The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 3:05pm

Donald the Dictator


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 4:05pm
sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 4:07pm
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 4:28pm

The contest is tightening up...hard to make a call on the outcome.

Harris should easily win the popular vote but the electoral vote is unknown.

I'm surprised Trump even has a chance tbh.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 4:40pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

This last six days video tally from Jelly in this thread alone 75 videos, maybe half a dozen max actually USA related with substance.

Thur= 7 videos

Fri=15 videos

Sat=8 videos

Sun=30 videos

Mon=7 videos

Tue= 15 videos

Total=75 videos

Non video proper on topic discussion and opinions on say the USA election race weekly total= 0

Look its totally a first world problem, but it does kind of suck when others actually want to discuss a topic, but some troll just floods threads full of pointless videos which means others actual on topic post and discussion gets lost.

Hence why why he doesn't do the same in the Indigenous thread etc.

Hahaha You actually counted them?
Sit down and have a long hard think about what counting how many videos a person you've never met in your life has posted on a surfing website really means deep down.
Insanity. Funniest shit i've read in a while and gave me a good laugh on my work break.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 7:09pm
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

This last six days video tally from Jelly in this thread alone 75 videos, maybe half a dozen max actually USA related with substance.

Thur= 7 videos

Fri=15 videos

Sat=8 videos

Sun=30 videos

Mon=7 videos

Tue= 15 videos

Total=75 videos

Non video proper on topic discussion and opinions on say the USA election race weekly total= 0

Look its totally a first world problem, but it does kind of suck when others actually want to discuss a topic, but some troll just floods threads full of pointless videos which means others actual on topic post and discussion gets lost.

Hence why why he doesn't do the same in the Indigenous thread etc.

Hahaha You actually counted them?
Sit down and have a long hard think about what counting how many videos a person you've never met in your life has posted on a surfing website really means deep down.
Insanity. Funniest shit i've read in a while and gave me a good laugh on my work break.

Counting them took less than a minute and there is no deeper meaning.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 7:22pm
Roadkill wrote:

The contest is tightening up...hard to make a call on the outcome.

Harris should easily win the popular vote but the electoral vote is unknown.

I'm surprised Trump even has a chance tbh.

Even though i want him to win, i am surprised he is in with a chance, i just think it's pretty crazy that he can react the way he did to the election defeat and then still be so popular, i would have thought it would have put much more people off.

BTW. Betting odd have blown out even more now.


And leading in six of the seven swing states.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 7:19pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

This last six days video tally from Jelly in this thread alone 75 videos, maybe half a dozen max actually USA related with substance.

Thur= 7 videos

Fri=15 videos

Sat=8 videos

Sun=30 videos

Mon=7 videos

Tue= 15 videos

Total=75 videos

Non video proper on topic discussion and opinions on say the USA election race weekly total= 0

Look its totally a first world problem, but it does kind of suck when others actually want to discuss a topic, but some troll just floods threads full of pointless videos which means others actual on topic post and discussion gets lost.

Hence why why he doesn't do the same in the Indigenous thread etc.

Hahaha You actually counted them?
Sit down and have a long hard think about what counting how many videos a person you've never met in your life has posted on a surfing website really means deep down.
Insanity. Funniest shit i've read in a while and gave me a good laugh on my work break.

Counting them took less than a minute and there is no deeper meaning.

Sure. You keep telling yourself that.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 6:41am

Betting odd's are now really blowing out.

Trump 57.7

Harris 41.3

Trump's favourite in 6 of 7 swing states but only just and in Pennsylvania only by. (+0.3)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 6:42am

And here's some perspective on how important Pennsylvania is, it really is about who wins that state, unless cards fall very differently than expected elsewhere and some unexpected state with decent college electoral votes flips.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 7:54am

The Don walked into the Bloomberg Interview and was told Kamala was too scared and had refused to enter the Lions Den .

He told the Smart Ones that have screwed UP the US , that they are NOT as smart as they think .
When told that the WSJ thought his Economic Plan would cost $7 Trillion he said "

"What does the Wall Street Journal know ? They have Been wrong about everything . And so have you , by the way ! "

He got a Standing Ovation .

Told them that Tariff is the Best word in the Dictionary and will Go further and Ban Chinese from buying US Homes .

Both Employment and Crime are Major Election Issues .

The Democrats have been Fudging Figures to try and Steal another Election .

The Labor Stats were dramatically Revised Down .

