David Icke

Corona Virus Truth Tom Barnettn- also got axed
but is back up on Utube

Well there is nonsense and complete nonsense, Then there is bullshit and complete and utter bullshit, then there are paranoid delusional fantasies and then there is this...... monster, raving, lunar, wacko crap that some moron has vomited up onto YouTube to turn a quick buck from the ignorant and fearful.

And the limit to free speech is calling out fire in a crowded theatre. This is the equivalent in terms of the epidemic. Ignore the expert advice? FFS what are you thinking?

Ive watched his video on Coronavirus and it's a very clever mix of truth and non truths, with real facts mixed in to make the BS seem palatable.
But overall misleiding and possibly even dangerous hence can understand why deleted.
If people don't know who he is, he is a conspiracy theorist that makes money from these things with books etc
He is most famous for the crazy conspiracy theory that
"an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons (or Anunnaki) have hijacked the earth and that a genetically modified human–Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians, also known as the "Babylonian Brotherhood", the Illuminati, or the 'elite', manipulate global events to keep humans in constant fear so the Archons can feed off the 'negative energy' this creates.[17][19][20] He claims many prominent figures belong to the Babylonian Brotherhood and are propelling humanity toward an Orwellian global fascist state, or New World Order, a post-truth era where freedom of speech is ended.[11][17][21][22] Icke believes that the only way this 'Archontic' influence can be defeated is if people wake up to "the truth" and fill their hearts with love.[17]"
Basically the guy either
1. Really believes the things he says but has some sort of serious mental health issues.
3. Is all there, but knows it's BS and is a con man

Well there is nonsense and complete nonsense,then the virgin had a baby boy!whoops wrong thread??

I think he is that rare species of true conman, who does believe in what he is saying, but mostly because he makes a living from it.

I turned off Tom Barnett when he claimed a cold was a bacterial infection.
Basic errors usually trip up these cunts looking for a crisis to elevate their profile.

My favourite Icke conspiracy theory is that the world is run by shape-shifting reptilian humanoids. Wonder if he'll ever start a legit religion? Ickeology?

It worked for Elron Hubbard!

I was a moderator on the official Icke forum around 2007/2008 (the early days of the forum).
There was a lot of censorship on that forum. I found out mods were using dual identities on there (mods had their own forum where the truth came out). Then a friend ran the numbers on how much Icke was pulling in.... fucking heaps! We got kicked off for giving out the info.
He uses psychological methods to reel people in... fear based stuff that everyone wants to hear (you're all fucked because of 'them' and 'they' are reptiles!!!!).... and love based stuff that everyone wants to hear (we're all one, love will conquer everything).
It's presented in a way to excite your emotional state. He doesn't give any practical solutions just "wow, the moon is a spaceship controlling the earth but if you just think LOVE and buy my book you'll ascend to the next dimension!!
Appeals to the religious and anyone looking for a saviour.
Brian Rose from London Real treats every guest he has on as a superhero of some sort. "My next guess has the answers to how you can earn millions, fuck for hours and punch like Mike Tyson... be sure not to miss it and join my exclusive club where the inside info is revealed."
Still, I support their right, and everyone's, to free speech.

fuck there must have been some nutbags on that forum.

Hahaha... yeah, that's what helped make it fun. It was a really fun time at the beginning because it was full of people questioning everything and believing in 'Oneness' and creating a better world. Shit was out there. A lot of great connections happened.
Then the bosses started cracking down on the anarchic flavour of love, creation and community and instead steered it towards a fear based business model. A lot of people called bullshit on Icke's scaremongering and of course that didn't go down well. Like I said, plenty of censorship.

Really interesting insight Patrick, thanks! The recipe you describe which he uses to hook punters seems a pretty well worn path in conspiracy theory, same shovel different shit I suppose. Ickes and the like also seem to rise in popularity as people try to make sense of some phenomena, particularly adverse events, and try to attribute causality or blame someone for it's occurrence. If anything, I view him as an entertainer, some people buy the story and some have a chuckle, I'm in the latter. So why do you think he hasn't pulled a Hub' and started a religion? Surely he's got the fanbase. Wouldn't the tax-free status be really appetizing?

Hmmm.... L Ron would sue for copyright infringement?
Funny stuff at that link Velo J.
"The Church of Scientology rejects the official record and insists that Hubbard had a second set of records that the U.S. Navy has concealed."
Very convenient. And then....
"According to the Church's chief spokesman, if it was true that Hubbard had not been injured, "the injuries that he handled by the use of Dianetics procedures were never handled, because they were injuries that never existed; therefore, Dianetics is based on a lie; therefore, Scientology is based on a lie.""

I actually had a dianetics audio cassette tape a while ago. Wish I still had it, could've ebay'ed the hell out of it nowadays.

Icke mixes just enough truth in with total fantasy that it becomes a potent blend of "truthiness".
You watch one of his videos and he's making perfect sense, then in the middle of a sentence he'll drop in something totally BS.
Fortunately for charlatans like that there's a sucker born every minute.

