I heart WOTD

Go to the dark side B6, McVities or bust. leave Gary to the inconsequential nature of his chocolate wheatens. Don't mind a Jaffa Cake either.

haha. Gold @basesix.
I'll stop studying my Granita's for their 3 subtle faultlines.

Tis the season, bring it on!

Cool shot, well I thought so anyway. :)

"It's fun to stay at the
(epic - can't wait for the next 3 pics,
did he manage it all on one wave?)

Nice pic Stu. Looks pretty quiet out there.

Glorious shot Steve - like the waves I try to draw. I must say the waves you shoot are all ones I dream of surfing. I wonder if you get out there yourself?

Magic shot today Steve.

Stu neatly slots into WOTD & deservedly so...Amore!

Interesting lighting in today's shot.. could have sworn there's a bloke just out of frame to the right, in front of the wave, holding a softbox and reflector.

Steph on a Ben Webb Vault :-)

Island Bay wrote:Steph on a Ben Webb Vault :-)
Good pick up.

6’2, 18 1/4
Sounds hard haha

Great little punt. Wondering if the authors were tempted for the "Erin Brooks, Getting closer to God" caption.

swellnet crew (Inner Sanctum) Judy Scanlon Gallery dedication.

Nice TB- Judy fanboy here. She rocks the lineup shots.
Currently over the Java sea. Plane tech is so cool these days.

Cheers zenagain...must be something in the air...
Was playing around with loading a gallery onto swellnet from a Google Search Page...
Then thought if Ben affords us access to News Archives...which he does...Salute!
Well...why not WOTD...if zenagain is so easily hooked so might the crew be...Winners!
Might have to run it past the boss...be cool if we could run some more galleries.
It seems like a natural thing to do...sure...tbb understands copyright restraints!
Also it might become a monster...just saying...Boss might have kittens or be superstoked?
Mostly coz a few of us aren't Social Fans & prefer our cool inhouse #1swellnet gallery options.
tbb honestly thinks it companions Ben's Tunes...
Thought perhaps trialling a combo of surf tune/s with WOTD Gallery.
Be cool for crew to curate dedications to fav swellnet Artist / Journo Surf exhibitions
Maybe trial an inhouse dedication
Craig / Stu / Ben WOTD / Feature / News gallery with Grun Trax...that'd be a cool trial!
We shall see if eHarmony gives us crew the all clear to stage swellnet exhibitions.
Cheers Zen! Just be Happy that we can slip thru the backdoor into swellnet's inner sanctum.
Think our inhouse trial worked Ok! Agree 100% Looks majestic don't it!
Any crew can see why tbb dedicated Judy...with...out of this world insane Panorama.
Star needed more lineup to shine in...Sheer Majesty it is to behold...a vision splendour!
Just pray we never broke the internet! Again!

Nice Ideas TB. I'm bored, we just took off and now waiting for my tucker heading back to home. Gonna lie back and try and get some rest. Little bit of a special trip so lashed out. Just gotta make it all back when I get home.
I'll see if I can find a nice track for you.

I found a great song for you TB but it won't let me load it up here.
I'll surprise you in the morning.

Here you go TB, just landed. Was thinking about you last night.
(not in a sexy way)

