I heart WOTD

Bloody Byron Bay hippies taking over all our car parks.

Flipid is right. Don’t know her but know her partner.
Expect it was a quick park for the photo.

haha, that cube reminded me of a pretty classy one for sale in adelaide.. check out the stickers, and the samurai sword @zen..

Carry round a little block of wax Zen :)
Old school fuckery.

They're just the ones I bothered to snap Andy.
In my area parking is an afterthought.

@Zen third shot - too busy checking the surf and not looking where he was going?
Looks fun.

Pops wrote:@Zen third shot - too busy checking the surf and not looking where he was going?
Looks fun.
Either that or a very strong offshore. That ain't parking, it's abandonment.

I'm actually not sure what happened but the car was there for about a week and then taken.
You know what I love about Japan- the car had a nice navi system and some belongings and nobody touched it.
Also, the surf was so good that day but freezing.

zenagain wrote:They're just the ones I bothered to snap Andy.
In my area parking is an afterthought.
I waxed a windscreen the other day Zen, it was liberating.

While on the subject of beach carparks, I'm over all these food trucks and retro coffee vans that have appeared all along the mid coast since covid. They take up half the car spaces so a few hipsters, old fat lycra tragics on bikes and active wear clad chicks can hang around looking cool sipping their soy caramel macchiatos.
Should be a law against it.

old-dog wrote:While on the subject of beach carparks, I'm over all these food trucks and retro coffee vans that have appeared all along the mid coast since covid. They take up half the car spaces so a few hipsters, old fat lycra tragics on bikes and active wear clad chicks can hang around looking cool sipping their soy caramel macchiatos.
Should be a law against it.
'Ken oath @olddog. I've been whinging about this for ages. Same here.
Exactly what you said. Makes the uncrowded more crowded, takes up spaces and noisy generator all day ruining a once peaceful beach. F Off bloody yuppies. Keep your cafes in your cities. C*nts!!

Instant crowd makers too. It's admittedly quite nice to have a hot drink and something to eat after a surf, but I am prepared to forgo the luxuries to prevent anyone prematurely labelling the coastal towns I frequent as "up and coming". It's embarrassing how in Australia all you need to turn a quiet daggy little town into an "up and coming" hot spot is a couple of folk from a bigger city to open somewhere that sells coffee for a few hours a day.

Wave of the Daly. Pity it's such a mush burger, but the lines always look impressive when you rock up. Good spot to ease into riding overhead waves, can be fun.
I heard the crowds over xmas were worst on record.

Very quiet down that way before xmas old-dog.
We had WOTD spot a good size to ourselves (albeit a bit wind affected).

One bit of reef that could do well with a few extra boulders thrown in out wide.
I've always checked it and it's been average as Old-dog states, but there was a session a couple of years where everything aligned and after the solid drop, it stayed walled up through the inside. Seems rare though.

Craig wrote:One bit of reef that could do well with a few extra boulders thrown in out wide.
I've always checked it and it's been average as Old-dog states, but there was a session a couple of years where everything aligned and after the solid drop, it stayed walled up through the inside. Seems rare though.
Yeah agree with that. My last wave really walled up. Felt like Indo. Really sucking hard off the reef and running fast. The rest were just drops and trying to get a cutty in.

Agreed old-dog, it was good for a step up from the mid which is where I started surfing and I always had fun out there. One night me and a mate rocked up in the dark with the full moon lighting up the swell lines as they refracted along the coast, it was a bloody magical view. Next day it was light offshores and breaking on 2nd reef and lining up pretty well with only four of us in the water. I ended up sitting further in picking off the ones between sets and had it to myself. I'd recently come back from my first trip to Indo and it seemed so easy by comparison and ended up being the best surf I've had out there, my little 5'10 Weasel shaped Lipstix didn't miss a beat!
Also surfed it another time when it lined up well past the channel where you paddle out and the older guys we surfed with reckon it was the first time they'd seen it break like that

Had a session out there with a pod of about 30-40 dolphins doing laps with me from the end of the wave back to the peak and in again for ages - pure magic....

