The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:16pm

Good stuff frollo!!
Jeff you’re a dick!!

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:21pm


Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:24pm
seeds wrote:

Good stuff frollo!!
Jeff you’re a dick!!

What s your objection troll boy
Or are you just the drunk guy lashing out in ignorance?
Run off coward !

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:28pm

My objection?
You’re a funny old fellow.
Maybe we should call you Humphrey.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:31pm
seeds wrote:

My objection?
You’re a funny old fellow.
Maybe we should call you Humphrey.

Well he does like the right to “ bear arms “

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:33pm
seeds wrote:

My objection?
You’re a funny old fellow.
Maybe we should call you Humphrey.

Right you don’t have an objection, you just want to ave a go , like your drunk mate in Melbourne.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:35pm

No Humphrey my objection should be obvious.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:39pm

Hey Sexxy, you need to step away from the computer a little while.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:41pm
Confusion wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:

The only crisis occurring on this thread is the one going on in his head.

What’s with all the name changes. Are you on the outer with all your other mates, Heeby, Juliang, Exxotixjeff ? Have you been given the flick by all your other alter egos ?
You sure are some kind of strange cat.
You definitely have some kind of identity crisis going on.

Now you’re Confusion.

Can I guess the next name you’ll choose, Delusion.

What’s in your water up that way ? Lead ? AW

That was explained to Einstein, but of course you’ve forgotten already,
Are you coming out in solidarity with your other Troll union members,
Well done.
Another chihuahua attack puppy waiting for its opportunity
You suck
However you are obviously the most bitter twisted one , if it makes you feel a bit better!


If you had no opportunity to incessantly download others sources of media ,
What is it that you would have to offer to this thread ?

I’d say zero. You just clog up reams of pages on many topics of the Forum.

You are a rampant replier for the sake of replying , I criticise you on the grounds you offer nothing positive or indeed interesting to any discussion . Period

Surely you’ve got an epic surf trip story or some kind of travel time line from the past, but no, it’s just the same diatribe on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Surely life can’t be that dull that you’ve lowered your colours to being ensconced by all things Trump.
You hate the guy, stop fucking talking about him.
Don’t you have a demigod elsewhere in that mindset of yours.
I mean no harm, but you’re as boring as an amoebic bacteria, spilling its contents every 20 minutes and infecting all that’s in its path. Puke. AW

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 8:55pm

Humanity’s now steppin’ into dangerous times. The West is at a straight-up crossroads and significant choice point in the annals of history. The spectre of fascist socialism has once again reared its ugly head and made deep inroads.

We’re pushin' a new Cold War 2.0 energy: conservative freedom, democracy, and capitalism squarin’ off against globalist socialist fascism and tyranny.

But the players? They’ve switched up from Cold War 1.0. Conservatives all over the West now see that socialist fascism resides in the institutions and progressive “liberals” runnin’ the EU and the left-leanin’ political parties of the Commonwealth.

Shit’s polarized as hell. Both camps they can’t even agree on basic facts. Everyone’s stuck in their own bubble, gettin’ fed their own “truth” by their media, politicians, and echo chambers. Diplomacy? Dead. Truth? Smoked. Hope? Out the window. Communication? Futile.

Western countries are flexin’ with military buildups and a new arms race. War’s lookin’ like the only way to smash this stalemate and impasse. Them socialist fascists are already in a hot war in Ukraine pushin’ their globalist agenda.

But hold up - the U.S. conservative giant has awoken. The fascist socialist Democrats got bodied by the fresh conservative wave. The U.S. has teamed up with Russia to take down socialist fascism again, like a World War II redux. Tariffs are slammed on all Western countries with progressive "liberals" in charge. The US has bailed on supporting the globalist socialists in Ukraine.

Western countries and their peoples have now gotta big choice to make: vote for them globalist progressive "liberals" pushin’ anti-democratic socialist fascism or the conservatives holdin’ it down for freedom, truth, capitalism, family values and the sanctity of the individual and democratic nation state.

