Regional NSW - 7 day lockdown, August 15

thermalben's picture
thermalben started the topic in Saturday, 14 Aug 2021 at 2:49pm

Just announced a short time ago. Apparently the stay-at-home orders will be in place for a week.

D-Rex's picture
D-Rex's picture
D-Rex Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:05pm

I am hoping that the police start fining everyone who breaks the rules or else these lockdowns punish only the law-abiding. Still, if the ER dickheads and BLM protesters were able to get away with it it's hardly surprising that party-goers and surfers are willing to take their chances.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:12pm

none of that conjecture above changes the fact that you are bullshitting


you're an extreme propagandaist void of any independent thought...


geek's picture
geek's picture
geek Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:16pm
Vic Local wrote:

How's the half arsed lockdown working out in NSW you blokes? And you're crying about that being too tough. NSW is looking at 1000+ cases a day by the end of August and then 2000+ a day by mid September under the current trends with the current restrictions. And that's being very conservative.
It doesn't take a genius to work out what would happen in Australia if you muppets got your way with lockdowns.
Seriously, fuck you lot. You're a danger to public health and the economy. cunts like you are making life miserable for so many good people working in hospitals and small businesses.

Get off your high horse VL, living on the surf coast you have NFI how hard proper lockdowns are

D-Rex's picture
D-Rex's picture
D-Rex Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:20pm

I'm assuming your kind words are for VL rather than my good self, syppa.

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:31pm

Hahahahaa, gotta love the online meltdown from swellnets very own "man-Karen" VicMoron.

With your continual online "facts" show us all the fact of this so called "horse-punching", and not some single frame well angled shot.

Or the claim a few days ago that all the Victorian lockdowns where a result of the Christmas Avalon cluster.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:28pm

"Get off your high horse VL, living on the surf coast you have NFI how hard proper lockdowns are"
This is true. I'm lucky that way, but I still understand what the consequences of a botched lockdown are for businesses and public health.
Yes lockdowns are shit, but the alternative is even worse. This is painfully obvious.
Geek, I've got plenty of sympathy and much respect for all the crew doing the right thing. I've got zero respect for the absolute cunts who break the rules and undermine sensible rules to protect public health and the economy.
NSW is a disaster. I work in the events industry and there won't be any events in NSW for the next three months, and that's a best case scenario. People are getting worked over. If Vic gets this under control, I may have an income in 6 weeks.
So like I said, Fuck you to all the anti-lockdown selfish stupid cunts. These people are menaces.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:36pm


aimed at boss bullshit

the key propagandaist and 'events' man

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:51pm

I mean give the young an opportunity to get vaccinated before we release covid suppression measures.
I don’t think giving them a bill to protect you but not them is fair, although I get your point on the increased cost. What happened to MMT anyway?
Everyone will have had an opportunity to protect themselves with the vaccine in 2 months time, not 2 years like you say.
So the extra cost is 1/9 of the existing cost

Delta has changed the game in that a noteworthy percentage of the young do become affected by the virus, so we are now in a reverse situation to last year where the older vaccinated population need to sacrifice their freedom of movement to protect the vulnerable unvaccinated youth

I’m totally onboard with letting it rip once we are all vaccinated and forgetting about case numbers just keeping an eye on hospitalisation numbers so as not to send our hospitals into meltdown

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 3:51pm

Blowin said
"Forget Adam12 and his strawman"
Maybe straw to you Blowin, the point I was making is that rather than coming on this site like a first world third rate hysteria monkey complaining how your perfect little world is disrupted during a pandemic that is killing people maybe show some resilience. And this "it only kills old people" shit is heartless selfishness, when you lose someone old you realise you don't just lose them but decades of wisdom, knowledge and experience, and love. They are probably more valuable.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:10pm


You are the hysteria monkey spreading your fictional plague rubbish.

The behaviour by the government is criminal. Locking down healthy people is criminal. Putting healthy people under curfew is criminal. Forcing healthy people to not visit their friends and loved ones amd forfeit their lives is criminal.

It’s all unnecessary and arbitrary and anti-scientific and an abuse of power. It’s authoritarian.

This virus is only a threat to those who are old or unhealthy. The medical science states this. Hospital and fatality statistics prove this. There are outliers amongst the healthy but they are so few and far between that the threat for them is far less than a typical flu season.There is zero justification to force people to forfeit their lives.

If you are vulnerable ( aged / unhealthy ) then stay at home, practice social distancing and wash your hands. Wear a mask if it makes you feel better. Get vaccinated if it makes you feel better.

