Kelly Slater To Narrate Julian Assange Documentary
"He [Assange] put out information people didn't want being put out but it was all truthful and I don't know how you fault a guy for putting out the truth."
So said Kelly Slater in an Instagram video back in March. The statement caught the attention of Kym Staton, producer and director of an upcoming film on Julian Assange. Originally titled 'Free The Truth: Free Assange', the working title is now 'The Trust Fall' though the subject matter remains the same.
"The main aim of this film is to gather more support for Julian's freedom. At its core, this is a political case and a mass public outcry is needed in order to pressure US, UK, and Australian politicians to do the right thing and release him."
"The uniqueness of this that it will focus on the big 'why' of the situation."
Regarding the inclusion of Kelly Slater, Staton recently wrote:
"Having a professional surfer sportsperson may seem like a strange choice for a political film, however please bear in mind that this film aims to educate a very wide audience about the important issues surrounding the Assange predicament, and one of the best ways to reach a wider audience is through role models and people with a large following and fan base who might otherwise never take the time to watch a political film."
"So this is a strategic move and somewhat of a marketing move to have the involvement of people from a variety of walks of life."
To find out more, or to donate to the film's GoFundMe account, click here.
Go smelly gator ;)
Literally putting his voice to something of actual value…
- and, seemingly, without regard to personal or monetary reward.
Not a fan of Assange or any other Traitors to Australia.
Boo Kelly !
He publicly released sensitive information about under cover operations and personnel re our Allies.
Thats treason every day of the week.
Not being truthful with Australian citizens is far more treacherous.
Not when its given over to ignorant bleeding heart lefties
Gowsa. Your opinion, fine.
What a wowser, another Australian, American or English government vigilante. They are all coming out of the woodwork this year, (must have a relative working at the ATO or Fed.Police)
Julian Assange and followers simply try to and most times succeed in exposing the truth or some close version of it.
Explain what is wrong with that in this deceitful, lying era of fake everything (tits, lips, eyelashes, id, passports, AI, email fraud and all those shit social media sites (not this one) fake profiles and a world today that DOES really resemble The Barbie Movie etc.
Do you really think for example that Australia cares about you ? I doubt it.
Please explain to me the very reason/s why he should be persecuted, for what telling the truth.
Globally, we’ve forgotten how to tell the truth, it’s actually enlightening to hear the truth and nothing but the truth.
Telling the truth will set you free, we all know this because we have all lied at some stage in our lives.
Of course what I’m writing is the truth because i read it in a Murdoch publication, NOT. !!!!! AW
Its not that he told the truth
He put peoples lives in danger.
Good Journalists now when to hold back on information if it can jeopardise life and military operations
He just published anything classified regardless of the consequences. He was a little boy telling dirty secrets. Even the lefty news (Fairfax and ABC) concede this.
Gowsa, oh, spare me the misery you are suffering. Did you have a few model military aircraft as a young kid ? Or was mum or dad in the Aust.Defence Force., its gotta be one or the other or maybe both.
Don’t want those Reds or Commos coming to OZ, look under your bed tonight, take your Swiss Army pocket knife with you before you nod off. AW
AW. Spot on ;)
I made plenty of those model aeroplanes as a kid , has a grandfather fought in New Guinea also , not sure how either of those things qualify one as a crackpot AW?
Mikehunt207 Hi. At no stage did i state that Bowsa was a crackpot, you said that not me.
I merely picked up on his theme of being very loyal and vigilant to Australia’s security and military, of which im definitely not, if you’ve been following this thread closely, theres been plenty of discussion involving Australia’s involvement in unnecessary wars of which we rightly had no business to be involved with..
I remember Tony Blair being grilled in the British Courts and parliament about GBR being involved in the hunt with John Howard, George Bush for WMD , he had to admit that they didn’t really exist, therefore i don’t trust anything involving the military, just look at the annual problems that are broadcast on media, list is exhaustive, recent BRS court action to top it off.
Military is a law unto itself, here and in Pakistan, Burma etc.
You played with model planes as a youngster , your grandfather killed people in Papua New Guinea.
i played with birds, plants and nailbag and hammer, building stuff. I have a famous relative who was a plant collector in Papua New Guinea, so there you are, different horses for courses,
Lastly, i cant take anyone serious with a derogatory moniker, thats probably offensive to any female subscriber who reads these posts, also you’ve plagiarised that name from the movie Porky’s.
Wrapping up, , Id say Bowsa gave as good as he got, in fact he showed his full mettle, but without a jacket !!! A bit of fun, lighten up..AW
Putting lives in danger is just the day to business of the many wayward geopolitical military and other misadventures of the US that litter recent history. Millions have died in their endless wars. Weigh that against handuls of spooks being put in danger from a leak being published.
Which weighs higher in your view? Is one spook's life worth more than say 10,000 other lives?
Far more danger to us all grows in the dark of secrecy than in the sunlight of exposure.
Frog. Hi.
‘Far more danger to us all grows in the dark of secrecy than in the sunlight of exposure ‘
I like your last paragraph, i might plagiarise it at some stage.
Are you talking about Psilocybin fungi like Blue Meanies and Gold Tops ? A bit of fun. AW
Or, an occasional sprinkling of Death Caps mixed in the seemingly wholesome beef stoganoff of the "promoting democracy and freedom" recipe.
