I heart WOTD

what happened? wasn't it b&w this morning.. sun come up?

Looks fun, any chance of naming the spot, Craig?

You’re not having a good day today are you Roadkill.
First, your garbage about the sex worker saying it’s immoral and the like, it’s paid sexual acts by legally adult men.
Talk about being a hypocrite, in all the other forums you’re are all about the ‘law’.
Regarding today’s WOTD , now you want Craig to disclose it.
He obviously doesn’t want others to know otherwise he would have revealed it.
Forgot your meds today, all that Trumpeting has scrambled that little brain of yours.
Who named you Roadkill? Whoever it was , clearly knows the truth.
All the best pal, watch you don’t step in a dog turd today as you meander through the park with your bottle. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:You’re not having a good day today are you Roadkill.
First, your garbage about the sex worker saying it’s immoral and the like, it’s paid sexual acts by legally adult men.
Talk about being a hypocrite, in all the other forums you’re are all about the ‘law’.
Regarding today’s WOTD , now you want Craig to disclose it.
He obviously doesn’t want others to know otherwise he would have revealed it.
Forgot your meds today, all that Trumpeting has scrambled that little brain of yours.
Who named you Roadkill? Whoever it was , clearly knows the truth.
All the best pal, watch you don’t step in a dog turd today as you meander through the park with your bottle. AW
Oh hi, AW. Hope you’re well. Have a great weekend. RK :)

A+ pic and caption - tight.

Strike a pose!!

(haha, love it, pelvic thruster.)

It's not Raygun is it?

Just get that right knee up and it is pretty close.

Thats some helmet. Gridiron?

Today's is so inviting

Good luck getting one to yourself, guy.

Especially with Occhilego out there ..... :)

GuySmiley wrote:Today's is so inviting
So different to the normal Victorian beachie, it just looks so fun and easy.

goofyfoot wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Today's is so inviting
So different to the normal Victorian beachie, it just looks so fun and easy.
Yes lots of fun but I’m so stiff these days less of the easy bit @GF!! …. just this week was talking to a mate who was comparing good Kirra with same size west coast reefs, no comparison on power was the conclusion

Not so lucky at the beach with the unlucky number today.
Beautiful NE wind, hot and sunny, water 16.5c.
Banks not doing too much at all. It’s a frustrating place to surf at the best of times. AW

Bad luck @AW...but you're a good spirit. Your number will always come up and seems to.
Been plenty of consistent sizey surf here last few weeks. Consistently 6-8ft range but starting to get a bit wobbly and wind affected with seasonal changes. Still fun though battling the currents with a bigger board. No complaints from me though. I'm never happier than when i'm surfing lots and have been topping the account up with vigour this last week. Hope Huey sends the same waves your way and to the other good folk that have an abundance of love in their hearts.

southernraw wrote:Bad luck @AW...but you're a good spirit. Your number will always come up and seems to.
Been plenty of consistent sizey surf here last few weeks. Consistently 6-8ft range but starting to get a bit wobbly and wind affected with seasonal changes. Still fun though battling the currents with a bigger board. No complaints from me though. I'm never happier than when i'm surfing lots and have been topping the account up with vigour this last week. Hope Huey sends the same waves your way and to the other good folk that have an abundance of love in their hearts.
Southernraw. Hi mate , I hope you’re hanging in there.
A few potholes on your road of late.
Nothing a good realignment wouldn’t fix.
We all have opinions, some strong, some meek, we’re not robots (yet) , it simply highlights our mental diversities.
Biodiversity survives us.
First world problem today, up at 4am , in a particular car park, one of the first in the water, 30mins dancing all over SE swell wobbles. Get back in car, drive in wetsuit, full rubberneck style to the beach with the unlucky number. Quickly paddle out to a break with a shipping markers name, banks not too bad, get a couple of good ones and then the ocean funk meister steps in.
Next two hours back and forth to different banks, loving the weather but not the wave outcomes, some sets, here, there and everywhere.
In reality nothing to whinge about, there’s less fortunate people surviving on this earth today who’d love to participate in the joy the ocean has to offer.
Endorphins fully recharged, now await Mondays nice offerings. All the best. AW
Edit. - Two of my mates are in your neck of the woods at present, I’ve been getting surf updates daily, I’m pretty envious.

Hi AW. Nah no potholes from my end. Firing on all cylinders here. The election sucked though....but oh well..move on
Ahh AW i know that predicament well. I've spent torturous hours chasing numbers on that coast. Some beacons, some markers. Even done a trip from Mongrel Point (inside pt L) all the way to Apollo Bay and back, and ended up surfing bloody Bells...which i should have just surfed straight up.
It's a good breed the vicco surfer, and i always feel priveleged to share tales with you lot....even that wanker Goofyfoot!
Good breed because of the environment. Been sorting through some old footage i've got spanned over the years of a particular location down south and far out, i guess i'm sitting on a treasure trove of stuff that if the world could see...haha. But there's no way i'd sell out my home state. Or that part of the world. That's what makes it so epic. It's defied everything to this point. Fucked if i wanna add to that.
Had so many good and scary surfs down that far southern region.
Still calls me.
Still the rawest ocean i've ever seen in all of Australia.
I love that you can take the best out of any situation.
I hear ya.
Had the full gamut surf wise this week too. From 8ft softies to 7'8 pins to 5'10 weirdo boards
If you don't have the boards for conditions around these parts, you're not surfing. Cheers AW. Surfer through and through. [

