Lexus Pipe Pro 2025: Finals Day
Lexus Pipe Pro 2025: Finals Day
Just like the men's side of the draw, yet more starkly delineated due to the reduced field, there are severe discrepancies in skill level in the women’s draw when it comes to surfing Pipe. The upshot is we can still get a Final's Day field where half the competitors have only got basic skills.
In the first four heats of Final's Day, being the women's Quarters, three of the losing surfers could only muster 1 point heat totals in clean 4 foot Backdoor. 2023 World Champion and current Olympic Gold Medallist Caz Marks could only reach a two wave total of 3.50.
While the future of women's surfing is here, it's not evenly spread and thus we see a World Champ and Gold Medallist with only rudimentary backside tube-riding skills. Capacity building at Pipe has been confined to the very few on the women's side of the draw. Thus anomalies persist. Alas, we did not get to see the women surf proper Pipe this event, which would have drastically changed the complexion of the Final's Day field and reduced or eliminated those anomalies.
Tyler (WSL/Bielmann)
Following the women's Quarters there looked to be no change to the status quo with last years finalists Caity Simmers and Molly Picklum streets ahead of the rest of the pack. Unfortunately, one of them would be knocked in their Semi, which turned out to be the heat of the day for the women.
Let's cut to the chase. With John out, the only pertinent questions to be answered were, a) would Barron be able to continue the domination and go back to back, and b) was there a fairytale on offer for Kelly Slater?
Kelly's opening ride was outrageously juiced from a panel still woozy on the Slater kool-aid from yesterday. A 7.33 for a manufactured double-tube that Slater had to stall into set the scale right against Ian Gouveia. He didn't flinch despite the leg up given his opponent. He kept burrowing into Backdoor caverns with an extremely high make rate - six attempts, five completions - while Slater sat there, looking a little smug and attracting a continual roasting from Ross Williams, who referred to Kelly as “69 years old” and, as Kelly's dome glistened in the sunlight, a “nice, slick bald head from Uncle”. Kelly over-corrected for the initial wave, which looked too easy, by taking off too deep and despite a deep drive it was an incomplete. Gouveia got the W.
Kelly (WSL/Heff)
What next for Slater?
“I might join Nate on the Slab Tour," said the GOAT, or “enjoy my time off and teach my kid how to poop on the toilet."
Kelly left the door ajar for Abu Dhabi or beyond by saying he had appreciated the wildcard and “I hope I get another one someday."
The R word, which he had uttered yesterday, had been itself forced back into retirement.
With Kelly out of the comp the air came out of the tyres on the men's side of the draw, temporarily at least.
The two best rivalries on tour right now are on the women's side of the draw and current champ Caity Simmers is a protagonist in both of them. They way she sat on the ski on Finals Day last year and flipped the bird to Caz Marks after Marks did 37 identical backhand turns for a massive score showed Simmers true feelings about what type of surfing should be rewarded. “She wins everything,” said Caity afterwards, clearly implying that she shouldn't.
Pickles (WSL/Bielmann)
Her rivalry with Molly Picklum is even spicier. We found out today Simmers now-legendary feminist statement about Pipeline being "for the fucking girls" was premeditated and she wanted Pickles to come with her. Pickles politely declined, perhaps fearing blowback, gently hanging Caity out to dry.
The heat was obvious in the opening minutes of their Semi with Pickles hassling aggressively for the opening ride. It was a nice, easy Backdoor tube which was awarded a 3.67. Pickles must have been horrified to look up and see Simmers on a much meatier Backdoor nug which Simmers skittered into from deep on the reef and rode in the tube for an 8.17. They traded excellent scores before Caity dropped late into the best ride of the women's event - a styled out super deep Backdoor tube for a 9.50.
That puts the rivalry 5-0 in favour of Simmers. With Sunset gone, Pickles will have to wait for Bells or Margs or J-Bay, or some other big walling wave, to get her back.
Caity (WSL/Bielmann)
Simmers faced fellow feminist icon Tyler Wright in the Final. Tyler's impact on women's surfing has been understated, lost in the reaction to her outspoken interviews which can come across as sour and ungrateful, and frankly delusional to the average person. How can a person paid top dollar to go surfing since she was a teenager, who has had her identity as an openly gay athlete confirmed, embraced and celebrated by the sport and her sponsors create a narrative where she is a victim?
People are slogging their arses off to keep a roof over their head and feed their families while she complains about being paid to frolic in the surf with months and months of free time in between events?
That is the thinking of an average surf fan.
Tyler (WSL/Bielmann)
Even if on the face of it that is true, caution is required. No-one can know what it is like to inhabit another person's existence. What interior demons they battle, nor difficult family dynamics they deal with, long recoveries from illness and injury they endure. None of us can say for sure we would not be the same.
What is not acknowledged is the way Tyler has changed the industry and the path forwards for female surfers. Tyler obliterated forever the objectification of female pro surfers. No longer, in the post-Tyler era would the worth of a female pro surfer be tied to how good they looked in a bikini or any other conventional measure of attractiveness. Her assertiveness, even in the face of industry dinosaurs and a male fan base, required female surfers to be judged on their achievements, even if begrudgingly.
Tyler surfed great all event. Her Backdoor tube-riding has become more intuitive, more technical, more relaxed looking. She still doesn't have a functioning Pipe game, despite now being a two-time Pipe champion but that is something that will be seen by the next generation as an historical anomaly.
The Final with Caity was a massive anti-climax with Tyler claiming the sole decent ride - a headhigh Backdoor tube and grab-rail cutty for a clean 6.00.
Caity got slammed as her front foot slipped off on her opening ride and could not find rhythm in the remaining time, finishing with a 3.94 total, her worst of the event.
The men's semis were one-sided as the two best guys marked out their territory. Mamiya smashed Italo with two devastating 9-point rides in the opening third of the heat. One front side at Backdoor, one backside at Pipe. As all event, he found expert-level waves of a degree of difficulty that no-one could match. Italo surfed great, he's picked up the backside tube-riding mantle from Medina and he goes into the next event as the best placed of the traditional world title favourites.
Leo did the same to Ian Gouveia, who has likely secured his full year on tour with a semi-final finish to start the year. Heavy hassling from Leo has been a hallmark of his Pipe campaign. He made physical contact in his QF with George Pittar in the opening minute. In this instance it netted him two excellent rides to start the heat and from there Gouveia could not make up the deficit.
Leo (WSL/Heff)
If the women's final was a dud the men's made up for it. Fioravanti tried again to hustle Mamiya off the peak for the opening ride but as they scrapped for an opening set it was Mamiya who pushed him deeper and forced the Italian to capitulate, before swinging late under the axe for another deep, ragged Pipe tube. It had to go excellent, and it did, being awarded a low 8.17.
Within six minutes Mamiya had two more rides, a cutesy little Backdoor dream ride for a 5 then a full-throated foam-ball wrangle on a drainer that went 9.8. Those two rides, as a pair, were the two best rides of the final
It was similar to his final with John last year where a shock and awe start including a 10-point ride left his opponent in a state of incomprehension. What? Just? Happened?
Barron (WSL/Heff)
There seemed no danger to Mamiya but as he let the foot off the Italian's neck and started catching fun little waves Ross Williams correctly identified the Hawaiian as “sleepwalking” his way through the final.
Leo came back. His first was a deep tube for an 8.87. The second, less than five minutes later, was even deeper and longer, and looked to net the required 9.11. Judges deliberated long and hard before awarding a too-cute 9.10, which left the heat tied. In a tie, highest wave score wins, and that was Barron. The controversy seemed a little manufactured, a fact Leo alluded to when he said during the presso that needing a 9.11 and getting a 9.10 was “tough, it's tough” and that Pipe usually chooses the victors yet in this case the judges did. But he graciously conceded that Mamiya is “one of the best Pipe surfers ever, I really believe that."