Choose smart, Australia.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 9:07pm

@greenroom , do you believe climate change is a hoax ?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 9:12pm

Even Canadian nature is in on the (fuck you yanks) game


AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 9:25pm
green room wrote:

Humanity’s now steppin’ into dangerous times. The West is at a straight-up crossroads and significant choice point in the annals of history. The spectre of fascist socialism has once again reared its ugly head and made deep inroads.

We’re pushin' a new Cold War 2.0 energy: conservative freedom, democracy, and capitalism squarin’ off against globalist socialist fascism and tyranny.

But the players? They’ve switched up from Cold War 1.0. Conservatives all over the West now see that socialist fascism resides in the institutions and progressive “liberals” runnin’ the EU and the left-leanin’ political parties of the Commonwealth.

Shit’s polarized as hell. Both camps they can’t even agree on basic facts. Everyone’s stuck in their own bubble, gettin’ fed their own “truth” by their media, politicians, and echo chambers. Diplomacy? Dead. Truth? Smoked. Hope? Out the window. Communication? Futile.

Western countries are flexin’ with military buildups and a new arms race. War’s lookin’ like the only way to smash this stalemate and impasse. Them socialist fascists are already in a hot war in Ukraine pushin’ their globalist agenda.

But hold up - the U.S. conservative giant has awoken. The fascist socialist Democrats got bodied by the fresh conservative wave. The U.S. has teamed up with Russia to take down socialist fascism again, like a World War II redux. Tariffs are slammed on all Western countries with progressive "liberals" in charge. The US has bailed on supporting the globalist socialists in Ukraine.

Western countries and their peoples have now gotta big choice to make: vote for them globalist progressive "liberals" pushin’ anti-democratic socialist fascism or the conservatives holdin’ it down for freedom, truth, capitalism, family values and the sanctity of the individual and democratic nation state.

Choose smart, Australia.

Green room. It’s you again.

Geez, all the goons are showing their heads this evening.

I’m somewhat glad you’ve shown up.

You never did answer my question or accept my offer to discuss climate change.
I’ve got plenty of time these days, I’m a pensioner now, time is on my side, so how about it, when you’re ready, prompt me. We can start slow so you can keep up, wouldn’t want you falling away with a lack of knowledge now would we.

Giddy up, this could be fun. AW

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 9:49pm

Unfortunately, both green room and Jeff are suffering from the mean world syndrome.

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 10:05pm

You're getting your history and metaphors mixed up Greenroom, let's call it your Transgender Mice moment.

Russia, where members of opposition parties are executed and invades another democratic country is now the savior of democracy? A US president who blusters through back downs and bullshit is now going to raise the debt ceiling so he can give away $4 trillion in socialist payments to the wealthiest cohort in the country, shit, a handout that size would make the Norwegians blush.

The reason for the tariffs isn't because they're left progressive countries, it's because Americans grow pesticide filled food and make shit cars that no other country wants to buy and because the American capitalists, who don't want to drive a Dodge but would rather be seen in a well engineered, practical European vehicle, sold out their own country to offshore production for bigger profits and have caused a massive trade deficit that needs fixing. The same capitalists who by the way are going to benefit from a $ 4 trillion handout from your brave new conservatives.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 10:06pm
flollo wrote:

Unfortunately, both green room and Jeff are suffering from the mean world syndrome.

I actually have Asian relatives, do you?

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 10:07pm

^^ that’s it I reckon. Never heard of that. Although Jeff is focused on one guy. green room is more global and mental as I can’t see how any western nation is anywhere near the socialist disaster? he claims is happening.
Both castrastrophising none the less.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 10:40pm

Yes it must really do ya head in when all you can see is doom & gloom.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:17am
seeds wrote:

^^ that’s it I reckon. Never heard of that. Although Jeff is focused on one guy. green room is more global and mental as I can’t see how any western nation is anywhere near the socialist disaster? he claims is happening.
Both castrastrophising none the less.

It’s your low experience levels which makes you a narrow minded mud slinger .

