The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Heeby's picture
Heeby's picture
Heeby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 12:58pm

The concept of co- conspiracy liability ,
And how it applies to Trump being held criminally responsible for all the crimes of all the co - conspirators.


Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 1:40pm

At the risk of turning this into the Hutchy/ Pop Down thread,

Hutch was just a frothing grom on a rampage,

now he's Popped Up as a frothing grom out for a laugh.

Live and learn.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 3:47pm

Media are hiding Global Cost on Israel Invasion Evacuation.
tbb has been slowly unravelling true cost of Global evacuation...

[factcheck] 2006 Lebanon Evacuation
All western Govts Oz/UK/US/Canada etc paid for massive global cost of Israel Invasion Evacuation.

Bizarrely includes #1 Warmongers Bush / Howard covered all Muslim's Evacuation...Luv these guys!

[factcheck] All Media falsely allude to Western Govts freely & gallantly evacuating world citizens...
All plead commonsense...You must Evacuate Now!
So why can't they?

tbb can confirm all western nations are mandating evacuation costs upon own fleeing National Citizens.
UK locked in base $675 Price (Pay up front or die!)
US mandate $415 Loans for fixed price fare
Canada now mandate fixed priced loans
Oz pays initial $30m cost but demands Insurance and Lebanese Dual Nationals pay back the fares.
NZ offer good luck + Mandate registering where ya prefer to be Bombed!

Israel orders all cowardly Western Nations to mandate their own captive world citizen evacuations.
World now mandates imprisoned evacuees pay Global extortion demands by their own Saviours.
Whole west world are complicit in mandating evacuation of innocents to fuel horrific Israeli Invasion.
If ya can't afford yer own Govt's Israeli mandated evacuation extortion demands ya simply get bombed.

How is World's largest ever Globally mandated extortion of fleeing innocents not #1 World News?
Nope! This is not a conspiracy...feel free to check any / all of Mass Mandated Emergency Extortion.

Congratulations cruel are officially dead to tbb.
Happy Anniversary! KILL KILL's ya bill!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 4:18pm

Dont worry Iran said they will pay any bills seeing they are the ones that finance Hamas, Hezbollah & the Houthi's.

Israel is just writing up the bill now it should be arriving by airmail anytime soon.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 4:24pm
Pop Down wrote:


He was a Buffon !

He was the Hardest Buffon To Buffon