Fuck Bali Surf Guides

Indonesian surf guides ?
Its going to get a lot worse with the closure of Serangan ...200 plus learners from Dawn to Dusk looking for somewhere else to Surf.....
Witnessed them at Geger a few years ago....then only being capable of trying to ride waves at Chickens.......earlier this year some of the more advanced ones who can now Trim and Turn [just] drifting down the whole length of Nusa Dua Reef..Fucking Kaos
Any break thats under 4-5ft they are there all day and its Mayhem
Serangan guides are just starting to act as aggressive as the Sanur Boys...fucking lookout !
God Bless The Bukit !

Yeah they are rude fukkers alright and dont give a shit ......cant see the problem getting any better though.

Sounds like quite the adventure

Bali is a shithole get away from there asap.
Greedy selfish Bali surf guides
Bringing dangerous kooky learners to all premium breaks then getting aggressive towards experienced surfers.
Just plan dangerous and selfish.