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 2:09am
green room wrote:

Humanity’s now steppin’ into dangerous times. The West is at a straight-up crossroads and significant choice point in the annals of history. The spectre of fascist socialism has once again reared its ugly head and made deep inroads.

We’re pushin' a new Cold War 2.0 energy: conservative freedom, democracy, and capitalism squarin’ off against globalist socialist fascism and tyranny.

But the players? They’ve switched up from Cold War 1.0. Conservatives all over the West now see that socialist fascism resides in the institutions and progressive “liberals” runnin’ the EU and the left-leanin’ political parties of the Commonwealth.

Shit’s polarized as hell. Both camps they can’t even agree on basic facts. Everyone’s stuck in their own bubble, gettin’ fed their own “truth” by their media, politicians, and echo chambers. Diplomacy? Dead. Truth? Smoked. Hope? Out the window. Communication? Futile.

Western countries are flexin’ with military buildups and a new arms race. War’s lookin’ like the only way to smash this stalemate and impasse. Them socialist fascists are already in a hot war in Ukraine pushin’ their globalist agenda.

But hold up - the U.S. conservative giant has awoken. The fascist socialist Democrats got bodied by the fresh conservative wave. The U.S. has teamed up with Russia to take down socialist fascism again, like a World War II redux. Tariffs are slammed on all Western countries with progressive "liberals" in charge. The US has bailed on supporting the globalist socialists in Ukraine.

Western countries and their peoples have now gotta big choice to make: vote for them globalist progressive "liberals" pushin’ anti-democratic socialist fascism or the conservatives holdin’ it down for freedom, truth, capitalism, family values and the sanctity of the individual and democratic nation state.

Choose smart, Australia.

He said annals.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 4:34am

Add in the fact that recently USA officials have been in SECRET contact with the Ukranian opposition to probably try and get rid of Zelensky

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 4:55am

EU will fast track Ukraines admission by the look of it.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 6:30am

You can run Donny but you cant hide!

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 8:22am

Who was it putting bets on Jeffy lasting under it's new name?

Hasn't taken long to fall back into the same routine that got banned last time...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 8:32am
green room wrote:

Humanity’s now steppin’ into dangerous times. The West is at a straight-up crossroads and significant choice point in the annals of history. The spectre of fascist socialism has once again reared its ugly head and made deep inroads.

We’re pushin' a new Cold War 2.0 energy: conservative freedom, democracy, and capitalism squarin’ off against globalist socialist fascism and tyranny.

But the players? They’ve switched up from Cold War 1.0. Conservatives all over the West now see that socialist fascism resides in the institutions and progressive “liberals” runnin’ the EU and the left-leanin’ political parties of the Commonwealth.

Shit’s polarized as hell. Both camps they can’t even agree on basic facts. Everyone’s stuck in their own bubble, gettin’ fed their own “truth” by their media, politicians, and echo chambers. Diplomacy? Dead. Truth? Smoked. Hope? Out the window. Communication? Futile.

Western countries are flexin’ with military buildups and a new arms race. War’s lookin’ like the only way to smash this stalemate and impasse. Them socialist fascists are already in a hot war in Ukraine pushin’ their globalist agenda.

But hold up - the U.S. conservative giant has awoken. The fascist socialist Democrats got bodied by the fresh conservative wave. The U.S. has teamed up with Russia to take down socialist fascism again, like a World War II redux. Tariffs are slammed on all Western countries with progressive "liberals" in charge. The US has bailed on supporting the globalist socialists in Ukraine.

Western countries and their peoples have now gotta big choice to make: vote for them globalist progressive "liberals" pushin’ anti-democratic socialist fascism or the conservatives holdin’ it down for freedom, truth, capitalism, family values and the sanctity of the individual and democratic nation state.

Choose smart, Australia.

That was a bit over the top but i get the premise

Right now is wake up time, a push back against the path USA were on, that went too far in many ways, it's a realignment of sorts.

Mostly a push back against globalism.

Im surprised nobody has mentioned this before, so much about what Trump is doing is a push back against globalism.

"Trump is dismantling globalisation, one blow at a time"

Read more at:

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 8:31am
fitzroy-21 wrote:

Who was it putting bets on Jeffy lasting under it's new name?

