Epic article freeride

Good stuff.

Fucking awesome.

Excellent article.
So Bobby Martinez was on to something after all?

I'm confused is it Craig or is Stephen ?!?

southey wrote:I'm confused is it Craig or is Stephen ?!?
Like wise Southey, could be similar to morris and shauno...!

Sheepdog /davetherave?!

That one's Braithy Southey.

Was a little confusing as its your site , his name is on the heading as author , but then on a sub heading it has " by Stephen .......... "
I presumed that it was Craig because of the autobiographical topic content , but to joe blogs it maybe confusing . !
Great content BTW .
Best part about it , is pointing out that how can Speaker lead an audience to surfing when he himself knows naught of its charms .
Accountants gone Mad ........
PS I hear there's a good intern free at the moment ;-)

Southy, I realized I don't need an internship , I'm jumping straight into investigative journalism, if freeride, briathy and stu can make megabucks out of it, can't be that hard can it be? I'm going to snatch the ball right now and run with it, after we've finished with Easter and this beaut run of weather around here I'm grabbing Morris and we're going to investigate what's really going on in the N.W. and toss up on whether we need to invest all the money we have in one of these atrocious resorts or do an series of articles on them exposing them for what they are! Or for a nominal fee from the developer we will write nothing and just go surfing. While all this is going on morris will in his free time when all my undies are ironed(I did learn something from my time at the swellnut, manipulation) He'll be doing a story on Gold Coast con men posting on surfing forums, there is one doing the rounds now and I'm calling bullshit on him, some things not right, either con man or psycho, anyway no mentioning of names without concrete evidence as we don't do personnel attacks .
Nice article Braithy but move over , we want a slice of easy street.

cant help yourself can you. must be hard to look in the mirror and try to workout who's looking back at u. I am about to do a series of articles on the schizophrehrenics(sp) wheres my bloody theosaurus- but morris told me to talk to shaun and and shaun said he didnt know a morris except for an old morris minor whose motor was clapped out and was last seen with freddy flintstone and barney rubble running usain bolt like to have a meeting with peter foster about buying some prime real estate below the high tide mark. southey, you keep your bloody hands of my internship, i couldnt sleep last night i was so excited about fantasizing about it, couldnt wait to go down and do interviews with the pro's about flawless knee high snapper, and morris and shaun- u keep your mitts off my little rave crave too!

The game has changed and like premier league football the fans are now secondary, it's all about the merch and surfers who are accustomed to beamers and 1st class ain't gona rock the boat. Besides does the tour have the characters to make it interesting? Slater, john john are good to listen to, Flores as mentioned still shoots from the hip but not much else going on.

davetherave wrote:cant help yourself can you. must be hard to look in the mirror and try to workout who's looking back at u. I am about to do a series of articles on the schizophrehrenics(sp) wheres my bloody theosaurus- but morris told me to talk to shaun and and shaun said he didnt know a morris except for an old morris minor whose motor was clapped out and was last seen with freddy flintstone and barney rubble running usain bolt like to have a meeting with peter foster about buying some prime real estate below the high tide mark. southey, you keep your bloody hands of my internship, i couldnt sleep last night i was so excited about fantasizing about it, couldnt wait to go down and do interviews with the pro's about flawless knee high snapper, and morris and shaun- u keep your mitts off my little rave crave too!
What are you on about mate? Did Shaun mention your name, I can't recall him doing so, that would be a personal attack and your other half would be onto that one. Hanging out with Peter Foster are you? He'd probably have more of a backbone than you two, nice trio of tea teetotalers.
Be comforted that your never alone with schizophrenia, even if one of you imagines he lives in Tasmania.

dave , you need to realise that Shaun is the real tyler durden in that duo . morris is just the projection of himself that he sees . Shaun still doesn't realise that he is morris . careful
gee a NW trip is just what you two need . Like , nothing strange ever happens up that way . !
Will be soothing , a couple of months in the desert .

Daves Not Here.

and neither am i ! ;-)

Who's Dave, man.

Get in the car Morris it's time to go, stop prodding those dickheads, born and bred on the Gold Coast, they'll have picked your pockets and emptied your bank account before you can say Jack Robinson.

dave, daves not home man. jack robinson, is that Robinson crusoe's brother? No personal attack on shaun he brings much joy to my day which shows just how fucking boring my day is and that i do not meet many witty people so keep it up shaun and morris, but i think the tassie tiger is a bit upset about me calling his ego bigger than his intellect. That was a bit uncalled for especially as he is a valuable contributer to swellnet and he must be worried about his wife. Wishing you well sheepy and wish we could all take a roadtrip to yarn and surf, i could be the photographer. Start the car!!!!

From Raw and the Cooked
e wrote:I wanted to talk to the losers. They’re the ones with the story to tell. Were they victims of poor judging? Or was it a case of anti-favouritism from the judging panel? Why did they feel they lost? I wanted to know, as I’m sure you the punters wanted to know too.
Medina's post round 3 heat loss interview was a beauty, had it all...excuses, blame, discontent and some payback sledging too. Had Peter Mel on tip toes by the end...so much so they cut the interview. Medina's interview starts at ~11:37:00 of today's feed.

yep here it is:
just gold..

Video and page is down.. so much to freedom of speech WSL...

You can still see it here....

Not any more....

and it looks like they've obliterated it from the heat analyser and live feed... can't find it anywhere. wow. nice work wsl.

WSL Ministry of Information in full effect:

Still here for now....gotta love the internet. Once it's out there no going back.

best possible start to the year. sparkly world champ shitting on everyone and potty mouthing on live feed. all the top seeds getting beaten. taj and fanning having the chance for the head start that they are gonna need to have any title chance. makes up for the waves being so shite
Nice work