Covert operations and tens of thousands of spooks are not always saving the world. Mostly they work to benefit commercial interests at micro and macro levels. Often, they must just create mischief to keep busy and keep their jobs. Imagine reporting "All seems well, I am doing nothing and letting the country just get on with their lives"....
Gowsa. My opinion.
Australia’s involvement in unnecessary wars and new military agreements definitely jeopardises our lives from a different perspective to yours. Good banter. AW
Yeah we better keep a good military/government PSYOP from the people eh...can't have them knowing the truth about how hard they are going to be FUCKED OVER!!!
The truth doesn't mind being questioned...but a lie sure does....good on Assange for telling the truth he had more principals and morals than the vast majority of other so called journalists.
Substantiate your claim with specific facts that he published "anything" and "put peoples lives in danger".
Irrespective of your ad hominen attacks, the US of A and its allies including Australia contemptuously and systemically commit war crimes, abuse humanity, overthrow foreign governments, interfere in elections, finance, arm and train death squads, rape and torture, lie, steal, spy and cheat, napalm nations into oblivion, bomb wedding parties, walk away from lands replete with their depleted uranium... In the face of this insidious perdition, the blind righteous have as us believe that treachery is the crime that must be punished.
I seem to remember reading that many journalists all over the world colabed on the information to make sure this wasn't the case. The Guardian Newspaper, Der Spiegel, the New York Times for example.
Politics huh! :-0 Going surfing.
Gowza you sound like my 80 year old racist mother who lives and breathes Sky News - it's not pretty. I'm pretty middle of the road myself, but give me a bleeding heart leftie any day to anyone who's ignorant argument is based on "bleeding heart lefties".
I draw the line at traitors.
I love my Country and the democratic values it up holds.
Including Free speech such as this forum.
Not sure how opposing the release of sensitive Military Information can be called racist, but expect nothing short of you lefties falling back on that old chestnut as a defence. If you dont agree with woke lefties then your a racist. You argue like women you bleeding hearts. All emotion, no logic.
I draw the line at traitors.
I love my Country and the democratic values it up holds.
Including Free speech such as this forum.
Not sure how opposing the release of sensitive Military Information can be called racist, but expect nothing short of you lefties falling back on that old chestnut as a defence. If you dont agree with woke lefties then your a racist. You argue like women you bleeding hearts. All emotion, no logic
Logic ? Get the fark outta here ;)
…‘sensitive Military Information’ ?
- any reason you used capitals there. To emphasise its Imagined importance ?
No leftie here. You are a traitor to decency and democratic values.
Explain what exactly was democratic about the Iraq war ? …Go on ;)
Tell us about the ‘democratic values’ it held ?
- even posted that dribble twice with your emotional trigger finger ;)
Sure did Jelly
PS: I dont believe the Iraq war was just at the time and never did.
Nor was the vietnam war.
I do believe that deliberately and recklessly endangering the lives of your fellow countrymen and allies is Treason 101.
Fair enough.
I guess your belief (and logic) then extends to, and implicates, the western governments and their leaders that deliberately and recklessly endangered the lives of their fellow countrymen and allies… by sending them to participate in an illegal war as a result of deceptive and bogus claims ;)
- deliberate & reckless…
So they are traitors, and remain unpunished to this very day.
That is the big piece of the puzzle that seems to keep being missed / ignored.
Then vote them out!
Speak with your local member.
A democracy doesnt always yield the best results.
In the case of the Iraq war, democracy failed miserably on this one.
Um. Ok.
Bit late for the ‘vote them out’ idea…
- and it’s unlikely I’ll be taking any of your advice ;)
… but, true, democracy doesn’t always yield the best results and it did fail miserably in the case of the Iraq war.
- same as Afghanistan… and Syria… and etc etc etc ;)
How can an Australian citizen be charged with treason in the United States.
Assange did actually redact some names and also attempt to work with the US state department on what was released.
Also, Chelsea Manning who Assange received the files from us now free. No treason charge.
But hey, keep cheering for the empire while they firmly have their boot on Australia’s neck.
Grow a brain Gowsa.
Please be careful with what you exclaim. Ive reread every comment to date. Nobody but you has mentioned the word racism or racist since the thread started, we don’t want a valid topic of discussion being hijacked by playing that ‘card’. Just good banter .AW
I agree , however Gary G 1412 likened my comments to his racist 80 year old Grand mother
I simply responded.
Gowsa. No worries.
Well GaryG1412 is a very naughty boy (or girl, who knows these days, everything is FAKE and no one tells the TRUTH) and so is the messiah.
Let’s dish out some punishment to him.
Shall we, push bamboo up under his fingernails, deprive him of sleep or line him up in front of a military firing squad a bit like what the secretive BRS may have done, ? AW
Nah - Just make him watch the documentary.
Thats punishment enough
BaHahaha !
Apologies Gowza - I wasn't referring to it as being racist. Just a general comparison to the kinds of ignorant people who sound like a parrot when referring to "bleeding heart lefties" being blamed for their bit in life. Sometimes it's not as simple as a left/right argument. There's always two sides to a story, so make sure you consider both before mouthing off and booing Kelly Slater, who I would bet has had much more of a thought process on this issue than you have.
