New surfbrand

fuzz's picture
fuzz started the topic in Tuesday, 4 Aug 2015 at 9:14pm

I'm starting a new surfbrand.Can anyone tell me how I can reach fellow surfers and tell them about it?

littlewillie's picture
littlewillie's picture
littlewillie Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015 at 8:51am

If you're looking for sympathy you'll find it in the dictionary between SHIT and SYPHILIS.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015 at 7:12pm

Thanks mate

littlewillie's picture
littlewillie's picture
littlewillie Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015 at 9:43pm

Yeah I know , I could possibly have a shit sense of humour.

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Monday, 30 Nov 2015 at 5:44pm

Came up as a suggested post on Facebook today.

crustt's picture
crustt's picture
crustt Saturday, 5 Dec 2015 at 9:15am

Hey fuzz have you checked out yet.

I just got a hoodie and a cotton shirt delivered, very impressive and good crew to deal with. Their online store was playing up, so I rang them and ordered over the phone and as a bonus they threw in free postage for my trouble:-)
Good size range, I got a tall size to allow for shrinkage, I'll post again after a few washes as I bought a few shirts and tops on recommendation from another thread on swellnet and they were pretty crappy.
You should have a good look at them fuzz, Australian made with your cool surfing logo, how can anyone resist, you might even be able to give them away.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 9:23am

Thanks Crustt, I am giving them away at the moment,50% off

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 10:45am

Hey fuzz good on you for having a go with your surf brand idea and don't let this latest set back tarnish your entrepreneurial spirit. Ignore all the haters and trolls, this country needs more people like you.

I was in scouts in the early 80's with this kid named Shane Yeend. Fuck what a dreamer, he started a business at thirteen selling roller skate wheels and stuff to the neighbourhood kids. Then he started filming weddings after convincing his dad to buy him a video camera.
He bought a new Commodore with the profits and would pick me up and drive to scout camps. My dad who was the scout leader didn't seem concerned that he wasn't old enough to have a drivers licence. Those were the days.

Recently I saw an article about what Shane is up to these days. It's worth a read.

Don't give up on your dreams.

penmister's picture
penmister's picture
penmister Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 12:40pm

Bit like that guy on u tube

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 12:46pm

There are those who dream, and those that dream and do, I'm dreaming and doing.Yes there are haters,are these the ones that just dream and never have the balls to do?

penmister's picture
penmister's picture
penmister Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 12:48pm

Bit like elvis my way

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 12:58pm

.....before you can walk, you must first learn how to crawl

penmister's picture
penmister's picture
penmister Sunday, 6 Dec 2015 at 12:59pm

Not if you're on a lead

peninsula_surfer's picture
peninsula_surfer's picture
peninsula_surfer Monday, 4 Jan 2016 at 12:16pm

social media is king! Jump on Instagram and FOLLOW good surfers (search #surfing #surfstoke etc) and find good surfers surfing well and enquire about getting your logo out there. Get on board with the local board riders clubs. Sponser an event. Start local, perfect the business at the small level first and then expand.

Look at your brands culture and what you want it to represent, get people on board with your way of thinking. Take a look at the Mad Hueys for example. Partying Surfing and Fishing and having fun. now theyre killing it! build the fan base.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Monday, 4 Jan 2016 at 12:42pm

Thanks peninsula_surfer,great advice. I am in the process of developing a culture, I am starting out slowly, new ideas from guys like you are very welcomed and I appreciate it.

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Friday, 8 Jan 2016 at 6:32pm

Gees this forum is supportive , odd in the Toxic forums of everywhere else.
Fuzz your selling a graphic/logo with nothing backing it up.
Well done and good luck for having a go.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Friday, 8 Jan 2016 at 8:32pm

Thanks Rule303, gotta start somewhere,no one starts off with a bang. I've researched other major brands ( other than quicksilver,rip curl and billabong) and everyone starts small. I'm just giving this a go, starting slow,learning as I go, on my own as just an average Aussie.I am trying to create a culture and maybe I will get a following,maybe not, but if you never try something,you will never know.

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Friday, 8 Jan 2016 at 9:00pm

You cannot create a culture, individually..

All surfbrands the founders were part of the culture they did not have to create anything just supplied products that were needed or looked good or were quality.

Its a hard market surfbrands are not what they use to be if i can buy a mambo shirt at Big W or piping hot at target why will I choose yours?
Products are created within a culture due to market need or want. Who are your customers ? teenagers , clubbies, 20, 30 ,40 yr olds??? people that live near the beach.
Were do you fit into the equation, ? Out of all your posts we still no nothing about you how long you have surfed for, why you love the ocean your favourite shaper no background which makes me think your just a graphic designer from wagga wagga TAFE
Good luck mate but a logo doesnt sell shirts

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Friday, 8 Jan 2016 at 11:03pm

think about something called "differentiation strategy".

look here, lots of useful info...

your not trying to sell a price-point generic kmart don't brand it that way.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 11:17am

Thanks happyasS, great advice and awesome link,really good,thank you

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 3:32pm

I think pen_surfers advice was very good....start local. find out the interests and values of a local group and hone in on that. make the shirts mean something to them and you alike so there is inherent value in the shirt over and above the cloth itself. your strategy might even including pull down the sales part of the website for now and just be more selling exclusively one on one. because your starting out without previous experience and relatively little money (I assume) then your brand has to evolve in an organic sense if you know what I mean.

good luck too.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 5:30pm

Thanks happyasS, I take all advice on board, thanks for taking an interest, I do appreciate it. Rule303, now Iam a surfer myself and have been passionate now for about 30years and although I have never been lucky enough to have the beach at my back door, I have always been about an hour from it. I have a few mates living on the coast whom I see regularly and surf with. I would not regard myself as a ripper or Hellman, but I can surf ok. Have been to the ments 4 times and surf locally when I have time(full time work and teenage kids) sometimes reduce the time I get to surf as much as I want. I have always wanted to live at the coast but it just hasn't turned out that way for me.I surf as often as I can and I just love the feeling of surfing,going out,not thinking about much else but catching a wave and getting that feeling that all of us keep coming back for,that's how I feel anyway.

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 5:58pm

Thanks Fuzz even though I only hand planed today the batteries are recharged, hope it goes well for you Ive toyed with a similar idea in the past, time and money put it on the backburner. Get your teenage kids on board they probably have a bigger market than you to access, get them involved. You have had some good advice on here already. hope it goes well for you.

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 6:12pm

Thanks rule303,mate I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm giving it a go ,flying solo,maybe I'll crash but you never know until you try, thanks again.

wingnut2443's picture
wingnut2443's picture
wingnut2443 Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 7:57pm

fuzz... ya killin' me ...

Have you "paid it forward"?

When you realise what this does, your efforts will be rewarded. Until then, it's all up hill.


Pay it forward.

I told you what to do when I helped you earlier in this journey. Go back. Look at what I said. Pay it forward.

You gotta give to get back.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Saturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 9:10pm
udo wrote:

fuzz, you also need some attractive females modeling your tshirts.

Fuzz , females wearing your any pics ?

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Sunday, 31 Jan 2016 at 9:03pm

Heaving rasta....

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 20 Jun 2016 at 1:51pm

fuzz are you still trading ?

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016 at 5:28am

Ido not trading at present but still have a Facebook page, Heaving.I am trying to gain a following .

fuzz's picture
fuzz's picture
fuzz Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016 at 5:33am

Sorry Udo, called you Ido, at the moment I have hit a brick wall and I am taking a breather. This has taken a lot of my time and is harder than I ever imagined. I have not finished yet though