Hasn't taken long to fall back into the same routine that got banned last time...

My call he will be gone again by the end of March, new name/profile by mid April.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 8:34am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Im surprised nobody has mentioned this before, so much about what Trump is doing is a push back against globalism.

People like AndyM have been discussing the end of neoliberalism - i.e economic globalism - in various ways for years, including the Trump agenda.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 8:37am
indo-dreaming wrote:
fitzroy-21 wrote:

Who was it putting bets on Jeffy lasting under it's new name?

Hasn't taken long to fall back into the same routine that got banned last time...

My call he will be gone again by the end of March, new name/profile by mid April.

Next name ….. chameleon ? or maybe secret squirrel ?

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 11:18am

So a week from Donny and his lapDogs ambush , they took their bat(weapons supplies) and ball(intelligence sharing) and went home.

So, how does this affect the defence of Ukraine?

25 % of donated weapons come from other countries

55% are manufactured in Ukraine.

20% are from USA who are singularly the largest "donator".This is something that will be missed if its permanent???

Here's a report from a frontline source.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 11:23am

How many times will we see this headline this year “ Trump changes course “

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 11:27am

The Cold War 2.0 ain't a pushback against "neoliberalism" or "globalisation". "Neoliberalism" is a slanderous label them globalist socialist collectivist fascists tyrants cooked up to trash individual freedom and responsibility - like how they throw around the terms "populist" or "populism" to undermine and wreck the democratic institutions of the sovereign nation state. The U.S. is just flexin’ tariffs and other economic tools as weapons against the real enemy of human prosperity, progress, flourishing and that good life. There ain’t no retreat from economic freedom or the global marketplace by the US.

The real enemy of the US? Any form of unelected, non-democratic, globalist socialist neomarxist collectivism - them progressive "liberal" clowns residing the institutions of the EU, global NGOs, and Western governments - tryna tear down the core drivers of human progress and prosperity: economic freedom, the sovereign democratic nation state that’s free to pursue its unique cultural and national identity, the traditional family unit that’s free to live and pursue the lifestyle it wants, and the independent grown-ass responsible individual who’s free to chase their own happiness and wellbeing.

And there ain’t no fix or solution to climate change in globalist socialist collectivism or tyrannical top-down control freak authority shit. Governments and collectivist dictators ain’t never done jack for human progress, prosperity, or thriving – they just bring war, mess, and pain. The EU globalists have made a meal of European prosperity and progress. The real fix for climate change and the engine for progress and human prosperity and flourishing? It has always been the creativity, innovation, hustle and grind of free, autonomous individuals voluntarily linkin’ up with other free folks in the marketplace, all inside a framework of national sovereignty, democracy and economic freedom.

The U.S. conservatives are at war with any form of unelected, undemocratic globalist socialist neomarxist collectivism and tyranny, period.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 11:27am

haha, either beautifully written troll gettin a blowie, or serious bell and sandwich board stuff. hope it's the former, I enjoy your work.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 11:40am

@greenroom , so I take it you don’t have an issue with “. drill baby drill “ ? and get rid of those ugly windmills “ they’re killing the birds “

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:10pm
basesix wrote:

haha, either beautifully written troll gettin a blowie, or serious bell and sandwich board stuff. hope it's the former, I enjoy your work.

Either way, I'm here for it. Entertaining stuff.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:12pm

Skull a beer whenever Green Room says socialism!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:23pm

I was gonna say something smart arse, but fuck it, i'm at 35 degrees fringewomadwritersweek.. bring it on, wax lyrical greeny and keep it purple, daddy's got a thirst on.

tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:28pm

Wax on!

Ream Groom leading from behind and going all in on the annals of being free to chase “their own” happiness and wellbeing.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 12:59pm

fuck it, bees = socialism, skoll..
(carn greeny, a man's not a camel)

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:05pm

Skoll or skull?

Mom or mum?