The rest of society should be utterly free from the yoke of this bullshit government power grab.

This is the only truth that matters. Read it and understand.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:16pm

FFS Blowin, to even say the following "This virus is only a threat to those who are old or unhealthy. The medical science states this. Hospital and fatality statistics prove this. "

can you back up your claims with links to the stats that support your statement , as it looks like pure bullshit to me!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:17pm

As mentioned on this site previously, the facts are right there in that link. After 18 months , why is there still zero governmental or media impetus to improve the health of Australians if they are so concerned for our welfare? Improving your health is the single most important mitigating step anyone can possibly take. If you are healthy the virus has little to no effect on you in almost every instance.

Yet the government is forcing people inside and making them wear masks outside. When was the last time you saw a government promotion trying to improve the fitness and health of Australians? Where is the super important and lifesaving instigation to overcome obesity amongst our population?

All of this could have been achieved at any time in the past 18 months but it’s still completely absent from any official and unofficial guidelines regarding Covid.

You know why? Because they are running a fear and control campaign , not a Covid mitigation campaign.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:22pm

The way to prevent a Covid crisis:

1/ Appropriate and effective feeders quarantine facilities.

2/Government campaign to radically improve the health of its population ( information/ facilities/ programs etc )

3/ Protect the vulnerable. Secure aged care/ hospital facilities

4/ Ensure rapid acquisition of suitable vaccine. Ensure all vulnerable have priority access to vaccine.

5/ Allow rest of society to go about their business in conjunction with campaigns on social distancing and self hygiene recommendations.

Problem solved. No one forfeits their lives unnecessarily. Economy survives. Virus has minimal impact.

overthefalls's picture
overthefalls's picture
overthefalls Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:51pm

Blowin, I understand your frustration with the strict lockdown measures, as most of us do. However, I do not understand your denial of the serious nature of COVID-19. I am no expert on medical issues, so I have to trust those who know better than I do, and I’m not referring to politicians and media commentators; I’m referring to the medical professionals who have studied, trained and practised in their respective fields. My father and brother-in-law are doctors; both have assured me that COVID-19 is a serious health threat, not only to the elderly in the short term, but also to everybody else in the long term. What do you think the medical community and the government have got to gain from exaggerating the threat of COVID-19? Like I said, I share your frustration, but I am willing to make some relatively small sacrifices to my personal freedom in the short term for the sake of my personal freedom in the long term.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 4:59pm

"...I don’t think giving them a bill to protect you but not them is fair, although I get your point on the increased cost. What happened to MMT anyway?
Everyone will have had an opportunity to protect themselves with the vaccine in 2 months time, not 2 years like you say.
So the extra cost is 1/9 of the existing cost..."

seems we agree more than disagree shoredump... though I don't share your optimism re. 2 months...

technically it should be true, but morrison's roadmap, and talk of building quarrantine facilities, the general chat... and expectations etc. ...tells me we've got a minimum 2 year roadmap... not to mention fortress WA...

MMT... we're already living it... a version of it anyway... and the inflatiinary pressures critics talked of that were flat out dismissed...

how's those house prices going? ...the millenials were already dark and hating on the 'lock the gate' babyboomers pre covid... now they're locked out, locked down, and inheriting the bill...

what could possibly go wrong?

...only gotta scrape through an uneventful next 30 years...

(at one of the most unstable periods of world history, ever... on so many fronts...)

she'll be right...

my main thing is, this 'pandemic' has been so overcooked, totally consumed society, and our self obsessed lives / lifestyles, and we've thrown everything at it, rather recklessly I would argue... when, only a fool would think we don't have more significant events on the horizon...

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:03pm
overthefalls wrote:

I am no expert on medical issues, so I have to trust those who know better than I do, and I’m not referring to politicians and media commentators; I’m referring to the medical professionals who have studied, trained and practised in their respective fields.

Oh come on overthefalls. What would all those expert eggheads know? It's not like they are better informed and have better training than that YouTuber, that ex footballer, the fat miner, or that Chef Pete Evens.
Do your own resurch

Roystein's picture
Roystein's picture
Roystein Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:04pm

Agreed sypkan. So much of the loss of liberty and freedom will not be regained. We are prisoners in our own country, segregated by state borders and then even further separated by LGAs.
I really do think as a country we have taken a position of going into hiding.