Now the Crime Figures were Quietly revised .

Bloody hell , Crime is NOT Down 1.7& but UP 4.5% !

The FBI thought they could secretly Revise these Important Documents 2 .

Harris and Hilary want 2 get rid of Misinformation .

They should start with the FBI !

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 10:07am
Pop Down wrote:

The Don walked into the Bloomberg Interview and was told Kamala was too scared and had refused to enter the Lions Den .

He told the Smart Ones that have screwed UP the US , that they are NOT as smart as they think .
When told that the WSJ thought his Economic Plan would cost $7 Trillion he said "

"What does the Wall Street Journal know ? They have Been wrong about everything . And so have you , by the way ! "

He got a Standing Ovation .

Told them that Tariff is the Best word in the Dictionary and will Go further and Ban Chinese from buying US Homes .

Both Employment and Crime are Major Election Issues .

The Democrats have been Fudging Figures to try and Steal another Election .

The Labor Stats were dramatically Revised Down .

Now the Crime Figures were Quietly revised .

Bloody hell , Crime is NOT Down 1.7& but UP 4.5% !

The FBI thought they could secretly Revise these Important Documents 2 .

Harris and Hilary want 2 get rid of Misinformation .

They should start with the FBI !

Fact check.

I watched that. He didn’t get a standing ovation. He got a few laughs (laughing at him) and a few claps.. as it was pretty funny

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 10:20am

Morning Roady

I was chatting about more important stuff , but then Heard your applause at Trumps sense of humour .

Unfortunately , my deliberate Fruit Salad message confused you again , your Timing is Out and U are looking in the Wrong place , again .

Trump got TWO Standing Ovations !

One when he walked IN 2 the Lions Den to discuss Economics and his Policies .

The Audience knew Kamala had piked the gig and had come to Watch Trump get Slashed in the Coliseum .

They thought Trump was both Brave and Stupid for taking such a Risk !

Imagine Harris talking Economics !!!!!

Trump turned the tables and Tore the Un Truth Lion , 2 pieces and the Crowd loved it .

They wanted more , so gave Trump the 2nd Standing Ovation at the End .

Go back 2 the video ref !

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 10:42am

Trump is a pretty amusing, in a crazy af way, guy.

That bit at the Bloomberg interview about wine and The French PM was hilarious.

PD, you don't confuse me at are easy to read..nothing clever or subtle in your basic copy and paste take on all things USA.

I listened to a podcast about Trump's support and they explained it as such...

the USA folks hate politicians, they hate congress and the whole hijacked and corrupted system...congress rates so poorly in trust and politicians are the lowest respected people when ranked against other professions. Now folks see Trump as not really a politician, most politicians walk into a room/hall and want everyone to like them, Trump walks in and if 95% of the room dislike him he doesn't care, he is seen as happy to disrupt the status quo. Many like him because he isn't the normal politician they get..he is 100% angertainment and 100% a bull shit artist and 100% a grifter. However he is their grifter so many are cool with that.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 11:03am

Hey Roady

Mate , U are Confusing me atm .

Who do u agree with ?
U agree with me , really ?

U have Fruit Saladed me .

I will go and have a Pop nap and maybe wake up feeling a bit better .

So , u agree with Who ?

edit re below

That's better , Roady's Status Quo is in alignment and the Poles haven't changed , yet .

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 10:58am
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Roady

Mate , U are Confusing me atm .

U agree with me , really ?

U have Fruit Saladed me .

I will go and have a Pop nap and maybe wake up feeling a bit better .

So , u agree with Who ?

I have no idea what you are babbling about

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 11:19am

was an Interesting bloomberg interview...

he did pit them in their place

he is right, they have been wrong about everything!

it's a broken ideology

the end of the end of history meets the death of neoliberalism / unchecked ideologically nutty globalisation...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 11:22am

now the fox interview...

train wreck campaign meets an octo-intersection with no compliant media conductor to mitigate reality

she's cooked

I hope...

her as president would be a disaster

a bigger disaster than trump...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 11:23am

the cooking the books of fbi crime figures tells you everything you need to know...

for those STILL in denial!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 11:51am
sypkan wrote:

now the fox interview...

train wreck campaign meets an octo-intersection with no compliant media conductor to mitigate reality

she's cooked

I hope...

her as president would be a disaster

a bigger disaster than trump...

