Approaching winter-style low brings offshore winds and a S swell as it clears the state


Approaching winter-style low brings offshore winds and a S swell as it clears the state


The unstable pattern continues with a small trough of low pressure lingering off the Central NSW Coast, linked to tropical cloud bands and moisture streaming in from the Northern Monsoon. A weak front is crossing Tas with a trough forming t the NE of the state. A large, winter-calibre mid-latitude low approaches from the W and becomes slow moving as it passes the state Fri/Sat.

Small E swell pulses keep beaches surfable with winds shifting around


Small E swell pulses keep beaches surfable with winds shifting around


The unstable pattern continues with a small trough of low pressure lingering off the Central NSW Coast, linked to tropical cloud bands and moisture streaming in from the Northern Monsoon. This unstable, humid pattern lasts through the week before a winter-calibre mid-latitude low blasts a clearing W’ly flow across temperate NSW, with a S’ly change for the sub-tropics. Small, funky E swells maintain surfable conditions through the f/cast period.