How would a bloke that rides a fiberglass surfboard really well have a better view on world politics and the impact of JA's actions......than anyone else ?
Why not get Shaq's opinions in there aswell.
He's good with a basketball so must know heaps about the world.
Well in that redundant argument I'd sooner put my money on a Kelly Slater that rides a fibreglass surfboard than a Tony Abbott that rides a fibreglass surfboard. Both surfers that have their views on world politics, just one a bit better than the other I reckon.
Your right Gary...
Ones a Rhodes scholar, Volunteer Firefighter, lifesaver and former Prime Minister actually involved in International Affairs
The other once dated Pamela Anderson !
Oh wowsa ;)
Nice try… but I gotta agree with the Pamela quip, that’s embarrassing.
However, the tony credentials are kinda like saying ben roberts smith’s accolades and medals are legitimate or ‘credible’…
Imagine if abbott had volunteered his firefighting ‘skills’ to help douse the Iraqi homes as they burnt to the ground and were obliterated by ‘smart’ bombs ;)
- gives a different meaning to the label of a lifesaver… not sure he can really be called that … it’s pretty offensive to, um, lifesavers.
- and you did conveniently leave out the the most glaring and understated title of our former pm… and that is ‘war criminal’…
That’s the big one missing from his cv.
But yeah, carry on ;)
After assuming office, the (Tony) Abbott government implemented Operation Sovereign Borders in an effort to halt illegal maritime arrivals.[7]
( lock up poor war refugees: & pay $500M/year to private security Companies; including some that are offshore = pay no tax ) *
It abolished several reforms enacted by the preceding government, including the Minerals Resource Rent Tax and Australia's carbon pricing scheme.[8][9]
( More cheap coal, gas, iron & rare minerals for China / SE Asia )
His government aimed to rein in a federal budget deficit that reached A$48.5 billion by June 2014,[10] and established the National Commission of Audit to advise on restoring the federal budget to surplus.
(No investigation of Scomo $billions of Covid payments to Multinationals & big business)
Abbott instituted the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption...
In international affairs, Abbott concluded free trade agreements with China, Japan and South Korea.
References (except notes in brackets)
P.S. Donate to wikipedia as a non profit organisation that is reviewed during and after publication
Julia duly denounced Julian ;)
Who are these so called woke lefties, could you please be specific and please do not say the ABC or the SMH.
They reside under your bed and are coloured either red or yellow.
This post should be reported under the Racial Discrimination Act.
gowsa sometimes in an age of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. the claims of traitor and lives in danger have all been disproved by numerous sources. a few people have always stood up to tyranny, they inspire us to be braver, for most of us are cowards as we saw in the last 3 years. im interested in your views on Ben Roberts Smith. is he a traitor or hero?
In my day we just called them Dobbers.
Not a fan of BRS
do you consider john howard a traitor. he was complicit in the death of over a million iraqis for WMDs that never existed? or robert mcnamara for claiming gulf of tonkin incident which lead us into vietnam even though it never happened. everything is a rich mans trick gowsa. its easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled. we are all pawns ruled by psychopaths who seem to traffick children.
as i said before. he is not a traitor and no evidence he placed any lives in danger. all debunked by numerous sources over many years. we wrote the geneva convention for a reason. US soldiers broke the rules of war and gunned down iraqi journalists with a gunship. its that simple. would you lock up seymour hersch for recently for seemingly proving americans blew up nordstream 2?
Seymour Hersh’s take on the Nordstream has been comprehensively debunked.
By who?
Dis fella:
Or right wing nut cases.
Do you realize how confused you are? Australian Law on treason previously literally said aiding "Al Qaeda" is treason. What Assange did was leak the email from Jake Sullivan to Hillary Clinton that said: "'al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria". The war in Syria was not a civil war. It was a US covert war where Al Qaeda & ISIS did the ground fighting. This is treason. Btw, Kelly is of Syrian origin therefore this makes Kelly's role even more fitting.
Surprise surprise surprise. Indo luuurves a bit of fascism.
keep dreaming brother. Better to surf Indo rather than be a useful idiot. The reality of the world is not for the misinformed. Remember Al Qaeda supposedly did the Bali Bombing & 9/11? Assange revealed Hillary Clinton was supporting Al Qaeda in Syria. If you get blown up in Indo by terrorists, if you are still alive, maybe you can wake up from your dreaming.
That’s ‘an’ interpretation.
My reading is that it’s more of an observation about the awkwardness of the alignment of (some) of AQ / ISIS objectives - overthrow of the Assad regime - with those of the US. More of a ‘strange bedfellows’ comment than an acknowledgement of support for them.
Absolute foreign policy rockshow. Anyway. Back to St Julian.
I think you need to reconsider who "Australia" is.
Just so I’m following, is a lefty your left nut? If so what does woke mean?
Gutsy move.
Is the Wozzle very supportive of their iconic favourite stepping outside the safe zone? Future wild cards at risk? Or will Turps now begin to drop positive references to the other Julian (who did surf I think) in future commentary? Tyler to do new Free Jullian spray message on surfboard? Maybe not.
Hard to cancel Kelly - although some will try.
The leaker has been pardoned. Julian Assange, the journalist who published the leaks, doing what jpurnalists are supposed to do, is still in jail. The Guardian who also published them doing business as usual. Not right.
