Stolen Surfboards/Wetsuit

Thieving pricks ,hope you get em back mate.

Just two boards and a wetty? Sounds like opportunists, taking whatever they find as opposed to a targeted heist. Time to get friendly with your local Cash Converters or start trawling Gumtree.
My next door neighbour had bikes stolen in a similar way and the next day they appeared on Gumtree. Thick as thieves? I hope whoever took your stuff is too.

Definitely visit or give Pawn shops a call within about a 10k radius.
Years ago I had two boards stolen off the roof of my car and tracked one of them down to a Pawn shop not even 2 k's away. I called the cops and together with the owner of the shop they set up a kind of sting and managed to arrest the maggot. I only got one board back and don't know what happened to the junkie fuckwit but one is better than none.
I'm guessing your gear was taken to exchange for some quick cash so I'd start with second hand dealers/Gumtree/Ebay.
Sorry about your stuff man, I can't tell you how much i fucking hate thieves.

Good Luck. Hope the scum who took 'em get infested with fleas ...
Just to amuse you all, a little true story from only a few weeks ago ... friend of ours had their house broken into, full ransack job, smashed windows to get in, took heaps of gear like flat screen TV, computers, tablets, even the cordless phones. So, with the glassier unable to get there until the next day, and the house unable to be locked due to the smashed sliding doors, the family went to the local motel. An upstairs room was assigned to them by chance, and as you do, they sat outside to have a beer and wine to calm the nerves from the days events. As they sat there, a ute drives in and parks, a guy and girl get out and go into a motel room. Few minutes later they come back out and start to unload the ute, which has a flat screen TV wrapped in a very familiar covering - our friends doona. So, our friends watch and see more of their stuff go into the motel room and ring the police - who had given them their cards and mobile numbers after being at their house earlier. Police turn up and arrest the scum. Our friends got back 95% of their gear - they only thing of any value the scum had already pawned was an apple laptop and they'd use the money from that to pay for the motel, buy some KFC and a carton of Bundy 'n Cola.
So, Nathan, hopefully you'll get some karma too!

Amazing story WN!

Awesome. Ha ha- great story.

NathanMulley wrote:I had my 6ft 3 Sam Egan Tri fin, 8ft Malibu and rip curl wetsuit stolen from my house at Merewether, Newcastle on 22/7/16. Details are:
Did you get your boards back dude? Just saw an ad for a Shue board...?
Sam Egan 6ft 3 Tri fin black fins. Deck is red on outside fading to orange with black trim. Has distinctive drawing of Ganesha the elephant Hindu god in black on the deck. Board is white underneath with the words Sam Egan for Nathan Mulley inscribed on the underside. Had blue leg rope and was in a ocean and earth board back - red on top and grey underneath.
Malibu 8ft white board with two black fins and one white fin and a green leg rope. Has the word SHUE on front and back. Was in a creatures of leisure board bag - blue on top and grey underneath.
Wetsuit is rip curl steamer blue and black with tear along back zipper.
Any help with tracking down greatly appreciated. Please send reply if you have any information.

Don't leave us hangin...
I had my 6ft 3 Sam Egan Tri fin, 8ft Malibu and rip curl wetsuit stolen from my house at Merewether, Newcastle on 22/7/16. Details are:
Sam Egan 6ft 3 Tri fin black fins. Deck is red on outside fading to orange with black trim. Has distinctive drawing of Ganesha the elephant Hindu god in black on the deck. Board is white underneath with the words Sam Egan for Nathan Mulley inscribed on the underside. Had blue leg rope and was in a ocean and earth board back - red on top and grey underneath.
Malibu 8ft white board with two black fins and one white fin and a green leg rope. Has the word SHUE on front and back. Was in a creatures of leisure board bag - blue on top and grey underneath.
Wetsuit is rip curl steamer blue and black with tear along back zipper.
Any help with tracking down greatly appreciated. Please send reply if you have any information.