Syp, I have no hopes for Harris to do anything amazing if elected, it will just be a continuation of what is there now, there will be no structural changes and congress will just continue being what it is. She and the current Dems are not change makers. Which is what is needed. Trump won’t do anything either except bring bs and confusion and unnecessary disruption.

What Harris will do is allow the US to tread water and hopefully the Republicans get rid of the crazies that have hijacked the party. The republicans need a complete reset. The Dems need a partial reset.

IMO nothing will change long term but for anyone to think Trump is the guy to fix the bs is living in ga ga land.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:25pm

Hey Roady

You can see clearly , but your analysis heads into Ga Ga Lands , always .

The US is going backwards and the Empire is Sinking , not Treading Water .

Think Titanic .

A Reset is Desperately needed .

As you say Kamala is a Puppet with no New Ideas and Nothing will Change 4 the better .

It will get Bloody Worse and might lead to WW3 ffs !

The US people have a Choice between someone unwilling 2 change and a Change merchant .

Trumps a Disrupter !

They KNOW Trumps pushing Shit , Uphill !

They don't need to Believe Trump will fix the BS , as you so eloquently say .

All they need is Hope , he will try .

Looking at the Poles in the US , your view makes no Sense , again IMO !

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:41pm

your position comes from a point that considers there to be no significant change needed

you display this everyday with your comments - that's not criticism but observation

a large large swathe of the population disagree with you

ffs, even kamala is campaigning on change

(how the hell a party believes you can campaign on 'change' when you're the incumbent is beyond me... but this is the tightrope of outright gaslighting the campaign is running on...)

your little paragraph on trump above is spot on, he's the throw the baby out with the bathwater mechanism many people are willing to run with

he's the big ugly beast

the big ugly beast that is required to evoke real change...

it's a sad state of affairs that a 'normal' candidate cannot facilitate this change, but that is the sad reality of the big money politics that has developed

where trump haters get it all wrong - and our resident msnbc correspondent displays it daily - is in portraying MAGA as a cult full of dumb fucks being taken for a ride...

there is an element of that, but really, it would be 30% of trump voters at the absolute maximum most... the rest is made up of die hard republicans, and the vast majority being normal families and people of all colours that are sick and tired of being taken for an actual ride for decades...

most trump voters wouldn't see him as any kind of messiah, they see him as the big ugly mechanism required to really shake shit up

that's it

portraying them as dumb, deplorable and 'low'info', is the dems biggest own goal failure mistake they continue to make...


trump has academics, tech nerds, credible media dudes, workers, farmers, and yes, dumb fucks supporting him...

their common thread is they can smell bullshit

the dems whole campaign is slicked up bullshit

it's widely accepted that even the most uneducated of voters can see through bullshit

kamala's hope and joy bullshit is unravelling before our very eyes

it was an act of absolute hubris - and an absolute corruption of the system - to think they could shelter her from scrutiny for four or five months until the election

but that was their strategy...

ffs, they even openly admitted it!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:32pm

"The republicans need a complete reset. The Dems need a partial reset."

the republicans of old are never coming back

the dems need more than a partial reset, they are rotten to the core...

politically, ideologically, physically, mentally...

unless 'the party of the people' learns to actually listen to the people...

once again...

I think it's them that are heading to the political wilderness for many election cycles to come...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:44pm
sypkan wrote:

your position comes from a point that considers there to be no significant change needed

you display this everyday with your comments - that's not criticism but observation

a large large swathe of the population disagree with you

ffs, even kamala is campaigning on change

(how the hell a party believes you can campaign on 'change' when you're the incumbent is beyond me... but this is the tightrope of gasliggting the campaign is running on...)

your little paragraph on trump above is spot on, he's the throw the baby out with the bathwater mechanism many people are willing to run With

he's the big ugly beast

the big ugly beast that is required to evoke real change...

it's a sad state of affairs that a 'normal' candidate cannot facilitate this change, but that is the sad reality of the big money politics that has developed

where trump haters get it all wrong - and our resident msnbc correspondent displays it daily... is in portraying MAGA as a cult full of dumb fucks being taken for a ride...

there is an element of that, but really, it would be 30% of trump voters at the most... the rest is made up of die hard republicans, and the vast majority being normal families and people of all colours that are sick and tired of being taken for an actual ride for decades...

most trump voters wouldn't see him as any kind of messiah, they see him as the big ugly mechanism required to really shake shit up

that's it

portraying them as dumb, deplorable and 'low'info' is the dems biggest own goal failure they continue to make... continuously...

trump has academics, tech nerds, credible media dudes, workers and yes, dumb fucks supporting him...

their common thread is they can smell bullshit

the dems whole campaign is slicked up bullshit

it's widely accepted that even the most uneducated of voters can see through bullshit

kamala's hope and joy bullshit is unravelling before our very eyes

it was an act of absolute hubris - and an absolute corruption of the system - to think they could shelter her from scrutiny for four or five months until the election

but that was their strategy...

they even openly admitted it!

