Surfers and conspiracy theories etc

Wow, and even more wow, some of my friends who are part of it :o

Another reason Facebook shouldn’t exist

I got some pals in there too.

Oh so you guys are for chemtrails then? ;)

WSR Cooly Airport Jet Chemtrails
WSR Cooly Creek PFAS Chemtrails
WSR Cooly Kid'z Cancerstick Chemtrails
Chemtrails 50 year Anniversary...Choose your poison...Skol!

Oh no, a stock sound bite is taking over all the threads...........again

there is no doubt that government do use and approve chemicals to be sprayed from the planes wether it be for agriculture purposes or something more sinister.
To deny that is just crazy.
Unfortunately we will never know to what extent.
If the last few years have taught us anything, it's to never trust your government and the "trusted puppets" they have on short strings.

Burleigh it sounds like you're going for the mother of all conflations there.
Whaddya reckon, did the government purposely flood the Northern Rivers because too many people knew The Truth?

@ burleigh, so what does the govt. spray and for what sinister purposes? Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe.

This convo would be right up Koby Abbertons alley

AndyM wrote:Burleigh it sounds like you're going for the mother of all conflations there.
Whaddya reckon, did the government purposely flood the Northern Rivers because too many people knew The Truth?
haha i don't believe the government flooded anywhere.
All i said was that the government 100% has approved chemical sprays. Its on their website, the applications and if they have been approved. I don't have the links, but possibly under "arial distribution"
Although i dont believe the government cloud seeded which flooded the Northern Rivers, the last few years have taught me to NEVER trust any government again and to listen to "conspiracy theories" with an open mind. Because with covid, the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth was 6 months.

old-dog wrote:@ burleigh, so what does the govt. spray and for what sinister purposes? Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe.
It's on their website mate. don't be lazy and search.

But this is fairly rudimental meteorological processes at play. An easy conspiracy to debunk.

Looking forward to the next 3,182 pages of friendly, considered debate.

Burleigh do you just mean crop dusting that farmers do routinely every day?

I’ve applied to be a contestant on Hard Quiz with my expert subject being Nutcase conspiracy theorist forum contributors on Swellnet forums so keep it coming boys!

All is Quite on Virus induced - The Great Reset - New World Order ..

gsco wrote:Burleigh do you just mean crop dusting that farmers do routinely every day?
No, but that could be a another great topic to debate. Daily poisoning of soil which evaporated into our atmosphere and comes back down with the rain. Basically never disappears.

Why would anyone bring this thread up?

The leaching of massive amounts of "manufactured" chemicals into the biosphere since WW2 is a reality.
Fabric softener anyone!

Every weed and bindy gets pulled by hand at my place. Watch Kiss The Ground on Netflix.

Same here Burleigh ...if not pulled by hand then sprayed with Vinegar Water mix with a drop of food colouring or hot water straight from a boiled kettle.

GuySmiley wrote:I’ve applied to be a contestant on Hard Quiz with my expert subject being Nutcase conspiracy theorist forum contributors on Swellnet forums so keep it coming boys!
you're well qualified...

udo wrote:Same here Burleigh ...if not pulled by hand then sprayed with Vinegar Water mix with a drop of food colouring or hot water straight from a boiled kettle.
Look up “Slasher” weed killer udo. It’s organic. It’s good stuff.

sypkan wrote:GuySmiley wrote:I’ve applied to be a contestant on Hard Quiz with my expert subject being Nutcase conspiracy theorist forum contributors on Swellnet forums so keep it coming boys!
you're well qualified...
I’ll be cleaning up if I’m asked about you Sippy; the big brass mug will be mine!

sypkan wrote:GuySmiley wrote:I’ve applied to be a contestant on Hard Quiz with my expert subject being Nutcase conspiracy theorist forum contributors on Swellnet forums so keep it coming boys!
you're well qualified...
I’ll be cleaning up if I’m asked about you Sippy; the big brass mug will be mine!

goofyfoot wrote:udo wrote:Same here Burleigh ...if not pulled by hand then sprayed with Vinegar Water mix with a drop of food colouring or hot water straight from a boiled kettle.
Look up “Slasher” weed killer udo. It’s organic. It’s good stuff.
Have you read the label? It has organic in the name but I don’t think it means the ingredients are organic, but it’s suitable for organic gardens.
Misleading name, which makes me very suspicious. However it’s a MUCH better alternative to round up

Yes I’ve read it Burleigh.