Been there, done that.

velocityjohnno wrote:Been there, done that.
Despite the surf report. ‘ Meh, not worth it’
It’s always worth it. Mild water temp.
I was first in this morning, bit of wonk from yesterday afternoon, clean 3-4ft and the odd bigger one.
You could clearly see two different swells in the water.
It’s these sessions that fine tune your skills and craft, clocked up three hours with no more the 5 others in the water.
Compared to Saturday just gone, great to see swell and energy
It’s swell that I got the energy. Surfing is the best. Next !!!! AW

yep @AW, just bludged here in the water today, and copped some epic onshore closeouts.. me teeth are rattled, me sinuses are clear, and me head's me own. clear eyes, full heart, can't lose, mofo!

And I hoped you would be talking about free falling into a NP takeoff...

velocityjohnno wrote:And I hoped you would be talking about free falling into a NP takeoff...
Not around here. But yes NP looks the goods. Stumbling Down, Tony Allen. AW

velocityjohnno wrote:Been there, done that.
Same, more times than I care to remember at NP never really got the under the lip take off used to make the odd one just to suck me into trying another.

Sick slab.

One of the best feelings in the world.

WOTD . Looks like Icelands. AW

^ and supafreak about to pull in?

Fliplid wrote:^ and supafreak about to pull in?
Hahaha , when I pull in on my backhand , it’s usually not a pretty ending , definitely not my strength.

Pic taken in 2005, next day like that in 2045 the way things seem to be going on SC..... :/
Geez it's been bad around here.
Venting done.

Haha that was this year andy where were ya? Unfortunately yes, outside of that single day, I'd say the last 5-ish years have been generally pretty grim compared to the 5 before it. Onward and upward.

Sprout wrote:Haha that was this year andy where were ya? Unfortunately yes, outside of that single day, I'd say the last 5-ish years have been generally pretty grim compared to the 5 before it. Onward and upward.
Can only improve ey! ;)

I know the wave and viewed it from the beach and from this position where another wave sit's out front, im guessing it's overhead but not huge.
But yeah it can be misleading, surfed it with just me and a mate, thought it was fun 3 to 4ft from the boat paddled out and it was solid 5 to 6ft
Looks like a peak in the pic, but it's really a right, weird wave kind of like a mini sunset, outside shifty peak, running into a combination of fat and hollow sections that are often hard to link up.
Can be frustrating at times many write it off, but it can get surprisingly good in the right conditions
@ 2:50 when bigger

Nice clip @indo , looks like some fun waves in that area , never been but maybe next year .

great caption.

Supafreak wrote:Nice clip @indo , looks like some fun waves in that area , never been but maybe next year .
There is some nice waves, but to be honest a lot of the waves are also a bit B-grade for Indo and the A grade waves need big swells, like that hollow longer right he surfs only breaks a few times a year. (the shorter one more consistent)
For the best perspective the Telos is like the Sunshine Coast and Mentawai's is the Gold Coast.
Still worth a visit as is everywhere in Indo.

basesix wrote:great caption.
Unsure how I feel about the word. It is fun to say though.

stunet wrote:basesix wrote:great caption.
Unsure how I feel about the word. It is fun to say though.
The Oxford Dictionary example of usage of spelunking:
"Neil spoke of the virginal spelunking in the mountains"
Like the Japanese practice mentioned elsewhere today, perhaps best not searched for on a work computer.

1984 for me = surf, skate, jetty-jump or atari?

blackers wrote:stunet wrote:basesix wrote:great caption.
Unsure how I feel about the word. It is fun to say though.
The Oxford Dictionary example of usage of spelunking:
"Neil spoke of the virginal spelunking in the mountains"
Like the Japanese practice mentioned elsewhere today, perhaps best not searched for on a work computer.
Virginal spelunking?
I'd like to hear more from Neil.

blackers wrote:[quote=stunetwrote:....
I'd like to hear more from Neil.
He is probably doing time, so I guessing not

indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:Nice clip @indo , looks like some fun waves in that area , never been but maybe next year .
There is some nice waves, but to be honest a lot of the waves are also a bit B-grade for Indo and the A grade waves need big swells, like that hollow longer right he surfs only breaks a few times a year. (the shorter one more consistent)
For the best perspective the Telos is like the Sunshine Coast and Mentawai's is the Gold Coast.
Still worth a visit as is everywhere in Indo.
IndoDreaming. Hi . Thanks for posting the Telos vid.
We don’t seem to get much footage from there regularly.
I did like your comparison re Gold Coast/ Sunshine Coast- Ments/ Telos, I’d say you nailed it with that comment. Good stuff. AW

Cant believe nobody commented on todays wave, that look's perfect

indo-dreaming wrote:Cant believe nobody commented on todays wave, that look's perfect
It looks pretty good to me too. Share the peak with a mate, awesome.

Very very nice, yes.
Don't want to name the spot, but what Island? That allowed?

Island Bay wrote:Very very nice, yes.
Don't want to name the spot, but what Island? That allowed?
No find it yourself, why would they want to make it any easier for people to come and crowd them out. ?
It’s probably not Bali though.

haha, exceptional!

Agreed, very funny Me Nettle.

Indeed gold!
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.