All cool Zen...song worked great with Judy's Photo Gallery...
Also bought more time to explore swellnet's inner sanctum...
Scroll to the end of swellnet gallery & it opens out into the diary sessions archives...
All remember those...
Recall asking Ben if we could revisit them...
So! Zen's Cool Track chilled out tbb just long enough to camp out & suss the lineup!
All them Dear Diary Session Archives emerged...Score!
Now before we venture into the inner sanctum...tbb will run thru the Dashboard
Click top right [=] > Scroll left to Click [News]
tbb will gift the crew a VIP pass to backdoor the swellnet inner sanctum...
Sure! Many crew will know how...but it' don't hurt to share the secret.
News Gallery > Select fav [Banner] Choose from...
[ Talking Heads ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/talking-heads
[ Form Guide ] Features https://www.swellnet.com/news/form-guide
[ Form Guide ] Titles https://www.swellnet.com/forums/form-guide
[ Dispatch ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/swellnet-dispatch
[ Reels ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/reels
[ Surfpolitik ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/surfpolitik
[ Analysis ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/swellnet-analysis
[ Depth Test ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/depth-test
[ Margin ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/notes-the-margin
[ Design ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/design-outline
[ Ding Alley ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/ding-alley
[ Flyer ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/flyer
[ Features ] https://www.swellnet.com/news/features
[ Swellnet Sessions ] https://www.swellnet.com/photos/swellnet-sessions
[ Swellnet Sessions ] Not available from [ News ]...well durr!
Happy if crew can share any in-house access...please share...crew will be stoked!
(tbb trialled a few alt angles...this one works fastest & best!)
1. [ Google Search ] "Photographer's Name" + swellnet > (Gallery should Appear / Fully Auto Load)
2. Scroll & Click x [ load more] > Scroll the "Whole Gallery".
3. Rolls into { swellnet sessions } Archives of Day/Weekend Sequences.
Hodad crew will recall companion Essay or Story...
This Archive of Sequence Frames still feature the Intro descriptions.
Simply Click { swellnet sessions }
Now yer in the inner sanctum
Judy's example (Only) : Can't say if this works for all Sessions...doubt it!
In this example > Click the very first (Small) Photo
This opens links to...{ Surfangle Photography }.
Exhibits Judy's Site : Slabz / action / comp shots + Surf Culture.
Can also purchase some of them gems.
If crew enjoy the inner sanctum...then Toot Zen for sharin' the Love!
Zen was trialling an audio visual theme for Judy's Gallery...very Cool!
Opened up a whole new world within' our world...gotta luv that!
Happy to Share #1 swellnet inner sanctum...Pass the Vibe on & avagoodweekend!

Can you get shieldsy to take today’s WOTD a half hour earlier then you can caption it ‘Lover’s at first light’?


ripper pic today. Dbar looking fun

Amazing capture from Trent Slatter today

Agree, incredible!

Satay giving it a nudge

Magic shot Trent!!

Today. Oh baby.
I’m my dreams I’d be channeling my inner Yago Dora threading Chopes ultra smooth like but in reality I would of nose dived on the one before and be surfacing just in time for the lip to detonate me back down onto the “reep” for another rinsing.

@goofyfoot , how long before you’re in indo ? it’s shaping up to be one of the best years, last year didn’t really start until June, this year has been pretty dam good .

Hey supa, it was meant to be soon.
Now it’s not until early September for a few different reasons that aren’t important.
Looking like a boys trip now with a couple of mates instead of a family trip so I think the plan is Bali for a couple of days then maybe g-Land for a week then home.
I’ll keep you posted though

There’s always a big swell first week in September, hope you get the tides with it at gland.

shieldsy sure knows how to position himself!

I love that wave.

Nice to see a Vicco wave that's not Bells, Winki or 13th.

harrycoopr wrote:I love that wave.

GuySmiley wrote:harrycoopr wrote:I love that wave.
Add me to the list. Fun as on a day like that.

Super fun

God's Shoulder - Devil's Elbow

stunet wrote:God's Shoulder - Devil's Elbow
Redemption is around the corner.

icandig wrote:stunet wrote:God's Shoulder - Devil's Elbow
Redemption is around the corner.
George the Saint cried me a river… on its day yoohoo

GuySmiley wrote:icandig wrote:stunet wrote:God's Shoulder - Devil's Elbow
Redemption is around the corner.
George the Saint cried me a river… on its day yoohoo
+1 to that GS. Georgie needs her period to be at her best.

such a fun wave.
also had pumping empty waves 100 meters to the right of the main wave where there would of been 30 plus.

There is actually a legend around these parts called George. Pushing 80 or more he still gets out for a paddle on a good day. Is credited with naming at least one spot and has alleged historical associations with heavy hitters (of gangster variety). If you ever get a chance for a chat, spend some time with him. Worthwhile. Hail George: he may be a surfing saint.

icandig wrote:There is actually a legend around these parts called George. Pushing 80 or more he still gets out for a paddle on a good day. Is credited with naming at least one spot and has alleged historical associations with heavy hitters (of gangster variety). If you ever get a chance for a chat, spend some time with him. Worthwhile. Hail George: he may be a surfing saint.
Icandig. Hi. What size in wetsuits are you ? AW

goofyfoot wrote:such a fun wave.
also had pumping empty waves 100 meters to the right of the main wave where there would of been 30 plus.
Noice hashtag. Loads of nooks and crannies on that stretch. So many options.

Took me 3 mins. to find this spot on Google Earth with all the clues. I might get a mob together and head down there to pillage. Thanks.

It's already packed anyway old dog.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.