Surfing with a (wedding) ring.

I hope i never get one in the first place. Women are too demanding to marry and then most likely leave and take you for all you're worth.

It's no issue for me, my wedding ring doesn't come off.
In fact I'm not even married. My partner and I were thinking about it while up the coast a few years back so we went into a jeweller at Forster. First ring I put over my finger got stuck so we had to buy it.
Never did get around to the ceremony and all that either.

I take mine off before every surf because of that concern, BK. Often means I forget to put it on when I come back in, but that explanation has worn a little thin over the years (!).

Yep lost my wedding ring whilst surfing literally days after getting married!! About 10yrs later lost the wife too!! I'm pretty sure the later had nothing to do with the prior. However once bitten twice shy, I don't wear any rings surfing these days :)

Twas three days after the wedding, on our honeymoon. I had decided that it was too risky to keep the ring on while surfing so I took it off. My Wife proceeded to badger me until i put the thing back on. I was thinking that when the boat pulled up to the break id take it off and put it in my bag, but when we got there feeling so excited I forgot all about the ring . The first wave I duck dived was the last time i saw the ring.

Just after putting on my leggie I put my wedding ring on my right hand. My right ring finger knuckle is bigger from getting jarred a few times as a kid so it never comes off.

Talking of rings, what does the average married surfer joe (just going by the comments on here) and Ronda Rousey have in common?
Both have had their balls removed.

Oh, and been battered round the ring.

Yes I lost my ring surfing after 3 years of surfing with it on, I was surfing a shallow slabby wave that I don't take on very often, got pitched and whilst copping the rest of the set on the dome was grabbing onto kelp to slow my progress on to the bricks, I'm pretty sure that's when it came off, that was 3 year ago and haven't gotten a replacement

I lost mine about three months after we got married. It was winter and I got a calf cramp in my left leg so I reached down to stretch it out, my foot slipped through my hand and a toe flipped the ring neatly off my finger. I take it off every time now and have even turned back half way out when I realised it was still on.

Used to swap it onto a different finger before getting in the water. Although often I'd forget and have to swap it out the back while picturing how pissed off she would be if i dropped it in the drink. Slow and steady id say to myself. Don't have to worry any longer now I'm a bit fatter.....
Just make sure if your wife surfs she takes her engagement ring off....not only will you have a sobbing wife but a huge hole in your wallet.

Reminds me, where is my wedding ring? Haven't seen it in years! Serious. I'd take it off to surf, do manual work, anytime it annoyed me, etc. and well, it spent more time off than on ... geez, wonder where it is? Bet my missus will know, but not sure I'm game to ask.
Do you surfing with your wedding ring? Anyone lost a ring surfing?
Feels a little risky to me, especially in cold water when you get less blood to the fingers. At the same time, prefer not to have to take the ring off everytime you go in the water (and potentially forget it somewhere).