Noob surfer, noob poster

Well said chook..I just got home as my career as a
bricklayer requires such a high level of iq I thought fuck it...that stupid labourer fucked up
a bit today so we made him buy a carton..anyway
hows that knee board going 9999?make sure you
get some decent flippers and I heard once that waxing the fins is the go

welcome to the line up me9999,
chook just told you more about surfing than all the other posts combined,
and you thought you would be able to chat with regulars
get a board like sheepdog is talking about..."maybe a touch more..."
get one more surf lesson then fuck their little rort off
avoid middleton at all costs, more often than not end up at middleton
dont overlook one footers on the mid
persist for years, maybe one of the locals might talk to you, but dont worry about that, because invaribly their a bunch of wankers anyway
kneeboard/boogie much easier to have fun on while getting wave knowledge
but no one will talk to you then

Settle down 9sie you do that mate ya goose ha ha ya middle aged fat cunt

Look out...old 9sie has been on some mma site asking for advice on fighting blokes at the beach..."fuck 9sie ya give it to that 14year old boogie boarder that laughed at you...his mate wasn't saying much then"next we'll be hereing about this fat cunt hanging around middleton looking to punch on with anyone

Cmon mate im just taking the piss,just get out there surfing ,best thing ever
Hey guys,
So I had a mid life crisis a bit earlier than some and bought a nice starter surfboard. I've been down to Middleton a few times and hung with the surf class, but Middleton's a bit of a drive.
Mid coast has 1 foot waves now, is it worth the drive? Are one footers still good to ride?
Also, being a newbie out in the water I'm pretty aware of people around me and let more experienced surfers take the waves and I pretty much give way to everyone. Can someone give me a few etiquette pointers? I love being out in the water and I'd like to make a few acquaintances while I'm out there.
I'd like to get to know the regulars and be able to have a chat and all.
Sorry if I posted under the wrong forum. Any tips and advice will be very appreciated, I'm 32 and am very new to surfing, but I'm hooked.