Mamiya mentioned legacy when asked about going back to back and what it meant.
“It counts you," he said, “as one of the best ever out here,” motioning to the Pipe lineup behind him.
This is true. Mamiya remains underrated. His Hawaiian record of back to back Pipe wins and a Sunset CT victory is superior to John Florence. It puts him up there with Andy Irons, Tom Caroll, Larry Blair, and Gerry Lopez.
Three years ago Barron Mamiya was a kid living in Haliewa with little prospects of pro surfing success. The days of fat sponsor contracts were over - the surf star era gone. He was spinning wheels in the arse end of the Challenger Series rankings - ranked 100 in 2021, 87 in 2022. His wildcard showing at Pipe got him an event invite to Sunset, which he won and three short years later he has cemented his legacy as one of the best to ever do it at Pipe, while competitively he's a genuine world title threat if he can get himself into the Top 5 for Fiji.
It does make you wonder who else is out there still living with Mum and Dad, working a shit job with the ability to take on the world's best. In this new era of pro surfing, you don't see them coming. But reassuringly, with a proper showing at Pipe, they become etched into our consciousness, sometimes forever.
Women’s Final Results:
1 - Tyler Wright (AUS) 7.70
2 - Caitlin Simmers (USA) 3.94
Men’s Final Results:
1 - Barron Mamiya (HAW) 17.97
2 - Leonardo Fioravanti (ITA) 17.97
Women’s Semifinal Results:
HEAT 1: Tyler Wright (AUS) 15.17 DEF. Lakey Peterson (USA) 9.83
HEAT 2: Caitlin Simmers (USA) 17.67 DEF. Molly Picklum (AUS) 16.13
Men’s Semifinal Results:
HEAT 1: Barron Mamiya (HAW) 18.90 DEF. Italo Ferreira (BRA) 10.33
HEAT 2: Leonardo Fioravanti (ITA) 16.57 DEF. Ian Gouveia (BRA) 9.34
Women’s Quarterfinal Results:
HEAT 1: Lakey Peterson (USA) 6.50 DEF. Isabella Nichols (AUS) 1.50
HEAT 2: Tyler Wright (AUS) 11.84 DEF. Caroline Marks (USA) 3.50
HEAT 3: Caitlin Simmers (USA) 14.50 DEF. Sawyer Lindblad (USA) 1.43
HEAT 4: Molly Picklum (AUS) 8.10 DEF. Brisa Hennessy (CRC) 1.03
Men’s Quarterfinal Results:
HEAT 1: Italo Ferreira (BRA) 15.17 DEF. Miguel Pupo (BRA) 15.10
HEAT 2: Barron Mamiya (HAW) 14.50 DEF. Jake Marshall (USA) 14.00
HEAT 3: Ian Gouveia (BRA) 15.17 DEF. Kelly Slater (USA) 9.26
HEAT 4: Leonardo Fioravanti (ITA) 15.67 DEF. George Pittar (AUS) 8.00
The 8.17 to Barron,being the only left surfed in the final seemed overscored for such a tube despite the excellent take off leaving the judges little wriggle room for all subsequent wave
Can some one explain the obvious head judged “influence “0n why for Leo’s 9.10 it took the last judge at least a good 3 minutes to drop the Score after the other 4 judges?was there some behind the scene doing the maths to see what score was required to Leo to take the lead
yes. yes there was.
It will never happen but giving the score after the heat (or final) might be a better way to go as opposed to giving the score after the wave. Puts everything into context and perspective. Great contest finally, that drone footage had me frothing on those perfect days
I reckon they knew they slightly overcooked Leo’s first score and had to ‘influence’ his next one by .01 of a point to make sure he didn’t get a lead because Barrons 2 waves were actually better and they couldn’t have him lose. There should be no talk in a judging booth. 5 professionals making their own decision in a time frame and all scores should be released at same time. It looked bad !
I agree. I watched the waves a lot in replay. While I thought Barron's 1st wave was overscored, so was Leo's. Leo's 1st wave was long but small & weak looking. While Leo's tubes were long, they were more feathery and manufactured. To do a take off stall on two "runners" was not as powerful as Barron's shorter but heavier waves. I think the judges made the right decision. Leo would be kidding himself if he believed he won. Barron won. His waves & surfing were gnarlier. That's what its all about.
Yeah for sure Leo's first wave was too high. He was comboed at the time I think? I sometimes think they juice the comboed surfer's score to make it seem less one-sided...then got caught out when he got an actual good one.
@ wetgecko
Totally overcooked, it adds drama through fan fare, theatrics, somehow I see a gaming influence/ angle on the contest.
Plying at our emotions and the competitors.
Friday was some gladiator type stuff.
Incredible surfing , some one said ACJ was overscored?
Do they realize how gnarly backdoor is ? Have we become desensitized .
I picture the head judge's role - at these critical junctures at least - being a little like Red Symons dropping his deprecatory low-ball scores last on Red Faces. At the end of the day Red picked every winner and the rest of the panel were for appearances.
Back to yesterday and Robbo v Cleland .
The folly of the judges going too big too early , giving Al a 9.5 for that backdoor bomb at first looked reasonable
Then Jack gets THAT one and of course it has to be a 10 .
But is it only 0.5 better than Cleland ...?
no way , more like 1.5 better , which of course changes the result of the heat and Robbo advances in epic pipe and is a genuine chance to go all the way .....
My thoughts exactly. Any great ride early on, there's no need to go much above 8.0 - excellent surfing.
Then the scale is set and whatever happens, happens.
Should be a rule, first wave ridden is max 8.0.
Of course, it is only on those days of days where the problem arises ...but they're the ones that hurt the surfer, and the fans, the most.
8 or 10 it's the same thing.
Over/ undercooked scores adds drama
The judges fuc,d up the final yesterday overcooking Leo first high score
Moderated second.
Adds drama though, completely entertaining.
Bazza handled it like a champ .
Great contest though
Agree, I reckon leave it as is. I was thoroughly entertained. Always going to be some questionable scoring, drama and sour grapes in any sport. Don't overthink it, just enjoy the ups and downs.
They did that to italo at the box - his first wave there is the best 8.1 in history.....
Not to mention Flippys 8, literally a participation medal for the special kid
Yep, the judges really need to spread scores. The 9.5 for that double tube was ridiculous. It was a low 8 at best. Jack was robbed there.
I don't know Barb,
That wave of ACJ was outa control.
Such a heavy commitment.
All surfers won on Friday.
Damn, I thought the same thing. No way was Al Cleland wave within .5 of Jack's. He got ripped off.
For the sake of spectators and the sport, Head judge should oversee the first wave deemed either fair, good, or excellent. If that resulted in a flat 4.0, 6.0, or 8.0 respectively.
Then there is maximum room left in the scale and everyone, including surfers, would know what to expect. And most importantly, there wouldn't be the need to tweak the scoring in the closing stages, which undermines the integrity of it and generally pisses everyone off.
Imagine if ACjr's wave got an 8.0 high do you think Robbo's would have been?
In my opinion, 9.5 at least.
could you give that first wave a retrospective 10* at the end of the heat if it was a perfect ride? I'd hate for an elite athlete to miss out on an esky.
Yeah, I'm sure that esky will take pride of place on Robbo's mantelpiece ...but more likely used for target practice in the backyard, possibly with faces affixed.
But seriously, sure whilst some "perfect rides" would be given 8.0 due to being early on ...the main point is maintaining the integrity of the sporting contest, from start to finish of a heat. Surfers would be happy with 8.0 ...knowing they also could improve on it (or their opponent of course).
Mandated straight 0.0s, 2.0s, 4.0s, 6.0s, 8.0s would reset the expectations of all involved, including judges, and simplify the sport to minimise the excruciating anomalies due to the subjective nature of the entire exercise.
