Lanky's Hawaiian Trivia

Foo? Nah, different sponsors.

- RCJ?

Matt Mondragon? Mike Latronic?

I have a vague memory of seeing Mickey Neilson in an old surf vid on a green board.
edit. ahhh..just realised already ruled that one out. Yikes! This is gonna bug me all day! ha

Everything screams Glen Winton to me.
Could the stickers have been placed on there at a later date?

Garrett McNamara?


Doug Silva, Bryce Ellis, Braden Dias?

Titus, has to be!


Titus, Foo, or Ace Cool

Liam McNamara.

The Oniell aspect and full deck grip makes me think it may be a Santa Cruz surfer...
Pete Mel? Looks maybe a little too early for that though.

Monterey surfer, mavericks pioneer

hmmm....the plot thickens.

The guy I'm thinking passed away 2007

Robbie Page..?

Surely lurking in the midst here.
(Courtesy: )

Just did a little googling.

yep, I reckon, his ghost may be heard saying 'It's not called ghosties!'

I’m thinking Robbie page….possible wetsuit and indigenous comp sponsors.

He had a good affilliation with Willis brothers didn't he Opti?
Ironically i've got about 100 pages of reading to do on memory today. Just to rub salt into it!

So when is LD's big trivia reveal?

Jono wrote:So when is LD's big trivia reveal?
When LD finds out who owns the board.

we need a close up photograph of the photograph on the board

How is the tail, dialed into that photo nothing there I can see.

Is it a Phazer? Man I wanted one of those back in the day...

goofyfoot wrote:Jono wrote:So when is LD's big trivia reveal?
When LD finds out who owns the board.
haha, was wondering that..
Gotta be Peter Davi doesn't it?
loved the green, and the pipe
from his local surf shop:
grip, a rakish quicksilver and oneill sticker on a willis bros board

Looks like you're on a winner there @basesix ;-)

Well, I have tracked it down to being on the wall at the North Shore Surf Shop in Haleiwa. Though I couldn’t find any further info from them online about the board. They have a lot of memorabilia hanging up.

Well done b6!

And zen

nice of you to leave a fun game for the kids, while you wrote an article @stu,
I got exactly half the work done today that I'd intended, which is as it should be

Running on 50percent here too....but i could accurately describe in every shining detail the specifics and sticker configuration of that green gun.

Sorry gents , didn't even realize stu posted the photo here.

The late great Peter Davi
Just got it confirmed from the owner of the board.
Shout out to Liam.

Base 6, I'll send you something......

Thanks to @ NORTHSHOREsurfshop.


Funnest thread I've read in a while. Thanks everyone. Have to admit though I had no idea. Please send some more through LD.

icandig wrote:Funnest thread I've read in a while. Thanks everyone. Have to admit though I had no idea. Please send some more through LD.

Lanky Dean wrote:icandig wrote:Funnest thread I've read in a while. Thanks everyone. Have to admit though I had no idea. Please send some more through LD.
I have no idea how to post any photos here. Funnily most / all other board are clustered together on the roof .
This one was just hanging by its lonesome on that one wall.
I called to find out who's board it was. Now the owner is texting seeing if I'd like to buy it.
Funny stuff.

Lanky ,looks like you have scored a job on swellnut ........'Lankies Hawaiian Trivia' up something weird and wonderful every week.

simba wrote:Lanky ,looks like you have scored a job on swellnut ........'Lankies Hawaiian Trivia' up something weird and wonderful every week.
Ol' mate Lanky Dean is back in Hawaii. He's been sending through random photos: weird waves, good surfers, guys mowing the lawn in their thongs - all sorts of stuff.
This photo came captioned:
"Who's board is this?"
My response?
"The green gun makes me think of Winton but he never had those sponsors.
"Brock also rode green boards (or had green on them, he was born on St Patrick's day) but he mostly rode for Gotcha.
"Tom Carroll rode for Quik and O'Neill but never at the same time. Doubt he would've ridden Willis bros as he was on Rawson's from a young age.
"Liam rode Willis bros but never those sponsors.
"Dunno, Marvin Foster? Mickey Nielson?"
Wrong. The red buzzer lit up and made the 'buh-bow' sound.