Yeah 100% freeride that one on COVID 19 that was going around i had to watch twice, it was exactly like that lots of truth and real facts and then just mix in some BS, but BS that many would love to believe.
And then a quick google of his name, joined the dots..OMG its the reptilian guy.

all the conspiracy theory salesman are out touting their wares. It's good business for them. Best thing that could have happened for them.
worse than the worst used car salesman.

I don’t know if it looked like Blowin, but it certainly sounded like him.

Good on that fella !
Publicly denouncing the evil CCP and its leader.
Cromwell would rather we appease and placate the mafioso CCP .
See how you’ve been brainwashed, Cromwell ? The bloke in the video said nothing bad about race . He attacked an oppressive and dangerous regime , political ideology and its main proponent - Emperor for life , Xi Jinping - but you are pre-programmed by Chinese propaganda to not listen to what he is actually saying and instead just immediately try to shut him down with the catch all cry of racist ( !!!!!! ).
No one saying that Trump is a wanker gets accused of racism no matter how irrationally they say it.
You are part of the problem, Cromwell.

So you would be happy to be treated to the same sort of behaviour because of Australian government policy at our embassy in Jakarta? Probably not. It is not about Chinese government policy or even racism, it is about the sheer pointless, moronic nature of harassing people as they go about their ordinary business. So good on the fella? Shame, shame, shame. I hope he has been arrested and charged with being a public nuisance. The fact that you would encourage such cowardly behaviour says a lot about your own character......weak as piss.

.......ha ha ha, you never picked it did you? I am gone again......but you never know I might be back.

Who is he harassing ?
He’s making a political protest in front of the CCP consul .
Where else would he do it ?
If he’d done it in China he’d be executed.....that’s what your insistence on remaining silent encourages.
He’s no coward. CCP mafioso has their tentacles encircling the globe. He is speaking out publicly and refusing to accept their evil actions. I’d call that courageous.
Chinese government acts maliciously and threatens the entire global population with their CHOICE to hide the virus instead of containing it immediately and you describe a brave protest of this behaviour as “ public nuisance “ ?
You’re a disgrace.

He should go to Parliament house in Canberra and have a crack there as well.
Our pollies have allowed and encouraged Chinese interests to increase their investments here which leads to more control by them little by little.

He is harassing and intimidating people waiting outside the consulate, including no doubt Australian citizens, oh sorry not really Australian are they if they’re ethnic Chinese, all spies, I forgot. Not like yourself a good honest Aussie who took the Chinese dollar as a FIFO workers and retired on his bush block. You are a hypocrite and a sad and pathetic loser with nothing better to do than throw insults around from the safety of your keyboard. If you are so passionate why haven’t you been protesting at the consulate? You have been pouring out toxic bullshit here for years and grossly insulting anyone who dares disagree with you. But I suppose the real world is a bit difficult isn’t it? Insults and aggression don’t work so well face to face. Much safer to hide in hinterland. Fuck me there are some obnoxious idiots around but you are close to the top of the pile.

I worked on a Chinese project for a few months about a decade ago when I was blind to the China situation. This period of my life was the commencement of my realisation of just what the rise of China involved. It disgusted me. Up until that point I had no problem with the Chinese government.
I then quit when it became obvious just what was going on and just how deeply the CCP had already insinuated themselves into our country. Between my missus and myself we walked away from work worth somewhere around $400K a year ....that sound hypocritical to you ? The mineral boom was the perfect opportunity for them. All rationality was thrown out the window as it rained dollars . Australia’s security and sovereignty was forgotten as the rivers of gold made everything else in the world seem to disappear.
This is when Australia really started to believe that money made all other problems go away. This is patently untrue. The CCP isn’t interested in money , to them it is just a tool to achieve what they really want.....power and dominance.
I’ve done nothing to encourage the Chinese government or the Chinese nationalistic ideology since the day I quit.
My job is to inform people and open their eyes to the threat that the CCP poses. I’m not made for politics so this is my role.
The bloke cracking the whip and publicly denouncing the CCP is fulfilling his role.
And you are.....trying to curtail criticism of the CCP . Whether it’s by calling it racism or masking it as “concern “ for people who are unaffected and just happen to be standing nearby as whip cracker protests loudly....the result is the same. You want Australia to quietly bite its lip as the CCP brutally rapes us .
That’s the definition of sad and pathetic.

He’s alright, he was criticising the political party not the people. And rightly so. Mao was a bloodthirsty power hungry cunt who had no issues with killing people who had been loyal to him and the tactics of the CCP haven’t really changed, his tactics are employed on a global scale now. He didn’t care about being a communist he cared about power. The backing of Russia meant that communism could be his vessel to achieve his goal and his willingness to kill his own people endeared him to Stalin as thier guy in China.
Hong Kong student action and Chinese student retaliation in Australia is a classic recent example.
If you don’t regard the Chinese government with a healthy dose of suspicion and caution then you’ve got your head in the sand.
Are you happy that Gladys Liu sits in our parliament. I’m not. Her history of involvement with the CCP is clear written. NSW labour receiving bags of cash is documented. Chinese high rollers flouting border control laws at Crown casino is well documented.
It’s just like most debates on here. Wether it’s cv-19 or climate change. What the fuck else has to happen before the dumb fucks see the writing on the wall.