In this new patriotic neomarxist collectivist socialist order we will decide how words are spelt.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:10pm

cheers @stu! "socialist.." = drink!
(and deciding whether we are deciding on how words are spelt or how they are spelled.. man, nwo gonna be complicated)

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:13pm
stunet wrote:

Skoll or skull?

Mom or mum?

In this new patriotic neomarxist collectivist socialist order we will decide how words are spelt.

The struggle to gain control over language

Language has become an important, if not the most important site of cultural conflict. Suddenly names and words that have been used for centuries are condemned as inappropriate, problematic and even offensive. In recent years society has come under constant pressure to cease using certain words and to adopt a vocabulary that seem to have come out of nowhere.

As I write, I read in the newspapers that the word Anglo-Saxon has become source of debate and conflict. In its wisdom the University of Nottingham, which hitherto offered courses in Anglo-Saxon history and literature has decided to cancel the word Anglos-Saxon. It has rebranded a masters course in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies[i]. It has also renamed a programme titled ‘Research Methods in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies. The word Anglo-Saxon has been removed and replaced by the term ‘Early Medieval English’.

The University of Nottingham’s cancellation of the word Anglo-Saxon is presented as integral to its policy of decolonizing the curriculum. This institution asserts that the decision to abolish this word from the English vocabulary is essential for fighting what it calls ‘nationalist narratives’. The call to cancel this word is justified on the ground that it apparently has become a phrase used by racists to flout their white identity. And just in case you conclude that the word Anglo-Saxon is the only term that has gained the attention of the university censors, it was announced that academics are seeking to problematize the term ‘Viking’ as well.

It worth asking the question of who gets to decide what words can and cannot be used. Most people refer to the term Anglo-Saxon without the slightest hint that they are promoting a white identity or some form of racist nationalism. This is a term that has been in for centuries and for many people its use helps them to make sense of their nation’s history.

It is important to understand that the cancelling of words that have had an important meaning for people for centuries is not an issue that merely pertains to the use of language. Those academics and cultural entrepreneurs who wish to abolish a word also seek to alter the way we see the world. Take the attitude adopted by Cambridge University’s Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC). It has undertaken to ‘dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism’ by asserting that the Anglos-Saxons were not a distinct ethnic group[ii]. In effect it has decided that its interpretation of the past entitles them to rid the English language of a word used by previous generations of historians to describe a people. Academics at Cambridge appear to believe that eradicating Anglo-Saxons from history is a small price to pay for ensuring that nationalism – including that of Britain - is discredited.

It is evident that what drives the department’s attempt to eliminate Anglo-Saxon origins has little to do with a new historical discovery about ancient roots in the past but with political ideology. Some academics at Cambridge University believe that anything that invalidates the nation’s identity is worthy of support. The objective of Cambridge’s suppression of the term is to ‘dismantle’ what it considers to be ‘the basis of myths of nationalism’ and invalidate the identities founded on it. However, whatever Cambridge thinks of the use of the term, from the 8th century onwards Anglo-Saxon was an integral part of Britain’s past. Inevitably the early medieval era saw the rise of numerous myths about the origins of communities and many of those myths remain part of Britain’s national stories. Myths are based on tradition and offer narrative for linking human experience to the past. To be sure there are numerous Anglo-Saxon myths but the existence of this people is not a myth.

It is worth pausing with and exploring the implication of this arcane project of eliminating the term Anglo-Saxon. The purpose of this project is not simply the cancellation of a word but the elimination of references to Anglo-Saxon people from history. Through this procedure the meaning of Britain’s past will be altered and once people become habituated to an Anglo-Saxon-free historical vocabulary than society’s memory will be altered. That is why the struggle to gain control over language has an important influence in the way that people remember the past.

It is likely that the cancelling of the word Anglo-Saxon will pass most people by. There are very few people who will feel directly its loss. about Unfortunately, this example of officious academic censorship is not an isolated case. Decolonisers want to get rid of the word Anglo-Saxon – trans-activists will not be satisfied until they can abolish words that are used to refer to traditional human relationships.

