Lanky's Hawaiian Trivia

If I could I'd post a classic surf film every Friday night aus time.
First up .....Mad Wax !

"Surf into summer"next fri please!

You're in Hawaii Lanky- have to be 'The Performers'.

zenagain wrote:You're in Hawaii Lanky- have to be 'The Performers'.
No this week is mad wax !
You can go anywhere!

Bumping this tread back to the top .
Lanky Hawaiian Trivia
Returns tomorrow!
I still owe base6 a prize

Yes stu, only da kine

Chiemsee. Goddamn Bavarian windsurfer kooks, haha!

hahah.. this thread is the best.. so hawaiian.

Oh the suspense....

I'd say it's Gerry's personal board. Its history - no idea.

Pipe master trophy?

Who's board is this ?
What Film was it featured in ?

basesix wrote:hahah.. this thread is the best.. so hawaiian.

Lopez or McCabe
Feral Paradise

Or just Lopez
Turn back the time


Rory Russell
Summer Stories or Red Hot Blue

And back to actual suggestions..
No idea
Something late 90’s to mid 2000’s.
& some background on the original camo sprays

Lance burkharts pipe gun in North Shore?

basesix wrote:hahah.. this thread is the best.. so hawaiian.
Haha! No Respek

I have a trivia question….What did Brad “ piggy “ Farmer beat a lot of Hawaiians in during the ASP years.

stunet wrote:It's gotta have been ridden by Lopez, it's one of his shapes and he was also sponsored by Chiemsee for many years.
So I'm also saying Lopez board ridden by him in North Shore. I reckon the tow straps were retrofitted onto it.
Dig deeper stu

Either retrofitted or just a very early tow board. They were a lot longer (and arguably still should be?).

Yes, it's gerry perso,
What Film people ?

Island bay scored first question
Along with teary
Stu !


Island Bay wrote:ES2
I need the whole name island bay

Endless Summer 2

Or maybe he was just talking about towing in that.

Congrats to island bay
Winner on both
Gerry board featured in surf film
Endless summer 2

I'm truly humbled at winning this prestigious competition.


New trivia question today, if stu posts photo

Sunset ? I will take a wild guess and say Brock Little .

I was thinking Barry Kanaipauni (?) at sunset.

old-dog wrote:I was thinking Barry Kanaipauni (?) at sunset.
A better guess than mine old dog , looks to be to big a guy to be Brock

Yep, I thought BK would be a bit too obvious, although he used to do that ugly squat thing and have red boards and shorts.

My first thought was Larry Bertlemann.
Ol' mate Lanky Dean is back in Hawaii. He's been sending through random photos: weird waves, good surfers, guys mowing the lawn in their thongs - all sorts of stuff.
This photo came captioned:
"Who's board is this?"
My response?
"The green gun makes me think of Winton but he never had those sponsors.
"Brock also rode green boards (or had green on them, he was born on St Patrick's day) but he mostly rode for Gotcha.
"Tom Carroll rode for Quik and O'Neill but never at the same time. Doubt he would've ridden Willis bros as he was on Rawson's from a young age.
"Liam rode Willis bros but never those sponsors.
"Dunno, Marvin Foster? Mickey Nielson?"
Wrong. The red buzzer lit up and made the 'buh-bow' sound.