Make the most of the coming swell for Hawaii, as next weeks secondary smaller swell with be met with weak Kona's. Lots of trade-swell for Micronesia and PNG.
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Smallish swell mid-week with a large NW groundswell for Friday with offshore winds. Easing through the weekend with another moderate pulse next week. Moderate levels of NE trade-swell for the other regions, getting large early next week with some N'ly groundswell pulses also in the mix.
New inconsistent NW groundswell for Friday afternoon, easing through the weekend, with another swell for early next week. Larger swell for next weekend.
Nothing too major with a moderate sized swell for Wednesday and then again Friday afternoon, fading from the weekend. Better swell mid-late next week, with a possible large swell soon after.
New large N/NW groundswell for Friday, easing into the weekend, with a distant N/NW groundswell for Wednesday and slightly stronger NW swell Friday week.
XL swell easing this afternoon, further tomorrow, with a new strong N/NW groundswell for Friday but with winds tending NE. Smaller weekend and then a N/NE groundswell for Monday.
Moderate mid-period N/NW swell tomorrow ahead of a late large kick in XL N/NW groundswell, peaking Friday morning, easing from then on. Another very large NW groundswell for Monday.
Easing XL swell tomorrow across Hawaii, with another very large N/NW groundswell for Thursday afternoon and Friday, easing into the weekend. Large new swell for early next week, quite thereafter.
Large N/NW groundswell for Thursday and Friday across the North Shore, with an XL N/NW groundswell for Tuesday next week. E/NE-NE trade-swell for Micronesia and PNG from Friday.
A solid NW pulse is due to peak on Wednesday, although the wind outlook isn't too promising at this stage.