“Moa was a bloodthirsty power hungry cunt”
Gotta watch out for those big birds, they might be extinct but you can’t be too careful ;)

Sorry that was a bit of a ramble but I’m only one coffee in and really should have gone for a surf.

Like I said Andy, only one coffee in.

Coffee and a danish and the world comes into a sharper focus :)

And we have our very own Pete Evans with his $15K USD 'subtle energy' device to help fight the deadly Pandemic. FFS !

If you want another indication of just how distorted individual opinion has become through mass manipulation of public discourse, just consider how it’s now immediately described as racist to refer to Chinese influence of democratic nations but when it comes to Russian interference......woooeee !
It’s open season !
What’s the difference ?
There was one notorious poster on here who would not stop pushing the Russiagate hoax as the worst thing in the history of the world .....yet if you dare mention any reticence about the level of CCP involvement in Australian democracy you were an unabashed racist.
Cromwell has swallowed the narrative. A narrative which originated in Beijing.

“Your job is to inform people” ha ha ha ha ha. What about? How to pass time when you’re bored and have no life by spouting shit on the internet? How’s the Blowipedia going? Got past Aaardvaark yet?

Like I said Cromwell, what else has to happen. What would make you step back an ask, “should we be getting so cozy with China, and what are we giving up as a result?”.

Yep. That’s how I feel I’m best positioned to do my bit to combat the silent invasion.
I tell you what though , for a fella that doesn’t like personal insults on the internet, you are doing alright with the shittalk.

Patrick: "Funny stuff at that link Velo J."
I liked the bit where they were in battle with the sub for 3 days and expelled over 30 depth charges
If Don Quixote had a ship...

I am intolerant of intolerance, will give better than I get in terms of insults ....... and I will choose my time.
“ best positioned......” Why? Because of your vast knowledge of history, politics, economics and human nature? You’re kidding yourself. The only thing you are perfectly positioned for is to be a loudmouth intolerant bigot. A fact you have demonstrated over and over again. Blowin, saviour of the nation. Jesus wept! It really is the best laugh I have had for a long, long time.

No ,I’m best positioned cause I have time on my hands and I’m not cowed by the bleating fucktard.
I’m not the saviour of the nation and never suggested I was. I’m just a bloke writing his opinion on the internet hoping to sway a few people away from the Fake Left dumb cunt space you inhabit. The space where it’s considered intolerant to shine a light on Chinese intentions to create a vassal state in Australia.
You’re not “ intolerant of intolerance “ you’re a parrot.
Blind boy ?

Ha ha so time on your hands is your best qualification for national saviour? Condemned from your own mouth. If you were serious you would go get a degree, but nah you might have to mix with those dirty commie international students......but hang on you could do it online. It might even save you making a goose of yourself here quite so often.

Why would I want a degree ? What degree would I pursue ? Marine biology so I can sit in an office for 90 percent of my life growing coral in an aquarium ? Oceanography so I can sit in an office for 90 percent of my time feeding data into modelling ? Economics so I can sit in an office for 90 percent of my time feeding data into modelling etc etc .
I did consider it but realised that what I want from life is all found within nature. Temet Nosce !
What’s with this “ saviour of the nation “ spiel you’ve invented ? If you’ve got to make shit up to push a point then you’ve already lost. Are you saving the nation right now .....from intolerance ( guffaw ) ?
What do you do for a living, Cromwell ? Anything to recommend ? Do you enjoy your work ?

“ I feel I am best positioned to do my bit to combat the silent invasion.”
So you, as opposed to the military, the Reserve Bank, the professional investigative journalists, the diplomats, the politicians etc etc. smarter than all them are you? You the only one who really knows the truth? Yeh right! I get the impression that you are actually a bit slow on the uptake because stuff just passes you by. What have you missed?

Push population to 50 million to stave off China, says Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd says the nation must double its population to ensure it can independently defend itself against Chinese threats, in the event that “Trumpist isolationism” becomes entrenched and Australia can no longer rely on help from the US.
The former prime minister said a “big and bold” immigration program was needed to ensure Australia could “stand on our own two feet”. “Australia must plan for a big Australia — a big and sustainable Australia — of a type I advocated while I was still in office,” Mr Rudd said while launching an essay on Australia’s “China challenge” by journalist Peter Hartcher on Tuesday.
“Only a country, in my judgment, of a population of 50 million later this century will begin to have the capacity to fund independently the defence and intelligence assets necessary to defend our territorial integrity and maintain our political sovereignty for the long term.”
Im always confused about Rudds stance on China, this article is only 6 months old.
Fuck that 50 million, almost double out current population, thank god he is no longer in power.
The censor ship has been mobilised.
YouTube shutting down David Ickes latest interview on London Real.
Part of it is back up, note the comments are closed.