Spirit Of Akasha

1963-malibu's picture
1963-malibu started the topic in Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014 at 10:02am

Has anyone seen this yet? What is the feedback? Is it as good as Morning Of The Earth?

1963-malibu's picture
1963-malibu's picture
1963-malibu Tuesday, 4 Feb 2014 at 8:09am

Celebrating 40 years of Morning Of The Earth.
Review by The Australian newspaper.


the-spleen_2's picture
the-spleen_2's picture
the-spleen_2 Tuesday, 4 Feb 2014 at 9:50am

Without meaning to be disrespectful as I like Andrew Kidman's movies, the whole things seems an exercise in nostalgia whilst pretending not to be an exercise in nostalgia.

Steph Gilmore on a single fin, Mick Fanning on a single fin, two high profile full time professionals who work in clothes advertising and couldn't be further from Brocky living in a treehouse or Baddy at the Point, and they're riding boards not of their era (and wouldn't be riding them if cameras weren't rolling).

Morning of the Earth is a great movie but do we have to keep carting its baggage through the ages?

1963-malibu's picture
1963-malibu's picture
1963-malibu Tuesday, 4 Feb 2014 at 10:56am

No mention of Brocky or Baddy in the review. I wonder if they are even in the film? I dont get what mick fanning riding a single fin has to do with celebrating MOTE?