I heart WOTD

The Reaction of a Baby and it's parents when a Cochlear Device is turned ON for the First time is Unforgettable !
As AW knows and has shared , that's the beginning and an incredibly emotional and happy moment .
Imagine hearing a Sound U have Never Heard !
As the first sound is usually their Mother , a shocked huge smile is the result .
Bloody amazing !
There is so much the little pumpkin still has to work out .
Make a donation and Share the news on Social Media , like FB .
Its so easy , Pop could work it out .

- a reminder ;)
I think it’s fair to suggest that most of us have enjoyed what Indonesia has to offer, surfing and other pursuits.
We live in a wealthy country with a low population base.
How about as a caring community, I encourage at least 1000 of us to donate $5 to this young fellow through the GoFundMe portal.
Five bucks is nothing to us, it’s a coffee for fuck same.
Many of us go on boat trips, average cost $4K-$6K inc. flights.
One unit cost of what we spend on a boat trip can change a young persons life, forever.
Let’s do the right thing, donate, I did earlier today and have noticed a few others as well. We could double the amount that exist in the fund today, overnight or tomorrow, it’s not hard, just push a few buttons and say goodbye to a scant amount of loose change.
Show us your real mettle and do the right thing.
Many of us have children. Take a moment to think how fortunate ours are. AW

Jelly Flater wrote:- a reminder ;)
I think it’s fair to suggest that most of us have enjoyed what Indonesia has to offer, surfing and other pursuits.
We live in a wealthy country with a low population base.
How about as a caring community, I encourage at least 1000 of us to donate $5 to this young fellow through the GoFundMe portal.
Five bucks is nothing to us, it’s a coffee for fuck same.
Many of us go on boat trips, average cost $4K-$6K inc. flights.
One unit cost of what we spend on a boat trip can change a young persons life, forever.
Let’s do the right thing, donate, I did earlier today and have noticed a few others as well. We could double the amount that exist in the fund today, overnight or tomorrow, it’s not hard, just push a few buttons and say goodbye to a scant amount of loose change.
Show us your real mettle and do the right thing.
Many of us have children. Take a moment to think how fortunate ours are. AW
JF. Thanks, hoping after work today, the number of donors may rise. AW

Indo Dreaming. Hi. Good man, I see you’ve donated.
We are fathers , we know the feeling. Thanks. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:Indo Dreaming. Hi. Good man, I see you’ve donated.
We are fathers , we know the feeling. Thanks. AW
WTF?......Looks like a good cause but that wasnt me???
Weird, maybe someone i helped out or something donated on behalf of me.

- hope more trickles in AW ;)
…whoeva did it …..gotta say that’s farkn funny
Tell him he’s deaming ;);)

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Indo Dreaming. Hi. Good man, I see you’ve donated.
We are fathers , we know the feeling. Thanks. AWWTF?......Looks like a good cause but that wasnt me???
There’s not two of you is there ? Crikey, one’s enough. Joking.
How’s your family doing ? AW

- rascal benevolent base ?

Jelly Flater wrote:- hope more trickles in AW ;)
…whoeva did it …..gotta say that’s farkn funnyTell him he’s deaming ;);)
JellyFlater. Not wrong, it’s a comedy, all of us fucked up units on Swellnet.
Isn’t it Dweeming, dweeming and more dweeming. It was just a dweem, aah, yawn,zzzzzzzzzzzz. AW

- haha, all in one peace ;)

haha.. Who dunnit?
I can think of a few suspects.
Come on, stick your hand up. :)

that is very funny, I spell more betterer, but kudos to those who are donating.
udo drew attention to swellnet's history of supporting great causes in surfing-affected overseas communities. given the cracker WOTD, @AWs and PopD's recent heartfelt share, reckon we can all kick in a buck or two, even if to thank @AW for adding bracken and foliage to swellnet's reef. Cheers Robbie Goodwin, for reminding us to be stand up people.. daily.

Im going to take it as a positive, it's a good cause so thank you to who ever donated.

nice, here's the link @indo, I'll do the same

… hunter’s moon ;)

Jelly Flater wrote:… hunter’s moon ;)
Certainly was, Owls Grand Final night. Freaky Friday to follow, but no dressing up. AW

Official Goldie WOTD {POSTCARD} Lifeguard Salute...wins tbb's Respect
[10] Andrew Shield Postcard + [10] Caption
Goldie Qldurrz : "Perfectly Stoked Dream Tour ~ Take a bow Surf Godz swellnet!"

