Shark Stories

Richard Cheese wrote:Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge.
FYI shark nets are coming down a month early in NSW on the 31st March. Make of it what you will.
Regarding my friend Vic Hislop.. read his book "Sharkman" (online free Pdf) to get an insight into the true nature of this great man. 'Fisheries' depts and govt cake eaters that don't even use the ocean intentionally destroyed his life. Its proven in the stats that he saved many surfers lives back in the day. When 'protection' happened in the 90's he was forced to stop fishing them and the fatal attack rate started spiralling upwards as a result. Hislop fishing them was considered a public service until the 'endangered' BS was speculated on by a few 'stakeholders' that could make huge money throwing tourists into cages and burleying the waters to attract the GWS.. which is banned in WA.. for good reason. Conditioning them. 'Stakeholder science' I call the protection rackets justification for 'protection' of these awful creatures that half eat all the gentler creatures in the ocean. Whales taking a week to die while they are chewed. Hence the beaching option they take. Better to suffocate exhausted on the sand than be eaten alive. Its appalling.
Try not to seize over this post.. calm down. The media conditioning for 30 years of 'protection' has really done a job on people. People get soo emotional over this and LOGIC goes out the window when emotions are high. This debate needs common sense and logic.. not emotion. Good people are dying in the most brutal of ways. Eaten alive, torn to pieces while you watch. Some people cannot even make a sound when they realise what is taking place. Imagine it.
The fishos know read their comments here. The first rule of science is observation.
Richard Cheese. Hi . Hope you’re well.
Vic Hislop saved many surfers lives over the years!
Is that so ? . Surely you’re taking the piss ?
I didn’t hear anything about all those rescues, must have missed the bullshit media at the time.
Was he honoured in any way like a statue or awarded a medal for bravery?
I know another Vic Hislop who sensationalised the presence of White Sharks for his own glory and wealth.
Funny how there are two blokes involved with sharks with the same name.
You’ve gotta be drowning in your cornflakes and milk to intimate that anything Vic Hislop did with sharks was good or of any benefit to society.
Species on earth get destroyed by people who lack knowledge.
Better go back to reading that thick phony story book, best check the prophecies on the next page before putting your mouth into gear.
All the best. AW
A few interesting stories on shark attacks and near misses on the Shark Shield report so I thought I would start this thread. Don't want to trivialize the subject as people have had their lives taken or changed forever by what can happen. I thought it might serve as an educational purpose by hearing others experiences so we may all learn from them and hopefully avoid it happening to us.
One of them was a mate of mine named Hazey.
He had been surfing at Castles, a notoriously sharky wave in the bay at Cactus.
Several hundred metres offshore the wave breaks before reforming into Inside Castles making a long left with several sections. The wave has been the scene of several attacks and near misses over the years including the local known as "Sharkbait" who had been attacked more than once.
Gerry Lopez is another who came very close to being attacked out there and vowed to never surf Cactus again after his near miss.
Well Hazey was surfing out the back with another bloke named Steve when out of the blue he was launched into the air still on his board by a huge force from below.
A shark had rammed him with a direct hit straight up into the air! In a moment it was gone but soon returned to the stunned Hazey and started biting him and his board. Hazey instinctively put his arms out to protect himself but both his arms ended up in its mouth. As the jaws closed down his arms could have easily been severed, but several teeth on the sharks lower jaw had become dislodged and imbedded in the board leaving his upper arms with massive injuries, but the vital inner arms where major arteries run were not majorly damaged. This probably saved his life.
By this time Steve had reacted and in a rush of adrenalin and pure ballsy courage he threw himself onto the sharks back and started gouging at the sharks eyeballs, eventually feeling one pop and the shark departed.
Steve got the two surfboards together and got himself and Hazey on and started the long paddle to shore.
Then they were both thrown into the air as the shark rammed them a third time before disappearing again. They continued to make their way closer to shore and the shark nudged them again. Steve told me he thought he really must of pissed it off when he popped its eye.
Finally they we're just a metre from shore when the shark made its fifth and final appearance. It beelined towards them and the shore while they stood in waist deep water with their boards. The sharks mouth was just rapidly opening and closing like one of those wind up sets of false teeth. The boys separated and put their hands on either side of it's body and held it on a 90 degree angle to the beach as they made the final steps to the safety of the sand.
Hazey was rushed to Ceduna hospital and then flown to Adelaide for micro surgery on his shredded arms.
Steve ended up receiving a bravery award and they both sold their story to 60 minutes and made $50,000 each out of it!
It was quite a story!