Snakes and drop ins.

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy started the topic in Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 at 6:03am

Im only young, and I may not have as much experience as every other guy in the line up, but i know the rules.
What can you do if someone bigger and older keeps dropping in and snaking you?

I wasnt the only one he was snaking and dropping in on though, he was doing it to everyone and judging the look on peoples faces, they were just as annoyed as i was.

Im not a local at the spot i was surfing, but want to know what im doing wrong or what i can do.

jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949 Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 at 7:53am

You'll have trust in Karma or take a bigger friend with you. Calling the pr-ck could get ugly, check out and see if he's a local and if he only does his act on younger smaller guys then talk with the locals accordingly. Smartarse sarcasm from the rest of the crew will send most bullies in
Difficult one LSB and the pr-ck probably thinks he deserves respect.

An arsehole revenge 4 matchsticks in 4 valves = 4 flat tyres! Not one to be caught at, much better the friend and local technique first.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 at 9:06am

Talk to him,say g'day engage the bastard in conversation. It's so much harder to burn someone once they have said hello.

jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949 Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 at 10:35am

As Shaun say s that's a good first option before going to the next stages I suggested, if he is an absolute B then go with the loads of advice you're going to get

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 at 1:05pm

Thanks guys, will ask round and see if hes local, dont think he is though because he was dropping in on other locals.
Doesnt really seem like the kind of guy for a chat either, someone went up to him and said "hey mate, respect everyone and stop snaking" and he tried to turn it into a fight.

Was only a small day though and not many people out so hopefully on a good day the locals will have a word with him.

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Sunday, 25 Apr 2010 at 2:59am

Good work grommie, don't stress and let karma take him out. He sounds like the kind of guy that is more likley to get a fin chop than most....... Keep up the good work LSB

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Sunday, 25 Apr 2010 at 9:25pm

Thanks guys

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 25 Apr 2010 at 10:15pm

LSB, where were you surfing when all this happened?

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Monday, 26 Apr 2010 at 12:10am

Around the Torquay - Jan Juc area

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 26 Apr 2010 at 1:38am

Then it wasn't me then, though I am known to be a grumpy old bastard at times. Probably that Adam bloke, he's admitted to the odd drop in around that area.

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Monday, 26 Apr 2010 at 3:02am

Really didnt want to confront him because he was young and vry big so jopefully his not there this weekend

spongebob's picture
spongebob's picture
spongebob Monday, 26 Apr 2010 at 6:24am

Would'nt be Adam,he's old & haggard.

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 at 10:58am

thanks heaps for all the advice guys.

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 at 9:37pm

Spongebob are you a lidder?