Albo could have said release Julian and I will buy those bloody expensive subs but no, he just signed.
Been wondering about this. The Woz and their execs are firmly ensconced in the California Democrat set and all that comes with it; prepared to back the D, E and I stuff as it moves from the fringe to the norm.
But how far do those human rights extend? And at what point do they push up against govt agendas?
Till JA becomes a fashionable cause that doesn't jeopardise the Wozzle's progressive cachet (all those awards look just super on LinkedIn), then I'd say he'll be silently tolerated.
Assange absolutely hates Hillary Clinton, and the leaks, far from being a general release of documents to the public, was actually targeted to destroy her (and arguably worked). He's definitely not pro-democrat.
Hello. Assange leaked the Hillary email: "'al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria". You support Al Qaeda?
I'm not even saying I support Hillary Clinton, let alone al-Qaeda, just pointing out that Assange is not a Democrat.
For the record it was an email to (not from) Hillary Clinton, in the context of Syria's president of the time being considered by the USA to be a nasty bloke who is alleged to have subsequently barrel-bombed his own citizens.
Then al-Qaeda took over and we all know what happened from there.
Good one him.
How can it be a crime to expose crimes??
Free him!
reads headline... checks date... not April 1.... righto.
Haha. Exactly the same here mate.
Onya Slats.
IMO Julian Assange is a whistleblower, not a journalist. War is a dirty business on every level; to imagine it otherwise is to imagine a non-existent collective past. I'm keen to see this documentary too; 'coz it's freedom of expression; an ideal that is considered a "given" when it should be considered a "gift" of our democracy. If Julian was born in China or Russia IMO he would be a dead body by now.
Might not always agree with his opinions but respect kelly for showing a bit of guts. Doesn’t mind backing what he believes in
Well… opinions aren’t truth. That’s the other thing ;)
And you are allowed your ‘freedom of expression’ here, and it’s as valid as anyone’s…
(conrico - I don’t agree with a lot of kelly’s opinions either, but with this it is a worthy cause and a gutsy play)
I also do agree that war is a dirty business. It is also something that contradicts freedom and democracy in principle - especially if ‘classified’ information is engineered to obscure the truth and used to manipulate and deceive the actions and behaviours of the perpetrators of violence and death. Seeing as the ‘invaders’ and perpetrators are the very ones persecuting and punishing the truth teller, it is (in order to uphold democratic values and ideals of freedom of speech and liberty) of the utmost importance to highlight and expose the hypocrisy, corruption and injustice (in this particular instance) of the US, UK and Australian governments.
In saying that, I don’t endorse Assange in any way - I don’t regard him as a hero, whistleblower, journalist or traitor or whatever name we try label him with. He’s an Australian citizen who should be free - especially as long as john howard, tony abbott, george bush and tony blair (as well as rumsfeld, cheney, powell etc) remain free. The real war criminals and liars and traitors are the leaders who deceived their nations and populations into participating in an illegal war under a false premise and they are responsible for millions of deaths and have never been held to account.
If julian was born in china or russia, it’s true, he’d be dead. But he wasn’t ;) So that’s just stupid and an effort in imagining a non existent past right there…
As andy-mac stated accurately above… ‘how can it be a crime to expose crimes’ …Boom.
Truth, not opinion ;)
Jelly Flater .Hi. You nailed it with your exact list of the REAL criminals.AW
JF > you've just reinforced my opinions and called it your "truth" quote Socrates "There's no such thing as truth; other than this statement", which you no doubt realize is a looping statement, aimed at taking the piss out of the so-called truth of language. > RR
Um. No, but nice effort at trying to explain it away ;)
Your opinions are not ‘my’ truth nor ‘your’ truth and I haven’t reinforced anything. They’re just opinions full stop.
The truth of the matter at hand, without language, is where we differ… and that is through facts, not opinion.
- the socrates quote is just you attempting to be clever.
Try making up your own quotes if you wish to pretend to validate your interpretation / position ;)
JF > you've certainly proven something, you're not very clever. grab another bowl of fruit loops before you respond, or maybe just don't respond, with puerile personal insults. > RR
So u have a pathetic attempt at a ‘puerile personal insult’…
- and then say not do do that.
Sure… what eva u reckon.
Your first post was full of contradictions, and off u go again ;)
And you wanna judge cleverness…
- move along ;)
Blam! Cop that RR you stupid brain. JF just burnt you like a piece of stick!
I think its time to move on. Julian should be freed! Ya just have to look at the recent ex president and his wanton use of classified documents. In reality we all know that America and the rest of the super powers play dirty subvrsive politics . Lives are cheap even there own citizens. Rome created peace by the very violence it bestowed on the conquered! Want to see a parallel read Tom Holland War and Peace in Romes Golden age PAX Take note of how they treated informers! Nothings changes just the players names!
Love Kellys surfing but this is of no surprise Kelly has always had a nutty/cooker type side over believing in miracle foods and weird diets, conspiracy theory views, anti vax, and now joining the Assange nutters, tick tick tick.
Just send Assange to the USA to face up to his crimes and get it done with, the weasel has weaseled long enough.
And sorry being involved in hacked secret government files and publishing them is a crime, a very very serious one and espionage, its in no way journalism especially when it endangers peoples life's.