Someone needs to apply some lateral thinking here. The numbers are just a means to the desired end. That is, maintaining a logical relativity between scoring waves during a 30min contest.
Philosophically, I suppose it comes down to relativism vs absolutism. Obviously I'm in the former's camp.
To my mind, absolutism, as embodied by The Esky for a 10 ...and any 10s (or near10s) given early in a heat, is not working and needs a rethink.
...and relativism is exactly how heats are judged - one wave ridden compared ( or related ) to another within that heat . and how much better that wave is on a point scale compared to the others , Its Judging 101 and taught to every judge from local boardriders thru to top level international panels .
When you go that high , that early as they did with Cleland , you paint yourself into a corner very quickly . I reckon this would be a great heat to show judges what NOT to do .....
100% Sheep. It did look a 9.5 but if the spread between those two waves was 'just' (at least a point difference) then Robbo scrapes through. Still - he had the chance to get the 2 he needed.
It is controversial but I still think Leo's wave was equal and should have got the score (ignoring previous scores). Hard to say it was a manufactured barrel IMHO - it was long and heavy backdoor, not the wave pool. On the side by side he was in the barrel for seconds before Barron and seconds after. Credit to them both though - some outstanding surfing. Barren was the best surfer of the event. Robbo's 10 was in my view the best wave by miles - plain next level nuts how he surfed that thing.
Agreed was the best wave. Peak of swell, biggest wave all event, scratched to get it, went for it, super late, air drop to barrel and made the completion.
Great tip of the hat to Tyler FR and thoroughly enjoyed reading that and the praise she deserves for a win. Also, we can't know for sure what her backhand Pipe game is at the moment, because the ladies didn't get a genuine Pipe day to showcase where they're at. I still think of her mental backhand pit at Cloudbreak and think, if she's done it once.....
Pretty hard to top yesterday. Turned into a way better comp than i imagined thanks to yesterdays beautiful conditions. Might have to watch it again.
Cheers FR. One of your best imo.
Very impressed with Leo's magnanimity. He was robbed. But hey, it's Hawaii.
Totally agree.
Rosco again absolutely roasting Kelly at every opportunity. Saying he was 69 years old. Potshots aplenty.
He's probably jealous because he was part of the same momentum generation and he's the same age,yet his competitive CT career ended before he was 30 and he didn't even win 1 CT event in it.
I've noticed for a few years now he makes subtle such remarks about Slater in events he commentates.
Now that Slates is finally off tour but still getting wildcards,he's not subtle about it anymore lol.
It sounds like they are friends and that’s how he talks to him face to face as well. Much better than the excessive Kelly worship we get from Joe turpel and the rest of the crew. It’s great when Ross and occasionally strider tell it how it is. None of which takes away from his legacy as a surfer but don’t pretend he’s perfect or top 10 anymore. Or juice his scores.
What a fantastic event congrats to all the surfers who turned and burned
Shout out to Bazza and Tyler also. Very deserving champs !
future looks bright for wsl 2025
Really enjoying the guests in the booth. TC, Jon Pyzel, Nate all excellent. Tempers the crap from Joey and Kaipo.
TC goes on with too much nostalgic back in the day reminicing for my liking.
To a certain extent it's all good,but when it's 3/4 or more of what he always talks about,then to me it seems obvious that they get him in there specifically to do that,like it's a WSL commentry strategy aimed at middle aged and older viewers.
Each to their own with that i guess.
I guess he's still better to listen to though than that nasally seppo squeaky clean PR frontman lol.
Would love to see Pickles doing a Roads to Nowhere trip with Caity to that insane right she surfed with her brother and Soli Bailey or maybe start their own women’s slab tour
If only that second wave of Kelly's had stayed open it would have been straight ten it's crazy how far he got in that thing.
I had to turn it off after his heat, the dream was not to be, but he still broke another few records today.
I expect:?
Added too
Oldest to get through to QRT finals in WSL comp
Oldest to surf a WSL comp
Oldest to compete in Pipe masters
Added to record of heats surfed
Added to record of WSL comps surfed.
Most tubes in WSL comps
And i guess yesterday he would have added too
Number of heats won
Number of heats won at pipe
WSL meaning just all top mens professional comps includes past names like ASAP etc
Not sure but maybe Mike Ho was older. Or maybe not, that was a while ago now. Either way, stellar records.
Think Mike Ho was only mid 40s when he was last in it
Ahh sweet. Cheers.
Not only did Ho win the Masters in 1982,but then he came back 15 years later at the age of 40 to be the runner-up in 1997.
Didn't he break most of those records a decade or so ago now?
Whose counting anymore lol.
Leo totally robbed, no I'm not sour just because I backed him at $29 to win the event, ok a little bit but that was blatant, not to mention the time it took (to calculate the manufactured score needed for the local to win) ...if this is how the first contest rolls, ie suss judging, doesn't bode well for the an avid fan of pro surfing since day dot the gloss has well and truly worn off.2025 will be a pass for me, especially with JJF bowing out, sayonara WSL.
Don't worry, i feel your pain @bbb.blitz.
Lakey and Jake Marshall tanking was unacceptable in my opinion too!! hehe
Yeah Leo got completely robbed. And as mentioned above, Hawaii.
If you're gonna win, you gotta knock him out. Which, would be impossible based on his performance. Gotta feel for the Italian stallion though.
I don't agree. Barron won, for me.
yep, looking at the entire heat, Barron won, they just fucked up the scoring and then had to pull a swifty on Leo's wave. the delay on Leo's 9.10 was pretty terrible optics.
Really enjoyed this comp, and finals day mostly delivered. Such a pity the ladies didn't get a proper final, though.
I was stoked to see Leo battle back and not roll over in the face of Barron's Pipe prowess. The man his grit!
Also impressed by Ian Gouveia, who showed bloody got tube riding skills, and great character.
BM is a beast. Shocked to read how low he was on the ladder in '21 and '22, but s good reminder.
Geez, my spelling/typing is all over the place. A stressful few days, and it shows.
Would anyone oppose a 1 day competition, hour long heats(haven't done the exact maths, but make it all fit), 6 surfers (3men, 3 women), a running leaderboard. Highest atop the leaderboard at days end, eg. top 8 men and top 8 women then go into a q final/s final/ final scenario. Winner crowned. Make the most of the one day of fucking swell that is all they ever seem to get in comps. Imagine the quarter finals yesterday based on scores, Baron, Slater, John John, etc. I'd rather that than sit through 3 days of eliminations, repercharges, round of 16s that just suck the life out of the swell. One day comps. Can be done surely!?
Agree sr so much wasted time. I love the men and women running in the same waiting period but they need to ditch the non elimination rounds. Your second chance is the next event.
Agree, 8 - 10 surfers with a two hour window the theee best wave scores. They scrap it out just like every other surfer on the planet. the likes of Robbo, JJF, Medina etc would all score highly with enough opportunities and it would remove some of the lack of opportunities and bad match ups.
4 hour window. some places the sets are 30 minutes apart
Barron never qualified through the challenger series..... Crazy. Mikey wright probably the only other one I can think of. Did well at Snapper and then they gave him a few event wildcards where he made the cut.
Baz calling himself one of the greatest ever at Pipe was amusing.
Hard to argue now with two Pipe Masters but it’s not often you hear someone say it about themselves.
I know you said earlier freeride he’s better than JJ at Pipe now but I’m not so sure.
Maybe a 3 - way between JoB Baz and Jonny
freeride has an anti JJ bias.
He was barely even trying and still blew minds and could have won that heat with better judging
eewww... BaM in a 3-way with Job and Jonny.. you dirty bastard..
