Swellnet WA cyclone sweepstakes

Nganhurra FPSO will be sailing..?

Yeah go on give it a nudge welly! How bad could it be?

Haha will leave it to the big boys;)
Would of been good to be out there, then flown home to miss a stint....! Paid.
Right into Sexmouth.

Welly, what's maximum you boys'll work at?

Why not surf ? Thats a good one for waves

Well the old girl had to release the riser and sail out to sea around Olwyn, or hide behind the islands.
In the process of hooking back up so my stint this Sunday had been aborted, what a shame;)
Feel sorry for your eyes, reading my shit;)
Quote Mr B;) "Welly, what's maximum you boys'll work at?"
Height whilst on ropes...! Wind on ropes....! Or cyclone potential...! Which is around 200 nautical miles then they disconnect.

That pic pretty much answers my question. Sucks you'll have to find something else to do instead of working. Am confident you'll cope though.

On full time/salary Braudulio, so yeah hope huey spits some more at me.
Waiting on a new board as well; frothing;)
Altho surf forecast not that great but workable....

Despite Dahlia not forecast to make landfall, wave heights will still increase along the northwest shelf of Western Australia. It is advisable to stay up to date with the latest TC bulletin from the Bureau of Meteorology at

Been meaning to do a small article on that system, it’s very interesting. Will see if I can punch one out soon.
Rightio all the Swellnet forecasters out there , anyone got any prediction for the next cyclone to cross the Pilbara coast ?
Might as well extend to Exmouth to keep it real.
Just have a punt. Winner takes all.
If you've got ANY sort of theory behind your call , then let's hear it.
I realise this isn't the speciality of the most vociferous forecasters, but fuck it, just have a go.