For example, words like female are targeted because they don’t fit into the worldview of trans ideology. A self-appointed language inspectorate continually warns people against using the word female to refer to women. ‘Stop calling women “females”, warns the headline of the Daily Nexus, the student newspaper of the University of Californian at Santa Barbara[iii]. In case you have doubts about the necessity for ceasing to use this term, BuzzFeed offers ‘6 Reasons You Should Stop Referring To Women as “Females” Right Now’[iv]. But before providing an explanation for excising the use of this word from the vocabulary of everyday life, the readers are told; ‘Simply put, it’s rude and it’s weird’! Most normal human beings who have used female and woman interchangeably throughout their lives would be surprised to discover that they had behaved rudely and weirdly. However, for the supporters of the crusade against traditional language abolishing the usage of the word female from everyday conversation is mandatory because apparently ‘not all women are biologically female’, whereas as when ‘you use “woman”, you include all people who identify as women’[v]. Merriam Webster Dictionary echoes this trans logic and reminds readers that ‘not everyone who was born female is a woman, and not every woman was born female’ [vi].

It appears that the reason why ‘female’ must go is because it does not fit in with the logic and outlook of transactivists. This very old Middle English word has been in constant usage since 15the century has according to the OED a self-evident meaning. It defines female as ‘Simply: a woman or girl’. The problem that trans activists have with female is as another definition offered by the OED, explained is that it refers to a ‘person of the sex that can bear offspring: a woman or a girl’[vii]. Since abolishing the traditional connection between women and the bearing of a child is one of the aims of trans activism the word female must give way to a gender-neutral one. A word, whose first recorded usage was around 1350, and was presumably used and made sense to people for centuries before can now be summarily dismissed as weird and rude by supposedly enlightened commentators

Through challenging traditional language usage, the meaning attached to it in the past is called into question and de-authorised. In this way the words and the attitudes they reflect is disparaged and condemned. The linguistic assault on the language of the past has important implication for how society perceives itself since as the philosopher John Locke explained ‘speech is the great bond that hold society together’. In his ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ (1689), Locke explained that it is through language that ‘knowledge is conveyed from man to man and down the generations’[viii]. The words we use have evolved through centuries – if not thousands of years – of practice and through their usage have helped people gain meaning about their place in the world. They have bound different generations together in a common language community. Locke was aware that the manipulation of language could constitute a serious problem. For that reason, he insisted that language should not be regarded as a form of private property. He wrote that ‘for words, especially of languages already framed, being no man's private possession, but the common measure of commerce and communication, 'tis not for any one, at pleasure, to change’ [ix]. From Locke’s standpoint language use is underpinned by a semantic and moral compact between members of civil society.

The words we use signals what values and attitudes society deems to be important. Language reflects the norms and beliefs that underpin culture which is why the Culture Wars are so intertwined with conflicts over words. Of course, language is always changing and so it should. But there is a fundamental difference between the spontaneous evolution of a community’s vocabulary, one that is organic to its experience and the external imposition of new words. The latter represents a political project designed to alter people’s view of the world. Unlike the spontaneous evolution of language which is organic to the experience of a community the new, politicised vocabulary relies on the artificial re-engineering of language.

Just remember that those who attempt to gain control of our language aim to control the way we think.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:15pm

Bullies Trump and Musk getting punched back…as expected.

5 eyes and other allies also having discussion on not sharing info with the the orange turd can’t be trusted with great pal Putin.

It will just keep getting more chaotic in the months ahead.

The 2 greatest businessmen carrying out their plan.

The shitshow is getting crazy.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:16pm

Tesla will probably be bankrupted a few months.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:17pm

Words like woke mind virus, incel rights and replacement theory? Yeah they signal a lot.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:21pm

@green room. How THE FUCK have you just posted fifteen hundred words, and not one of them is 'socialism'? you are either very good at drinking games or very bad at them : /

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 1:22pm

All hail Canadians…showing how it should be done.

Pull up a chair and pour a JD and Coke..probably not.


Pull up a chair and pour Crown Royal on Ice.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 2:13pm
green room wrote:
stunet wrote:

Skoll or skull?