It seems odd to me that they rate driving into a tube higher than stalling back into a tube. I reckon the latter is more ‘technical’. It’s an old debate about judging surfing. The balance between awarding points for the wave and awarding points for the surfing of the wave.
Hard to split Leo's and Barron's best waves - comes down to personal choice.
Missed lots of the comp but caught up on replays. Watched the finals today though. I wasn't too bothered by the Leo BM judging decision apart from the length of time for the last judge.
But there was still a lot of time left in the heat and if Leo had got the lead i'm pretty sure BM would have replaced his low score and retaken the lead instead of dropping anchor. A few more good ones came through after that and he was remarkable at making pipe look easy.
Unreal contest in the end and very entertaining.
I know it's Hawaii and Barron is local but the contrast between Tyler and her crew coming up the beach versus the size of the crew for Barron was huge. Only a bit of polite applause for Tyler. She's made herself hard to like for some people
I guess it was mainly due to the conditions, but previously at Pipeline, to me, Tyler has positioned herself with an uncertain wariness. This year she seemed to be paddling around with confidence, like a predator.
Great write up Steve, the shmozzle flouders on.
Leo is a class act. Essentially robbed in plain sight and still manages to be magnanimous.
Most good surfers can drag a few bits in the face to slow down. Leo’s was obviously next level but I’d still say pumping in the steepest part of a wave is more technical and BM deserves the nod.
Seems the judges favour distance travelled and speed as opposed to time in the tube - I’d suggest most would say their best tubes have been foot to the floor which supports that perspective.
Thanks SN & FR, that was a great comp!
As discussed freeride, Tyler now has 2 crowns from 5 pipe contests. In 21 she won the final on rail without a single barrel. Now after 5 contests, she is still to complete a single completion of a backside pipe barrel. You believe this will soon be an anomaly? Maybe but when? On numerous occasions today what was a 2 for the men was a 6 or 7 for the women. Now I understand the scale needs to be different due to body dynamics. But in 4/5ft ‘safe’ pipe/backdoor the gap should not be so great. If the WSL want to encourage the women to progress in heavy waves they need to leave them more room to do so.
I reckon the cameras caught Slater having a moan about exactly that as they filmed him in convo with someone (forgot who) before his heat @nextsswell. He wasn't happy and made it blatantly clear to the cameras that he pretended he didn't know was right in his face. Couldn't catch the exact words he said but worth going back and looking. Agree completely too btw.
That's just how it goes there when the swell is better for the rights than the lefts and the heats get run in those conditions.
It'll probably keep happening for a few more years yet with the woman if they get mostly backdoor conditions in their heats.
If Tyler Wright can get some sizey proper ones at Chopes and Cloudbreak,presuming they get the conditions for that in both events and she's in the event at Cloudbreak,then i think it'll somewhat redeem what we haven't actually seen of her at Pipe so far.
Just needs to find one of these again.
Best backhand no grab by a woman?
btw worth watching in super slowmo .25 for the technicalities as the foamball nearly takes her feet out yet she recovers, and then for the pure joy on her face as she kicks out. Nice vid Swellnet!!
I guess the takeoff at Cloudbreak is a more roll in style takeoff than an abrupt ledge like Pipe,which is what the main difference obviously is with her (and other women),getting good solid ones backside at Pipe or not..
She's got backside barrel riding chops for sure.
Perhaps Chopes is a closer barometer for comparison to backside barrel riding than Cloudbreak is,being more similar to Pipe with the heavy ledging takeoff.
Have you surfed Cloudbreak? Yes there can be roll ins, but it is often a challenging, steep take-off. Like many spots it varies by size, tide and swell direction. That's an impressive barrel by Tyler.
No i haven't,but we can all generalise from what we've seen in countless vids of both waves over many years i'm sure.
I'm by no means saying Cloudbreak is an easy wave or anything,but it has more time and surface area to paddle into it,and tends to have more water at the bottom of the wave when surfers are taking off and bottom turning to set their lines.
Up to a certain size anyway,which Tyler's wave above is well within.
When it's huge it a different non comparable beast by then.
She's had chances over many heats and 5 Pipe events now to show some backside barrell riding chops and hasn't,in smaller waves than that one above.
There has been opportunities there but she always prefers to stay at backdoor.
So that was my reasoning.
The takeoff at Pipe is quicker,jackier and more abrupt than Cloudbreak.
So hence more difficult.
Generally speaking.
Yep, fair call, you are probably right.
Thing is the swell needs to be 8'+ with West in it before Pipe becomes a more viable option than Backdoor for a natural. Tyler hasn't had heat time in those conditions yet. Hopefully we get to see it one day.
Then they'll throw the guys out there in those conditions and keep the women on the beach watching is gonna be the most common thing.
It's already happened a few times.
But that's just how it's always gonna be until the day most of the women can charge such conditions i guess.
It puts him up there with Andy Irons x 2 (2002; 2003; 2005; 2006), Tom Carroll (1990; 1991), Larry Blair (1978; 1979), Rory Russell (1976; 1977) and Gerry Lopez (1972; 1973).
That is one hell of an iconic list of surfers @BarbB. Thanks for that.
You failed to mention that chrome domed bloke in that list.
Don't you like him or something lol?
Kelly never won two years in a row... Kelly won three years in a row (1994; 1995; 1996).
Lol it still falls under 2 in a row regardless of if the figure went higher because uhhh,his 2nd win after his 1st meant it was.......2 wins in a row..
Even the commentators mentioned Kelly with the others in the 2 consecutive pipe wins club.
Yeah, that's two wins in a row twice, in my book.
Ripper write-up Steve, thanks.
It was a great couple of days, worthy winners and some classic heats. Just to remind how things used be.
Bring back the 6 surfer finals!
freaking Larry. The wave at 2:36 is the bomb. In fact, if you watch closely (i've seen it close up from another angle), Larry takes of way forward on the board and then shuffles back in the tube (which is the opposite of how it was usually done).
Here is the close up of Larry from the 1979 Masters. The way he steps back and stuffs the pit (on the second wave) is so skilful. Larry was a master. It was sad Turpel did not mention Larry today (but mentioned the other four back to back winners).
?si=gpZpBBiZ77rktdPX1979. Single fins. Wide point forward of centre. Note on both waves (1) how far forward he is standing - especially when he comes out of the first tube and actually over-buries his front inside rail. (2) how much weight he has on his front foot on both rides. (3) how off-centre and over-the inside rail and and on the balls of his feet, his weighting is on both rides. It seems reasonable to assume the surfboards ridden then held much more volume than now, especially further forward. Thus that extra weighting as mentioned, just to bury that forward inside rail into the face, and be able to hold your line.
Well done SN, Steve and the commenters in the thread, makes this unusual sport we watch much more fun.
I feel I could be lost to the WSL if it weren’t for these recaps and this community. I just may be for the next couple of events until Bells kicks around.
Well done Baron, confident kid……..You can’t imagine Darren Lockyer or Steve Smith going ‘yeah I’m one of the greatest’…
There probably are freak talents still living with mum and dad, but I dare say you’ll see them coming. Their IG has pervaded your consciousness since they were 13, they’ve started touring their country’s grom comps since before they knew their 8 x tables, enabling a pathway toward the eventual beach break grind in readiness for the heaviest wave on the planet……oh and their Mum and Dad have a Tesla, brand new Land Cruiser and have a platinum membership to the Qantas Club.
you know you'll be there for the tub @soli!
Like Flick said in the commentary...'it's a shiny new thing'!
Ha, you’re probably right. I’m sure I’ll watch one or two ?runs.
Is this the event that puts the death knell to pool comp surfing? I’d watch for that ;)
thanks for the spot on analysis of a slightly wonky event saved by one day of pure adrenaline FR.