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:05pm

Yeah we do.
My position from day 1 is covid is not our biggest problem right now

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:06pm

or that "events industry" potato...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:11pm

Overthefalls - I’ve completely lost faith in anything the government or the media says these days. I strongly feel that even public service bureaucrats mostly attain their positions due to political allegiance and usefulness. This is why I basically distrust most things I see and hear in the media. I’ve seen things first hand then witnessed how the narrative has been perverted by the media. They deserve no respect and I certainly don’t believe a thing they say at face value irrespective of whether it’s a health issue or not.

This cynicism forces me to try and parse and assess everything I hear through a prism of multitudes of outlets despite having no solid belief in any of them.

When I’m told that the virus is extremely deadly and that the delta strain is an indiscriminate killer I contrast this with the statistics I see daily. Even the statistics ( especially the statistics) don’t hold much sway for me.

When I see in one place that a 15 year old boy has died from meningitis whilst also having previously recorded a positive Covid test but that doctors declare that Covid was not an influential factor I take note. When the Premier then counts this boy as a Covid death my trust in her is eroded even more.

When a woman in palliative care is described as a Covid death I lose ever more faith.

When I’m constantly told that young, healthy people will die but 18 months and 40,000 cases later the young and healthy aren’t dying, I lose yet more belief in a word I’m told.

I’m not anti- science or anti-expert, I just think that virtually everything I hear has been so distorted and twisted to suit political and profit driven ends, that by the time information reaches my ears it barely resembles the truth it may once have been.

The examples of media and government lying to me are endless and no aspect of information is exempt from the lies. Why would I trust them now?

I don’t do “ my own research “ . I don’t believe in lizard people. I don’t even really know what Qanon even is . I just don’t trust the media or the government and for very good reason.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:25pm
sypkan wrote:

"...I don’t think giving them a bill to protect you but not them is fair, although I get your point on the increased cost. What happened to MMT anyway?
Everyone will have had an opportunity to protect themselves with the vaccine in 2 months time, not 2 years like you say.
So the extra cost is 1/9 of the existing cost..."

seems we agree more than disagree shoredump... though I don't share your optimism re. 2 months...

technically it should be true, but morrison's roadmap, and talk of building quarrantine facilities, the general chat... and expectations etc. ...tells me we've got a minimum 2 year roadmap... not to mention fortress WA.....

Im banking on 6 more months for a real change of direction.

Everyone should have had a chance to get both vaccines shots by then, and it's after Christmas and School holidays.

If we havent seen a huge change in the approach by then and we are still having lockdowns and international travel is not starting to open up to some countries, then fuck i think these anti lockdown rallies etc are going to be 100 times bigger.

Fuck we should all join them if we get to that stage and there is no real change in approach.

Until then we just need to all hang in there and get vaccinated.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:25pm

Just another day in the Swellnet forums

overthefalls's picture
overthefalls's picture
overthefalls Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:30pm

Blowin, I don’t trust the government and the media either, but I do trust people who have dedicated their careers to helping people live healthier, longer lives. Also, it’s not just lots of dead people that compromise the wellbeing of society; lots of sick people do too. Instead of listening to the vapid, vacuous rhetoric of politicians, why not listen to medical experts who don’t have a self-serving agenda? I must admit, I admire your staunch cynicism of the government and the media as neither of them have done much to earn our respect or trust. However, I think you have to be careful of extending your cynicism to the medical community whose only agenda is to protect our health.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 5:59pm

We should all be cynical of our governments no matter what political stripes they wear, but here's the point. Governments will do shitty things IF they think they can get away with it.
These opinions that lockdowns and covid are part of some grand conspiracy to take away our rights are just fucking ludicrous. So too are theories that the government is in cahoots with big Pharma to deny the general public a cheap and effective covid treatment in ivermectin.
No Australian government at state or federal level enjoys bringing in lockdowns, and they would never think about denying people cheap and effective medication. The chances of getting exposed are huge because there's an army of people who would happily blow the whistle. The consequences of being caught are enormous. Any party doing that shit would be utterly destroyed for ever.
So yes, keep your scepticism folks, but add a little bit of reality too. Oh and BTW, global warming is real, Dan isn't a communist, and Amnesty International aren't going to come running to defend your human rights that have been "denied" during covid lockdown.
And to all those new to this "freedom fighting" game, where the fuck where you when refugees were being locked up for decades by our government. If you people were genuinely interested in human rights, given the Taliban have taken back Afghanistan, you'd be demanding the immediate release of all afghan refugees / asylum seekers being detained by the Australian government. Some for 8 fucking years.
If you don't you're just a bunch of me-first man-Karens banging on about your human rights. FFS get a grip you muppets.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:16pm