Mom or mum?

In this new patriotic neomarxist collectivist socialist order we will decide how words are spelt.

The struggle to gain control over language

Language has become an important, if not the most important site of cultural conflict. Suddenly names and words that have been used for centuries are condemned as inappropriate, problematic and even offensive. In recent years society has come under constant pressure to cease using certain words and to adopt a vocabulary that seem to have come out of nowhere.

As I write, I read in the newspapers that the word Anglo-Saxon has become source of debate and conflict. In its wisdom the University of Nottingham, which hitherto offered courses in Anglo-Saxon history and literature has decided to cancel the word Anglos-Saxon. It has rebranded a masters course in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies[i]. It has also renamed a programme titled ‘Research Methods in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies. The word Anglo-Saxon has been removed and replaced by the term ‘Early Medieval English’.

The University of Nottingham’s cancellation of the word Anglo-Saxon is presented as integral to its policy of decolonizing the curriculum. This institution asserts that the decision to abolish this word from the English vocabulary is essential for fighting what it calls ‘nationalist narratives’. The call to cancel this word is justified on the ground that it apparently has become a phrase used by racists to flout their white identity. And just in case you conclude that the word Anglo-Saxon is the only term that has gained the attention of the university censors, it was announced that academics are seeking to problematize the term ‘Viking’ as well.

It worth asking the question of who gets to decide what words can and cannot be used. Most people refer to the term Anglo-Saxon without the slightest hint that they are promoting a white identity or some form of racist nationalism. This is a term that has been in for centuries and for many people its use helps them to make sense of their nation’s history.

It is important to understand that the cancelling of words that have had an important meaning for people for centuries is not an issue that merely pertains to the use of language. Those academics and cultural entrepreneurs who wish to abolish a word also seek to alter the way we see the world. Take the attitude adopted by Cambridge University’s Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC). It has undertaken to ‘dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism’ by asserting that the Anglos-Saxons were not a distinct ethnic group[ii]. In effect it has decided that its interpretation of the past entitles them to rid the English language of a word used by previous generations of historians to describe a people. Academics at Cambridge appear to believe that eradicating Anglo-Saxons from history is a small price to pay for ensuring that nationalism – including that of Britain - is discredited.

It is evident that what drives the department’s attempt to eliminate Anglo-Saxon origins has little to do with a new historical discovery about ancient roots in the past but with political ideology. Some academics at Cambridge University believe that anything that invalidates the nation’s identity is worthy of support. The objective of Cambridge’s suppression of the term is to ‘dismantle’ what it considers to be ‘the basis of myths of nationalism’ and invalidate the identities founded on it. However, whatever Cambridge thinks of the use of the term, from the 8th century onwards Anglo-Saxon was an integral part of Britain’s past. Inevitably the early medieval era saw the rise of numerous myths about the origins of communities and many of those myths remain part of Britain’s national stories. Myths are based on tradition and offer narrative for linking human experience to the past. To be sure there are numerous Anglo-Saxon myths but the existence of this people is not a myth.

It is worth pausing with and exploring the implication of this arcane project of eliminating the term Anglo-Saxon. The purpose of this project is not simply the cancellation of a word but the elimination of references to Anglo-Saxon people from history. Through this procedure the meaning of Britain’s past will be altered and once people become habituated to an Anglo-Saxon-free historical vocabulary than society’s memory will be altered. That is why the struggle to gain control over language has an important influence in the way that people remember the past.

It is likely that the cancelling of the word Anglo-Saxon will pass most people by. There are very few people who will feel directly its loss. about Unfortunately, this example of officious academic censorship is not an isolated case. Decolonisers want to get rid of the word Anglo-Saxon – trans-activists will not be satisfied until they can abolish words that are used to refer to traditional human relationships.