A thanks to Swellnet family, I can see a lot of $5 recent donations.
Keep em coming. Imagine if your kid was in that predicament, we’d all be here to help. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:A thanks to Swellnet family, I can see a lot of $5 recent donations.
Keep em coming. Imagine if your kid was in that predicament, we’d all be here to help. AW
Just chucked a tenner in, poor little fella.

goofyfoot wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:A thanks to Swellnet family, I can see a lot of $5 recent donations.
Keep em coming. Imagine if your kid was in that predicament, we’d all be here to help. AW
Just chucked a tenner in, poor little fella.
Goofyfoot. Hi mate.
Great to hear from you…..and good on you for donating. When he’s finally kitted out and trained to hear, he will conquer anything that’s in front of him,, and one of them will be that almond shape wave at his front doorstep.
A society with like minded folks and morals, can make a difference to other people’s lives. Good stuff fella. AW

Yes, nice work AW, for bringing it to our attention.

Rainbow is nothing like that at the moment.

Nice Johnny Boy....The Sequence Pics to that Bazza are Great.....With the Spit Spray


Very noice.

Different angle/view on a familiar reef.

It's funny how some waves look good in photos but aren't that much chop and while other waves often dont look that great in pics but are actually real fun.
This wave always looks good even after you come in after a frustrating surf, but unless its real solid i find it frustrating just shifts a lot and always breaks three metres further out.
The left on the other hand isn't as photogenic but much more fun as are most of the other rights in the area.
All that said some guys love it and it has its days.

Thaaaats a drop!!
Great shot TB!

Paddled??!! Full points awarded.

Wow what a unique angle. Makes it look like big Angas.

The Angle shows The Wall so well Solly .
Have never seen first hand any Points that start with A , this Walley , unfortunately .
A Victorian Wall is a bit Stronger , than NSW Wall and not suited 2 Stalling or applying brakes .
Go like a Bat out of Hell @ The Pop ( Winky ) .

Pop Down wrote:The Angle shows The Wall so well Solly .
Have never seen first hand any Points that start with A , this Walley , unfortunately .
A Victoria Wall is a bit Stronger , than NSW Wall and not suited 2 Stalling or applying brakes .
Go like a Bat out of Hell @ The Pop ( Winky ) .
PopDown. Hi mate.
Anchor Point, Morocco. Shukran, AW

I will check out the other Pointy Anga , Alfred .
I love a quick O/S Flyover and will Morocco and Shaken around .
Sounds so cool .
Got the MRI Image of my Right shoulder .
I hope my Doctor knows what she is looking at and expecting 2 hear Monday .
It all looks like Hieroglyphs on a Mummy , 2 me .
Something looks like I feel , white , unattached and separated .
As I said , I have NFI and prepared 4 anything :) .
ps What happened 2 Joffa's Golden Coat ?
Probably in the Collingwood Hall of Fame !
I liked Joffa's guts .
Spot On Solly !
Even the water temp looks the same !

I watched a clip of a guy getting towed into a Ferry Wave in Oregon last week .
One of the BEST clips I have seen , Red Hot !
If U find it , play the sound clip .
It's a Classic !
Hundreds of Ferries fly around creating waves in this State and Surfers Rule these waves 2 .

A bit of a unicorn today…
That things draining!!

Full credit 2 the surfer 4 going out 2 take on that small sucker .
After seeing That Left , Pop would turn right , around and go home .
Like Cheops , looks unPop Upable 2 me :) .
Sandy helps , but she has guts .

A months worth of hot yoga classes at the gym PD and you'd handle that no worries

If you squint, it looks like a 1989 sebastian bach in a plunging v jumpsuit coming out of the water holding his board back to front.

If I squint , Seb looks like Cousin It and his leg is pushing water IN .

‘What’s up China ‘ ? AW.

Beautiful shot, WOTD.
T’was beautiful waves west of Melbourne on both the day before and on the day of the cup. Nowhere near as busy as I would have thought. Monday sublime smooth 4ft runners.
Today’s photo at a guess is SA I think. AW

Yep AW. Great waves those days.
Correct guess.

Wait a sec. that's a fair way west of Gulag Melbourne.

Phillip Island is West of Melb if you keep sailing long enough.

Cool pic the O’s

That's a goodie

WOTD swellnet Craig (Salute) + good one rj-davey
Qldurrz reward swellnet Craig'n'crew with our finest Full of Croc Stinger Net Line-Up
Even us Qldurrz were amazed just how cheaply you can line up a swell
Just by tinkering the profile a little...ya could roll these out for 1,001 Local Lineups
Without the Local heavy crew of course...or maybe just bait the locals to ward off Blowins!
Ye Olde Goldie Southport Pier sets rolled thru Shark Staked Swim pens.
Late 1880s (Less Spit) Waves rocked the Pier & ate away the Broadwater foreshore
Stories of Waves rockin' the Shark Pen (Cancelling the Dive Shows) Once was a thing!

Geez that’s beautiful Onya Craigos

How's the water colour?
Take it from me, Craig is a supreme frother. Ayumi is not far behind. Even the bub is a frother.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.