High performance centre

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf started the topic in Sunday, 11 Jul 2021 at 4:22pm

Looks a bit cooler than our high performance surf centre:
I am going with Portugal all the way José!

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 11 Jul 2021 at 5:26pm

Agree ours is crap.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 12 Jul 2021 at 8:02am

Surfing can be so simple and soothing on the soul. Or you can attend a HPSC and overthink it.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Tuesday, 13 Jul 2021 at 8:32am

I think we have to agree our current system , with our HPSC and Surfing Australia now looking more like scam , as its jobs for mates , high paid administrators , every type of coach imaginable .

I think SA's budget is $6m pa....state bodies have all the coaches etc.......coaching is very big $ business , with parents coughing up big $'s as their kids are told they can be Pro surfers......

it's a business , and one can only call it a complete and utter failure , as it has not produced one surfer for the CT tour......in fact if you get absorbed into the current system your chances of bettering your surfing ,diminishes quite markedly......

eg recently theres' a kid Called Morgan Ciblic....was refused help from the HSPC , now number 4 in the world......lucky for him he wasn't accepted....

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Tuesday, 13 Jul 2021 at 9:52am

What happened to the Swellnet deep dive into the HPC? Many were looking forward to this.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Jul 2021 at 10:23am

Hit a few hurdles so still just a collection of notes and ideas.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 13 Jul 2021 at 10:30am

Agree frog

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 15 Jul 2021 at 1:25pm

With the HPC comment above, I am not against a bit of technique analysis and trying to improve. I get into it every now and then - on my own - looking at coaching videos and thinking about technique. There are many little mistakes we all make that become a habit and we just can't see them. It can be quite interesting to try to improve your surfing later in life.

Watching five minutes of footage of yourself is almost the most powerful thing you can do. Quite sobering. I was often surfing much slower than I thought and did not use the top half of the wave enough.