Nice WOTD. Love that coast

When its big you can take off way out the back, such an easy takeoff ramp, then fade right and left a few times do a cutback or two and then line up the bowl from 40m back and get some cover before shooting into deep water. I once rode the end of one right into the keyhole, around the big rocky outcrop and right up to where you exit the water.
I've never seen it connect to the point though.

You could make that an ice sculpture.

that looks very heavy

Josh taking yesterday's WOTD:

He’s such a good tube rider.
He was out at Cloudbreak a couple of years ago and it was really impressive watching how confident he was taking off under the lip late and sliding into them.
I guess if you grow up on the North Shore and are best mates with JOB it kinda comes naturally.

Wow incredible wave and from as deep as humanly possible.

Such a good set up, would have been a cool area to grow up as a grommet in the 60s -70s for Lynch and others.

Great spot to be sitting in the water and looking back at the forest and hills. Stunning area.

Agreed to all of the above ^^ and the great thing about this reef is it is so prominent that many other reefs along the GOR can be very good and largely overlooked.

Yes, lovely photo of this popular place of worship. The locals get pretty cranky when photos of this place appear on Swellnet, although it is no secret spot. I would get excommunicated if any of my photos of it ever appeared. I'll keep it that way I think.

About 5 years ago I was paddling from the main wave across to the more fickle inside wave just before dark to try and get a couple away from the crowd and a large black dorsal fin ( not a bronzy) at least 1 foot high, possibly more popped up in front of me in deep water about 30 meters away.
Heart nearly stopped, turned around and did the softest quietest but fastest paddle I’ve ever done straight into the rocks

Yeah that would do it @GF

tbb pleads mistaken identity...
Struggle to get a Jock Cap + long sleeve wettie on a basher...possibly a Toyboy Whompcompa
* Open face Basher cops too much water ballooning up the sleeve..stop ya in yer trax!
* Basher wouldn't forsake precious little sly eyeline with a peak cap...(Last one wave that also!)
* Basher fine tunes Ma Nature's sea siren and sings along with Huey's sea shanties.(Wotz with the ear Cap?)
* Wotz with all the ugly couch wash under that lead hand...
All of this looks way too shop cart lazy & the exact opposite to bashing!
Way too much wave face disengagement & lineup disregard for a basher...just sayin'!
Hallmark signature of a shop brought Whompa.
To be fair...allow for possible payback drop in...
* Droppin' in is once again not a wise move for an unshielded basher...rare to see or feel such!
If tbb ever dropped in once or maybe twice, will point to exactly where he was whacked in the face!
All signs point to this being a Jock Whompa...(A Surfcraft rider...far removed from basher species!)
Bunnings blowins up to crafty trix...likely got 4-5 surfcraft bullying a party wave...
See in [Aisle 4] Board + Fins + Leggie (vs) Handplane / 2x Flippers / Wettie'n'cap in hand.
Sorry! But ain't no manhandling wave wrangler givin' this wave a good bashin'...surfjustsurf!

it's one of those new battery shark decoys. I have the seal model.

Today's WOTD is an absolute top shelfer.
As perfect as a wave can get imo. I bet he hasn't forgotten this ride in a hurry.
Great shot Steve Arklay.

southernraw wrote:Today's WOTD is an absolute top shelfer.
As perfect as a wave can get imo. I bet he hasn't forgotten this ride in a hurry.
Great shot Steve Arklay.
A wave that less than 1% of the surfing population could successfully paddle in to. Me included!

What a beautiful photo , so much going on with colours and reflections , brilliant .

+1 !

Old mate goes hard on the lid too.

I think that's the shot we all wanted to wake up to this morning. Great stuff Josh. Classic moment captured. Great angle!

Josh that is a mega shot mate. Really like it.

Sick one AS.

Mal on the Hunt..

^^ Mal. (for those that don’t know)

seeds wrote:^^ Mal. (for those that don’t know)
Cheers, now it all makes sense.

And Mal doesn't dodge sets coming back. He surfs one in most of the time.


The back story.

Beautiful JB.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.