"your position comes from a point that considers there to be no significant change needed"


My position comes from a point that considers complete significant change is required. That you didn't get that shows you read my comments for what you think I say.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:51pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Roady

You can see clearly , but your analysis heads into Ga Ga Lands , always .

The US is going backwards and the Empire is Sinking , not Treading Water .

Think Titanic .

A Reset is Desperately needed .

As you say Kamala is a Puppet with no New Ideas and Nothing will Change 4 the better .

It will get Bloody Worse and might lead to WW3 ffs !

The US people have a Choice between someone unwilling 2 change and a Change merchant .

Trumps a Disrupter !

They KNOW Trumps pushing Shit , Uphill !

They don't need to Believe Trump will fix the BS , as you so eloquently say .

All they need is Hope , he will try .

Looking at the Poles in the US , your view makes no Sense , again IMO !

I never said Kamala is a puppet. (and I don't think I have ever said that in all my posts)

and there you go again wetting the bed about an imaginary WW3. It ain't going to happen.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 12:59pm

so enlighten me rk...

if you think significant change is required... where is it gonna come from?

certainly not from you advocating for harris...

you seem completely happy to be a frog in the boiler of the titantic

you saying trump won't shake shit up comes across as plain ignorant / delusional / denialism...

where you been the last 8 years?

he's turned politics on it's head...

this is where hate for the man seems to cloud over any objective judgement whatsoever

geeez, you don't even have to like him or what he does to see he's disrupted the whole system and what is considered 'conventional wisdom'

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:02pm
sypkan wrote:

where trump haters get it all wrong - and our resident msnbc correspondent displays it daily - is in portraying MAGA as a cult full of dumb fucks being taken for a ride...

there is an element of that, but really, it would be 30% of trump voters at the absolute maximum most... the rest is made up of die hard republicans, and the vast majority being normal families and people of all colours that are sick and tired of being taken for an actual ride for decades...

Got any evidence to back up those numbers Syppy?
Cos i'd just as quickly argue (without evidence) that 80-90percent would fall into the DF basket, especially in the land of the free.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:07pm

@RK , I hope you’re correct about WW3 not happening. I think this current situation around the world is the closest we have come to it , really hope you’re right as there are some absolute lunatics running the show in various countries . The great reset could mean something else .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:17pm

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:21pm
sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:23pm


out of touch...


all over again...

and again...

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:25pm

Interesting side fact. Australia has the third highest rate of depression in the world, second only to the USA and Ukraine. Ukraine you can imagine why.
Isn't it interesting that the two most gluttonous countries on the planet are also home to the highest rates of depression. Australians are more depressed even than farking poms!!?
The countries with the lowest incidentally, no surprises are Pacific Island nations and central African nations.
Food for thought. Incidentally food is probably tied in somewhere with those rates.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:27pm
southernraw wrote:
sypkan wrote:

where trump haters get it all wrong - and our resident msnbc correspondent displays it daily - is in portraying MAGA as a cult full of dumb fucks being taken for a ride...

there is an element of that, but really, it would be 30% of trump voters at the absolute maximum most... the rest is made up of die hard republicans, and the vast majority being normal families and people of all colours that are sick and tired of being taken for an actual ride for decades...

Got any evidence to back up those numbers Syppy?
Cos i'd just as quickly argue (without evidence) that 80-90percent would fall into the DF basket, especially in the land of the free.


with respect...

you just keep perpetuating the gross mistake 'the left' continues to make right across the western world...



and a lack of respect for your fellow man


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:41pm

ha. I'm not sure why you added 'with respect' to that.
Clearly no respect.
What was wrong with the question Syp?
Not in your wheelhouse to produce evidence on your assumptions?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:44pm
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

yet others might disagree with you.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:44pm
southernraw wrote:

ha. I'm not sure why you added 'with respect' to that.
Clearly no respect.
What was wrong with the question Syp?
Not in your wheelhouse to produce evidence on your assumptions?