I guess you're one of those types that still thinks BRS is a hero too, right?
Indo do you know what information was in the secret government files he hacked and published?? Admittedly I don't know too much about this case, and what he exposed, but if this was my area of expertise, or had any interest in the case, I'd certainly try and find out before accusing him of espionage or being a criminal.
What crime?
He is an Australian citizen who was given information by an American citizen ( Chelsea Manning)* that he/she shared of war crimes. Assange then shared this information, whether you call him whistle blower or journalist is up to you.
Are you ok with war crimes only as long as they are committed by the goodies?
* who is now free.
Im not going to bother replying to individual comments but anyone either hacking into government secret files or just publishing them of any country is clearly asking for trouble, and when your doing it to your own country or a country you country is aligned with you would have to have a death wish, what the files are is actually a separate matter in itself.
To me the most annoying aspect of this whole case is just how the whole system works or doesn't work and how somebody wanted for such serious crimes can evade deportation by countries that are aligned, he should have been sent to the USA straight away to be trialed, and if there was any legal reason or case on why not it should have been sorted out quickly, obviously the system doesn't work like that, but for such an unique case it should have been sorted out quickly.
And this whole hiding in embassies FFS, just man up and face the music.
Anyway each to their own, I still think the whole issue is a cooker scene though, so again no surprise Kelly is into it.
So you're ok with war crimes.
Nuff said.
Whats in the files is currently irrelevant, it's up to the courts in the USA to decide if the contents are relevant and how relevant, especially considering there was a lot of files.
Great post standupgoleft.
And, of course, id …farkkk
Send him to the criminals to face up to his ‘crimes’ ?
Haha. Cooker on high alert again ;);)
- full marks for another display of your intellect…
&pp=ygUcZHVtYiBhbmQgZHVtYmVyIGZ1bm55IHNjZW5lcw%3D%3Dhaha. Thanks JF. That comment and accompanying vid made my day.
You living in a cocoon if think Julian is the bad guy. We all need to know the truth about what is really going on and not be blindsided by politicians and the worlds so called elite.
Good on you Kelly .
Indo - who endangered lives in your opinion?
“… we know that between 280,771-315,190 Iraqi civilians have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023. ”
An invasion based on the invalid notion of WMD’s.
Who lied and committed treason?
Where do YOU draw the line Indo in assessing your judgment of a Government and an individual and their actions?
Genuinely interested to know.
One US spook being worth around 5000 Iraqi civilians is probably about the weighting in spooksville.
What about the Iraqi and Afghani collaborators who were named by Wikileaks?
They may have shared intel by their own free will, or maybe they were 'persuaded'.
What are their lives worth?
They matter. Assange's flaw with the Wikileaks model was to dump virtually everything he had. Maybe 10% of it would have been enough to expose abuses.. However, once editing data becomes the model that can either twist the message or become overly cautious, vanilla and become opinion rather than data. That was probably his logic. Also the volumes of data were massive. Easier to just release it all than spend a year reviewing and checking it.
With hindsight, I bet he would take the partial dump route.
What I found interesting at the time (and reflected in jugs comments above) was the way that the release was judged against ‘danger to *our* troops’, with fuck all regard for those that the leaks exposed - and their families.
Bluntly - if you were an Australian or US soldier in Iraq in 2010, there would have been little to no change in what you saw and there would have been almost no change in the force protection threat to you. That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a human impact.
One of the more disturbing takes on this was that the networks of informants that were exposed somehow ‘had it coming’, as well as their families. This from people who were supposedly driven by humanist motives.
This is not to excuse misconduct in war. It’s not to excuse undertaking illegal or unjust wars. But it’s worth considering whether the way that the ‘expose’ was conducted was in itself an act of ego-driven negligence.
There was a mention of BRS somewhere above. I’m not sure if many soldiers were entirely comfortable with the deification of that bloke - by the senior brass of the ADF, the political class of both sides, and by business elites. It was deeply unsettling to me. And funnily enough, now it turns out that all wasn’t right there either.
Very gusty, but good on Kelly.
Deluxe effort Slater.
I respect a lot of the stuff you post here @indo-dreaming but I think you're going to be on the wrong side of history with this one. I appreciate we're hearing a growing anti-narrative voice but that is for a reason. People are not being brain washed into it by some Russian conspiracy either. They are simply starting to see how the world really works despite the mountains of propaganda being broadcast to try and keep it covered up. People are learning to trust each other more as they learn the institutions they once trusted are long since corrupt.
All the MSM news comes from one source. There are many videos out there that simply illustrate how all the different news anchors are saying exactly (literally word for word) the same news on all the different new channels. Conversely, all the dissenting voices are from millions of individuals often in the thick of suffering and experiencing first hand what the MSM says doesn't exist.
Which is more likely to be easily manipulated? The one source broadcasting a story from afar or the millions of individuals experiencing it first hand?
Rallying around the flag, shouting conspiracy theorist does not work any more. Nor does it make the person saying it a patriot. Critical thinking right now is far more important. The US constitution was written to protect the people from the government because they knew, when they fought for independence, who they were up against....that recognition has perhaps been forgotten by the majority over the last 200 or so years.
I applaud Kelly for getting involved on this topic.
