March Surf Spots in Mexico??


i reckon punta de mita would be a good bet. mexico in march gets north west swells, well suited for punta de mita. if the swell is on, there'll be lot of nice options.


Punta de mita is a bit fickle....there are 3 main spots along that little stretch and the swell needs to be solid to get in there with any juice.
Rio Nexpa is EPIC!!! also a little village only accessible by boat near Puerto Escondido is siiick!!
You can also get to Barra by bus from Puerto.
Pascuales is Puerto's little twin...a little smaller but equally heavy.
A little advice, learn some spanish, say hi to locals and don't be greedy, even if you think you have the inside let them get their a me, I lived there for 18 mths and almost got shot once for being too greedy.

Everything Damo said, Punta de Mita needs a south swell. I also watched a greedy American surfer get stabbed in the head multiple times with the nose of a surfboard on the peak of 10ft Nexpa. There is also a gem between the above mentioned spots that works in north and south swells. Knowing a bit of Spanish will save you money. Don't travel at night, don't travel at night and one last not of info...... Don't travel at night! Have fun

soggydog wrote:Everything Damo said, Punta de Mita needs a south swell. I also watched a greedy American surfer get stabbed in the head multiple times with the nose of a surfboard on the peak of 10ft Nexpa. There is also a gem between the above mentioned spots that works in north and south swells. Knowing a bit of Spanish will save you money. Don't travel at night, don't travel at night and one last bit of info...... Don't travel at night! Have fun
Hi Everyone!
I'm planning on doing a few weeks of surfing in Mexico in March. Any suggestions as to where to go? I would say my skill level is at an intermediate level. I'm an athlete, though, fit and willing to work hard to get better.
Ideally, I'd love to meet up with some other surfers while down there.
Any suggestions as to locations or anyone else going to be down there around the same time?