How many boards can you take to Indo/Bali

No limit ....but you will be paying per board to get them to from Denpasar to Sumbawa
Pro surfers must take at least 4 boards you would think
Who you flying out of Aust with ?

Chappelle corby only had one board and she got checked....

Chappelle corby only had one board and she got checked....

Not sure if its still the case but Garuda used to give a 20kg baggage allowance plus a 20 odd kilo sports allowance..and i think Garuda also fly DPS to Bima ?

Flying between islands with Boards its almost always worth going Garuda
The extra $20 per board makes the cheap flights expensive

Last time i went to sumbawa i took 3 surfboards and a bodyboard, that was in 2010.
They asked me at bali customs what was in the coffin, just told them a few surfboards and that was it.
I was told earlier the same as you though. Some people might get through while some others have to pay a million or so rupiah per board in taxes. I didnt fly with my surfboards inter island though, left all my boards at a friends house and flew back home.
Inter island not sure if they sting you again or not.

Nearly forgot to mention i had a beer brewing full kit too. Which im not sure if its legal to brew your own beer in indo but i got through anyway.

Coming into Indonesia i was always under the understanding you risk paying a tax on more than three boards, hence why they occasionally check to see how many boards you have.
Generally speaking the Rp 200,000 per board extra charge on Lion air flights is generally done on it's smaller Wings air flights, although i did get charged once going in or out of Bali, but yeah Garuda don't charge for boards on any Indo flights and they have a better safety rating than Lion Air which is rated one of the most dangerous airlines in the world. (most Indonesian airlines make these list)

"It's Merpati and I'll die if I want to, die if I want to..."

Haha !
That's classic.
If you don't mind , I'll be stealing that bit.

There is also quite a few Indonesian airlines that have gone bankrupt over the years, basically the market is so competitive hence why so dangerous.
Probably the latest to go bankrupt that most would know is SMAC (that use to fly to outer islands like Mentawai's) Adam Air that was similar to Lion Air and Batavia
But there is many more

Yeah ,had some scary trips on Merpati , Engines leaking oil over my window, overshooting runways, cabins full of flies, various looks of concern from the crew when the plane struggles to gain altitude , that sort of thing.

Walking out onto the tarmac to board the plane and noticing one of the tyres is flat, wondering if we do manage to take off what sort of landing it will be.
So off to Bali and then Sumbawa and was wondering if there is a genuine limit on how many boards you can take? I've usually taken 2 or 3 and have never had any issues with customs etc, they've never even checked, but this time round thinking of taking 4. I've heard/read that you can only take 2 or 3 boards? Is there any truth to this or is it just an old rumor? Has anyone ever had a customs agent pull them up for more than 3 boards and how did that conversation go? I figure that your only potential issue is with the airlines and any restrictions that they may place on your luggage allowance, beyond that, why would customs care?