The Flyer: On Natural Selection

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)

Did you watch the Abu Dhabi tub event last weekend?

What about the Natural Selection Tour event later this week?

Though the latter was held in the ocean - the Marshall Islands to be precise -  it had much in common with the nocean comp in the Emirates.

Before explaining how, I should ask: Were you even aware of the Natural Selection event? Going on viewer numbers I assume not many people were.

It’s ostensibly a surf event born out of Travis Rice’s snowboard tour, also called Natural Selection, which eschews traditional scoring - i.e judges giving numbers for individual rides - in favour of a more holistic approach where judges award a win to athletes building momentum, showing creativity, getting in rhythm, even if they may fall at otherwise critical times.

It’s not hard to see how that would be a good fit surfing. Send a bunch of surfers over the horizon to confront a great swell, run longer heats so they’re more akin to a session, then let the judges pick up on the vibes.

We’ve all seen recreational surfers dominate a session. Natural Selection essentially tries to capture that same spirit but in a heavy water zone. 

It’s an idea with merit, but did it work? 

I’m not sure that it did…

Do you recall how, after the first few wavepool events, we suddenly realised how boring a contest can be when you take away the ocean’s volatility? Remove unpredictability, replace it with clockwork waves, and the spectacle loses excitement.

Natural Selection obviously doesn’t suffer from the same problem, the first day saw incredible waves heave over the ledge, but in shifting from a traditional comp format other issues arose. Theoretically, having longer heats feels more like a session, but, to state the obvious, it feels less like a heat; like there was less at stake.

Similarly, without scores the results felt arbitrary and hard to follow. I can’t sit there for hours at a time and watch the surfing intently, as I might if I was there in the water, so I trust the scores to tell me what’s happening, yet there are none in Natural Selection.

Put those issues together and it didn’t feel like a contest, more like a recreational session - which is the point, right?

But there’s a difference between a recreational surfer dominating a session and a made-for-telecast contest, and by doing away with the drama of limited time, heat construction, including strategy and rat cunning, the spectacle loses excitement.

Much as a contest without the ocean suffers from repetition, a contest without rules and restraints is meaningless. Yeah, it’s great that Soli and Al and Harry got barrelled, but how much do viewers care?

There’s a reason similar ventures, such as the Billabong Desert Challenge or The Country Feeling Dream Sequence at J’Bay were short-lived. Viewers not only want winners and losers, but they also want the theatre of winners winning and losers losing.

This morning, when I searched for the Natural Selection event, YouTube suggested a number of raw surf videos, which are cheap and easy to make, and have recently become extremely popular. Pipeline, Straddie, Hossegor, all of them pumping and all filmed in the last few days.

From this side of the screen there isn’t that much difference between them and Natural Selection.

- Stu

Natural Selection Surf // Finals Day

What's that rant above all about? Check it out for yourself, perhaps you'll disagree and dig the concept. The three-hour livestream of the Finals Day is here.

And yeah, for those wondering, it is the same wave Nathan and John surfed a few months back in one of Nathan's videos. Read More >

A Few Words About Tommy Peterson

Last Sunday, Tommy Peterson exhaled his last breath. A here-lies-thee obituary doesn't tally up with the man that was, so here's a few stories of excess and conviviality. Read More >

Behind The Shot: Josh Bystrom

It's one thing to see a killer photo of a pro who's been in many photos just like it, another for Joe Punter to grab one off the pack at Backdoor, make the drop, then appear front and centre when the confluence of light and wind is doing its thing.

Photographer Josh Bystrom knew he'd made this fella's day when he paddled back out asking if he had the shot. Josh did indeed yet old mate didn't make contact after the session. Josh didn't even know the fella's name. It wasn't till the photo appeared as Thursday's Wave Of The day that the mystery was solved. Read More >

Watch: Shippies Summer Session

Kyron Rathbone is an unflappable Taswegian. A counterweight to the intensity and machismo of Shippies, Kyron brings an unhurried and upbeat feel to the Shippies channel. Stay tuned for an interview with Kyron about his sculptural work next week.  Read More >


thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 8:00am

I struggled to maintain interest in the webcast.