Human rights only count for many, when it effects them. It is a selfish retort when any real argument is lacking.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:25pm
Vic Local wrote:

We should all be cynical of our governments no matter what political stripes they wear, but here's the point. Governments will do shitty things IF they think they can get away with it.
These opinions that lockdowns and covid are part of some grand conspiracy to take away our rights are just fucking ludicrous. So too are theories that the government is in cahoots with big Pharma to deny the general public a cheap and effective covid treatment in ivermectin.
No Australian government at state or federal level enjoys bringing in lockdowns, and they would never think about denying people cheap and effective medication. The chances of getting exposed are huge because there's an army of people who would happily blow the whistle. The consequences of being caught are enormous. Any party doing that shit would be utterly destroyed for ever.
So yes, keep your scepticism folks, but add a little bit of reality too. Oh and BTW, global warming is real, Dan isn't a communist, and Amnesty International aren't going to come running to defend your human rights that have been "denied" during covid lockdown.
And to all those new to this "freedom fighting" game, where the fuck where you when refugees were being locked up for decades by our government. If you people were genuinely interested in human rights, given the Taliban have taken back Afghanistan, you'd be demanding the immediate release of all afghan refugees / asylum seekers being detained by the Australian government. Some for 8 fucking years.
If you don't you're just a bunch of me-first man-Karens banging on about your human rights. FFS get a grip you muppets.

I almost agree with you and then you said "Dan isn't a communist" maybe technically true...but..yeah

And then you banged on about refugees BS, people that we have provided everything for, housing, food, medical care, safety, resettlement options.

I do get concerns of people like Blowin though.

I mean a few years ago who would have thought, that we couldn't freely travel OS, and at times couldn't travel between states, couldn't travel freely from our homes, even had curfews like a teen aged kid?

Pretty crazy stuff, i get peoples fear that once

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:24pm

Exactly roadkill. The new human rights fanatics are often the same people cheering on the human rights abuses of refugees by our government. Me first Karens the lot of them.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:29pm

into dreaming. 8 fucking years in hotel rooms denied freedom of movement by our government. But tell me again how good things are for these hundreds of refugees in Australia.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:43pm
Vic Local wrote:

into dreaming. 8 fucking years in hotel rooms denied freedom of movement by our government. But tell me again how good things are for these hundreds of refugees in Australia.

Havent been in hotel rooms for 8 years, they are in hotel rooms because fuck witts like you support scams like medivac.

When they should be back in Manus or Nauru where all have the option to live in the community and even those at centres can freely come and go.

They have also always been able to leave or return home the whole time, many have because situations change wars end etc

All have also been provided resettlement options in PNG and Cambodia countries both signed to the refugee convention and turned their noses up at the option, many were also rejected by USA for resettlement .

So dont give me all that bullshit.

BTW. You have to love the irony, the same people that 5 years ago, thought the world shouldn't have borders and were all for open border type policy, are now the same people that are all for having borders shut, even state borders.

If there is a silver lining to Covid, its reinforced how important a countries borders are and how important it is to secure them, the idea of open borders should be dead and buried.

JQ's picture
JQ's picture
JQ Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 6:45pm

What about all your bullshit indo? Of which there's a full paragraph of above.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:02pm

If you think its BS debate the points then, whats bits dont you THINK aren't correct?

BTW imagine if Covid had happened during the Rudd era when we had almost 20,000 people in one year trying to arrive by boat, what an added mess that would have been with the fear people could slip through the cracks and be Covid infected.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:10pm


the gift that just keeps on giving

to quote a not so wise idiot...

'you really don't understand how power works...'

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:15pm

and you never got back to me regarding insurance companies...


not the answer, ...nor even the 'conspiracy'... but this should give you something to think about...

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:17pm

He never replies to anything when he's taken to task.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:25pm

@sypkan I think it was you posted this article?

That was a really good read.

"Why it’s time to move on from Covid"

Australia even got a mention :(

"Fourth, with hopes of a measles-like herd immunity dashed, the Zero Covid countries of Asia and Australasia now find themselves in a very dark place. They need to accept that Covid has to reach an equilibrium or they will be stuck with permanent isolation and recurrent lockdowns."