Do you have to strongly support or oppose, Assange?
Is it possible to hold two, admittedly conflicting, views on him?
If so, that's where I am.
It’s very possible.
I question the integrity of him as an individual…
I question his ultimate motives as well.
It’s hard to form any judgement without knowing the guy.
The picture painted of him, I imagine, is inaccurate and skewed to serve a purpose…
On the other hand, he’s responsible for bringing to light certain atrocities and allowing people to see through the devious mechanisms of the US and their allies, that otherwise would have stayed in the shadows. The ‘truth’ uncovered, as such, is vital and important- especially in regard to the killing of civilians / the cover up of war crimes with the intentional and officially endorsed mechanisms that were employed to fool the people and dishonestly shape public opinion.
Yep, all that, plus, call me naive, but I think some state secrets should be just that.
So, based on what he uncovered he's a hero, but on the precedent he set he's radically dangerous.
Imprisoned or not, he should be here in Australia. That much I'm sure of.
Also, two more things I'm sure of: He's not a journalist and the film isn't a documentary.
Some good points right there, especially the last bit.
Stu > that's my perspectives covered off; no shrill admonishment of other's opinions required. Thanks. > RR
Nuance of opinion is not for internet comment threads. You either love Assange or hate democracy...
many say yeah, nah
id : “the weasel has weaseled long enough”…
& “being involved in hacked secret government files and publishing them is a crime, a very very serious one and espionage, its in no way journalism especially when it endangers peoples life's.“
Well. First up… the weasel stuff - you surely got a good gauge on weaseling ;) Your posts are consistently uninformed, cowardly and steeped in bias and ignorance…
Are you also aware that the government of the time (your mate scummo) implemented and passed laws a couple of years ago enhancing their ability to hack and interfere with Australian citizen’s private online data - even giving them the powers to ‘take over’ and effectively alter, modify and control such things as social media accounts as well as personal information ?
So… they can effectively hack and also engage in espionage against the population in order to further their ‘investigations’ as they see fit. Are these the actions of weasels ?
So you support ‘weaseling’ but condemn it too ? Are you fucking all there ? ;);)
You‘ve got about the same level of discernment as a gumboot.
- you also want to try challenge journalistic integrity, “especially when it endangers people’s life’s” ? Haha! … you can’t even spell ;)
Do you think the ‘shock and awe’ tactics and the unfounded media lies that helped facilitate and accelerate the invasion of Iraq were, in any capacity, a crime (a very very serious crime) ?
&pp=ygUhVGltZSB0byBzaXQgZG93biBzaHV0IHVwIHNpbXBzb25zid… gumboot mission accomplished
- maybe time to change your name to ralph
&pp=ygUTaSBzb2xkIHRoZSBpcmFxIHdhcg%3D%3DGoing to be interesting to see what Kelly does post tour. It’s pretty clear he can’t fathom not being in the limelight.
He is always sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong but good on him for ‘standing’ up in what he believes in I guess.
Going to be hard for Slater to back up his last ‘legendary’ narration effort which was in the movie ‘Surfs Up’.
I suspect his need to be in the spotlight will put his legacy at risk through over exposure and being tainted with certain issues and opinions he put out there. Say less, be seen less and maintain some mystery as per Miki Dora and Tom Curren could have worked so well for him and us.
There is some hope seeing the shift from left v right slowly becoming establishment v anti-establishment.
Bloody hell. Juicy subject matter and some juicy opinions. No comment from me.
However, Kym Staton and I were good mates for a very brief period of time around 1996. We're mates on Facebook and it has been great to watch his updates as he has produced this documentary. Great to see someone following their heart to raise awareness on something they believe in.
Pamela Anderson the link between all this?
Satirical news sites are now the most accurate.
Strange days indeed
Nailed it tubeshooter
As usual, food for thought here.
Some serious fruit loops in this discussion
It is beneficial to have robust discussion with facts or we may become sheep, asleep.
eg. Atomic & Nuclear bomb testing in Australia by England
I was overseas with the Army for 18 months, I think the first trip I was overseas when the Manning drop happened and it didn't endanger anyone except the governments involved. I could be wrong but didn't it just show footage of A10's and Apache's laying waste to civilians? I think the onus is on people here to detail HOW it endangered Australian/American troops.
If your true concern is protecting free speech and democracy, I can't see how you wouldn't support Assange. He provided unfiltered material for the people to make up their own mind about the war efforts. As for a healthy democracy, it only benefits the people to be better informed. There was no 'lefty' agenda, just video where you could make your own mind up.
I think some people are confused about the free speech aspect as well because under US law, it's constitutionally protected. In Australia, no such provision exists. Ironically the posters on here screaming free speech are the biggest advocates of government secrecy! I think Snowden has good rants on the subject if you're interested.
Also don't get wrapped up in the distinction between a 'War Criminal' and a 'War Hero'. It's just a matter of propaganda. It's hard to heroic when your the invading force and further more the whole war effort was incredibly confused. I'll sign off with Smedley Butler.
“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”
As for what I think will happen, I think he'll get extradited to the US. They don't have a big history of letting themselves get embarrassed without retribution and I'm a big believer in the Overton Window theory. The powers would rather the people squabble over an issue like this instead of zooming out a bit and asking, 'What the fuck were we doing in Afghanistan and Iraq for all those years and what did we, the people, get out of it?'.