syppy was triggered..the question was respectful..the reply was not

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 1:46pm

Cheers @roady.
I'm trying to be nice! ha

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 2:14pm
southernraw wrote:

Cheers @roady.
I'm trying to be nice! ha

it is a better sandpit if we all play nicely :)

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 2:15pm
sypkan wrote:


out of touch...


all over again...

and again...

she showed more courage than Trump ever has...gutsy from her to front up to Fox.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 3:02pm

That was really interesting SR, the differential might be able to be explained by many going undiagnosed:

"While the numbers listed above (and below) are valuable and vital, it is important to keep in mind that the true rates are likely much higher, especially in less developed countries. Depression is much more likely to be diagnosed in highly developed countries, whose more robust health care infrastructures are far better equipped to identify and treat mental illnesses.

Therefore, less developed countries do not necessarily have less depression—rather, their treatment of mental illnesses often takes a back seat to broader concerns such as hunger, disease, and sanitation. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 76–85% of people suffering from mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries lack access to the necessary treatment. Moreover, even in developed nations, many cases of mental illness go undiagnosed and unreported because the patients are either ashamed of their illness or unaware that it's a medically treatable condition."

Speculation: the way not to go insane is to turn your back on all the bs, get back into nature, tune in, turn on drop out (no drugs)

Oh, the local magpies have successfully raised a batch of chicks this year, they are out of the nest and on the ground now. We're hoping they all survive and they can use them to terrorise the whole street as a family of winged Tyrants. Mrs Magpie got organised really early, chose the hardest to see nest in the most dense shrub, then both parents fought until wounded to secure the surrounding area, Mr Magpie could hardly walk at one stage. They ate and ate and became too large to beat. They beat everyone to it, and have the family to show for it. Very satisfying after their chicks got eaten by the Currawongs last year.

In the mad human world, re: the war situation, we have North Korean troops now fighting in Ukraine, that sounds like an escalation, sadly.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 3:30pm
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

Holy crap, man. Tell us you only watched 30 second snippets of this on twatter without telling us that's what you did.

The account you posted also said this: "The next question involved Kamala slurring her words, saying, "No future HURM would occur,” while blaming Trump for nursing student Laken Riley's death". Bro, they're picking on her mispronouncing ONE word? hahahah. Also went on to say she was "slurring her words". How many slurred words you wanna count in this 27 odd mins compared to any of Trumpy's recent appearances?

Make your own minds up with the full thing here.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 3:43pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

That was really interesting SR, the differential might be able to be explained by many going undiagnosed:

"While the numbers listed above (and below) are valuable and vital, it is important to keep in mind that the true rates are likely much higher, especially in less developed countries. Depression is much more likely to be diagnosed in highly developed countries, whose more robust health care infrastructures are far better equipped to identify and treat mental illnesses.

Therefore, less developed countries do not necessarily have less depression—rather, their treatment of mental illnesses often takes a back seat to broader concerns such as hunger, disease, and sanitation. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 76–85% of people suffering from mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries lack access to the necessary treatment. Moreover, even in developed nations, many cases of mental illness go undiagnosed and unreported because the patients are either ashamed of their illness or unaware that it's a medically treatable condition."

Speculation: the way not to go insane is to turn your back on all the bs, get back into nature, tune in, turn on drop out (no drugs)

Oh, the local magpies have successfully raised a batch of chicks this year, they are out of the nest and on the ground now. We're hoping they all survive and they can use them to terrorise the whole street as a family of winged Tyrants. Mrs Magpie got organised really early, chose the hardest to see nest in the most dense shrub, then both parents fought until wounded to secure the surrounding area, Mr Magpie could hardly walk at one stage. They ate and ate and became too large to beat. They beat everyone to it, and have the family to show for it. Very satisfying after their chicks got eaten by the Currawongs last year.

In the mad human world, re: the war situation, we have North Korean troops now fighting in Ukraine, that sounds like an escalation, sadly.