For example, words like female are targeted because they don’t fit into the worldview of trans ideology. A self-appointed language inspectorate continually warns people against using the word female to refer to women. ‘Stop calling women “females”, warns the headline of the Daily Nexus, the student newspaper of the University of Californian at Santa Barbara[iii]. In case you have doubts about the necessity for ceasing to use this term, BuzzFeed offers ‘6 Reasons You Should Stop Referring To Women as “Females” Right Now’[iv]. But before providing an explanation for excising the use of this word from the vocabulary of everyday life, the readers are told; ‘Simply put, it’s rude and it’s weird’! Most normal human beings who have used female and woman interchangeably throughout their lives would be surprised to discover that they had behaved rudely and weirdly. However, for the supporters of the crusade against traditional language abolishing the usage of the word female from everyday conversation is mandatory because apparently ‘not all women are biologically female’, whereas as when ‘you use “woman”, you include all people who identify as women’[v]. Merriam Webster Dictionary echoes this trans logic and reminds readers that ‘not everyone who was born female is a woman, and not every woman was born female’ [vi].

It appears that the reason why ‘female’ must go is because it does not fit in with the logic and outlook of transactivists. This very old Middle English word has been in constant usage since 15the century has according to the OED a self-evident meaning. It defines female as ‘Simply: a woman or girl’. The problem that trans activists have with female is as another definition offered by the OED, explained is that it refers to a ‘person of the sex that can bear offspring: a woman or a girl’[vii]. Since abolishing the traditional connection between women and the bearing of a child is one of the aims of trans activism the word female must give way to a gender-neutral one. A word, whose first recorded usage was around 1350, and was presumably used and made sense to people for centuries before can now be summarily dismissed as weird and rude by supposedly enlightened commentators

Through challenging traditional language usage, the meaning attached to it in the past is called into question and de-authorised. In this way the words and the attitudes they reflect is disparaged and condemned. The linguistic assault on the language of the past has important implication for how society perceives itself since as the philosopher John Locke explained ‘speech is the great bond that hold society together’. In his ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ (1689), Locke explained that it is through language that ‘knowledge is conveyed from man to man and down the generations’[viii]. The words we use have evolved through centuries – if not thousands of years – of practice and through their usage have helped people gain meaning about their place in the world. They have bound different generations together in a common language community. Locke was aware that the manipulation of language could constitute a serious problem. For that reason, he insisted that language should not be regarded as a form of private property. He wrote that ‘for words, especially of languages already framed, being no man's private possession, but the common measure of commerce and communication, 'tis not for any one, at pleasure, to change’ [ix]. From Locke’s standpoint language use is underpinned by a semantic and moral compact between members of civil society.

The words we use signals what values and attitudes society deems to be important. Language reflects the norms and beliefs that underpin culture which is why the Culture Wars are so intertwined with conflicts over words. Of course, language is always changing and so it should. But there is a fundamental difference between the spontaneous evolution of a community’s vocabulary, one that is organic to its experience and the external imposition of new words. The latter represents a political project designed to alter people’s view of the world. Unlike the spontaneous evolution of language which is organic to the experience of a community the new, politicised vocabulary relies on the artificial re-engineering of language.

Just remember that those who attempt to gain control of our language aim to control the way we think.

What is your actual point Mr/Mrs Paranoia ? I think your toying with us for attention.

You could’ve summarised that spiel in two lines, I think you like the sound of your own diaphragm as it rises and falls, it must energise your ceolom and resonate its sounds up to that almighty empty cranium. Must feel good hey ?

Tripe, what you wrote or a sheeps, cow or pigs stomach lining ? I’ll let you decide Shakespeare. AW

Edit. As your brain seems to only operate in a ‘mono topic’ fashion , how about you jump on board and for the third request enter into a debate with me regarding climate change. See, I think you’re a knowledge fraud, purport to be smart and brainy but just plagiarises and translocates others information to this forum. I’ve deduced it’s a common theme amongst us Swellnetters, not the majority but a little minority. Hint; not everything you read is the truth pal.
You’re no smarty pants.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 2:34pm

Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 7 Mar 2025 at 2:42pm
seeds wrote:

Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths.

Ah yeah, the internet’s full of this. I don’t trust anything anymore. Troll farms and propaganda are good business. And people are addicted. You can see it here in these forums, obviously.