitalise on it’s overarching ownership of not just competitive surfing, but increasingly surfing as a whole as it intrudes it’s slimy tentacles into every niche of the lifestyle, the eyes of the surfing industry have glanced towards the possibility of a non - endemic sponsorship light glowing fiercely from the anus of the Tokyo Olympics.
With the dream of a wave pool driven resurgence in viewer / participant numbers fading like the light in an Icelandic summer , the only potentially bright outlook for Ziff and his overgroomed cronies was the global exposure provided by the Olympics.
Now it appears ever more likely that the Tokyo Olympics will not go ahead. But this is probably a positive for Ziff and his money-struck dreamers , because if the Tokyo Olympics had actually gone ahead and the top surfers from around the world had indeed finally had the World’s attention as they’d gone head to head in thigh high, brown water closeouts at Shitashita beach then the resounding simultaneous click of a billion TVs switching off from that unwatchable event would have been the soundtrack to the death of the Final Hope of Pro surfing.
No endemic sponsors . No non-endemic sponsors. No wave pool millions . No merchandise sales. The sniff of any potential capital gain gone.
Ziff would abandon the house of pro surfing without so much as a Dear John John letter.
But with the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics, pro surfing gets to dream that non-endemic dream for a little longer. The horrifying reality of the general public witnessing the drudgerous spectacle of surfing in real time postponed . This is the only thing keeping the prosurf dream alive....that their dream audience of Mid West America still thinks it’s 100 percent pure adrenaline and not 25 minute lulls leading into a 4 point heat total .
Pro surfing may have just been saved from itself.

Thats going to cost another billion dollars we havent got.
That ugly toad basking in the so called glory of obtaining the games
that very few people have any interest in and we simply cannot afford.
The biggest joke was she travelling to Japan to secure the games and
Brisbane was the only place that wasnt rejected earlier this year.

"Thats going to cost another billion dollars we havent got.
That ugly toad basking in the so called glory of obtaining the games
that very few people have any interest in and we simply cannot afford.
The biggest joke was she travelling to Japan to secure the games and
Brisbane was the only place that wasnt rejected earlier this year.
pretty hard to justify her little jungket, when you are literally the only one in the race...
the olympics have developed into a funny old thing, like evo says, it seems few crew have much interest these days, yet the hosting has developed into an exercise of the totally overdone....
its now such an extravegant display of opulence, that few countries can even consider hosting it, which seems quite contrary to the 'olympic spirit'... and now it seems of the few that can afford it, most aren't even intrrested. i think its rather sad and tedious that oz can host the games again in such a short time frame
adding a bunch of two bit contemporary sports to the games just cheapens the whole thing even more from my perspective
fwiw, I actually like the olympic games, especially the more traditional parts, it's one of the few events of magnitude I actually make time to watch. the winter games too, but especially track and field and stuff, things I normally have little or no interest in
but like most things, the constant striving for 'bigger and better' isn't always actually better...
it's all getting rather gaudy and trashy
not least the aussie uniforms, where they always seem to outdo themselves, just when you think that wouldn't even be possible...

Olympic games were relevant last century when not many sports had their own world championships or the opportunity to test themselves against all the worlds best at the one time.
The olympic games provided that opportunity once every 4 years.
Fast forward to now and it's just a 4 yearly marketing opportunity for the rich & corrupt.

Was looking forward to the Olympics until I saw the BS on display at the start of the women's soccer last night - the Aboriginal flag display and the taking of knee. A lot of viewers are going to turn off if this sort of political nonsense doesn't get reigned-in quick smart.

D-Rex wrote:Was looking forward to the Olympics until I saw the BS on display at the start of the women's soccer last night - the Aboriginal flag display and the taking of knee. A lot of viewers are going to turn off if this sort of political nonsense doesn't get reigned-in quick smart.
you call it political nonsense , majority of people see it as embracing our First Nations people and the highly sophisticated culture that was , still is , a real Australian will incorporate all of our history , warts and all.....then their are those just stuck in a time warp , and want the good old colonial days back...relics of bygone era!

Spot on D-Rex.
Exactly NOT what the Olympics is about.
But half of the Soccer team are lesbians anyway so no wonder they are pushing minority issues.
No problem with acknowledging the original occupants of the land but the vocal minority needs to be educated on a balanced approach instead of this narrow minded outlook.
As for highly sophisticated- yeah right! Those fish traps, eel runs, etc are simply a by-product of observation.
Hardly highly sophisticated- Druids, Mayans, etc were way more ahead than that.
And P.S - I acknowledge that Dinosaurs roamed the land on which we now occupy before any Human interference.

I never saw it and have no interest in the games, but it does sound a bit weird.
You would think if we are going OS to represent Australia surely we should just see ourselves as one and go under one flag. (same for any country)
If the games were held in Australia it's a bit different then you do all the symbolism stuff for acknowledgement of first nation people.
All that bending the knee stuff though to me is just super weird, if i was of colour id find it uncomfortable and kind of patronising and tell them to get off their knee and stand proud no mater who you are or where you come from.
IMHO lot of this stuff is real backwards and divisive and does nobody any good.
BTW. I thought they banned all that political and social statement type stuff from the games?

views , so what are the Olympics about ??
when you make a statement like,"But half of the Soccer team are lesbians anyway so no wonder they are pushing minority issues.
No problem with acknowledging the original occupants of the land but the vocal minority needs to be educated on a balanced approach instead of this narrow minded outlook.
As for highly sophisticated- yeah right! Those fish traps, eel runs, etc are simply a by-product of observation.
Hardly highly sophisticated- Druids, Mayans, etc were way more ahead than that."
I was not talking about things/tecnology......try the social sophistication where there was social order ....no wars , and a social system that valued every member , with elders responsible for the knowledge and the enforcement of the Law!!

Brutus, I have no issue with (real) aboriginals but the making of political statements by (predominantly) non-aboriginals, over and over, wear very thin. So what if your people had a sophisticated culture? How is that relevant to displaying an unrepresentative flag on the world stage?

Well tbh I don't really know what the Olympics are about any more- sigh- I thought it would be about the sport.
But heres a link to their charter if it helps?
I reckon the indigenous population of Australia were incredibly fortunate they were on an isolated Continent for so long.
There have been plenty of other socially sophisticated societies around the planet at times but they were crushed by another more ruthless group.
It's the way of Homo Sapiens or virtually every living colony.
Aborigines were lucky to have it so good for so long but it was never going to last...
And I sigh about that too!
But I digress.
On with the 5 Ring show!

What's the feeling on the ground back in Oz regarding Brissie being awarded the 2032 games. The MSM are spouting off how it's been warmly received and how everyone is so enthusiastic about them and the economic benefits to Qld and Oz blah blah blah. But on news.com.au one article (admittedly about the Qld premier backflipping about going to the Tokyo opening ceremony) over 600 comments and I can't find one supporting the Brisbane bid. Family and friends I've been in contact with are dead-set against it.
I'm not seeing this enthusiasm- am I mis-reading the room?

No wars?
How do you figure that Brutus??

Keep politics out of the Olympics!
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