am i ready to surf sumatra?

If you have to ask the question then maybe not ready.
But you can always try and find a wave that suits, or take the booger for when its big and tricky.

hey ckoeck
i've just been to south sumatra, and had surf 11 days out of 12 over head, few days double overhead, (first surf trip where thats happened). the wave we surfed was out front of the surf camp, and was a nice left of up to 150m maybe. nice and kinda like currumbin. so not heavy really. there's other breaks around, and you can take your pick depending on size etc. i would suggest you go, theres plenty of waves to choose from, and all were nice. some heavier than others, but if you're not confident, stick to the ones that areant heavy. dude, just do it, i dont think you'll regret it. and dont book a camp before you go, just turn up and choose one you like, there's plenty of them know.
good luck, and enjoy
oh, and take booties

Hey Larry, what camp did you stay at and what sort of dollars are you talking? I'm thinking of taking a trip to Indo and Sumatra sounds good but I don't have the money for a boat trip, so land based could be the go. Are the waves a mission to get to when it's not breaking out front and how was the crowd? Thanks seal.

Definately just go mate. The first trip I took to Indo I was worried I wasn't going to be ready either, but I was completely underestimating myself. I found I felt more comfortable surfing bigger waves simply because they were so perfect and predictable. And being from Tassie it was unreal to not be wearing a wetsuit haha. I've heard some bad reports about Krui Surf Camp in regards to how they operate but have heard nothing but good things about the waves. Book a flight and go now before it's as crowded as the Mentawais!

Sumatra is unreal, last year my mate and I did our first trip to indo. We jumped in the deep end and cycled with our boogs from Banda Aceh to Bali. When we went through southsumatra there were many waves all about 20min motobike ride away. I would say just go for it, indonesia is an amazing place.

hey seal
stayed at pretty rustic, better places around. we paid 50us for aircon room with 3 meals, 35us for non air con. dudes were staying in other places for 170000ind per night with food, which is about 20aus. so i'd just go there and decide when there. i'd probably spring for air con again, pretty damn hot, and enjoyed the cool room. so yeah, just go, waves were great, 2/3 surfs a day, everyday, get a bike and check out the oter places around, which are close. ok, hope helps, enjoy. check out youtube for video of the place, its karang nyimbor.
but, we were talking to dudes who stayed up metawis on land, for cheap as, so can still do that as well.
ok check ya.

Doesn't matter if you're not on waves over 5ft, you can snap a board on any size wave, not to mention possible damage on planes, travelling to the camp and around the place.
Definitely take 2 boards but 3 should be a safe bet.

ok choek
just go dude. uncrowded niceness. i was out by myself sometimes, and with a couple others, max up to 10 guys. on a wave that peels down the line for about 150m. as for broken boards, and how many to take, agree with graig. I took 2 boards, a little poddy type thing and a 6'4". never road the pod, 6'4" handled everything we got. some guys called it as big as 8', but i'd say it probably only go to 6' (solid though i guess), but the wave wasnt that heavy. still break a board on it though if in wrong place. there are ding repairers there if you break a board. but if worried, just take 2. and if i took 2 next time, i'd take my 6'4" and a 6'10" (just incase).
ok, any more question, just let us know, more than will to help. i my suggestion, just do it, and you've got another year to improve, and the wave will definitely improve your surfing (left that is).

Go for it mate, your surfing will improve heaps.

Just go for it mate. Winter is your best option. I have done a few trips there now and even though it's winter doesn't mean you will score. There will generally be something surfable every day but it can be flat for 4 or 5 days straight. Even if you get big days of 7 ft (who the hell says 7ft!!) they will be reasonably rare. There will always be somewhere a little more forgiving to surf, and it is good to challenge yourself. Just sit out in the channel and watch. The best advice anyone here can give you is the book the tickets right now, without excuses. Get off the forum and book! Then when you get there, just get amongst it! Selamat Jalan!

Hey ckoeck25,
Recommend The World Stormrider Guide, volume three. It has a section on Aceh. The guide has some pretty good maps detailing breaks and surf statistics such as dominant swell, swell size, water temp., consistency etc over the 12 months. If anything it gives you something to amp yourself up about, plan a mission and just get out there and live it.
The 'Indo surf & lingo" guide also has a small section on Samtra, but it's more geared to Bali.
Don't wait mate, take every opportunity to do this, you'll wonder why you hadn't done it sooner.
Ketawa, minum dan main

i'm with Dan
who says 7ft. its either solid 6, or 8. but saying that, dont get a lot of chances to say 8 on the goldie.

Look for a break that is breaking at 11 foot there won't be a crowd because nobody has ever said they rode an eleven foot wave.
Seriously just go!
What you surf in the beginning will prepare you for the bigger and better stuff you'll surf at the end of your trip!
Respect for having an awareness of your limitations, just realise you can expand them each day there!

its all in your head mate...just go and be happy that you have the money and oppertunity to surf in such a beautiful part of the world with such beautiful waves, wish i could i wouldnt give a shit how big it is id be happy to be near waves of such power.

I had the chance to go years ago, but didn't. now I regret it.
Hi swellnet. Next year im thinking of taking a 14 day trip to south sumatra. I swapped from booging about 3 years ago and am just getting some confidence surfing. But the question is, am i ready to take a surf trip (i dont want to waste my money)?