King Island TAS VS Pacific Palms NSW

Plenty of uncrowded beaches at both places, name places are crowded though.
Plenty of WHITES both places.
Winter on the MNCoast is pretty good, water temp today is 23 a bit N of PP.

tassie all the way.....

Hard choice.......

Good one Blowin

you get way more surf at PP.
and better fishing .
easy choice.

Never been to King Island but surely the fishing would be good? King George, Bluefin, Snapper, Queen snapper ( do they get them there? Blue Morwong?) .
Hard to get keen to wet a line when your testicles are lodged up near your lumbar spine though.

Fishing isn't too bad, watched a few fishing episodes on the area but its restricted to mostly the warmer months, King George, Flathead, Couta, Aussie Salmon, Mullet, Gummy shark, Makos, Snapper, Calamari, plenty of Crays and some others species

I don't know how consistent King Island is so I can't answer that one .
Sharks ? ,, that kind of bad luck is just as probable on most stretches of surfable coastline in Oz as either of those two choices.
Crowds? The whole east coast of Oz suffers them . That part you won't escape.

Waves wise it would be pretty consistently rideable its swell magnets would almost never go flat and you have an offshore wave in most winds as all coast gets waves,, the problem would be more the strength of the wind which would be so strong most of the time or if certain spots that are offshore dont have banks at times or just too wild.
Positives would be it would uncrowded 99% of the time and expect most days you would be looking for others to go surfing with unless you want to always surf alone, plus a true community spirit and pretty much zero crime, leave your house unlocked and car keys in ignition.
Down sides would be the cold, wind & high rainfalll, i know a guy that lives there (family goes back generations) and even he sends me the odd email in winter telling me he needs to get to Indo as is going crazy from the endless days of howling ice cold south westerleys and days of rain and a winter that never seems to end.
It wouldnt just be a hardcore place weather wise though but it would also very isolated place, ive lived on fairly isolate islands before and it does take a certain type of person to live in a place like that, for some that isolation is paradise for others they go crazy, just simple things that you might not consider like not being able to drop down to some shop like Bunnings or Big W to buy something or get a certain food product, but it would be a lot easier to live there these days though with the internet.

Big problem for King Island is the orientation.
Long west facing coast is directly in the path of wind and swell.
onshore 300 days a year, maybe more. almost always swell, too much.
Long E facing coast is completely sheltered from the wind and swell.
Offshore and flat most of the year.
Very hard to find corners that are far enough away from the wind to be rideable and yet exposed to the swell.
Shore fishing is pretty lame compared to what we are used to on the east coast.
Esp. that PP area , so many options there from land based game to insane estuary fishing.

Shitload of sharks on PP, 90% of tuna we hook get sharked

Good luck finding an affordable house at PP!
Gday guys,
Surfing wise would you rather live on King Island, TAS or Mid North Coast, NSW (Pacific Palms, Tuncurry area)?
The wifey and I have the opportunity to move to both places and can't make up our mind, Tough decision
Our main criterias are consitency of surf, sharkiness, and low crowds.