The Super Crowded Bank - video

Ben Matson picture
Ben Matson (thermalben)
Swellnet Dispatch

Mental POV, water and drone footage from the New Year Gold Coast swell courtesy the Mad Hueys.



lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 9:57am

Step offs from behind the rock at snapper now?
Can't believe no one dropped in.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 10:09am

Hate to reignite the issue, but that ski was not 60m from surfers!!!

eel's picture
eel's picture
eel Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 10:28am

Fucking wankers using a ski at 5 foot crowded snapper. Someone should have dropped in on that dickhead.

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 12:34pm

I know this ski topic has been done hard in the forums before as 50young implied, but I'm still surprised that a ski is allowed (by the local authorities) to buzz around on the inside of the breaking waves, through the impact zones. People paddling, duck diving, recently wipeout etc. Seemingly condoned madness really.......

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:09pm

Warren Young was driving.

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:15pm

Are you for real Zen!? Was that Warren?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:36pm

Fitzy, Fitzy I was joking.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 3:42pm

Gary G is officially surplus to requirements.

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 7:31am

You've obviously never been to a Gary party, Andy. Garys are never in surplus, there's always room for one more

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 3:11pm

By God Gary, you're right - how can you have too much of a good thing?!

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 3:14pm

As Barnesy said, too much ain't enough love to satisfy me.

Booka78's picture
Booka78's picture
Booka78 Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:20pm

Was out there on the Friday morning & Parko was doing the same thing getting some deep nuggets from well behind the rock getting cheers from some of the crowd. Would the attitude of the punters still be the same if there were 10 jetskis & average punters out there doing the same thing?

kaiser's picture
kaiser's picture
kaiser Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:48pm
Booka78 wrote:

...getting cheers from some of the crowd...

There's a group of pathetic hangers on at each of the GC's points who will do anything to win the friendship of their 'heroes', lest they have to go back to their own boring existence.

They also believe that if they celebrate someone else being a dick, it gives them the right to do the same thing

eel's picture
eel's picture
eel Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 2:08pm
Booka78 wrote:

Was out there on the Friday morning & Parko was doing the same thing getting some deep nuggets from well behind the rock getting cheers from some of the crowd. Would the attitude of the punters still be the same if there were 10 jetskis & average punters out there doing the same thing?

Parko does it a lot at Kirra too doesn't he? Knobhead

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 1:44pm

oh the irony of the lyrics to the song chosen

"the most hazardous...and dangerous...and greastest invention of which man has ever embarked "

good question booka78 regarding average joes, starstruck goldcoasters are a sad breed indeed

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 2:13pm

Just a normal east coast thing. Just more weak surf/marketplace/gumbies. 500 odd, or thereabouts, odd squealing gumbies playing surfees. Performing... 'ow's me farkin' performance aye!!!'. At least the surf is a little bit better than the broken head droning, waist high, crumbly, feeble stuff with 500 odd, or thereabouts, odd gumbies playin' surfees. Odd that everyone wants to be there and be filmed, being an odd gumby. Just flyblown shit. Probably all there (simultaneously not all there)to have a perv on the girls, praying that the girls will notice them and their 'performance'.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 2:36pm

And... lets face it... we all know where the girls are. They are training with Lifty, they aint hangin' with the all the little flies.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 2:55pm

Grand-daughters don't count.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 2:55pm

Oh, oh... that low test thing... you was whining about before, gettin' worse? Plaguing you again? All over red rover? From what you've told us, your 'count' finished years ago. 'Intensity' levels plummeting? Never been a problem for me, I can't relate, sorry... mmmaaayyyyte, not interested.

Anyway lads, and gramps, have a nice discussion about the flyblown shit... I got more training to do... again... and again... and again... and again... and again... again... and again... and again... and again... and again... (did I say again)

Now give the poor performin' little flies there farkin' thread back!!!

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 5:47pm

I love this bloke ^^^

t-diddy's picture
t-diddy's picture
t-diddy Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 10:48pm

the dickness of the MHs just went up 10 levels; didn't know that was possible

ugoinm8's picture
ugoinm8's picture
ugoinm8 Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 11:27pm

if i had a mad huyes t shirt i'd wipe my arse with it and throw it in the bin

tim foilat's picture
tim foilat's picture
tim foilat Wednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 9:46am

Let the young fellas have their fun. Da Mad Hueys.....used to love it when I was a grom, we called it a circle jerk back then though.

tootr's picture
tootr's picture
tootr Wednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 9:56am

how the hell is using a ski in those conditions even allowed?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 8:57pm

Once we're past the ski being used in that crowd....

Great , fun video with some unreal perspectives.

The fella in the red shirt got the hell pit.

Boys look like they're having fun....god forbid.

Yes, again with the ski - fuckwits no doubt, but did you see some of the crew in that line up ?

No one has even mentioned the dickhead that bailed mid - face i n front of the fella surfing, or the muppet that was paddling straight in front of him.

Acres of cockheads and you're trying to pinpoint any of them.

If you paddled out that morning then YOU were the fuckwit.

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 7:44am

"And here I was thinking I'd never seen Gary G and uplift in the same room at the same time"

Quote: every swellnet commentator who thought that the forums weren't big enough for two perfect specimens of the human form such as myself and Monsieur Lift. And I'm not talking about your clients, Uplift, who I presume are in that photo and would no doubt be thrilled that you're posting their photo on the interwebs as proof that you know "Tha Hott Chixx"

Well ol' Gaz has been on holiday but I sure felt it in my waters when my kindred spirits, those Mad Hueys (TM), released a clip.

Be back soon, kisses, Gaz.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 10:15am

Gaz!!! Wordy has it that ya snuck off for a while! Something about sneaking around checking out ya maaaaaaayyyytttes 'rigs'... and stuff. Ya even tossed the dancin' shoes away... again... now that everyone wants to dance with ya... again!!! No need to keep sneaking around gaz. The photo was their idea gaz. You know you need to come into the gym gaz, that 'hipster' thing ain't doin' it for ya!!! Its just gettin' worse... the 'ol' hips don't lie gaz!!! You know I can help... mmmmaaaayyyyte...

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 11:55pm

I dare the Mad Hueys come down to Vic and try pull their usual shit down my way. Those wankers would be sent packing before they could bust out a drone, surf ski or lame stunt. Stay the fuck in SE Queensland with the other wankers.

penmister's picture
penmister's picture
penmister Sunday, 10 Jan 2016 at 8:52pm

Straight to booti booti....