I believe Barron is at the moment the best surfer at Pipe but in
this final Leo was seriously ripped off. Cemented by the time it took
to manifest the score. SHAMEFUL
Wright fuck me I cant take to her. Simmons the best female surfer but
is she stoned or has a disorder of something. Wish Molly smashed all
of them.
That was a fkn great read Steve !
Yesterdays was better though… thanks
Only my, over grown hair nostrils, have been able to sniff around this comp once in a while throughout. Congratulations to the winners.
Enjoying your consistent write ups Steve, but todays' I will catch up on only after I have watched day 3.
shame yesterday wasn't finals day. not enough heavy waves today.
Barron was way ahead of everyone these last two days for wave choice and execution. way ahead. it would only have been the scoring scale stuff up that could've beat him hence the judges' credibility took a bullet with the delay while they fumbled with the calculator to make sure it went the right way.
the lay person i was watching the comp with wasn't happy with the delay and subsequent contrived score.
but over all Barron was the best out there.
having said that, i hate Barron's style in smaller less powerful waves and when doing turns (even at sunset). skill level and execution is nuts but he has something a bit off with his stance and sometimes rushes/flicks carves. are his boards too small? dunno. anyway, style has to count. his doesn't.
still, if the tour was all heavy technical barrels he'd be competing for titles every year.
should be some good footage of him picking waves from the 100+ strong crew in the water at Pipe these next couple of days (Mon-Weds HWT).
Agree with all of that Nick.
People go nuts when they stuff the scale . In reality they know that and do a fair job of readjusting to ensure the right person wins.
I mean, I’ve often said this, at times it comes down to personal preference. Baron’s bomb was the best wave. Was His left better than Leo’s right? Are apples better than oranges?
I can see a lot of this kind of thing happening at the pool as has happened in the past.
Breaking News (tbb keeps saying to watch wotz going on...Ok!)
If this was or is still a Surf Comp...then how come no one is complaining about Cheque Sizes...
Place $Peak Women (Downhill slide to pay for more 2026 Chix)
Chix 2024 ...........2025 ( Note blokes no longer get paid...)
1st..... $80k...........$80k
5th......$21,500 / $17,375
9th......$16,000 / $13,500
10th...$14,360 / $11,000
You'll see 2024 (Peak Chix Purse) with more chix coming on in 2026
They have no accountant...(possibly LA Fires?)
They have to short change the 2025 Gurlz but more so the 2025 Guys...(Ongoing for Men)
They're obviously trying to hide their shame at how much CT blokes are getting hit...Shh!
tbb is mid way thru calculations of $ per / chix / heat or Performance
Ok to share the running Pipe Purses (Work in progress!)
Men....2022= $542,000 > 2023= $477,560 > 2024= $691,860 > 2025 = $0.00
Mens Prize Purse is divided by 220 scoring rides over more competitors / heats / days of larger surf.
eg : Allocates $3,145 per scoring ride or per Athlete's Appearance Money or hourly pay rate if ya like.
So that's the base rate to employ a WSL Male Pro to surf yer Mall Fountain
Wmn 2022= $363,000 > 2023= $370,220 > 2024 = $436,720 > 2025 = $374,380
Women's Prize Purse is divided by 98 scoring rides over less / competitors / heats / days of smaller surf.
eg : $4,456 per scoring ride against less competitors in smaller surf with more recovery time!
Pro chix refuse to get outta bed unless ya pay them 41% more hourly pay or appearance money.
As tbb said > this blows out to double at Teahupoo...
2026 Chix Expansion Donations (Ongoing calculations...given the WSL 2025 Men's Prizemoney delay)
2023 = Men donated $64,440 for 2026 Chix expansion + 2025 ? (Being calculated right now)
2025 = Chix donated $62,340 for 2026 Chix expansion
Possibly right now an argument on how much blokes are prepared to forgo for 2025 CT Prize Pool
Note Chix earn double / heat at Teahupoo (Not all Comps are the Same Prize Pool ...Ok!)
They need more to pay for Pregnant Chix Reef Sacrifice / Non potable Water disease to fetus Insurance!
Pause for a second...if any Pro Chick lost a Baby on a WSL Exotic Unxaxed Sharky Reef...'d want the very best lawyer for that level of Negligence...hence the premium dream insurance disparity!
Question : Who are the Current CT Pro Reps that Decide this Prize Purse allocation?
Bonus Pipe Scores (While Blokes wait for their Cheques to grow!)
Pipe Score anomalies (Much was said about these flip scores)
Judged the World's best Comp Venue > resulting in lowest pathetic scores...
Like watching Paint Dry between electric Chair volts!
Less than 5 Points = 179/328 (54.57%) M =44.55% W = 63.8% (Read Steve's Feature for detail)
Majority of Judging & spectating witnessed sub [5] Surfing...May have to compensate Judges.
Perhaps refund subscribers,
Pipe is it's own worst enemy as swellnet posts a Red Banner advertising a malfunction Comp Delay!
Less than 5.5 Points = 190/328 (57.93%) M = 50% (vs) W= 70.37%
Less than 6 Points = 201/328 (61.28%) M = 55.45% (vs) W= 73.15%
Yes the chix surfed badly but so too did the guys...50% couldn't score above [5.5] in a Showcase Merch Empire Event!
Wax Models Harnessed to Decking / Handrail Saver / Several Rudders / Foot rest / WOTD Clock Radio / A Plug!
Above 8 (Excellent Scores) = 31/328 (9.45%) Rarely did Judges & spectators witness anything Alarming.
Ironically as Steve says Chix scored their very first Official WSL Pipe [Excellent Heat] Can click that now!
That took 4 years to achieve! Steve shares more on this above...
Crew witnessed #1 Surfers camp for over half their heat time...(Reflects below 5 Scores)
21 of these sub 5 standard scores contributed to winning heats...that knocked out Campfire Champs with higher scores.
tbb spoke of JJ camping...Clearly now all see this when Yellow Jersey sits idle for half yer comp...WTFU.
All way too late & ya can't rely on 2 waves each time ya ones that good!
It was a problem > tbb sussed it & shared that it cost the champ & Sponsors gonna nuthin' to sell!
All now know it's also a major problem for Jack & Jordy & for many older crew...
Crikey we Goldie crew had to keep waking up Cooly Kidz Joel & Steph...Like Hello...yer in a Comp!
[Disclaimer] tbb is a Bodysurfer...Pipe was running Bodysurf Comps long before Boardriding...
So tbb reminds that Boardriding Comps favour Men with more Merch that idle Beachfront Real estate.
Many men were employed by Shapers or know Shapers to upgrade multi boards many times over...
So tbb asks to account for this Massive Merch disparity of rewarding surf Leashed / Electronic Surf Aids.
Twas tbb pointed out that 2025 surf Merch displays now Front & centre post pipe heat interviews...
That further alienates surfing & rewards secret Made in China slave business that chix know shit about.
Back to the beginning...been running surf comps here long before surfboards...merch means nothing to real surfers!
I just watched the final hear and Leo got ripped off
Well done to Tyler, surfed really well. Watched her semi and she’s comfortable out there. Shame they didn’t get the same opportunity as the men.
Putting aside the actual scores for a moment... and, scanning the comments, it seems there's a healthy split between those who think Baron rightly won, and those who think Leo should have. Can't quite work out percentages but it doesn't seem overly imbalanced one way or the other.
Doesn't that mean the judges got it right then?
Great point Ben, think you’ve hit the nail on the head.
Do you think the split would be different if it was one of the Aussie boys? , me I’m on team robbed
Doesn't the lack of patriotism validate my point further?
Above my pay grade but meanwhile on the Italian swellnet page ………….
it does
Great write up.
Didn't get to see all heats but really enjoyed Caity/ Pickles semi.... great to see those 2 competing.
Will rewatch final but from what i saw over comp Barron was a worthy winner. Took out jjf, and seemed to dominate in confidence and skill.