Can totally appreciate that the waves were super heavy, but it also just didn't seem anywhere near as exciting on the screen as eight foot Chopes.

I dunno, the idea has merit, but it'll only progress if there is commercial viability. I wonder how the costs for this event stack up compared to their snowboarding round?

Watt Tyler's picture
Watt Tyler's picture
Watt Tyler Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 8:28am

I propose a 6 hour window to surf and who ever dominates the day wins. just like in real life.
wsl judging is incredibly inconsistent and how they can over or under score someone to control who wins discredits the whole thing..
WSL is a charade .
Natural selection needs to be live for a day and only 6 dudes competing

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:33am

If you add JJF to the suggestion below, making four strikers, you and @shoredump are within spitting distance of the same idea. I'd watch.

(shoredump in the Live: Nat Select Finals thread: 21/2/25 3:38pm):
"I think if Nathan starts inviting more big names like Medina & Kelly, continued to strike amazing venues, and switched to live, the real kind, then I reckon that's the recipe. You just need amazing waves streamed live, with quality surfers pushing each other. Not even sure you need the competition bit"

suchas's picture
suchas's picture
suchas Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 8:38am

Bit of history on Michael Schwab, who during the event mentioned” money wasn’t an issue- I just love surfing”. At time of article was shareholder in WSL/ KSWCO-

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 10:26am

Couldn't care less about the competition side or commentary. Give me a raw live feed of pumping waves with a few different angles and happy days.

Though Kelly commentating CB that year it got called off was sick too. Do that, a no comp, no ads live stream of nuts waves with rotating random commentators. That recent Peahi one was great actually. More of that, just mad raw sessions.

No ads... have 5 minutes free to prove it's pumping, then a charge to watch the day. I'd pay a few quid to have psycho GB or something streaming while I work.

megzy151's picture
megzy151's picture
megzy151 Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:06am

Honestly i didn't give rats arse about the scoring criteria. It was chalk and cheese re the 2 events. On 1 hand formulaic wave pool surfing compared to 'oh fuck' whats behind this effing heaver. As you pointed the criteria for judging was arbitrary, but isn't comp surf judging more so. Bring on more 'events' like this...fuck me after alot of wsl events the comments from a good majority of punters decry the fact that the wosl is dead in the water.. This could be the genesis or better still hark back to the days of yor... The Dream Tour. Man i could waffle on but i think the point is obvious, plus it would address the elephant in the room that it separate the chaff on the current who ostensibly win world titles in 2 foot :)

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:11am

Stu, do you think knowing what happened ~a month ago may have made it less exciting for you?

I knew who was going to win - after watching day one ;-) - but really enjoyed it.

Re that spot: from all the footage I've been able to find it seems to go from psycho to rippable and back, and not always fully correlated to size.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:24am

"Stu, do you think knowing what happened ~a month ago may have made it less exciting for you?"

Yeah you might have a point.

jasper99's picture
jasper99's picture
jasper99 Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:51am

The snowboarding events are epic to watch albeit pre recorded as the surf event was too....I think the concept has merit for sure and it held my attention way more than the pool event which imo is dull at best.
I like the concept of 4-8 surfers in the water for hours if need be and just decide who surfed it best overall. Probably no need for "heats" just one long session and live would be great. This along side select wsl events would make for better viewing but hey thats just what I would like.cheers

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 11:59am

Missed both "live" streams and catching up now.

I like all the stuff I've seen so far.

Blingas's picture
Blingas's picture
Blingas Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 1:33pm

Wow, I think you maybe hard to please.
I have forever been banging on that the wsl is not like real everyday surfing and the pool is case in point. Yawn fest.

The natural selection in my eyes has completely changed what a surf contest should be closer to. I loved having four guys in the water in good / heavy waves could have been 6-8 guys. Let them charge and reward them even if non make for charging. I would love to see the wsl guys in that format would seperate the levels of ability very fast. Poor Fil on the shoulder wouldn’t get to finals.

Spearman's picture
Spearman's picture
Spearman Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 at 4:03pm

Didn't mind the format in those waves. Loved the angles from the drone and water. That wave comes out of nowhere and just stands up. Give me more of these comps vs trestles or wavepools.