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:33pm

Dr Dick Vocal m.a.d. , this is part of the reason the government hasn’t introduced ivermectin. It’s their response to a letter . There is no conspiracy . “The TGA would welcome an application to register ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 at any time; however, the TGA cannot compel a company to make such an application. Priority and provisional evaluation pathways are available depending on the nature of the application and the supporting data. “ As there is no patent on ivermectin no pig pharma wants to spend money on trials It makes no business sense. Again there is no conspiracy, just your imagination.

mugofsunshine's picture
mugofsunshine's picture
mugofsunshine Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 7:48pm
thermalben wrote:

Up here on the Tweed, we've been sandwiched between SE Qld and Byron Bay lockdowns over the last month or so.

Aside from old mate from Sydney and his sons who brought about the Byron lockdown (and who are now in Lismore hospital), my understanding is that there have been no other community cases of Covid in the Northern Rivers.

As such the nearest Covid cases are in Newcastle (650km away). There are case locations for Tamworth (500km away) but no confirmed cases.

IMO the Northern Rivers should probably be tied in with SE Qld (ie we should have been in lockdown during their recent episode), but I understand how it's difficult to reimagine (let alone enforce) geographical boundaries during pandemics.

Okay, I could do with some help here and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Transparency... Left leaning, middle aged fully vaxxed Sunny coaster who like nothing more than chucking the roof tent on the ute picking up my squeeze from the Shire and continuing South in search of quiet surf.

As Ben says, I cant see why borders can't be flexible in times like this and somewhat to their credit the border zone was/is a good idea.

So, questions...

Old mate who caused the lockdown.. I can't find any info on any positive test result for the Northern Rivers, can anyone enlightened me? My friend in Byron got tested the other day primarily to try and add to the stats and end the lockdown sooner. Path lab said they had 3hr waits for the first two days but it tapered off. But still no positives.

Then lockdown gets extended. Qld up the ante at the border, every vehicle stopped. Schools on the Goldy lost 30% of their staff today because they're no longer essential. Confirmed zero new cases in Qld and as far as I can tell still zero positive cases in NNSW. I just don't get it.

I am very much missing the freedom to surf where I'd like and very much missing my roof tent warmer.

While I'm here can I also say that I rarely bother looking at the forums any more as almost always by page two it's the same as every other fucking topic. This one is no exception, I'd just like some ideas on my questions above please.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 8:10pm

he really does himself, or his cause, no favours trying to dismiss everything, and all of us, as conspiracy nutters and freedom fighters...

especially when most of us are clearly rather dismissive and critical of the true conspiracy nutters, and the freedom fighters...

but brains don't do context... or nuance...

he really just does not get it, or is so absolutely righteous and prone to tar all with the same brush that don't agree with his seriously compromised view of the world, that he is one damaged and incredibly damaging individual...

way too much 'us and them' thinking

way too much ideological brainwashing

and just a general lack of any thought process...

because, if push comes to shove, and this eventuates...

"...If we havent seen a huge change in the approach by then and we are still having lockdowns and international travel is not starting to open up to some countries, then fuck i think these anti lockdown rallies etc are going to be 100 times bigger.

Fuck we should all join them if we get to that stage and there is no real change in approach."

I know which group of ideological fucktards I'll be standing with...

it won't be vicidiot and his dictator dan fanboy club

(and this is despite the fact I personally cannot stand all that nutty freedom fighter soveriegn citizen bullshit...)

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 8:07pm

I "never got back to (you) regarding insurance companies" sypkan because your theory that insurance companies are somehow involved in denying Ivermectin to patients is that fucking stupid, it wasn't worth a response.
But fuck it, I'll bite. Tell us again sypkan why medical insurance companies would deliberately forgo a cheap treatment for covid if it was effective? Surely saving money on treatments would be a good thing for medical insurance company's bottom lines?
So, just for shits and giggles, tell us again what's in it for insurance companies to stop Ivermectin. I'm actually interest in what sort of batshit theory you're going to come up with.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 8:15pm

"I "never got back to (you) regarding insurance companies" sypkan because your theory that insurance companies are somehow involved in denying Ivermectin to patients is that fucking stupid, it wasn't worth a response."

thats not my 'theory', I never said that at all...

but keep slogging bigfella

comprehension ain't one of your strong points

along with context, nuance, thinking, cooperation, tolerance...

Roystein's picture
Roystein's picture
Roystein Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 8:38pm

Mugofsunshine the answer is in the fact that opinion polls, fear of being left open to criticism and the media cycle dictate the decision making more than anything else.
As an educator I am astounded that teachers are not classified as essential. It’s an unfortunate way of finding out where your role lies in the eyes of the government.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 9:03pm I wonder if the wedding will cost as much? I wonder how many will test positive in the days ahead. More fines like this needed…

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 9:26pm
JQ wrote:

What about all your bullshit indo? Of which there's a full paragraph of above.