Yep. Great post mate.
Nailed it!
x 100 well said
Right on.
See my comment above ref endangering ‘anyone’. The direct impact on our troops was limited. Doesn’t mean that there were no human impacts.
The Killcam of US Apaches shooting people was talked about non-stop, but some of the same people that condemned that action ignored the less animated effects and impacts.
Were you in Iraq or Afghanistan? Just out of interest.
The pointlessness of those wars was kinda apparent by the time those clips dropped. The lack of strategy in Afghanistan was clear, the lack of a commensurate investment to match the ‘security’ commitment.
Well said juegasiempre. Concise, measured, accurate…
- thank u for that.
A little surprised, but huge respect for KS for standing up and doing this. Corrupt war mongering "west" need and should be exposed. US and the spineless puppets it drags along with it are the biggest war mongers/criminals since WW2, and all in the name of $$. There are far greater "traitors" to society, which he is definitely not, than Assange and they are the ones usually in a position of trust. Extremely disappointed to see Indo Dreaming throwing out the trashy 'cooker' label, proving beyond any measure of doubt he's a stooge and a brainwashed flog of the highest order, going against ANY utopia his moniker might imply. We need people like Assange, would love to see what he could reveal about the covid scam, the voice scam and so much more. MSM sheep are asleep at the wheel, they need to wake up. The problem for any critically thinking person is the sheep will NEVER wake up, and why it's so easy for the WEF , big pharma et al to bribe and scam their agendas into existence. Brilliant stuff by the GOAT, how many pro surfers or pro sports would have the balls to put their name to this type of thing? Not many. I don't care what he does in surfing from now on, he's already made his mark there..this is truly inspiring. Respect x 1000.
Most of the 'dO yOuR oWn rEsaRcH' tribe are as big a sheep as anyone else. Just following a different shepherd. Whatever makes them feel special.
So if Kelly Slater is such a nice guy, why did he sell out to the Arab Emirates? [see the story here @swellnet]
Kelly is the bastion of the free world now? yet he is also ok with taking money [for his wavepool] from a group of people who make the USA Gov look halfway decent.
I'm not sure how he reconciles these two conflicting interests.
Kelly, why couldn't you just be content with being the greatest surfer of all time? I guess your restless mind never stops thinking.
Go me it's a great thing to support
I’m not seeing how this is brave at all.
He’s just narrating a film?
Oh he’s aligning himself to a controversial issue? What’s he got to lose exactly? Not like he’s living hand to mouth and questioning the hand that feeds…
More Kelly Slater loving the sound of his own voice.
juegasiempre thank you
"Many of the assessments today are similar to the one offered nine years ago by Bob Gates, who served as (US) defense secretary when the WikiLeaks disclosures took place."
"The fact is, governments deal with the United States because it's in their interest. Not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they believe we can keep secrets," Gates said. "Is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it awkward? Yes. Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest."
Thanks for the above reference 4try
I doubt it will be balanced, but will watch it anyway.
Assange was used by Russia to destroy Hillary Clinton and support Trump, which is not really ideal, but also shed some light on some pretty heinous stuff.
A real mixed bag.
Your joking, right? If not could you provide the evidence that Russia destroyed Clinton via Assange?
I don't think Assange has even hidden the fact that he hates her. The release of her emails on election eve, which were obtained from Russia, was clearly targeted.
But he hates her because he thinks she's corrupt, and he honestly believes he did the right thing. Whether or not that is true, I have no idea.
It's also very much possible that she would have lost the election anyway, she has never been particularly popular and people underestimated how much Trump was actually resonating with voters.
The emails were not "obtained from Russia." Assange stated that he had received the emails from an employee of the Democrat National Committee, who later was killed.
Have to confess, I came straight to comments. Wasn't disappointed.
Jimmy Slade's most important fight since the octopus.
Researching this leads to a middle America X men uprising.
Kinda like US Sporty Rebel Teals...
Mr X man ran this up the Stars'n'Stripes Banner & plenty wanna free Assange. (Why!)
Coz Musk & all fellow Online Android Geeks Julian / Gates / Zucker are all on the spectrum...
Like breaking out a brother! ONE OF US!
Less War Machine industries to further obliterate Ukraine > More than $700 on obliterated Hawaiians
Kelly : (Code) "Seems like we got a few things backward to me"
X Man leader Musk (Mission) > Bust open Pentagon Defence contracts
Robert Kennedy Junior will pardon Assange to pierce Joe's Full Metal Jacket
Win international favour from all humane do-gooders to undermine uncaring cold war old fart Joe!
Plenty of Anti War > Rebel Sports / News / Celbs Alliance ready to dump GI Joe
Kinda like : When the goin' gets tough Commander in Chief moves even slower...can't find Hawaii.
Hurley / Red Bull / Seadoo Kai Lenny are running this gig!
Blue Star Alliance said they wanna get more personal with Athletes...
No way would they let Kai run down the Govt unless their Alliance were backin' a change.
Musk backing RFK to hook Kelly to bait Assange to crack open the US Defence Force Shield
RFK promised to free Assange & Kelly would love to help with such.
Kelly had a Bitty row with - Musk / RFK / Kelly are all united on No Vax / No Wars / Assange / Fires.