Good on Tyler.... she's had her challanges.
leo was robbed , when 3 out of the 5 judges gave him the score and then they take ages to manifest the last one was suss as
Suss maybe but imo fair.
Baron was the form surfer of the event and the right person won.
Congrats to Tyler but I thought Caity was the form surfer of the women and it was a shame that heat was waves starved for either woman to stamp their authority on the result.
Good to see Molly get a good result.
“Teach my kid to use the toilet”
Is that a return serve from the Greatest Of All Time?
He is great, no doubt about it. I love the Wave Of The Day ‘capture’ of Kelly yesterday. I think it was a massive oily clean deep ocean blue back-door bomb in the heat against Ethan who seems to have the ability to set the GOAT on fire.
It was an amazing moment. Kelly got surprised by the sheer power and critical steepness, he lost the inside rail momentarily and the adrenaline kicked in, but the King of Pipe regains control instantly, unconsciously, just in time to turn in under the pitching lip with maximum momentum, as he's done a million times, oh the drama.
But this time its different.
It's hard to make out sounds coming from the line-up, with a maniacal beach announcer, inane babble from the booth and the cracking of crashing lips but if you really listen there is an audible creak that comes from his joints, an unconscious grunt can be heard escaping his mouth too “hnngah” as he breaks the rules of physics and advancing years to drive his body behind the curtain, and then a hollow sound came with a rush of deep reverb out of the giant blue cavern he's so perfectly positioned in.
“i’mtoooldforthis sshhhiiitt”
Whaat? No music ?
?si=kNEJct0CP3O_S80xThis one's for Ethan, with a lyrical adaptation, I'll set the GOAT on fire
I read way more than watching pro surfing so I'm not sure how Tyler comes across but you can read Owen Wright's book where he explains the trauma of their childhood. That alone, but coupled with being gay growing up in a coastal town as well easily explains her trauma.
Jesus if that's a traumatic childhood and life she's lived I've been living under a rock.
I have surfed with Tyler, and she was super chill and friendly. We are all very quick to judge here. Have to wonder what happens for her now though. Will the WSL's women's number one go to Abu Dhabi? With her wife and rainbow flag on her shoulder? If she does go, what message does that send to the LGBTIQ+ community? Wonder how the fuck will they corpo-wash this one...
I'd say they will just completely ignore it.
No doubt. But Tyler?
Or she picked up an injury during the Pipe comp that took a few days afterwards to flare up and she pulls out because of that.
No awkward statements to make while bringing negative attention to the event,at least for the WSL and Abu Dhabi government.
If she doesn't end up going then i'd bet on that kind of scenario.
100% she will ignore it and turn up in Abu Dhabi. The victim/mental health/gay card only gets played when it benefits her.
Yep. Can't help but think that you're right.
I really hope she proves that wrong, otherwise, no more taking a knee etc from here on. Words and actions. Two very different things.
Seems a bit unreasonable to expect her to do anything really. She doesn't owe it to anyone - it's the WSL and Kelly that should take responsibility for getting into bed with the oil money. If she does speak up (in which case good on her for doing so) there would be just as much blowback in the opposite direction from the anti-woke snowflakes. - the conservative media will make an example out of her. She's probably just hoping to move through this without drawing any attention to herself, which I think is fair enough.
Totally agree +1
It’s not her fault her job sends her there.
She is pretty outspoken though.
"She's probably just hoping to move through this without drawing any attention to herself,..."
That would be a first.
Todays SMH. The more media this gets the harder it's going to be for WSL to ignore it. This is a complete joke by the WSL.
And ABC.
Seems there's plenty of MSM outlets starting to pick up on the story.
As expected, no comment yet from the woz.
That story is 4 months old,and there hasn't been much publicity at all about it since.
I think they've swept it under the rug as much as they can since then.
And i find it intriguing that her wife speaks for her but she's never made a statement herself.
She's having her cake and eating it too it seems.
I'm not sure if her wife attends all events with her or not anyway but i'll bet not this one.
The WSL are experts at keeping controversies and ablomalies quiet.
Like when they quietly let go of commentators with no explanation at all,ala Pottz and Ronnie Blakely,and even their CEO after that.
They'll do the same here.
No rocking any boats at all or creating any kind of drama,just quietly ignore it and pretend there's nothing to see here whatsoever.
Which in a way there's not,apart from where it is and who is (maybe?) surfing there.
With respect, I think you'll find Tyler has been contractually gagged. Like most sports, the athletes are not allowed to comment and "bring the game into disrepute". That clearly doesn't apply to her wife.
Possibly,but i doubt they'd need to.
Or would she really actually be willing to go make herself a chicken in the fox's den?
Did we ever learn of reasons why for those sackings?
''no explanation at all,ala Pottz and Ronnie Blakely,and even their CEO after that.''
Nope never a word.
I heard it was cost cutting on tour expenses after the year off in 2020.
All those return flights to Oz in business class adds up.
That might be the case with Blakely but i think Pottz disappeared a year or two before that.
Looks like we'll never really know,but i reckon they wanted to more Americanize the commentary team anyway when the tour came back in 2021.
Hence those two now that have been the mainstays in commentary every event since then.
A big unanswered question would be will Tyler and her wife be safe from the authorities?
Apparently UAE gay laws apply to tourists.. my guess is Tyler will be a Penny Wong pragmatist, travel within a tight entourage and will just have to have a skype valentines dinner with Lilli back in Aus. I mean, it's kelly's thing, surely his wsl mates will be looked after well..? Abu Dhabi, Dubai, etc bend over backwards to show there is a progressive side to their more sociopathic laws.
I'd be shocked if there was any other outcome.
Absolutely. That will be a condition of the WSL going there. But dont expect to see any shots of her wife or a rainbow flag anywhere during the show. I’m sure the film crew/announcers will have very strict instructions about that. And wouldn’t be shocked if she has a WSL staffer travelling with her and sticks strictly to the hotel/wave pool
The Australian women’s cricket team played a series in the UAE a few months ago. The team includes lesbians. I don’t think anybody needed to hide out in the Australian embassy.
Sidenote: The lesbian-free Australian men’s cricket had a training camp in Dubai just last month.
Have to say the judging felt a bit on the nose. The time it took then the exact number to draw coming out and also being the equal lowest score with the biggest spread of all the other waves. Meanwhile compare the 2 top scores and waves side by side, doesn't add up for me.
Would it help for the scoring system to be a bit more controlled?
For example something like, each wave must be watched by all judges twice. Then its a set time when they all have to enter the score. 1 minute, what ever. Then all judges have to enter the score at the same time and no one sees them all until they appear at the same time when its too late to change. Also, no talking and no head judge talking behind them. It would help stop the emotional over scoring that constantly happens, and also this waiting ages for one guy nonsense. Either that or have the judges tower mic'd and live...
Surf Abu Dhabi Line Up
[6:50] Kelly (Good Chance! Likely) Mid Jan > Week Long Shorebreak Air Practice session.
JJ Abu Dhabi Pro Pool Promo was released same day as JJ Tour Cancel
[15:00] JJ (No!)
[15:00] Gabs (No!)
[34:30] Tyler (Yes she is...She's Coming...gonna have an awesome time & do really good in the comp)
Mitch just checks to see if Overhead Spy cam light is off...we can continue our interview but with this Palace Guard!
awesome, @tbb, cheers. mitch 'tubs are the future' crews adds some good perspective, glad tyler's going to have an 'awesome time', haha. (dunno he should be encouraging crew to smash pints, tho). The gay travel in UAE is interesting, apparently a well worn discussion. More just about flaunting and public displays, though seems even flamboyant behaviour discouraged.
Cheers...basesix...reason for sharing ....
7th Feb 2025 Goldie Mitch's (Tyler) Rainbow Unicorn Pool Party RSVP.