Good observations and thoughts VJ. Thanks for offering a differing insight.
Yeah nature is key i reckon. Gotta get out and amongst it.
Birds are always a good start!
Cheers mate.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 3:48pm

Good onya SR, hope everything is going well down your way.
I guess it shortens the scope of what's going on closer to what an individual can observe and have input into ('what you can control') so things don't seem too freakish which can happen with social media or watching the world come at you live through a device. US election will come and go, there will be volatility. Most people are great when you get to know them.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 3:53pm
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

Just listening to a Tucker podcast, exposing the truth about Kamala. As for as being elevated above her station, that’s been her entire career. Fucking (literally) the SF mayor has been her greatest professional development. Everything after that has been a grift. Worth a listen.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:02pm
soggydog wrote:
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

Just listening to a Tucker podcast, exposing the truth about Kamala. As for as being elevated above her station, that’s been her entire career. Fucking (literally) the SF mayor has been her greatest professional development. Everything after that has been a grift. Worth a listen.

Trumpers will rub their hands together with glee that Kamala was consensually rooting someone in the early 90's, but will disbelieve or just never mention Donnie's many sexual, err, indiscretions.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:04pm
soggydog wrote:
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

Just listening to a Tucker podcast, exposing the truth about Kamala. As for as being elevated above her station, that’s been her entire career. Fucking (literally) the SF mayor has been her greatest professional development. Everything after that has been a grift. Worth a listen.

"Just listening to a Tucker podcast, exposing the truth"

Did you question anything he said in his exposing the truth? or..did you accept everything he said as truth?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:05pm
Roadkill wrote:
sypkan wrote:


out of touch...


all over again...

and again...

she showed more courage than Trump ever has...gutsy from her to front up to Fox.

dude, that's her job...

or was...

the basics

until the dems adopted a small target biden basement strategy

trump faced a hostile press everyday of his presidency and beyond...

sometimes for hours on end

you ain't even close to apples n apples...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:06pm
Hiccups wrote:
soggydog wrote:
sypkan wrote:

kamala is an intelligent accomplished woman...

I honestly cannot believe her answers are so shit

so so shit...

some diodes aren't connecting upstairs

or politics simply ain't her thing...

Just listening to a Tucker podcast, exposing the truth about Kamala. As for as being elevated above her station, that’s been her entire career. Fucking (literally) the SF mayor has been her greatest professional development. Everything after that has been a grift. Worth a listen.

Trumpers will rub their hands together with glee that Kamala was consensually rooting someone in the early 90's, but will disbelieve or just never mention Donnie's many sexual, err, indiscretions.

you can say it...found guilty in a court of law of sexual assault/rape

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:16pm
Supafreak wrote:

@RK , I hope you’re correct about WW3 not happening. I think this current situation around the world is the closest we have come to it , really hope you’re right as there are some absolute lunatics running the show in various countries . The great reset could mean something else .

I'm with you Supa, very scary time indeed.
Glad I just had a great month of good surf, although missed swell up there this week.

Situation could easily deliberately or mistakenly get out of hand.

Israel yet to respond to Iran, when they do no doubt Iran will respond in kind and then probably the USA will then be involved (already are, but more actively so).
Some commentators believe Iran already have or are very close to having a deliverable nuclear weapon as we all know Israel does.
They have enough hyper sonic missiles it seems to pretty much level Israel, don't know if THAAD will help too much
If they go after Iran's oil fields, China is going to be pissed as it is their main source of oil I believe. They will not stand by and let that happen as their economy is dependent on Iran's oil. Will they get involved?
Never mind what is happening in the Ukraine.
Russia and Iran are quite close now it seems.
There is a lot that could go wrong and, in my view, it makes no difference who is in the White House, 2 wings of the same bird, the rest is theatre.
In reality WW3 has already started, just hope it is contained.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 at 4:22pm
Roadkill wrote:
southernraw wrote:

ha. I'm not sure why you added 'with respect' to that.
Clearly no respect.
What was wrong with the question Syp?
Not in your wheelhouse to produce evidence on your assumptions?

syppy was triggered..the question was respectful..the reply was not

why no respect?

it's common knowledge amongst some circles that 'the left' is aloof and just bags their opponents as dumb...

it's their mantra

(their problem...)

especially when shit goes pear shaped...

I'd say those days are long gone

especially in the US...

if you think the likes of the wienstien brothers, nicole shanahan, taibbi, greenwald, musk, bari wiess, vivek, and a host of others... are dumb... well, there's no fixing that...

the public rejects ' the left's' shit candidates and policies... and its always...

they're dumb

low info


blah blah fucking blah

sorry nah, it's your candidates policies and ideas that are dumb...

the public are smarter and more well informed than ever

this is the fake left's real problem!

they can no longer 'control the narrative'

ffs, once again...

they even admit it!!