One can see how this middle USA Line-up can move mountains from top down quite efficiently.
All are X men wild cards riding their luck...that's mighty alluring to drooling Gromz!
Bailing from Hodad's Hunk of junk in droves to hitch a ride on that Loose knit Rocket Ship!
Check this months news...outta nowhere...the rise of the RFK US Teals...
People be sick of Joe's $Gazillion War Chest + $Gazillion Dem (vs) Rep 1,000 yr Court battle
Just say any shit..' can trip over yer own 2 left feet ...still be a shoe in as Prez.
Sure looks like the terrible two are in trouble as this wild card will split the pack.
Oz Bush fire with our leader strummin' & sippin' coladas ...opened up a fuckin' massive chasm!
Oz (Redbull) Pro Surfers help Flood Victims + Teals wanna free Assange
Oz version saw Energy Magnate run feely touchy VIP Teal Mag covers to clear out the dead wood.
US Hawaii Bush Fires see Leader chillin' in his sarcophagus...opening up a fuckin' massive chasm!
US (Redbull) Pro Surfers help Fire Victims + Middle wave wanna free Assange
US version sees Spaced out Magnate run edgy VIP Sports Mag covers to clear out the dead wood.
Kelly would pass as a radical Teal...but is that such a bad thing in the desperate state of USA!
Seems to co/align with Oz Rebel Kelly...reminding Kelly is equally an Oz resident of many decades.
Kelly would have more street smarts on Assange than most Yanks...won't hurt Assange's case any!
“WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks”
Grifters gunna grift
Do you guys put this much effort into other aspects of your life? Sheeeeesh!
Hey...Look over there....Webber has funding for a new wavepool
gowsa sometimes in an age of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. the claims of traitor and lives in danger have all been disproved by numerous sources. a few people have always stood up to tyranny, they inspire us to be braver, for most of us are cowards as we saw in the last 3 years. im interested in your views on Ben Roberts Smith. is he a traitor or hero?
i work in research and development. over the years i have found that people interpret facts/data differently to create their own truth. this applies to everyone regardless of education, "intelligence", background, gender, etc.
my interest in assange is low because whatever the outcome it will have little to no effect on government behaviour or me personally. selfish i know, but i have more pressing day-to-day concerns.
if kelly wants to support assange then all power to him. i wont be watching the film.
Let's not let emotion get in the way of Research 'Truths'! Lol
Supergoat : "Truth! Justice! The American Way!"
No shortage of super powered players in RFK Rogues Gallery.
Dream Team of spurned elite halfcast / outcast misfits.
Not saying they all got tickets to ride but 'this here' is a perfect VIP launch vehicle!
(Read Title!) Just stick to the script...reads itself it does!
When the goin' gets tough the Good ol' hometown boys step up to the Plate!
Servin' up a heapin' helpin of Southern Hospitality : "Another Slice of Mom's Apple Pie!"
Kinda like throwin' it back in yer face with line in the sand vitriol!
Big Kahuna Voodoo after the Fire!
Kai : "I haven't seen One State, One County, One Federal Official at any one of the Donation Hubs!"
Kelly : "Seems we gotta few things Backward to me!"
100% Team USA values...we're standing 'bout you!
We welcome you home!
Kelly's narration is not directed to the masses...that may or not lap it up!
OZ PM gifted US Prez...of all things, a Hodad Surfboard! Why!
All Mega Rich Influential Presidential backers are now mandated to Surf & all do!
Sure! they hover interplanetary craft over Private Lake Resorts...same buzz kill!
Pro surfer's cutting message is melting the hearts of the Icy cold Silver Surfer Crew.
I Surf, therefore : Truth! Justice!...The Big Kahuna Way!
Imagine posting that you are pro war in a public forum...
Can I just say how refreshing it is to have these comment forums. Swellnet rules!
@juegasiempre and @tubeshooter nailed it.
@surf.rat Really? Please keep it in perspective mate. Nobody is saying Kelly is the bastion of the free world now.
hopefully he has a better scriptwriter this time
?si=1cwej5q1hHZ1Qxak&t=51Near enough...mike oxhard wins a Kiss of Life from Pamela...
Bros & Hoes Baywatch on mike...luv the subtle hint!
Both Kelly & Julian were given the kiss of life by Baywatch Lifeguard Pamela Anderson.
Kelly will add spice to Pamela's Kiss'n'Tell rendezvous with soulful cellmate Julian.
Don't think tbb was meant to leak that much...whole crew are feeling all gooey now...need a Mop!
Lots of differing opinions here. Which is good, when many/all arguments are presented.
Good to see some people using their real names and not hiding behind Troll Pseudonyms, but maybe they're scared of persecution?
At least Julian Assange put his name behind his idiology. Unfortunately his personal conviction led to conviction....
Assange is a political prisoner! Due to alliances he will remain that way unless the public outcry over his unjust incarceration is so loud it can't be ignored by our political leaders!
ps They should've got Pamela Anderson to narrate. Way more credibility. For real!
Mario Speedwagon should be leading our extraordinary extraterritoriality delegation.
If only in the capacity as Barnaby's translator & handler...nothing special!
[Breaking News] (Aukus Prisoner Swap) US Goat < > Oz Julian