Coz tbb read in a Surf Mag just 2 days later that Tyler won't be competing...
9th Feb 2025 SURFER : " There was Word that she (Tyler) Won't be competing in Abu Dhabi due to the UAE stance on LGBTQ rights. No official statement has been made by Wright or the WSL at this time.
* Seppo Pool Bullies ripping up Tyler's Mellow Yellow Pool Party Invite then stompin' on it...nice!
Yanks : "Leave Caity Alone!" Let Caity rule the Goodvibes Palace tbb's gonna cry!
* Surf Abu Dhabi still stoked to promote JJ's sleeping bag even though he's Pulled outta the Tour?
* JJ pulls outta Tour to Set up a Mount Everest Base Camp at Pipeline mid WSL Comp...WTF?
* Steph said she's sick of Surfing...Need to Recover > Hangs Sign [ Gone Surfin' back in a year...Maybe! ]
* JJ + Erin edited out of Betting Form Guides
* WSL Blokes still on $ Zero 2025 Prize Money...Waiting on Trump's US AID Pipeline to start trickling.
* WSL Front Page Pipe Promo too embarrassed to replay Local Kook's overscored Face Plant Fail?
We'll just fake the 'Pipe Landing' won't spark Controversy or Stoke conspiracy theories!
Shit loads of 2025 WSL Front Page Shit Fuckery drowning out our 7 seas
Luv these guys...Go to bed Gromz...nuthin' to see!
Maybe they go back to the old days when they did not have live scores and announce the winner after the final is done.
Stops this chairing up the beach kerfuffle
Makes it tense up on stage.
Feels good to hear em call everyone's name .
I watched 99% of the heats live and I thought the scoring was very coherent and comprehensible from Heat 1 to the Finals.
Judges paid heaviness and commitment and degree of difficulty.
it was easy to follow- apart from Kelly's first ride in the QF which was very overcooked.
The tied score thing was way too cute and obviously manufactured but they got the result right (imo)
A agree that it was mostly good and sensible, but with three glaring exceptions:
- Kelly
- Fil
- The final (the cute countback)
And so they shoot themselves in the foot and blow all the trust and respect they'd otherwise earned.
Which is a damned shame.
same here on all counts - i also thought that kelly still had the most style of all of them, - he made things look casual/effortless
Agreed completely with all of the above.
They just needed the time to find the right page in the rule book and make sure they had remembered the tie break rule properly…. Are you sure??? Ok.. hang on… are you really sure????
North Shore FC for the next week:
"hey Barron, how's the king enjoying the tub? wish you were here, xx John"
hahaha. Gold!
I only got to see the replay highlights so I missed the delay kerfuffle. BM looked the clear winner on the scoring rides. Shame if it detracts from his win but I reckon it will fairly quickly pass and we will just remember that BM is a two-times Pipe master.
yep. He caught a lifetime wave in the comp and one that will be remembered forever. The final was close enough and he surfed better that he deserved the win. And he's now back to back Pipe champ with a clear road ahead of him for many more. Could end up being the greatest Pipe surfer ever...if he's not that already.
'Greatest Pipe surfer if he's not that already?'
Nope it's still a few years too early to tell.
He needs 7 more titles to catch Kelly so he's obviously way too young to challenge for that competitive supremacy yet.
And he still needs a few more years of freesurfing highlights reels to push aside JJF being ahead of him in that department too.
It's kind of like all those facebook tennis posts saying Carlos Alcaraz is better than Federer/Nadal/Djokovic.
The guy has basically only just finished his apprenticeship recently but he's supposed to be better already.
Nope,consistency and experience over the long term decides that,not buzz and hype in the short term.
Same with Barron Mamiya at Pipe.
Time will tell,not enough yet has passed to.
yeah you're right, a big call and one i don't believe anyway. I think it's all absolute greatest ever.
He's the new best in town though. Don't think anyones dropped into one that heavy backhand before than the one he caught on the second last day.
He might very well be the best current surfer there,current covering very recent times too.
Well obviously competitively speaking anyway.
Otherwise it is a rather conjectural discussion.
Best of his generation is perhaps most accurate.
Error correction,7 more for him to pass Kelly not catch him.
Don't think anyone's dropped into one that heavy backhand before
The GOAT's 2013 effort against JJF was close, maybe a shade less critical though not much in it:
If they were going to cook the result for profit, give it to Leo, I'm sure he'd sell more jerseys
Can I just say here before we move on that it absolutely sucks there is no Sunset comp and thus Hawaiian leg and that the next comp is the desert tub.
FR, you're speaking my language.
It's beyond fucked.
It's the cruellest joke in surfing.
Joe Turpels as hard as he can be to listen to, put out one of the greatest lines in commentary for it's sheer absurdity when, i think it was EE got knocked against Slater. Turpel "And he gets spat out, all the way to Abu Dhabi". hahaha. Comical shit.
Btw, i can't get the link up cos internet's too slow, but the latest ep of Aint That Swell's Pipe Recap is subliminal for all those like me who absolutely frothed on the second last day.
It's almost like they're having laugh.
The surf world: "Nooo, you can't do that!"
Wozzle: "Watch us..."
Hi Steve, love your work. I'm so deflated when Round1 is done and that's it for Hawaii. Surfing has a home, the North Shore, its own mystical proving ground, Pipe, a natural stadium for titans at their peak to contest for immortality, means nothing to these corpo philistines.
Who's there to watch Cloudbreak live? 50 fans? A most elite sporting event.
The Hawaiian leg, is a skinny little drumstick, with pineapple on it and it could be a wild boar buffet.
Of course the Goat was there. Because he's a legend.
Hope old mate Lucas heals up quickly.
Scary brush and sketchy outcome.
truebluebasher MONDAY, 10 FEB 2025 at 12:57AM
They have to short change the 2025 Gurlz but more so the 2025 Guys...(Ongoing for Men)
They're obviously trying to hide their shame at how much CT blokes are getting hit...Shh!
Continued...from above...
Exactly why WSL were reluctant to share...(Likely a bun fight!)
Hodad tbb is happy to share secret mens business
2024 Mens Pipe Purse = $691,860
2025 Mens Pipe Purse = $570,380
2025 Donation of $121,480 + 2023 Donation of $64,440 toward's 2026 Chix expansion)
Men's Pipe organs peddled $185,920 towards 2026 Chix Pipe!
2025 Chix chipped in $62,340
Total Pipe Flushing = $248,260 for 2026 Queen Size Dual Flush Pipework
2024-2025 Men's pay cut of 17.56% or $3,145 > $2,592 buys ya one Pro wave score to value of [5.5] in 2025
2024-2025 Women's pay cut of 14.27% or $ 4,456 > $3,820 buys ya one Pro wave score to value of [5] in 2025
In case yer not up to speed with WSL creative accounting...little by little the chix squeeze ya!
The pay gap keeps blowing out with each new format...that's how it works...(It's called Chivalry!)
So tbb is saying...this slight rip ya see here is considered business as usual in WSL Chix domination...
It's up to the blokes to "Say When"...enough already...this will go on & on & on...blokes are too nice!
Never was equal...chix were earning more per heat from ASP onward > Squeezing more % pay gap!
All read CS blokes not being able to fund the tour...
Now can read bottom min CT safety net just slipped back 2 years in worth...
Which airlines / hotels are operating on 2023 prices in 2025 Dubai?
2025 Dubai : Hotels up 4.6% > Airfares up 22%
This is how we '70's Gromz recall what went down...Happy to tip ya off!
2025 Chiko Chix think they're as smart as these old school Punk Rock Chix...Got it!
tbb recalls these Punk chix bossed him about'n'all...
Caity : Pipe is for the F*ckin' Chiko Chix! (Now 32% more Flush than their Pipe Masters!)