Plenty of bad stuff can be in rain but it’s not sprayed by planes.
Acid rain from the old coal fired power stations and now there is PFAS in rainwater

Distracted wrote:Plenty of bad stuff can be in rain but it’s not sprayed by planes.
Acid rain from the old coal fired power stations and now there is PFAS in rainwater
Planes spray LOADS of bad stuff onto crops daily. what do you think happens to it?

Burleigh [/quote wrote:Planes spray LOADS of bad stuff onto crops daily. what do you think happens to it?
If it’s herbicide or pesticide it probably kills some target species, plus all sorts of other non target species that are critical to various ecosystems and then concentrates in the soil. Totally not good.
But it’s not coming down with the rain.

Distracted wrote:[quote=Burleigh
Planes spray LOADS of bad stuff onto crops daily. what do you think happens to it?
If it’s herbicide or pesticide it probably kills some target species, plus all sorts of other non target species that are critical to various ecosystems and then concentrates in the soil. Totally not good.
But it’s not coming down with the rain.
I believe that it's also evaporated out of the soil. Which would then eventually come back down in the rain

goofyfoot wrote:This convo would be right up Koby Abbertons alley
ha, is one of those too?

burleigh wrote:gsco wrote:Burleigh do you just mean crop dusting that farmers do routinely every day?
No, but that could be a another great topic to debate. Daily poisoning of soil which evaporated into our atmosphere and comes back down with the rain. Basically never disappears.
you don't seem to have a grasp of how evaporation works do you?

burleigh wrote:goofyfoot wrote:udo wrote:Same here Burleigh ...if not pulled by hand then sprayed with Vinegar Water mix with a drop of food colouring or hot water straight from a boiled kettle.
Look up “Slasher” weed killer udo. It’s organic. It’s good stuff.
Have you read the label? It has organic in the name but I don’t think it means the ingredients are organic, but it’s suitable for organic gardens.
Misleading name, which makes me very suspicious. However it’s a MUCH better alternative to round up
Ok on driveways for harmless shit. Completely ineffectual in the bush. Just like hot water and vinegar. Bloody expensive too.

Dan Andrews is a lizard. We need to keep an open mind and ponder that.

Did anyone above link the chemtrail thing to dropping air pressure? Always seems to become visible right when the air pressure begins to drop after a high has just passed but before it drops enough to start to see cirrus. Thats when they first appear. Even seen contrails appear briefly after the plane but dissappear a second or two after but later in the day hang around and spread - always with a dropping pressure in effect. As far as chemtrails are concerned i reckon 2 things - yes farmers do spray crops but thats low altitude and intending to directly impact a crop, and yes there have been cloud seeding efforts before but the regular trails you see from high altitude jets are not chemical sprays as much as normal jet engines setting off the cloud process. It is anoying when you want a clear sky and it begins to cloud over though. In that way negative for environment as well as fossil fuel of course.

marcus wrote:burleigh wrote:gsco wrote:Burleigh do you just mean crop dusting that farmers do routinely every day?
No, but that could be a another great topic to debate. Daily poisoning of soil which evaporated into our atmosphere and comes back down with the rain. Basically never disappears.
you don't seem to have a grasp of how evaporation works do you?
haha what? do you think it just disappears into thin air? wow

Epidemiologist, virologist, cardiologist and now industrial chemist. Is there nothing our Burls can't do? No need to answer BTW.

Pandemic of the vaccinated

Welcome to the doctors in 2022
Covid has uncovered so much dodgy shit between government and doctors that they will never be seen in the same light again.

burleigh wrote:Pandemic of the vaccinated
This was always going to happen. Only a bedwetter ignores the obvious and thinks it proves something……which it doesn’t.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Pandemic of the vaccinated was always going to happen. Only a bedwetter ignores the obvious and thinks it proves something……which it doesn’t.
ahhhhhh of course it was. All part of the plan. lol

I knew surfers weren't immune to being crazy, but a group?
No i am not a member