What waves are worth

Here's a link to the paper.. I'll check it out.

Wow, all credibility vanishes instantaneously.

Ahhhhh. I understood it as 'what waves are worth' i.e a dollar a wave. Now that im here i wonder if we could tread off topic and perhaps explore the title as i read it haha.
There have been days that i have had off say due to rain and ive enjoyed good waves just at my local. As a sub contractor im not paid for rain days but was i happy with trade off? Yes. Which in turn makes me wonder, if was happy to sacrifice a days wage for waves just a my local aka mediocre, what price would i be willing to pay for half a dozen perfect waves?

I'd pay a fair bit for an empty hour long session at quiet a few waves..
Cloud break
Skeleton Bay
etc etc
Nice little read: http://www.economist.com/news/business-and-finance/21704592-quality-wave...