Tyler is in the draw.
I expect we will not hear a word uttered about it from her or anyone else.
No sign of Tyler in Abu Dahbi on wsl insta. They’ve shown pretty much every other surfer on the tour.
Maybe she’s sitting it out?
Looking forward to Craig’s forecast for the Saudi wave pool event.
If it is morning mist there, is it called Abu Dhabi dew?
Maybe. But later in the day it'll be hot and Sunni.
Unless it's cooled down by a Shia-breeze.
On the scoring controversy - what are everyone's opinions on Pritamo's scale now? Could all of this been avoided if we didn't have this bizarre need to have high 9's and 10's in the score? Who cares if the best ride of the event is "only" a 9.5 if it ensures the best possibility of appropriate scoring.
And I'd like to see just how brave and vocal all the critics of Tyler would be if it was them with the possibility of being locked up in a foreign country with no trial.
Easy to spout big words with no skin in the game.
I don't really have an opinion except Pritamo's scale helped spread the scores at the upper level.
In the bad old days every good wave was automatically above 9, so the truly excellent waves were being split by tenths of a point or less.
Perhaps on pumping days they could extend Pritamo's vision and drop it further? But really, I like that there's some kind of objectivity across the contests and across the years. For instance, that an 'excellent' score will always be 8 or higher.
So, why go beyond 8.0 on that first excellent score?
Leave maximum room for the fluidity, emotion and dynamic nature of ocean. It's so often self-fulfilling that if a great wave comes through, chances are that the next set might well be better ...but you've only got a fraction of a point to move in.
because if im jumping off the couch and almost headbutting the fan ill be damned if thats only scored an 8
Spoken like a true absolutist.
I'm calling for a reset. That takes a mental leap.
#Straight8.0s. - for the first excellent ride in a heat. Chuck in an esky and everyone's happy.
Let's make it happen for the sake of all concerned.
I mean, if you almost headbutted the fan for Al's must have risked decapitation when Jack made his drop.
Alternatively, give the judges an option of turning it up to a Special*11.0 if the next excellent wave demands it, as I would suggest Jack's did.
Then you could give 'em the 110litre and 80litre esky in the same heat!
*Spinal Tap reference used to illuminate the absurdity of the proposition, but I still maintain there is a serious issue here for the sport.
These are Special. If you really want to push it over the cliff:
Do we need to avoid the controversy? Isn't it half the fun?
Pritamo's scale was logical and really a derivation of a logarithmic scale. Its fine, though I felt it detracted from the theatre of the sport. I enjoy watching an incredible wave live and seeing them throw down a 10.
Look, its all so subjective. As Ben observed above, there are mixed views on who won and I personally think it was so close that assigning a 'winner' is almost meaningless for us (sure - short term impacts on Leo maybe not). Barron was clearly a winner, as were we watching, but no one won more than Leo - his dignified response made a fan out of a few of us. And when the years pass and the allure of the money and trophy fade, he can be just as proud as Barron of what he achieved.
If that was the situation for her going there,then i'm pretty sure the WSL would tell her to skip it.
She's no doubt been tuned up on what the ettiquette will be for her while there,and she's probably smart enough to know anyway.
STFU about any such topics,make zero references to what her sexual gender preference is,and probably leave the wife at home too.
I don't think any of the parties involved with this event being held there want any controversy and negative attention to detract from the event itself.
There's already enough of that as it is,with many people simply disagreeing with an event being held there at all.
I can't see any betting odds for the event either,
If there having a bit off leeway on Tyler you can't then draw the line and not let us degenerates have a punt
I went back and watched the Robbo/Al Jnr heat.
Pretty comfortable with the outcome.
Jack's 10 was clearly a 10.
Al's wave was very sick, super high degree of difficulty and commitment the way he threaded the second section.
It had to go 9+.
As I said in the recap- Jack had a wave in the opening minutes that was a 10 if he came out.
From memory Jack lost by 0.7 or something , So lets look at it another way....
reverse the order of the 2 high scoring waves , Jack gets that bomb first , then Cleland
We all agree Jacks is still a 10
And then by pure comparison what is Cleland's .... ? Still a 9.5 ?
even if its a 9 , Cleland still wins
an 8.8 and Jack wins
pretty tight
anyway , great write up as always FR !
It was very tight-my gut feeling is judges would have probably high-balled any back-up ride Jack was able to get to try and even the ledger a bit.
All academic now.
Jack's a huge loser from the loss of the Hawaiian leg- one of the very best and most consistent performers at Sunset and typically a total dud in the Tub.
He could be coming out of these first two events in serious trouble.
Nothing a win and couple of other decent results,or consistency after that,won't rectify by cut time.
Yeah true- it's just a complete inversion of where I thought he would be.
Usually after Hawaii he is in yellow.
Gabriel Medina calls Leo won the final.
?si=se3WROCCp6xrVdyBSo true that Sunset will be greatly missed ...especially by big wave performers like Jack and Barron.
Although I do remember a mixed response to Sunset, despite the superlative performances it has delivered us.
Good points, but I'm still with you, Sheep.
You can debate the details like scale, early 10 etc etc but to me it seems like the whole system needs an overhaul when they can clearly manufacture the score they want to create the tie.
How about starting with judges in separate booths so they can't hear each other or the head judge. They have a fixed time to put in the score and they must watch the replay at least once. No one knows anyone else' score until all are locked in, thanks Larry. If they have the head judge in their ear what is the point and do we really trust either of them in that case? Either trust them to do the job or just let the head judge do the scoring if he can step in at any time to create the narrative.
The whole show needs a fresh start. With the tech these days they could put on the same contest for much less $ with better waiting periods. Surfline can go live from the channel at Jaws and make it looks more interesting with a camera or 2. We don't need all this nonsense that is trying to feel like a made for tv team ball sport. It's not.
Less surfers, less commentators, less bullshit graphics, less cheesy interviews, less everything EXCEPT good surfing in good waves. If the Florence brothers wanted to they could put on a invite only contest somewhere and have it come out better and get more views than the WSL.
It's not my area but I suspect a heck of a lot more planning, production effort and technical nous goes into hosting and broadcasting these events than people realise or understand. And perhaps that is taken for granted when we tune in (for free) to indulge whenever we want from wherever we want for as long as we want.
Going minimalist might be more organic, appease purists and lower costs (perhaps leading to longer waiting periods), but after experiencing the good stuff for so long I'm not sure how tolerant the average punter would actually be of a sub-par production.
I can't speak for others but I found the Eddie quite frustrating to watch with its missed waves, lack of replays, rambling commentary and unhelpful camera angles shooting into the glare. There you had an event where both the waves and the surfers very much turned up, but rather than augment the spectacle the production/broadcast detracted from it.
I guess i just disagree that what we are getting IS the good stuff.
They waste so much money to try to make it fancy but it brings nothing but annoying extras and commentators. Heat recaps 1 minute before the end? Pointless. A guy is being paid to make those.
Cheesy interviews for lulls... get interesting commentary! They have great guests on like Tom Carroll the other day and do nothing but cut off his stories and go back to their robot stock comments. It's hard to watch.
AI judges
It's apocalyptic I know but it makes sense.
Throwing buckets. AI will tell us how many and how far, exactly.
Massive frontside boost, how massive, hang time in milliseconds, altitude, distance travelled
How many turns, what's their acuteness, exactly
There is an objective method but it will need robots, lots of robots.
Or we can just make do with the funky analogue system we humans like
Much is said about the skill gap at pipe on the women's side of the draw
the fact that on a good day at pipe none of the top 10, except for maybe Moana Jones, would get a set wave
So, no wonder very few look comfortable when its heavy
Yes there are other hollow reefs to practice in the world, but pipeline is unique
Wait til ya's see the clip of Harry Bryant's wave at Pipe this morning.