... and it’s not that we haven’t heard all that bullshit before ...


Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 9:23pm

GuySmiley dropping a Ripping Yarns video. Maaaaaate. You win the internet today.
Indo is just like Eric Althwait, just replace shovels, weather and black puddings for racism, conspiracy theories and general idiocy.

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Monday, 16 Aug 2021 at 9:32pm

Mugs, in addition to the Covid case dude from Sydney there was Covid detected at Lennox in the sewerage works, so there is a risk of more cases floating around and with cases popping up everywhere in Nsw not to hard to imagine a truckie, traveller or another real estate investor bringing it to the border.

Is interesting though that the dude from Sydney doesn’t appear to have spread it to anyone else apart from his kids as yet. Apparently some people are super spreaders and others aren’t. Maybe he wasn’t.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021 at 8:38am

Wow , good morning everybody , looks like a bit of an all in brawl last nite , back to insults and misinformation , and polarizing behaviour , which means everybody's yelling and stopped listening . I understand everybody is angry and has a point of view they want to convey , but we have to question why do we come here onto Swellnet , what is each person looking for and or what makes you come back and comment/argue/make fun of etc.....?????
personally I come on here , sometimes to set the record straight because I am so bloody old and have been part of Austrailas Surf Culture since 66'. Sometimes I feel like an argument as it's a slow day , and I feel a bit angry.......then there's looking at 2 sides of each story and see how people are coping and understanding from the left and the right, to see their point of view which means learning from somewhere other than my usual sources , and following links provided which enhances knowledge on a subject that I would normally not read.....
When I read some of last nites posts , it's a real letdown...same old protagonists at each other yelling/insulting, which really makes me wonder why and /or how people come it just to vent???
There is so much shit going on in the world right now , and it seems like we are all consumed by our personal circumstances , , but are forgetting that we all need to co-exist together , or tear our community /nation apart based on the irrational thought that it's all about the individuals rights and needs......

so we use ( I am the first to put up my hand and plead guilty to being a smartarse/insulting postee!!!) Swellnet to.......????????????

I am trying to communicate better , and understand the points of as my sources of information......I dot trust the political system nor the media.....but hunt for scientific peer reviewed material or media sources that provide do you form your opinions?

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021 at 8:49am

Blowin could you repost your link please..."As mentioned on this site previously, the facts are right there in that link. After 18 months , why is there still zero governmental or media impetus to improve the health of Australians if they are so concerned for our welfare? Improving your health is the single most important mitigating step anyone can possibly take. If you are healthy the virus has little to no effect on you in almost every instance."

Blowin , I am watching stats on a daily basis around the world , and how the Delta variant is affecting younger people, Globally.......which is at odds with you saying "if you are healthy the virus has little or no affect on you in almost every instance." have also said that Covid/Delta doesn't affect young people much....

Try this where in the USA 24% of children make up hospitalizations now from Covid , that the greatest numbers of Covid infections and deaths are now increasing at an alarming rate among the unvaccinated.....

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021 at 9:10am
Distracted wrote:

Mugs, in addition to the Covid case dude from Sydney there was Covid detected at Lennox in the sewerage works, so there is a risk of more cases floating around and with cases popping up everywhere in Nsw not to hard to imagine a truckie, traveller or another real estate investor bringing it to the border.

Is interesting though that the dude from Sydney doesn’t appear to have spread it to anyone else apart from his kids as yet. Apparently some people are super spreaders and others aren’t. Maybe he wasn’t.

It's crazy how that happens, it was the same deal down here where i live an infected family visited a huge list of public places, tourist attractions, cafes etc and not one case, id expect they all would have worn mask though.

But he would have had no mask, its also surprising how it sometimes appears in sewerage often in an area like a regional town without any local cases showing up or outbreaks.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021 at 9:08am

JQ, Guy, VL happy to have a civil debate with any of you on the topic, got plenty of time today as home looking after my boy who is not well.

Not interested in getting involved in lame BS like memes and one liners though.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021 at 9:10am
indo-dreaming wrote:

JQ, Guy, VL happy to have a civil debate with any of you on the topic, got plenty of time today as home looking after my boy who is not well.

Not interested in getting involved in lame BS like memes and one liners though.

So Indo, why are you part of the Swellnet Forum brigade ??